kérdés |
válasz |
The school was destroyed in an arson attack. kezdjen tanulni
the crime of deliberately making a building burn
We tried everything – persuasion, bribery, threats. kezdjen tanulni
when someone offers or accepts bribes
Counterfeiting is a significant problem in the art world. kezdjen tanulni
copying something exactly in order to deceive people falsificado, falso [moeda, nota, cédula]
The threat of hacking and computer viruses is increasing. kezdjen tanulni
someone who secretly uses or changes the information in other people’s computer systems entrar de forma ilegal em [sistema informático como hacker]; métodos e técnicas utilizadas pelos hackers.
The identity theft wrecked his life. kezdjen tanulni
a crime in which someone gets personal information about someone so they can use that person’s bank account, credit card etc também identity fraud roubo de identidade
There has been a series of kidnappings in Africa. kezdjen tanulni
to take someone somewhere by force, especially in order to get money for returning them
Crime is on the increase, especially mugging and burglary. kezdjen tanulni
to attack and rob someone in a public place assalto [na rua]; mug xícara ou chávena; fork over: to give something to someone unwillingly
She was arrested for shoplifting. He was accused of shoplifting. kezdjen tanulni
the crime of taking things from shops without paying for them furto de antigos [em loja] Ele foi acusado de furto de artigos.
Celebrities are at risk of stalking. kezdjen tanulni
a person who follows and watches someone for a long time in a way that annoys or frightens them perseguição; stalker pessoa que persegue outra
Vandalism costs councils thousands of pounds. kezdjen tanulni
to deliberately damage things, especially public property
Are you accusing me of lying? How dare you accuse me of lying! kezdjen tanulni
to say that someone has done something wrong or illegal to accuse sb of (doing) sth acusar alguém de (fazer) alguma coisa; Como se atreve a acusar-me de mentir!
The police arrested Eric for shoplifting. kezdjen tanulni
if the police arrest someone, the person is taken away because the police think they have done something illegal deter, prender to arrest sb for (doing) sth deter/prender alguém por (fazer) alguma coisa
I often dream of becoming a ballerina. kezdjen tanulni
to have a dream of something for the future sonho to have a dream (about sth/sb) ter um sonho (com alguma coisa/alguém) a bad dream um pesadelo
I thanked him for the flowers. kezdjen tanulni
to tell someone that you are grateful for something that they have given you or done for you agradecer to thank sb for (doing) sth agradecer a alguém por (fazer) alguma coisa She thanked me for the flowers. Ela agradeceu-me pelas flores.
He rescued two people from the fire. kezdjen tanulni
to save someone from harm or danger
The lifeguard saved a boy from drowning. kezdjen tanulni
to make someone or something safe from danger or harm
She was suspected of hacking into government computers. kezdjen tanulni
to think that someone is probably guilty of a crime
He apologised for being late. kezdjen tanulni
to tell someone that you are sorry that you have upset them or caused them problems pedir desculpas, desculpar-se
Jon criticised me of complaining all the time. kezdjen tanulni
to express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults
She is banned from entering the building. kezdjen tanulni
to officially say that people must not do something
Banks were blamed for causing the economic crisis. kezdjen tanulni
to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad
He was charged with murder. kezdjen tanulni
to state officially that someone may be guilty of a crime (na Justiça) acusação to bring/press charges (against sb) fazer uma denúncia (contra alguém)
She was cleared of manslaughter. kezdjen tanulni
to prove that someone is not guilty of something absolver, inocentar He was eventually cleared of murder. Ele acabou por ser inocentado do crime de homicídio; manslaughter homicídio involuntário
He bought her a diamond necklace. kezdjen tanulni
a piece of jewellery that you wear around your neck
A hacker had managed to get into the system. kezdjen tanulni
someone who secretly uses or changes the information in other people’s computer systems alguém que consegue entrar de forma ilegal em [sistema informático como hacker]
I bought some software for accessing the Internet. kezdjen tanulni
to find and use information, especially on a computer acesso Students need to have access to computers. Os alunos têm que ter acesso a computadores. aceder [informação, um site], abrir [um documento]
I don't want to live in a greedy and selfish society. kezdjen tanulni
wanting more food, money, power, possessions etc than you need
Activist groups fight for vulnerable people kezdjen tanulni
someone who works to achieve social or political change
lobster (Maine lobster or American lobster) Have you ever eaten lobster? Cold Water = Better Lobster. The meat is much sweeter that lobsters grown in warm conditions. This is because the cold water keeps the meat from absorbing the salt in the water. kezdjen tanulni
a sea animal with eight legs, a shell, and large claws, or the meat of this animal as food;
rock lobster/spiny lobster Have you ever eaten rock or spiny lobster? Rock lobster is also raised in warm water, and has a seafood taste. kezdjen tanulni
a sea animal with eight legs, a shell, and the antenna is very large and thick, plus there’s no large claw either. The benefit is that the tail has more meat than the lobster.
The members of the jury decide if a person is guilty or innocent. kezdjen tanulni
a group of twelve ordinary people in a court who decide whether someone is guilty
The boys almost drowned in the river. kezdjen tanulni
to die by being under water for too long, or to kill someone in this way
She claimed I cheated in the test. kezdjen tanulni
to behave in a dishonest way in order to win or to get an advantage, especially in a competition, game, or examination copiar, fazer batota, enganar
The company is inclined to boast of its success. kezdjen tanulni
to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievements, or possessions gabar-se de, gabar-se He boasted that he was the best player. Ele gabou-se de ser o melhor jogador. alarde, fanfarronice, bazófia
The boss concealed the truth of the accounts from his employees. kezdjen tanulni
to hide something carefully
She knew that society would condemn her for leaving her children. kezdjen tanulni
to say very strongly that you do not approve of something or someone, especially because you think it is morally wrong condenar [um atentado, uma decisão, etc.]
She was fined for speeding. kezdjen tanulni
to make someone pay money as a punishment
The doctor mistook the symptoms for blood poisoning. kezdjen tanulni
to wrongly think that one person or thing is someone or something else erro, engano to make a mistake cometer um erro by mistake por engano; interpretar/entender mal
They are prohibited from revealing details about the candidates. kezdjen tanulni
to say that an action is illegal or not allowed
It’s unfair to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two students. kezdjen tanulni
to make someone suffer because they have done something wrong or broken the law
He was accused of trying to hide evidence from the police. kezdjen tanulni
to deliberately put or keep something or someone in a place where they cannot easily be seen or found
The guys laughed and joked about it later. kezdjen tanulni
to say things that are funny or that you do not really mean
Eight schools participated in the project. kezdjen tanulni
to take part in an activity or event to participate (in sth) participar (em alguma coisa)
He pretended to be angry but he wasn't really. kezdjen tanulni
to behave as though something is true when you know that it is not
She grabbed my bag and ran. kezdjen tanulni
to take hold of someone or something suddenly or violently agarrar The thief grabbed my handbag and ran off. O ladrão agarrou a minha mala e fugiu.
Don’t be taken in by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week. kezdjen tanulni
to be completely deceived by someone who lies to you
I was completely deceived. kezdjen tanulni
to make someone believe something that is not true
Don’t distract me while I’m driving! kezdjen tanulni
to take someone’s attention away from what they are doing
The crime crackdown is an attempt to divert attention from social problems. kezdjen tanulni
to deliberately take someone’s attention from something by making them think about or notice other things 1 desviar 2 to divert attention from sth desviar a atenção de alguma coisa; medidas severas They’re having a crackdown on traffic offences. Estão a tomar medidas severas contra infrações de trânsito.
He is too smart to fall for that trick. kezdjen tanulni
to be tricked into believing something that is not true fall for sth (informal) cair em alguma coisa [um golpe, uma mentira]
Don’t be fooled into thinking it’s easy to lose weight. kezdjen tanulni
to make someone believe something that is not true
She was caught posing as a police officer kezdjen tanulni
to pretend to be someone else, in order to deceive people: to pose as sb fazer-se passar por alguém
The boy snatched the note from her hand. kezdjen tanulni
to take something from someone with a sudden movement 1 (agarrar) tirar, arrancar 2 (roubar) arrancar
If you switch your phone for a newer model it'll work better. kezdjen tanulni
to change from one thing to another thing [transitivo] trocar Someone has switched the labels. Alguém trocou as etiquetas.
Can I swap my ten pound note for two fivers? kezdjen tanulni
to exchange something you have for something that someone else has to swap sth (with sb) trocar alguma coisa (com alguém) I swapped hats with Natasha. Troquei de chapéu com a Natasha. to swap sth for sth trocar algo por alguma coisa
kezdjen tanulni
if part of something falls off, it becomes separated from the main part fall off 1 soltar-se, cair 2 diminuir [procura, vendas]
His head hit a table as he fell and he got knocked out. kezdjen tanulni
to make someone become unconscious or go to sleep knock sb out 1 pôr alguém inconsciente, pôr alguém fora de combate [boxe]
They got stuck in a traffic jam for hours. kezdjen tanulni
impossible or unable to move from a particular position estar/ficar preso [num lugar]; estar empancado. Can you help me with my homework? I’m stuck. Podes ajudar-me com os trabalhos de casa? Estou empancado.
A man was knocked over by a bus last year. kezdjen tanulni
to hit someone with a vehicle while you are driving, so that they are hurt or killed knock sb/sth over derrubar alguém/alguma coisa
I left my keys inside and locked myself out of the flat. kezdjen tanulni
to keep someone out of a place by locking the door lock sb out trancar alguém do lado de fora
She was run over and killed by a bus. kezdjen tanulni
to hit someone or something with a vehicle, and drive over them run sb over atropelar alguém He was run over by a lorry. Ele foi atropelado por um camião.
Within minutes the top floor was on fire. kezdjen tanulni
to be on fire estar em chamas
Someone stole my passport. kezdjen tanulni
to take something that does not belong to you to steal (sth) from sb roubar (alguma coisa) de alguém I stole £10 from my sister. Roubei £10 à minha irmã
The two men were jailed for robbing a bank. kezdjen tanulni
to steal money or other things from a bank, shop, or person assaltar [um banco] to rob sb of sth roubar alguma coisa a alguém She felt she had been robbed of the Olympic gold medal. Ela sentiu que lhe tinham roubado a medalha de ouro olímpica. rob, steal ou burgle?
I’ll need to check under the bonnet. kezdjen tanulni
the front part of a car that covers the engine
Can you put the luggage in the boot? kezdjen tanulni
an enclosed space at the back of a car, used for carrying bags etc porta-malas, mala [de carro]; porta-bagagens
I need to go to the garage, one of my indicator lights isn't working. kezdjen tanulni
one of the lights on a car that flash to show which way the car is turning piscas; Preciso de ir à garagem, um dos meus piscas não funciona.
Can you remember your number plate? kezdjen tanulni
the sign on the front and back of a vehicle that shows its official number placa de matrícula (de carro)
She gripped the steering wheel tightly. kezdjen tanulni
a wheel that you turn to control the direction of a car volante; Ela segurou o volante com força.
He likes driving with the sun roof open. kezdjen tanulni
a part of the roof of a car that you can open to let in air and light
Can you check my tail lights are working? kezdjen tanulni
one of the two red lights at the back of a vehicle
I had a flat tyre on the way home. kezdjen tanulni
the round piece of rubber that fits around a wheel of a car, bicycle etc and is filled with air
A stone shattered my windscreen. windshield kezdjen tanulni
the large window at the front of a car, bus etc
Windscreen wipers make it easier to drive in the rain. kezdjen tanulni
a long piece of metal with a rubber edge that moves across a windscreen to remove the rain
The wing got badly damaged in the car crash. kezdjen tanulni
the part of a car that is above a wheel.
Make sure you can see out of both wing mirrors. kezdjen tanulni
a mirror on the side of a car
He collided with another car at the traffic lights. kezdjen tanulni
to hit something or someone that is moving in a different direction from you
She drove the wrong way to the supermarket. kezdjen tanulni
to make a mistake in the direction you take
He exceeded the speed limit on more than one occasion. kezdjen tanulni
to go beyond what rules or laws say you are allowed to do.
The accident happened as he was overtaking a bus. kezdjen tanulni
to go past a moving vehicle or person because you are going faster than them
Some idiot pulled out in front of me. kezdjen tanulni
if a car pulls out, it moves away from the side of a road into a line of traffic 1 arrancar [veículo] 2 mudar de faixa [para ultrapassar] to pull out in front of sb arrancar na frente de alguém [no trânsito]
I'm afraid I scratched your car. kezdjen tanulni
to make a small cut or mark on something by pulling something sharp across it
kezdjen tanulni
if a vehicle skids, it suddenly slides sideways and you cannot control it
She swerved but too late. kezdjen tanulni
to suddenly move to the left or right while you are driving desviar bruscamente The car swerved across the road into a wall. O carro desviou bruscamente, cruzou a rua e bateu num muro