Unit 1 - This is us

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To transmit something from one generation to another
Las tradiciones locales suelen transmitirse a través de la familia.
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To pass down through
Local traditions are usually passed down through family.
To generally encourage or support something
Las tendencias globales tienden a promover ideas neoliberales.
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Tend to promote
Global trends tend to promote neoliberal ideas.
To consider something to be unfortunate or upsetting
Me parece un poco triste.
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To find sth sad
I find this a bit sad.
To experience a lack of connection or belonging
Eso me hace sentir desconectado, lo cual no es agradable.
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To feel disconnected
That makes me feel disconnected, which isn’t great.
So attracted by someone or something that you are always thinking about them
Está completamente enamorado de Yulia, hará cualquier cosa que ella quiera.
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Besotted with (someone/something)
He's absolutely besotted with Yulia - he'll do anything she wants.
Very pleased about something
Estábamos encantados cuando Sam ganó el premio del curso.
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Chuffed to bits
We were chuffed to bits when Sam won the course prize.
Very unhappy because you do not believe that an unpleasant situation will improve
Me siento cada vez más abatido sobre si estoy en el trabajo correcto.
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I'm becoming increasingly despondent about whether I'm in the right job.
Unhappy or without hope
Se siente un poco deprimida, así que estoy tratando de animarla.
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Down in the dumps
She's feeling a bit down in the dumps, so I'm trying to cheer her up.
So surprised that you do not know what to do or say
Les dimos la noticia sobre Eva y quedaron completamente atónitos.
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We told them the news about Eva and they were completely dumbfounded.
Extremely happy and excited
La capitana del equipo estaba visiblemente eufórica mientras recogía el trofeo.
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The team captain was visibly elated as she collected the trophy.
So interested or involved in something that you think about nothing else
Pat no estaba escuchando en absoluto y pasó todo el tiempo completamente absorto en su teléfono móvil.
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Engrossed in (something)
Pat wasn't listening at all and spent the entire time totally engrossed in his mobile phone.
Very surprised or shocked
Nos quedamos absolutamente asombrados cuando Marvin renunció.
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We were absolutely flabbergasted when Marvin resigned.
Looking at something and not paying attention to anything else
Max tenía los ojos pegados a la pantalla de la computadora.
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Glued to (something)
Max had his eyes glued to the computer screen.
To show a very, very strong feeling of anger
Al escuchar la decisión del juez, se puso rojo de ira.
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Go apoplectic with rage
On hearing the judge's decision he went apoplectic with rage.
To become extremely angry
Un cliente se puso furioso cuando me negué a darle un reembolso.
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Go ballistic
A customer went ballistic when I wouldn't give her a refund.
If something grosses you out, it is so unpleasant that it makes you feel ill
La vista de la sangre me da completamente asco.
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Gross out
The sight of blood totally grosses me out.
Loving someone very much
Nos conocimos en 2015 y hemos estado locamente enamorados desde entonces.
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Head over heels in love (with someone)
We met in 2015, and have been head over heels in love with each other ever since.
Extremely frightened, especially so that you cannot move or decide what to do
No podía ver hacia dónde iba y estaba absolutamente petrificado.
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I couldn't see where I was going and I was absolutely petrified.
If someone or something repulses you, they are so unpleasant that you feel slightly ill when you see them or think about them
Nos repugnó el olor asqueroso.
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We were repulsed by the disgusting smell.
Extremely frightened
Fue una gran película de terror, pero estaba muerto de miedo.
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Scared out of your wits
It was a great horror film but I was scared out of my wits.
Showing that you think you are not very good or important
Xavier intentaba ser modesto e hizo uno o dos comentarios autocríticos sobre su carrera.
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Xavier was trying to be modest and made one or two self-deprecating remarks about his career.
Allowing yourself to have or to do something special that you like very much, often something that you should not have or do
No gastan mucho en lujos y nunca han llevado un estilo de vida particularmente indulgente.
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They don't spend much on luxuries and have never had a particularly self-indulgent lifestyle.
A self-made man or woman has become successful without help from other people
Es una millonaria hecha a sí misma y construyó la empresa desde absolutamente nada.
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She's a self-made millionaire and built up the company from absolutely nothing.
Someone who is self-possessed behaves in a calm and confident way in difficult situations
Aborda los problemas con una confianza tranquila y serena.
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He tackles problems with a calm, self-possessed confidence.
Used for talking about people who have the qualities that a particular type of person should have
Ningún cocinero que se respete a sí mismo usaría salsa envasada.
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No self-respecting cook would ever use gravy from a packet.
Choosing not to have or to do something that you want in order to help other people
Pippa fue justamente elogiada por su devoción desinteresada a las causas comunitarias.
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Pippa was rightfully praised for her self-sacrificing devotion to community causes.
Showing how pleased you are about your own situation in a way that annoys other people
"Acabamos de quedar primeros", dijo Karl con una sonrisa de autosatisfacción.
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We've just come first," Karl said with a self-satisfied smile.
When you make yourself believe something good that is not true, especially something about yourself
Justificar su comportamiento no fue más que un acto de autoengaño.
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Act of self-deception
Making excuses for her behaviour was nothing more than an act of self-deception.
To help someone to become able to do things for themself and not depend on other people
Fue un intento de fomentar la autosuficiencia en sus hijos y animarlos a ser independientes.
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Foster self-reliance
It was an attempt to foster self-reliance in their children and encourage them to be independent.
To have doubts about whether you are as important as other people and deserve to be respected and treated well
Me había deprimido mucho y realmente empezaba a cuestionar mi propio valor.
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Question your self-worth
I had become very depressed and was genuinely beginning to question my own self-worth.
To spend a lot of time feeling that your situation is worse than other people’s and that people should feel sad for you
Las cosas no son realmente tan malas como parecen, Blaise solo se está regodeando en la autocompasión.
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Wallow in self-pity
Things aren't really as bad as they sound, Blaise is just wallowing in self-pity.
to be always talking about yourself or your achievements in a way that annoys other people
Christian siempre cree que sus ideas son las mejores, está demasiado lleno de sí mismo.
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Be full of yourself
Christian always thinks his ideas are the best, he's just so full of himself.
correctly, following all the rules or systems for doing something in a strict way
Probablemente deberíamos seguir las instrucciones y hacer todo según las reglas.
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By the book
We probably ought to follow the instructions and do everything by the book.
to stop being shy and begin to confidently show your real character and feelings
Pat no estaba escuchando en absoluto y pasó todo el tiempo completamente absorto en su teléfono móvil.
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Come out of your shell
Pat wasn't listening at all and spent the entire time totally engrossed in his mobile phone.
someone who likes to do the same thing at the same time every day
Mi papá siempre quería cenar a las 7 p. m. Era una persona de costumbres.
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Creature of habit
My Dad always wanted dinner at 7pm. He was a real creature of habit.
someone who is determined to succeed and who works hard to achieve this
Patty es una persona muy ambiciosa, está decidida a conseguir el mejor puesto.
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Patty is a real go-getter, she's determined to land the top job.
to be likely to become angry or offended very easily, especially about something that other people think should not upset you
Lo siento, pero nadie lo ha tratado injustamente. Siempre ha tenido un complejo de inferioridad.
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Have a chip on your shoulder
I'm sorry, but no one has treated him unfairly. He's always had a chip on his shoulder.
to be very enthusiastic about a particular activity and spend all the time you can doing it or talking about it
Nadia vive y respira tenis: pasa todos los fines de semana jugando o viéndolo.
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Live and breathe (something)
Nadia lives and breathes tennis - she spends every weekend either playing or watching it.
someone who is unkind or unpleasant
No prestes atención a nada de lo que dice Roger, es una persona desagradable.
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Nasty piece of work
Don't pay attention to anything Roger says, he's such a nasty piece of work.
someone who enjoys being with other people and easily becomes friends with them
Karin está disfrutando mucho hacer nuevos amigos, pero siempre ha sido una persona sociable.
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People person
Karin is really enjoying making new friends, but then she's always been a people person.
someone who spoils other people’s fun by being negative and complaining
¿Qué te pasa? ¿Por qué estás siendo tan aguafiestas?
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Wet blanket
What's the matter - why are you being such a wet blanket?
Además, el proyecto es beneficioso para la comunidad.
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Moreover, the project is beneficial for the community.
Además, deberíamos considerar el impacto ambiental.
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Furthermore, we should consider the environmental impact.
También me gusta leer en mi tiempo libre.
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I also like reading in my free time.
De la misma manera
De la misma manera, él prefiere trabajar solo.
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Likewise, he prefers to work alone.
Igualmente, sus opiniones son válidas.
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Similarly, their opinions are valid.
Por ejemplo
Me gusta la música clásica, por ejemplo, Mozart y Beethoven.
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For example
I like classical music, for example, Mozart and Beethoven.
Es decir
Es decir, necesitamos más recursos.
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That is to say
That is to say, we need more resources.
En otras palabras
En otras palabras, el plan no es viable.
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In other words
In other words, the plan is not feasible.
Como resultado
Como resultado, la empresa creció rápidamente.
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As a result
As a result, the company grew quickly.
Por lo tanto
Por lo tanto, debemos actuar con precaución.
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Therefore, we must act with caution.
En consecuencia
En consecuencia, tomamos una nueva dirección.
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Consequently, we took a new direction.
Por consiguiente
Por consiguiente, ajustamos el presupuesto.
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Accordingly, we adjusted the budget.
No fui porque estaba enfermo.
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I didn’t go because I was sick.
Debido a
El evento se canceló debido al mal tiempo.
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Due to
The event was canceled due to bad weather.
Dado que
Dado que no tienes tiempo, lo haré yo.
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Since you don’t have time, I’ll do it.
Ya que
Ya que terminamos, podemos irnos.
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As we are done, we can leave.
Mientras estudiaba, escuchaba música.
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While studying, I was listening to music.
A pesar de que
A pesar de que llovía, salimos.
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Even though
Even though it was raining, we went out.
Aunque hace frío, saldré.
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Although it is cold, I will go out.
Sin embargo
Me gusta el cine; sin embargo, no tengo tiempo.
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I like movies; however, I don’t have time.
No obstante
No me gusta el fútbol; no obstante, lo respeto.
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I don’t like football; nevertheless, I respect it.
Me gusta el café, pero prefiero el té.
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I like coffee, but I prefer tea.
Por otro lado
No me gusta correr; por otro lado, amo nadar.
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On the other hand
I don’t like running; on the other hand, I love swimming.
En cambio
No tomé café, en cambio bebí té.
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I didn’t have coffee; instead, I drank tea.
Por el contrario
Me gusta el frío; por el contrario, odio el calor.
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I like the cold; conversely, I hate the heat.
Antes de
Antes de salir, revisa las puertas.
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Before leaving, check the doors.
Después de
Después de comer, vamos al cine.
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After eating, we are going to the movies.
Mientras tanto
Él cocinaba; mientras tanto, yo limpiaba.
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He was cooking; meanwhile, I was cleaning.
En primer lugar
En primer lugar, agradezco su ayuda.
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First of all
First of all, I appreciate your help.
Primero, revisemos el plan.
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First, let’s review the plan.
En segundo lugar
En segundo lugar, debemos reducir costos.
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Secondly, we must reduce costs.
Trabajé y luego descansé.
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I worked and then I rested.
Finalmente, logramos la meta.
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Finally, we achieved the goal.
Para concluir
Para concluir, gracias a todos.
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To conclude
To conclude, thank you all.
En conclusión
En conclusión, fue un buen año.
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In conclusion
In conclusion, it was a good year.
En resumen
En resumen, debemos mejorar.
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In summary
In summary, we need to improve.
En pocas palabras
En pocas palabras, no estoy de acuerdo.
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In short
In short, I don’t agree.
Es más
Es más, ni siquiera me saludó.
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What’s more
What’s more, he didn’t even say hi.
De hecho
De hecho, él ya lo sabía.
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In fact
In fact, he already knew.
Obviamente, debemos intentarlo.
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Obviously, we must try.
Por supuesto
Por supuesto, estoy de acuerdo.
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Of course
Of course, I agree.
Naturalmente, ella ganó el concurso.
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Naturally, she won the contest.
Sobre todo
Sobre todo, valoro la honestidad.
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Above all
Above all, I value honesty.
En particular
Me gusta el arte, en particular la pintura.
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In particular
I like art, in particular painting.
Me gusta la música, especialmente el jazz.
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I like music, especially jazz.
A propósito
A propósito, ¿cómo te fue en el examen?
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By the way
By the way, how did your exam go?
De todos modos
De todos modos, lo haré yo.
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Anyway, I’ll do it.
De cierta forma
En cierta forma, tienes razón.
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In a way
In a way, you are right.
someone who makes clever, secret plans, often to deceive others
El conspirador (manipulador) siempre tomaba el control de todas las situaciones
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The schemer alway took control of all situations
oruga procesionaria
No puedo pasar junto a una procesión de orugas procesionarias del pino
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pine processionary caterpillar
I can't past a procesion of pine processionary caterpillars
the quality of thinking only of your own advantage
Su egoísmo le impidió compartir su éxito con los demás.
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His selfishness prevented him from sharing his success with others.
"tomar control de la situación"
El conspirador (manipulador) siempre tomaba el control de todas las situaciones
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take control of the situation
The schemer alway took control of all situations
"pasar caminando por el frente de"
No puedo pasar junto a una procesión de orugas procesionarias del pino
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to walk past
I can't past a procesion of pine processionary caterpillars
Ante todo
Ante todo, debemos considerar la seguridad de los ciudadanos.
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First and foremost
First and foremost, we must consider the safety of the citizens.
Para empezar
Para empezar, quiero agradecerles por estar aquí hoy.
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To start off with...
To start off with, I want to thank you all for being here today.
Pasando a...
Pasando a otro tema, hablemos de los próximos proyectos.
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Moving on
Moving on, let's talk about the upcoming projects.
Ahora, pasando a...
Ahora, pasando a la economía, hay varios desafíos por delante.
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Now, turning to...
Now, turning to the economy, there are several challenges ahead.
Por ejemplo
Algunas ciudades han adoptado medidas ecológicas. Por ejemplo, Ámsterdam ha promovido el uso de bicicletas.
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For instance...
Some cities have adopted eco-friendly measures. For instance, Amsterdam has promoted bicycle use.
Un buen ejemplo de esto es...
Un buen ejemplo de esto es el crecimiento del teletrabajo durante la pandemia.
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A case in point is...
A case in point is the rise of remote work during the pandemic.
Para recapitular
Para recapitular, hemos analizado las causas y consecuencias del problema.
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To recap
To recap, we have analyzed the causes and consequences of the problem.
En resumen
En resumen, necesitamos soluciones más efectivas y sostenibles.
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In summary,
In summary, we need more effective and sustainable solutions.
Reformular la narrativa histórica
Es importante reformular la narrativa histórica para incluir diversas perspectivas.
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Reframe the historical narrative
It is important to reframe the historical narrative to include diverse perspectives.
Reinterpretar los eventos históricos
Los historiadores han reinterpretado los eventos históricos a la luz de nuevas pruebas.
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Reinterpret historical events
Historians have reinterpreted historical events in light of new evidence.
El mal menor
Votar por ese candidato no me entusiasma, pero es el mal menor.
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Lesser of two evils
Voting for that candidate doesn’t excite me, but it's the lesser of two evils.
Moderación relativa
Su discurso mostró una moderación relativa en comparación con sus declaraciones anteriores.
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Relative moderation
His speech showed relative moderation compared to his previous statements.
Atrocidades comparativas
El debate sobre las guerras a menudo lleva a la discusión de atrocidades comparativas.
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Comparative atrocities
The debate on wars often leads to the discussion of comparative atrocities.

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