Spanish Vocabulary A2
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Spanish Vocabulary A2
Take the next step in your adventure with Spanish

This course prepared by natives is exactly what you need to improve your Spanish!
Expand your vocabulary with more than 3000 new words
We will teach you how to express yourself in Spanish with ease
Work, clothes, culture, transport… Useful lessons will provide you with all the vocabulary you have been looking for
próbálja ki ingyen (50 adatlap) vagy vásároljon teljes hozzáférést
Work and career - Trabajo y carreraWork and career - Trabajo y carrera  
114 adatlap
Weather, climate and natural disasters - Tiempo, clima y desastres naturalesWeather, climate and natural disasters - Tiempo, clima y desastres nat...  
48 adatlap
Units of measure - Unidades de medidaUnits of measure - Unidades de medida  
53 adatlap
Travelling and tourism - Viajes y turismoTravelling and tourism - Viajes y turismo  
114 adatlap
Time, calendar and frequency - Tiempo, calendario y frecuenciaTime, calendar and frequency - Tiempo, calendario y frecuencia  
97 adatlap
Sport - DeporteSport - Deporte  
95 adatlap
Shopping and services - Compras y serviciosShopping and services - Compras y servicios  
69 adatlap
School and education - Escuela y educaciónSchool and education - Escuela y educación  
92 adatlap
mutassa meg az összes órát (36)

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Do skorzystania z gwarancji nie jest wymagane przedstawienia żadnego powodu.

Z tej gwarancji mogą Państwo skorzystać w ciągu 30 dni od daty zakupu.

Pieniądze zostaną zwrócone na konto najpóźniej w ciągu 30 dni od kiedy dostanę informację, że chcą Państwo skorzystać z tej gwarancji.

Informacja o chęci skorzystania z gwarancji może zostać przesłana pocztą bądź e-mailem.

Marcin Młodzki, członek zarządu
(Warszawa, 1. października 2018)

VocApp Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58 | 02-798 Warszawa
NIP: 951 245 79 19 | REGON: 369727696


VocApp Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58
02-798 Warszawa

NIP: 951 245 79 19
REGON: 369727696

Learn Spanish vocabulary A2

Spanish language is one of the most used languages on the planet. Our course provides access to Spanish learning materials that will help you learn new vocabulary and remember it easily and quickly. More than a 1000 of Spanish nouns, verbs and adjectives sorted by topics for fun and efficient learning. Learn even more words with our courses Spanish Vocabulary B1 and Spanish Vocabulary B2

¿Cómo decirlo ...?

Ever wonder how to say something in Spanish language ? Make sure you don't ask this question ever again! Our course includes over a 1000 Spanish vocabulary flashcards which will help you on your journey of studying Spanish. Learn new Spanish words all the time and remember more Spanish nouns and verbs . We've divided them into lists by topic for better and quicker results.

Spanish vocabulary flashcards

With over 400 million native speakers, Spanish language is 2nd most popular in the world. Learn over a 1000 Spanish words with our Spanish vocabulary flashcards to make sure you understand the language millions already speak! The course id divided in lists by topic so that you can learn all those Spanish nouns and verbs quickly and efficiently.

Catch up on your Spanish vocabulary

Hit Spanish A2 easily with our course. More than 1000 Spanish words carefully selected and divided into lists by topic by professionals to ensure more efficiency. Broaden your Spanish vocabulary using our Spanish vocabulary flashcards and up your game. Learn new Spanish nouns, adjectives and verbs everyday, remember them forever and speak just like the locals do!
