Photography terms
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Photography terms
Are you interested in photography? Great, so are we!

Are you a shutterbug or rather uncle Bob who prefers to spray and pray? What, you’ve never heard about these terms before? No worries, in this course we’ll get deep into the photography slang as well
Knowing the terms is in photography absolutely necessary, therefore we have created this very special course, where you’ll find all the essential ones
You will learn about the parts of a camera, lenses, accessories, different techniques of taking photos, photo editing terms, photography slang and many many more
Whether you want to start learning about photography or just need to refresh your current knowledge, this course is perfect for you
próbálja ki ingyen (20 adatlap) vagy vásároljon teljes hozzáférést
General BasicsGeneral Basics  
34 adatlap
Taking a photo - Settings, Modes, TechniquesTaking a photo - Settings, Modes, Techniques  
71 adatlap
Lenses, filters, accessoriesLenses, filters, accessories  
41 adatlap
Post-processing and photo editingPost-processing and photo editing  
46 adatlap
Photography slang and abbreviationsPhotography slang and abbreviations  
47 adatlap

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Informacja o chęci skorzystania z gwarancji może zostać przesłana pocztą bądź e-mailem.

Marcin Młodzki, członek zarządu
(Warszawa, 1. października 2018)

VocApp Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58 | 02-798 Warszawa
NIP: 951 245 79 19 | REGON: 369727696


VocApp Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58
02-798 Warszawa

NIP: 951 245 79 19
REGON: 369727696
