1 a személynek tetszik. Polub!

joseluisruizsoriano joseluisruizsoriano

Azóta VocApp-ot használok3326napon belül. A VocApp segítségével tanulok97napokon, beleértve a rendszeres adatokat is0napon belül. Én vagyok a szerző29készletek. Utoljára láthattam2018-05-25 10:13:36.


angol, spanyol

Az általam készített füzetek

mi lección
Fishes, reptiles, amphibians and its parts
Body and senses (basic)
Machines, jobs and sources of energy
Living things
Healthy habits
Materials, sound and their properties
Plants and photosynthesis (basic)
Body and senses (advanced)
Plants and photosynthesis (advanced)
Arts and crafts and classroom stuff
3th and 4th Grade verbs (I)
1st & 2nd Grade verbs
Useful sentences (inacabada)
Health and illness (I cambiar fotos)
5th and 6th verbs (empecé por sexto de este trimestre, quinto ya está hecho)
Energy for 5th grade
Machines for 5th grade
Weather and seasons
Months of the year
Trees and flowers
Wh- words, frequency adverbs and more
3th and 4th Grade verbs (II)
Health and illness (II faltan imágenes)
Solar System

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