1. convey
A smile may convey understanding, joy, or an appreciation of humor.
I really like "Auguries of Innocence" - a poem by William Blake. It conveys a very important message.
convey sb's anger
What two things does he say radio actors use to convey feelings?
The photographs convey a new view of the problem
I tried to convey in my speech how grateful we all were for his help.
Could you think of a more formal way of conveying the same meaning?
If you convey to a woman that something ought to be done, there is always a dreadful danger that she will suddenly do it.
the intrinsic lesson that we hope to convey
Mark’s eyes clearly conveyed his disappointment. We did not convey any serious messages.
conveying brand’s main attributes
That is the message our leaders should convey to Moscow loudly and clearly.
I should like to convey their concern about Iran's nuclear programme.
Aunt Alexandra managed to smile to Cousin Lily that conveyed a gentle apology to her
No ensemble can convey a composer's intent more forcefully than an orchestra.
Angol szóprzenieść„(convey) készletekben:
History of English: Accents & ShakespeareUnit 11 - Company law - BankruptcyFiszki z książki - "Quotes and Images From Memoirs...Fiszki z książki - "Hocus Pocus or The Whole Art o...4.3 Dressed for busiess2. transfer
There are also Job Centres and private employment organisations which usually have a good selection of positions available including contracts, transfers and good prospects.
The company rejected his request for a transfer.
The transfer student in the other class is a super good looking guy.
We would appreciate it if you made the transfer within the next few days.
If this train is late, I won't make the transfer in Kobe.
Document transfer
That's an unusual hobby she's got, the transfer student. "She's cute so it's fine with me."
And your transfer function, is it stable?
The working group on data transfer, led by Ben Manny, will hold a meeting on Jan 14, 1999.
There's no direct flight. You'll have to transfer.
Instead, most of the passenger’s kinetic energy transfers to the belt.
How is money transferred form one country to another?
Grace felt uncomfortable working next to her ex-husband, so she asked her boss to transfer her to another branch.
An agreement creating an obligation to transfer the ownership of real estate should be concluded in the form of a notarial deed
With my new internet connection data transfer can be done much faster.
Angol szóprzenieść„(transfer) készletekben:
angielski 5 dział 2 częśćjan paweł 2 to zrobilBusiness and Economic vocabulary and othersBusiness and Economic Vocabulary and othersInsurance Vocabulary3. bring forward
We'd like to bring forward our final test as we won't be available in February.
Angol szóprzenieść„(bring forward) készletekben:
ZAMÓWIENIA I WARUNKI DOSTAWYsłówka na literę Bsłówka na egzamin 1Phrasal verbsEnglish course4. move
Move quietly.
But I am convinced that in order to move forward, we must say openly the things we hold in our hearts, and that too often are said only behind closed doors.
I was deeply moved by his speech. I was deeply moved by what you wrote on this card.
They move from place to place, often change jobs, divorce more frequently, and take economic and social risks which seem dangerous.
This indigenous god needs water to have a normal life, move and talk, or its body will turn back into immovable stone.
I thought I had him in a corner, but then he pulled an unexpected move and completely turned the tables on me.
In a characteristically awkward move, Regis patted his guest on the arm.
You've sprained your ankle and can't walk can you? "No, I'm fine! I can move forward at a crawl!"
Miss Baker knew that the young man would have to leave very soon, so she decided to ask him to move his car a bit, so that she could park hers in the proper place for the night before going to bed.
His untimely statement has not only let the cat out of the bag but also upset the apple cart for the peace move.
If the distance you move the pen is too small, the speed too slow, it can't recognize the gestures well and you can't operate it in the way you thought.
According to informed sources, ____ Ltd. is preparing for the move up to the first section of the Tokyo Stock exchange.
Broaden your horizon so that as you become more and more able to take care of yourself you will move intelligently.
We're moving to Paris. / They've bought a new house, but it will need a lot of work before they can move into it/move in.
Yesterday the students finished Chapter 1 so now they'll move on to Chapter 2.
Angol szóprzenieść„(move) készletekben:
Unit 9 - Wild and wonderfulangielski zaw. od networkingsłownictwo 33-36EF Beg do 773Lesson 22.05.205. relocate
Some people were very unwilling to relocate even though the company offered very high relocation allowances
The couple relocated to Florida.
Angol szóprzenieść„(relocate) készletekben:
Kolos Ang part tri U3market leader 3EGZAMIN - słownictwo6. carry
Wires carry electricity.
The good thing about this electronic dictionary is that it's easy to carry.
The work wasn't finished at 11:00 p.m. Friday, so they decided to carry it over to the following Monday.
We carry out treatments like whitening. We also do tobacco stain removal and other cleaning procedures.
If you can't lift your backpack, then you can't carry it!
I carry an umbrella everywhere. It rains a lot.
The spaceships will carry the first interstellar travellers to Alpha Centauri at a tenth the speed of light.
My aim is to learn enough English so I don't need to carry a dictionary with me when I travel.
I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum.
The "subject" is the person or object to carry out the action in the sentence. Transformed to Japanese it would be the part that end in "wa" or "ga".
Carry on working while I am away.
Let us go together. We can swim across the river, carry off the bear cubs, take them to the house on the mountain, and together find happiness.
Ships carry lifeboats so that the crew can escape.
Throat and nose membranes hurt by dry air allow cold viruses to enter more easily. It is important to carry out sensible counter plans against the cold with heaters and against the dryness with humidifiers.
His boosterism makes it sound wonderful but I wonder if he understands how hard it's going to be to actually carry out.
Angol szóprzenieść„(carry) készletekben:
grudzień-styczeń 20167. shift
In order to keep our feet warm we had to shift from one foot to another and keep moving.
When I speak to a Westerner, I have to shift mental gears, so to speak.
shift work
History has shown that every financial crisis is followed by a technological shift.
Relationships might end with no real explanation as to why. And when that happens, respect the shift.
Media attention has shifted recently onto environmental issues.
I'm sorry but Paul called in sick and I'm going to need you to work his shift.
Freddy's been working the graveyard shift the past month, so he hasn't been able to see any of his friends who work normal hours.
Forming an information infrastructure, the real impact of the information highway is an expectation of new economic development due to a shift from a tangible hardware-industry to brain-oriented software-industry.
Shift the sofa so that it faces the fireplace.
My shift lasts from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Shifts in the oceanic temperature distrubition can cause significant weather shifts.
I had the breakfast shift – I had to go in at five a.m.
Although not explicitly referred to it is a seismic shift of great concern. The pilot who was supposed to fly the plane refused to do so because he head already completed this shift.
Spiky horsehairs pierce me every time I shift.
Angol szóprzenieść„(shift) készletekben:
core stabilitykolokwium 12.04