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letöltés mp3 Nyomtatás játszik ellenőrizze magát
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We were driving along a narrow road.
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Jechalismy wzdlurz wonskiej drogi.
This small country is rich in natural resources.
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Ten maly kraj jest bogaty w naturalne zasoby.
We should protect nature.
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Powinnismy chronic przyrode.
There's a swimming pool near the school.
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Niedaleko szkoly jest basen.
They went to a nearby park.
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Oni poszli do pobliskiego parku.
I've nearly finished.
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Mam prawie skonczone.
Their house is very neat.
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Ich dom jest bardzo schludny.
Is it really necessary to go there?
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Czy to jest naprawde konieczne by tam isc?
I need a new printer.
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Potrzebuje nowej drukarki.
Give me a needle and some thread.
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Daj me igle i nici.
We have very good neighbours.
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Mamy bardzo dobrych sonsiaduw.
Neither of them came to our wedding.
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Rzaden z nich nie przyszedl na nasze wesele.
I always feel nervous before a test.
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Zawsze czuje sie nerwowy przed testem/sprawdzianem.
Claudia spends hours surfing the Net.
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Klaudia spendza cale godziny serfujonc w necie.
Never say never.
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Nigdy nie muw nigdy.
I have a new mobile phone.
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Mam nowom komurke.
The news is on 7 p.m.
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Wiadomosci som o dziewietnastej.
We buy newspapers every day.
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kupujemy gazety karzdego dnia, codziennie.
It's on the next page.
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To jest na nastempnej stronie.
It's a nice day.
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Jest ladny dzien.
We danced all night.
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Tanczylismy calom noc.
Pregnancy lasts about nine months.
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Cionrza trwa okolo 9 miesiency.

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