Italian in 1 day

Italian in 1 day
Learn basic Italian without effort

Learn the basics of the Italian vocabulary
Start reacting like a native speaker!
Get to know the language of Monica Bellucci, Leonardo da Vinci and Giorgio Armani
Our recordings will help you master the Italian pronunciation
Iratkozzon fel ingyenesen

Ez a kurzus 100% -ban ingyenes . Adjuk meg Önnek, hogy megnézhesse magának, mennyire hatékony és kellemes tanulni velünk :)
10 words in 60 seconds - 10 parole in 60 secondi10 words in 60 seconds - 10 parole in 60 secondi  
10 adatlap
You already know that:) - Già lo sai;)You already know that:) - Già lo sai;)  
10 adatlap
Questions - DomandeQuestions - Domande  
10 adatlap
Courtesy Phrases - Frasi di cortesiaCourtesy Phrases - Frasi di cortesia  
16 adatlap
People - PersonePeople - Persone  
28 adatlap
Activities - AttivitàActivities - Attività  
19 adatlap
Untranslatable - Parole/ espressioni non traducibiliUntranslatable - Parole/ espressioni non traducibili  
8 adatlap
