French: day 2
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French: day 2
Take the next step in your journey!

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Get to know some useful expressions and basic grammar (it’s not as difficult as you may think!)
Understand French love songs better
Using French slang like a native? Chouette!
próbálja ki ingyen (20 adatlap) vagy vásároljon teljes hozzáférést
Untranslatable - Intraduisible  
16 adatlap
Useful expressions - Expressions Utiles  
25 adatlap
Things - Choses  
35 adatlap
Attributes - Qualités  
30 adatlap
And, or, but, so - Et, ou, mais, alors  
23 adatlap
Space - Espace  
33 adatlap
Time - Temps  
30 adatlap
Numbers - Chiffres  
34 adatlap
mutassa meg az összes órát (14)

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Marcin Młodzki, członek zarządu
(Warszawa, 1. października 2018)

VocApp Sp. z o.o.
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VocApp Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58
02-798 Warszawa

NIP: 951 245 79 19
REGON: 369727696

Why is it important to learn French?

Did you know that France is the most visited country in the world? More than 250 million people on five continents speak French . The French language is known as a romantic and sophisticated language. Knowing how to speak French is a means of inclusion that facilitates relationships in a global context, for example in Canada and in several African countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo or Côte d'Ivoire, where French . The ability to speak French is an advantage in the international market. French is the official language of the United Nations, UNESCO, Nato, International Olympic Committee among other international tribunals. Understanding the French language means accessing the great texts of French and French-speaking literature, as well as music, cinema, gastronomy, theater and fashion.

How to learn French?

With the help of this French: Day 2 course, you will have access to the most used words in French . To learn French it is fundamental to listen to the language, as such, with our French course you will have the possibility to listen French phrases and the most used words in French . It takes discipline to learn French alone . With VocApp you can manage your time and learn French at your own pace. With the help of flashcards it will be easier to memorize and learn to speak French . This course is an excellent tool for learning French in a fun way. You start by learning basic French words and with our system of memorization, the motivation increases, not lacking reasons to learn French . You will have access to varied French vocabulary and you can learn French phrases , French words . With this app to learn French , insecurities like, "How to speak French?" will be outdone, thanks to our memory system.

Improve your vocabulary with our courses: French words: Top 500 verbs or French for travelling
