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kezdjen tanulni
A giving up, a total desertion, an absolute relinquishment.
kezdjen tanulni
To take someone away from a place without that person's consent, or by fraud.
kezdjen tanulni
A non-custodian parent's bundle of rights or times and days during which he/she has exclusive time with the child of the separated parents.
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
An adoption of a child not for the sake of the child but to the convenience, usually financial, of the adopting parent(s).
kezdjen tanulni
An individual who has reached, or is over the age of majority.
kezdjen tanulni
A son or daughter who has reached the age of majority.
kezdjen tanulni
Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and another person who is not their married spouse.
Adult Interdependent Partner kezdjen tanulni
A statutory term for individuals within a common-law relationship.
kezdjen tanulni
An age generally specified by statute, at which time, upon an individual is given the full gamut of legal rights and responsibilities generally available to an adult of sound mind.
kezdjen tanulni
An amount given to one spouse from another while they are separated.
kezdjen tanulni
Latin: friend of the court.
kezdjen tanulni
To make void forever; to cancel an event or judicial proceeding both retroactively and for the future so that in the eyes of the law, it never occurred.
kezdjen tanulni
An event or document which pre-dates a marriage.
kezdjen tanulni
A debt that is not paid on the due date adds up and accumulates in arrears.
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
An illegitimate child, born in a relationship between two persons that are not married (ie. not in wedlock) or who are not married at the time of the child’s birth.
kezdjen tanulni
A species of self-defence to manslaughter or murder in which expert evidence is led to demonstrate that a female defendant in an abusive relationship comes to believe that to save herself she must kill her husband first.
kezdjen tanulni
A three-phase cycle of violent behavior within a spousal relationship.
kezdjen tanulni
Being married to more than one person at the same time; a criminal offence in most jurisdictions.
kezdjen tanulni
A form of access or custody where the children stay in the former family residence and it is the parents who rotate in and out separately and on a negotiated schedule.
kezdjen tanulni
Born of parents who were not married at the time of birth.
Certificate of Independent Legal Advice kezdjen tanulni
A document that attests that a person has received legal advice on a proposed contract, from a lawyer not associated with the other contracting party.
kezdjen tanulni
An order sought by a party seeking return of a child that grants custody of the child to that party after the child has already been removed from the jurisdiction.
kezdjen tanulni
A young individual who is under the legal age of majority, or who is the natural offspring of another.
kezdjen tanulni
A dependent child of two persons, married at the time of conception of the child, and for whom both parents are financially liable.
kezdjen tanulni
Periodic money payments payable by a non-custodial parent, to the custodial parent, for the care of his or her child.
kezdjen tanulni
A document in civil law jurisdictions that purports to be a compendium of the applicable law as it pertains to the citizen.
Civil Covenant of Solidarity kezdjen tanulni
A contract by two individuals of the age of majority, of different or same gender, to provide legal rights and obligations as a result of their cohabitation.
kezdjen tanulni
A body of law derived and evolved directly from Roman Law, the primary feature of which is that laws are struck in writing; codified, and not determined, as in the common law, by the opinions of judges based on historic customs.
kezdjen tanulni
A formal union between two people, of the same or of different genders which results in, but falls short of, marriage-like rights and obligations.
kezdjen tanulni
An adoption of a child in which the relinquishing parent surrenders his or her parental rights to unknown parties.
kezdjen tanulni
A family law dispute resolution encouragement process set in writing which includes a promise to negotiate in good faith, to engage in the exchange of private and confidential information on a without prejudice basis, and a motivational commitment that the participating lawyers or law firms would withdraw if the negotiations fail.
Collaborative Law Participation Agreement kezdjen tanulni
The contract which creates and triggers the formal engagement in the collaborative law process, designed to encourage the settlement of a family law dispute outside of litigation.
kezdjen tanulni
A secret agreement between two or more persons, who seem to have conflicting interests, to abuse the law or the legal system, deceive a court or to defraud a third party.
kezdjen tanulni
An ancient form of marriage, by consent and consummation but otherwise recognized in the common law.
kezdjen tanulni
Two unmarried persons living together as though married.
kezdjen tanulni
A marriage property legal term; property acquired or owned during a marriage or, where recognized, a marriage-like relationship, and which belongs, notwithstanding title, as in a partnership and as tenants in common (“hence “community”), to each spouse equally and subject to division on that basis in the event of separation or divorce.
kezdjen tanulni
Civil law term for an unmarried couple living nonetheless as husband and wife or, where same-sex relationships are recognized by law, such similar cohabitation relationships.
kezdjen tanulni
Obvious or implied forgiveness.
kezdjen tanulni
Secretly privy or accessory to the act of another.
kezdjen tanulni
Common blood, descendants of a same common ancestor.
kezdjen tanulni
Companionship, love and affection and intimacy between husband and wife within a mariage.
kezdjen tanulni
A punishment for some violation of conduct which involves the infliction of pain on, or harm to the body
kezdjen tanulni
Force used upon those over which an individual generally has guardian responsibilities, used to remove a dependent from a particular situation or to secure compliance with instructions.
kezdjen tanulni
A method of proportionate division of a spouse's pension benefits as accrued during the period of marriage.
kezdjen tanulni
Criminal conversation: synonymous with adultery.
kezdjen tanulni
Conduct that causes bodily or mental injury, or apprehension to such injury, to a person or an animal, without legitimate purpose.
kezdjen tanulni
Widower's right to an interest in his deceased wife's real property.
kezdjen tanulni
Charge and control of a person or item of property.
kezdjen tanulni
A father who ignores a Court order to pay child support.
kezdjen tanulni
The name given to a final and conclusive court order after the condition of an interim or intervening order (decree nisi) is met.
kezdjen tanulni
A provisional decision of a court which does not have force or effect until a certain condition is met such as another petition brought before the court or after the passage of a period time.
kezdjen tanulni
The final, legal ending of a marriage, by Court order.
kezdjen tanulni
An obselete form of divorce order which did not end the marriage but allowed the parties to reside separate; in effect, a legal or judicially-sanctioned separation of two married persons.
kezdjen tanulni
Muslim law: a father's right to constrain his son or daughter into a marriage of the father’s choosing.
kezdjen tanulni
Abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid. A chromosome molecule which carries genetic coding unique to each person with the only exception of identical twins (that is why it is also called 'DNA fingerprinting').
kezdjen tanulni
An assault or battery upon another member of a family or, in some jurisdictions, threatening words.
kezdjen tanulni
Double recovery of funds or property through two different sources effectively or potentially doubling the entitlement.
kezdjen tanulni
Double dipping; accessing funds or property through two different sources effectively or potentially doubling the entitlement.
kezdjen tanulni
Latin: for so long as she remains chaste.
kezdjen tanulni
Latin: for so long as she remains unmarried.
Dum Sola et Casta Vixerit kezdjen tanulni
Latin: for so long as she remains single (unmarried) and chaste.
kezdjen tanulni
Latin: for so long as she remains a widow.
kezdjen tanulni
A statute that confers validity on a second marriage of a missing person's spouse after a specified absence.
kezdjen tanulni
An old common law action against any person who caused a husband to lose the love, services or society of his wife.
kezdjen tanulni
French: A fetus recognized as a child then alive for the purposes of wills and estates.
kezdjen tanulni
A child born outside of marriage.
kezdjen tanulni
The central, fundamental unit of society responsible for the primary development and socialization of children.
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
French: an unmarried woman.
kezdjen tanulni
The seizing of a person's property, credit or salary, on the basis of a law which allows it, and for the purposes of paying off a debt.
kezdjen tanulni
An individual who, by legal appointment or by the effect of a written law, is given custody of both the property and the person of one who is unable to manage their own affairs, such as a child or mentally-disabled person.
kezdjen tanulni
A guardian appointed to direct litigation on behalf and in the interests of a person otherwise incapable of managing their affairs.
kezdjen tanulni
A mostly discarded assumption of law; that the legal guardian of a child is the father or, on his death, the mother.
kezdjen tanulni
A person appointed to manage the health and well-being of another.
kezdjen tanulni
The office or duty of one who legally has the care and management of the person, or the estate, or both, of a child.
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
A special right that married persons have to keep communications between them secret and even inaccessible to a court of law.
kezdjen tanulni
Muslim law: The mandatory waiting period before a divorce created by talaq becomes effective.
kezdjen tanulni
A person who, though not the natural parent, has acted as a parent to a child and may thus be liable to legal obligations as if he/she were a natural parent.
kezdjen tanulni
To take effect, to result; to come into operation.
kezdjen tanulni
A clause in a clegal document, such as a contract or will, that purports to extend the benefits of the document beyond the signatories.
kezdjen tanulni
A false boast designed to increase standing at the expense of another.
kezdjen tanulni
A child custody Court decision that both parents share joint legal custody and joint physical custody.
Joyce Model of Joint Guardianship kezdjen tanulni
A British Columbia model of joint guardianship in respect to children as between separated parents.
kezdjen tanulni
(USA) When an unwed father promptly demonstrates a full commitment to his parental responsibilities, he is entitled to recognition of his real parental relationship absent a showing of unfitness.
kezdjen tanulni
Muslim law: a divorce on the wife's initiative and upon payment of an agreed amount to the husband.
kezdjen tanulni
To confine a person against his or her will.
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
An agreement between a child protection worker and a member of the child’s extended family or other person known to the child, to care for and financially support the child.
kezdjen tanulni
The lawful entitlement to make decisions in regards to another, such as a parent or a prison warden.
kezdjen tanulni
An emotional attachment towards another evidenced by kindness, consideration, understanding, patience, sacrifice or sufferance, if necessary, and words and actions.
kezdjen tanulni
The obligation of one person to contribute, in part or in whole, to the cost of living of another person.
kezdjen tanulni
Property acquired by either of two spouses while they are married together.
kezdjen tanulni
The voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others.
kezdjen tanulni
An agreement between two persons in anticipation of or during the marriage, and in regards to rights and responsibilities as they may flow from the relationship.
Marriage Brokerage Contract kezdjen tanulni
A contract of introduction to unwed persons, payment due and payable upon marriage.
kezdjen tanulni
A contract between prospective husband and wife, or during the marriage, and which settles in whole or in part, their respective rights and obligations as regards the marriage.
kezdjen tanulni
A marriage entered into not for love and mutual affection but in order to facilitate immigration.
kezdjen tanulni
Of or relating to the state of being married; of marriage.
kezdjen tanulni
An asset owned by one or both of two persons who are married to one another which, upon the application of one of the spouses to a court, is subject to division between them.
kezdjen tanulni
A debt contracted during a marriage and for which both spouses are equally liable, regardless of who contracted the debt or who is directly liable for it.
kezdjen tanulni
Property owned by one or both of two persons who are married to one another which, upon the application of one of the spouses to a court, is subject to division between them.
kezdjen tanulni
The legal state of being married.
kezdjen tanulni
Wanton, malicious or unnecessary infliction of pain or suffering upon the feelings or emotions of another.
kezdjen tanulni
A young person not yet of the age of majority.
kezdjen tanulni
Muslim law: a temporary marriage; for a fixed period.
kezdjen tanulni
A unique combination of a given and a surname, assigned to an individual, generally at birth, and used to identify distinguish that individual both socially and in regards to the assertion or defence of legal rights.
kezdjen tanulni
A product or service sold or provided to an individual not legally competent, which are useful to his or her comfort or convenience taking into account the age and condition of the individual.
kezdjen tanulni
Nuptias non concubitus sed consensus facit kezdjen tanulni
Latin: consent, not physical intercourse, constitutes marriage.
kezdjen tanulni
A matrimonial or joint tenant property compensatory claim based on an allegation that one spouse or joint tenant ought to be debited the value of her or his exclusive occupation of the family or jointly-held home.
kezdjen tanulni
An adoption in which the natural parents select the adoptive parents, and may give the natural parents some access to the child.
kezdjen tanulni
A person who has lost one or both of his or her natural parents.
kezdjen tanulni
A judicial award of spousal support or compensation for services, money, and goods contributed during a longterm nonmarital relationship.
kezdjen tanulni
A form of custody and guardianship order in which such authority transfers from parent to parent as the children are exchanged.
kezdjen tanulni
Latin: literally, father of the country. Refers to the inherent jurisdiction of the courts to make decisions concerning people who are not able to take care of themselves.
kezdjen tanulni
Father or mother or as otherwise may be defined by statute such as through adoption or same-sex relationships. Also, the controlling corporation of another.
kezdjen tanulni
A form of emotional child abuse where a custodial parent belittles or vilifies the other parent to the child.
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
The person to whom payment is addressed or given.
kezdjen tanulni
The person who makes required payment(s).
Per Quod Consortium Amisit kezdjen tanulni
Latin: whereby he loses the company of his wife.
kezdjen tanulni
When one spouse has offered such indignities to the other spouse as to render his or her condition in life intolerable.
kezdjen tanulni
(USA-family law) The restoration of a parent to a formerly held constructive and useful role as a parent within a reasonable time.
kezdjen tanulni
French: as to the whole and not just a part.
kezdjen tanulni
A variant of child custody distinguished in some jurisdictions as the mere right to maintain a home for the minor child and provide for his/her routine care.
kezdjen tanulni
Family law, grounds for divorce, cruelty which is physical in nature and which renders continued cohabitation intolerable.
kezdjen tanulni
The having of more than one husband by a wife.
kezdjen tanulni
Being married to multiple wives or husbands at the same time.
kezdjen tanulni
One man with several wives.
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
A contract entered into by prospective spouses prior to marriage but in contemplation and in consideration thereof.
kezdjen tanulni
One who essentially serves as a second parent to a child and is a relationship to which the child's parent has consented.
kezdjen tanulni
A presumed but not DNA-confirmed father of a child.
kezdjen tanulni
The act of separated spouses returning to family cohabitation.
kezdjen tanulni
Abbreviation for reciprocal enforcement of maintenance orders, an international system of enforcement of support orders.
kezdjen tanulni
A marital property regime wherein property acquired or owned by a married person and which, notwithstanding the marriage or, where recognized, a marriage-like relationship, remains the separate property of the spouse who acquired or to whom was gifted the item of property.
kezdjen tanulni
A private contract between separating spouses resolving issues of joint, family or marital property or assets, support and child responsibilities.
kezdjen tanulni
A family law support or maintenance term referring to a situation where a child spends about an equal amount of time in the care and home of each of the two separated or divorced parents, and the parents share the legal rights in regards to the child.
Special or Extraordinary Expense kezdjen tanulni
A term of art in Canadian family support law referring to outside-of-the-ordinary expenses related to the care and upkeep of a child.
kezdjen tanulni
A child custody decision which results in the splitting up of the children; that legal custody of one or more of the children is with the father, and that of one or more of the other children are with the mother.
kezdjen tanulni
The physical or emotional abuse of a spouse.
kezdjen tanulni
Payments to an ex-spouse which are temporary or indefinite, lump sum or periodic, designed to pool and share the income of both spouses for that period of time necessary for the lower-income spouse to become economically self-sufficient.
kezdjen tanulni
To be married or as if married.
kezdjen tanulni
The status of one spouse in regards to the natural children of the other spouse issue from another.
kezdjen tanulni
Muslim law: The right given to a Muslim man to divorce his wife by mere unequivocal statement.
kezdjen tanulni
The conversion of a separate property asset into marital property intentionally or by virtue of words and actions during marriage.
kezdjen tanulni
The American uniform child and spousal support legislation, the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act already adopted and implemented by most states.
kezdjen tanulni
Special or specified circumstances that partially or fully exempt a person from performance of a legal obligation so as to avoid an unreasonable or disproportionate burden or obstacle.
kezdjen tanulni
Benefiting from the action or property of another without legal justification.
kezdjen tanulni
Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act of the United States, as created in 1950 by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws.
kezdjen tanulni
Related to the uterus or, in estate law, siblings issue of a common mother.
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
Muslim law: an insult proffered by a husband upon his wife which likens the wife to some prohibited female relation of his, and exposes the husband to divorce.