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neigh /neɪ; US / noun [countable] the long high sound that a horse makes ▶ rżenie □ neigh verb [intransitive] ▶ rżeć
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2 a person or thing that is near or next to another Britain’s nearest neighbour is France. Discuss the answers with your neighbour. ▶ sąsiad/ka neighbour (US neighbor) /ˈneɪbə(r); US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a person who lives near you My neighbours are very friendly. our next-door neighbours ▶ sąsiad/ka
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neighbouring (US neighboring) /ˈneɪbərɪŋ; US / adj. [only before a noun] near or next to Farmers from neighbouring villages come into town each week for the market. ▶ sąsiedni ościenny neighbourhood (US neighborhood) /ˈneɪbəhʊd; US / noun [countable] a particular part of a town and the people who live there a friendly neighbourhood ▶ sąsiedztwo okolica
Rzeczownik lub zaimek następujący po neither of występuje w lm, ale czasownik może być w lp: (zwł. w języku formalnym): Neither of the days is suitable. lub w lm (zwł. w języku codziennym): Neither of the days are suitable. Uwaga! Po neither stawia się rzeczownik lub czasownik w lp: Neither day was suitable. kezdjen tanulni
Neither of the teams played very well. ‘ Would you like tea or juice?’ ‘ Neither, thank you. I’m not thirsty.’ ▶ żaden (z dwóch) ani ten, ani tamten neither /ˈnaɪðə(r); US ˈni:ðə(r); US / determiner, pron., adv. 1 (used about two people or things) not one and not the other Neither team played very well.
I don’t eat meat and Tom doesn’t either. • ‘ I haven’t seen that film.’ ‘ I haven’t either.’ W tym samym znaczeniu i w taki sam sposób można stosować nor: ‘ I haven’t seen that film.’ ‘ Nor have I.’ Uwaga! Kiedy stosuje się zwrot not... either wyrazy w zdaniu występują w innej kolejności: kezdjen tanulni
2 also not; not either I don’t eat meat and neither does Tom. Nie jem mięsa i Tom też (go) nie je. ‘ I don’t like fish.’ ‘ Neither do I.’ ‘ I don’t like fish.’ ‘ Me neither.’ ‘ I haven’t seen that film.’ ‘ Neither have I ▶ też nie ani
Zwrot neither... nor może być stosowany z czasownikiem występującym w lp: (zwł. w języku formalnym): Neither Stella nor Jane was at the meeting. lub lm (zwł. w języku codziennym): Neither Stella nor Jane were at the meeting. kezdjen tanulni
3 (neither... nor) not... and not Neither Carlos nor I eat meat. ▶ ani..., ani (też)...
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neon /ˈni:ɒn; US / noun [uncountable] (symbol Ne) a type of gas that is used for making bright lights and signs neon signs/lights ▶ neon neonowy
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nephew /ˈnefju:; US ˈnevju:; US / noun [countable] the son of your brother or sister; the son of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister ▶ siostrzeniec bratanek
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nepotism /ˈnepətɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] giving unfair advantages to your own family if you are in a position of power, especially by giving them jobs ▶ nepotyzm
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Neptune /ˈneptju: n; US / noun [sing.] the planet that is 8th in order from the sun ▶ Neptun
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2(nerves) [pl.] worried, nervous feelings Breathing deeply should help to calm/steady your nerves. I was a bag of nerves before my interview. ▶ nerwy nerve /nɜ: v; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 [countable] one of the long thin threads in your body that carry feelings or other messages to and from your brain nerve endings ▶ nerw
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4[sing.] a way of behaving that people think is not acceptable You’ve got a nerve, calling me lazy! ▶ tupet zuchwalstwo czelność 3[u] the courage that you need to do sth difficult or dangerous Racing drivers need a lot of nerve. He didn’t have the nerve to ask Maria to go out with him. Some pilots lose their nerve and can’t fly any more. ▶ odwaga zimna krew nerwy opanowanie
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get on sb’s nerves (informal) to annoy sb or make sb angry ▶ działać (komuś) na nerwy
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ˈnerve-racking adj. making you very nervous or worried Waiting for exam results can be very nerve-racking. ▶ szarpiący nerwy (bardzo) denerwujący
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I always get nervous just before a match. She was a nervous wreck (kłębkiem nerwów). a nervous laugh/smile/voice She was nervous of giving the wrong answer. ▶ nerwowy zdenerwowany nervous /ˈnɜ: vəs; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1nervous (about/of sth/doing sth) worried or afraid I’m a bit nervous about travelling on my own.
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□ nervously /; US / adv. He sat there, biting his fingers nervously. ▶ nerwowo niespokojnie —nervousness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ nerwowość zdenerwowanie
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ˌnervous ˈbreakdown (also breakdown) noun [countable] a time when sb suddenly becomes so unhappy that they cannot continue living and working normally to have a nervous breakdown ▶ załamanie nerwowe
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the ˈnervous system noun [countable] your brain and all the nerves in your body ▶ układ nerwowy
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□ nest verb [intransitive] There are some birds nesting in the roof. ▶ gnieździć się nest /nest; US / noun [countable] 1 a structure that a bird builds to keep its eggs and babies in ▶ gniazdo 2 the home of certain animals or insects a wasps’ nest ▶ gniazdo nora
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The baby nestled her head on her mother’s shoulder. Ulfa is a typical German village nestling (wtulona) in a beautiful river valley. ▶ tulić się (do kogoś/czegoś) wygodnie się usadawiać nestle /ˈnesl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to be or go into a position where you are comfortable, protected or hidden
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2[countable] a piece of net that is used for a particular purpose a tennis/fishing/mosquito net He headed the ball into the back of the net. ▶ siatka sieć net1 /net; US / noun 1 [uncountable] material that has large, often square, spaces between the threads net curtains firanki ▶ sieć siatka
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net2 (also nett) /net; US / adj. net (of sth) (used about a number or amount) from which nothing more needs to be taken away I earn about £ 15 000 net The net weight of the biscuits is 350g. a net profit What is your net income? ▶ czysty netto
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nettle /ˈnetl; US / noun [countable] a wild plant with large leaves. Some nettles make your skin red and painful if you touch them. ▶ pokrzywa
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network /ˈnetwɜ: k; US / noun [countable] 1 a system of roads, railway lines, nerves, etc. that are connected to each other an underground railway network ▶ sieć (np. kolejowa) 2 a We have a network of agents who sell our goods all over the country. ▶ sieć (np. przedsiębiorstw) 3 a number of computers that are connected together so that information can be shared The network allows users to share files. ▶ sieć komputerowa
neurologia, neurologiczny kezdjen tanulni
neurology /njʊəˈrɒlədʒi; US nʊə- / noun [uncountable] the scientific study of nerves and their diseases ▶ neurologia □ neurological /ˌnjʊərəˈlɒdʒɪkl; US ˌnʊə- / adj. He suffered severe neurological damage. ▶ neurologiczny
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neurologist /njʊəˈrɒlədʒɪst; US nʊə- / noun [countable] a doctor who studies and treats diseases of the nerves ▶ neurolog
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neuron /ˈnjʊərɒn; US ˈnʊr- / (especially Brit. neurone /ˈnjʊərəʊn; US ˈnʊər- /) noun [countable] a cell that carries information within the brain and between the brain and other parts of the body; a nerve cell ▶ neuron
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neurosis /njʊəˈrəʊsɪs; US nʊə- / noun [countable] (pl. neuroses /-əʊsi: z; US /) a mental illness that causes strong feelings of fear and worry ▶ nerwica
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2 having or showing no strong qualities, emotions or colour neutral colours a neutral tone of voice ▶ neutralny nijaki 3 having neither a positive nor a negative charge ▶ (elektr.) zerowy (chem.) obojętny neutral1 /ˈnju: trəl; US ˈnu:- / adj. 1 not supporting or belonging to either side in an argument, war, etc. I don’t take sides when my brothers argue – I remain neutral. The two sides agreed to meet on neutral ground. ▶ neutralny bezstronny
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neutral2 /ˈnju: trəl; US ˈnu:- / noun [uncountable] the position of the gears when no power is sent from the engine to the wheels Make sure the car is in neutral (na luzie) before you turn on the engine. ▶ bieg jałowy
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neutrality /nju:ˈtræləti; US nu:- / noun [uncountable] the state of not supporting either side in an argument, war, etc. ▶ neutralność bezstronność
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neutralize (also neutralise) /ˈnju: trəlaɪz; US ˈnu:- / verb [transitive] to take away the effect of sth to neutralize a threat The latest figures should neutralize fears of inflation. ▶ oddalać (np. obawy) unieszkodliwiać
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neutron /ˈnju: trɒn; US ˈnu:- / noun [countable] part of the nucleus of an atom that carries no electric charge ▶ neutron
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2 (used for emphasizing a negative statement) I never realized she was so unhappy. Roy never so much as looked at us. Roy nawet na nas nie spojrzał. ‘ I got the job!’ ‘ Never (niemożliwe)!’ ▶ nigdy never /ˈnevə(r); US / adv. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 at no time; not ever I’ve never been to Portugal. He never ever (przenigdy) eats meat. • (formal) Never before has such a high standard been achieved. ▶ nigdy
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nevertheless /ˌnevəðəˈles; US / adv., conj. (formal) in spite of that It was a cold, rainy day. Nevertheless, more people came than we had expected. She knew that the accident wasn’t her fault. She still felt guilty, nevertheless. ▶ (tym) niemniej (jednak) mimo to
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2 different or changed from what was before I’ve just started reading a new book. to make new friends ▶ nowy new /nju:; US nu: / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 that has recently been built, made, discovered, etc. a new design/film/hospital a new method of treating mental illness new evidence ▶ nowy
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4new (to sth) having just started being or doing sth a new parent She’s new to the job and needs a lot of help. a new member of the club ▶ nowy świeżo/niedawno przybyły 3new (to sb) that you have not seen, learnt, etc. before This type of machine is new to me. to learn a new language ▶ nowy (dla kogoś)
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newborn /ˈnju: bɔ: n; US ˈnu:- / adj. [only before a noun] (used about a baby) that has been born very recently ▶ nowo narodzony
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newcomer /ˈnju: kʌmə(r); US ˈnu:- / noun [countable] a person who has just arrived in a place ▶ nowo przybył-y/a
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newly /ˈnju: li; US ˈnu:- / adv. [usually before a past participle] recently the newly appointed (nowo mianowany) Minister of Health ▶ niedawno nowo dopiero co
break the news (to sb) to be the first to tell sb about sth important that has happened ▶ zawiadamiać (zwł. o czymś przykrym) News jest rzeczownikiem niepoliczalnym. Mówiąc o jednej wiadomości, należy użyć zwrotu a piece of news, a nie a news • We had a piece of good news yesterday. Po rzeczowniku news czasownik występuje w lp: The news is very depressing. kezdjen tanulni
There will be a further news bulletin (wydanie wiadomości) at 1 o’clock. Our town has been in the news a lot recently. Ostatnio w mediach sporo się mówi o naszym mieście. a newsflash wiadomość z ostatniej chwili ▶ wiadomości nowiny news /nju: z; US nu: z / noun 1[u] information about sth that has happened recently Write and tell me all your news. Have you had any news from Susie recently? That’s news to me. Pierwszy raz słyszę. I’ve got some good news: you’ve passed the exam!
Newsagent’s oznacza sklep. W centrum dużych miast, na dworcach kolejowych itp. znajdują się czasami budki, gdzie można kupić gazety. Określa się je mianem kiosk, a nie newsagent’s. kezdjen tanulni
2 (the newsagent’s) [sing.] a shop that sells newspapers, magazines, etc. ▶ sklep z prasą newsagent /ˈnju: zeɪdʒənt; US ˈnu: z- / (US newsdealer /ˈnju: zdi: lə(r); US ˈnu: z- /) noun 1 [countable] a person who owns or works in a shop that sells newspapers, magazines, etc. ▶ sprzedaw-ca/czyni w sklepie z gazetami, papierosami itp.
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2[uncountable] We wrapped the plates in newspaper so they would not get damaged. ▶ gazeta ⇨ look at media 3(also paper) [countable] an organisation that produces a newspaper She works for the local newspaper. Which paper is he from? ▶ gazeta newspaper /ˈnju: zpeɪpə(r); US ˈnu: z- / nou 1(also paper) [c] large pieces of paper printed with news, advertisements and articles on various subjects a daily/weekly/Sunday paper a newspaper article I read about it in the newspaper. ▶ gazeta
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the ˌNew ˈTestament noun [sing.] the second part of the Bible that describes the life and teachings of Jesus ▶ Nowy Testament
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new ˈyear (also New Year) noun [sing.] the first few days of January Happy New Year! We will get in touch in the new year. New Year’s Eve Sylwester New Year’s Day Nowy Rok ▶ nowy rok
Por. nearest z next. The next oznacza „następny“ w ciągu zdarzeń lub miejsc: When is your next appointment? • Turn left at the next traffic lights.(The) nearest oznacza „najbliższy“ w czasie lub przestrzeni: Where’s the nearest supermarket? kezdjen tanulni
next1 /nekst; US / adj. 1[usually with the] coming immediately after sth in order, space or time; closest The next bus leaves in twenty minutes. The next name on the list is Paulo. How far is it to the next petrol station? ▶ następny najbliższy
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□ the next noun [sing.] the person or thing that is next If we miss this train, we’ll have to wait two hours for the next. ▶ następny the one immediately following the present one See you again next Monday. Let’s go camping next weekend. next summer/next year/next Christmas Rachel hopes to get a job abroad next year (w przyszłym roku). ▶ następny przyszły
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It was ten years until I next saw her. Dopiero po dziesięciu latach znowu ją zobaczyłem. ▶ w następnej kolejności potem później next2 /nekst; US / adv. 1 after this or after that; then I know Joe arrived first, but who came next? I wonder what will happen next (co teraz będzie).
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2(next best, biggest, most important, etc... (after/to sb/sth)) following in the order mentioned Jo was the next oldest after Martin. The next best thing to flying is gliding. ▶ (po kimś/czymś) drugi najlepszy/największy/najważniejszy itp.
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□ ˌnext ˈdoor adj. [only before a noun] our next-door neighbours najbliżsi sąsiedzi the next-door house dom obok ▶ po sąsiedzku ˌnext ˈdoor adv. in or into the next house or building The school is next door to (w budynku obok) an old people’s home. Who lives next door? I’m going next door (do najbliższych sąsiadów) to borrow some eggs. ▶ obok (zza ściany/płotu itp.)
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2 in a position after sth Next to Paris (po Paryżu) I think my favourite city is Madrid. Next to English my favourite subject is Maths. ▶ po next to prep. 1 at the side of sb/sth; beside He sat down next to Gita. There’s a public telephone next to the bus stop. ▶ obok koło
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almost nothing, next to nothing next to nothing almost nothing We took plenty of money but we’ve got next to nothing left. ▶ prawie (tyle co) nic niemal/że nic
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non-governmental organization (NGO) NGO /ˌen dʒi: ˈəʊ; US / abbr. non-governmental organization; a charity, association, etc. that is independent of government and business ▶ organizacja pozarządowa
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nibble /ˈnɪbl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to eat sth by taking small bites The bread had been nibbled by mice. ▶ ogryzać skubać □ nibble noun [countable] ▶ ogryzanie skubanie
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You look very nice today. Bardzo ładnie dziś wyglądasz. It would be nice to spend more time at home. ‘ Hi, I’m Kate.’ ‘ I’m Fergus – nice to meet you (bardzo mi miło).’ ▶ przyjemny miły nice /naɪs; US / adj 1 pleasant, enjoyable or attractive a nice place/feeling/smile It was cold yesterday but it’s quite nice today. I’m not eating this – it doesn’t taste very nice. Did you have a nice time?
He/She is lovely. lub: He/She is very friendly. Mówi się również: a cosy/an attractive room • beautiful/lovely weather • expensive/fashionable/smart clothes. nice W nieformalnym angielskim zamiast (very) nice można powiedzieć great, lovely lub wonderful: The party was great. • We had a lovely weekend. Kiedy rozmawia się o osobie, można powiedzieć: kezdjen tanulni
3nice (to sb); nice (of sb) (to do sth); nice (about sth) What a nice girl! Everyone was very nice to me when I felt ill. It was really nice of Donna to help us. The neighbours were very nice about it when I hit their car. ▶ sympatyczny uprzejmy
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□ nicely adv. 1 in a pleasant way I might help you if you ask nicely. ▶ grzecznie przyjemnie miło 2 very well This flat will suit us nicely. To mieszkanie bardzo nam odpowiada. ▶ bardzo —niceness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ uprzejmość
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2 an opportunity to sell a particular product to a particular group of people He made his money by exploiting a niche in the market. ▶ nisza 3 a place in a wall that is further back, where a statue, etc. can be put ▶ nisza wnęka (zwykle z półką) niche /ni:ʃ; US nɪtʃ; US / noun [countable] 1 a job, position, etc. that is suitable for you to find your niche in life ▶ odpowiednie miejsce nisza
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nick1 /nɪk; US / noun 1 [countable] a small cut in sth ▶ nacięcie szczerba rowek
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nick2 /nɪk; US / verb [transitive] 1 to make a very small cut in sb/sth ▶ nacinać rowkować wyszczerbiać 2(Brit., slang) to steal sth ▶ gwizdnąć (komuś/skądś) zwędzić
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nickel /ˈnɪkl; US / noun 1 [uncountable] (symbol Ni) a hard silver-white metal that is often mixed with other metals ▶ nikiel niklowy 2 [countable] an American or Canadian coin that is worth five cents ▶ pięciocentówka
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nickname /ˈnɪkneɪm; US / noun [countable] an informal name that is used instead of your real name, usually by your family or friends ▶ przydomek przezwisko □ nickname verb [transitive] ▶ nadawać przydomek/przezwisko
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nicotine /ˈnɪkəti: n; US / noun [uncountable] the poisonous chemical substance in tobacco ▶ nikotyna
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niece /ni: s; US / noun [countable] the daughter of your brother or sister; the daughter of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister ▶ siostrzenica bratanica
They slept by day and travelled by night. In/during the night stosuje się zwykle w odniesieniu do minionej nocy: I woke up twice in the night. On używa się, mówiąc o konkretnej nocy: On the night of Saturday 30 June. . Najczęściej spotykany to at: I’m not allowed out after 11 o’clock at night (wieczorem). By jest słowem bardziej literackim niż at. Wyrażenie by night często stosuje się, aby uwypuklić kontrast z wyrażeniem by day: kezdjen tanulni
2 the time between late afternoon and when you go to bed Let’s go out on Saturday night. I went out with Kate the other night. ▶ wieczór /naɪt/ noun [c, u] 1 the part of the day when it is dark and when most people sleep I had a strange dream last night. The baby cried all night. It’s a long way home. Why don’t you stay the night? We will be away for a few nights. ▶ noc
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an early/a late night an evening when you go to bed earlier/later than usual ▶ wczesne/późne pójście spać in the/at dead of night ⇨ dead2 a night out an evening that you spend out of the house enjoying yourself ▶ wieczór spędzony (miło) poza domem
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nightdress /ˈnaɪtdres; US / (also informal nightie /ˈnaɪti; US /) noun [countable] a loose dress that a girl or woman wears in bed ▶ koszula nocna
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nightingale /ˈnaɪtɪŋɡeɪl; US / noun [countable] a small brown bird that has a beautiful song ▶ słowik
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nightlife /ˈnaɪtlaɪf; US / noun [uncountable] the entertainment that is available in the evenings in a particular place It’s a small town with very little nightlife. ▶ nocne życie
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nightly /ˈnaɪtli; US / adj., adv. happening every night a nightly news bulletin ▶ (powtarzający się) co wieczór/noc conocny nocny
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2(informal) an experience that is very unpleasant or frightening Travelling in the rush hour can be a real nightmare. ▶ koszmar nightmare /ˈnaɪtmeə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a frightening or unpleasant dream I had a terrible nightmare about being stuck in a lift last night. ▶ koszmar mara (nocna) zmora (nocna)
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nimble /ˈnɪmbl; US / adj. able to move quickly and lightly For a large person she’s very nimble on her feet. ▶ zwinny lekki giętki sprężysty □ nimbly /ˈnɪmbli; US / adv. ▶ zwinnie lekko giętko
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□ ninetieth /ˈnaɪntiəɵ; US / 1 ordinal number 90th ▶ dziewięćdziesiąty ⇨ note at sixth 2 noun [countable] 1/90; one of ninety equal parts of sth ▶ (jedna) dziewięćdziesiąta nineteenth /ˌnaɪnˈti: nɵ; US / 1 ordinal number ▶ dziewiętnasty ⇨ note at sixth 2 noun [countable] 1/19th; one of nineteen equal parts of sth ▶ (jedna) dziewiętnasta
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ninth /naɪnɵ; US / ordinal number 9th ▶ dziewiąty ⇨ note at sixth □ ninth noun [countable] 1/9; one of nine equal parts of sth ▶ (jedna) dziewiąta
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2[intransitive] (Brit., informal) to go somewhere quickly and/or for a short time She’s just nipped to the shop for some bread. ▶ skakać (dokądś) pędzić latać (dokądś) nip /nɪp; US / verb (nipping; nipped) 1[i, t] to give sb/sth a quick bite or to quickly squeeze a piece of sb’s skin between your thumb and finger The dog nipped him on the ankle. She nipped him on the arm. ▶ lekko ugryźć uszczypnąć
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nipple /ˈnɪpl; US / noun [countable] 1 either of the two small dark circles on either side of your chest. A baby can suck milk from his or her mother’s breast through the nipples. ▶ sutek brodawka sutkowa
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nitrogen /ˈnaɪtrədʒən; US / noun [uncountable] (symbol N) a gas that has no colour, taste or smell. Nitrogen forms about 80% of the air around the earth. ▶ azot
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2[uncountable] (formal) the quality of having courage and honour ▶ szlachetność nobility /nəʊˈbɪləti; US / noun 1 (the nobility) [sing., with sing. or pl. verb] people of high social position who have titles such as that of Duke or Duchess ▶ szlachta arystokracja SYNONYM aristocracy
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2 belonging to the highest social class a man of noble birth ▶ szlachecki arystokratyczny □ nobly /ˈnəʊbli; US / adv. He nobly sacrificed his own happiness for that of his family. ▶ szlachetnie wielkodusznie szczytnie noble1 /ˈnəʊbl; US / adj. 1 honest; full of courage and care for others a noble leader noble ideas/actions ▶ szlachetny uczciwy wzniosły
Przed zaimkami oraz przed takimi wyrazami jak the, his, her, those itp. należy stosować none of, a nie nobody: Nobody remembered my birthday. • None of my friends remembered my birthday. • I’ve asked all my classmates but nobody is free. kezdjen tanulni
nobody1 /ˈnəʊbədi; US / (also ˈno one) pron. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW no person; not anyone He screamed but nobody came to help him. No one else was around. There was nobody at home. ▶ nikt
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Nod your head if you understand what I’m saying and shake it if you don’t. ‘ Somebody will have to do it,’ she said, nodding in my direction. ▶ skinąć (głową) kiwnąć (głową) (do kogoś) nod /nɒd; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (nodding; nodded) to move your head up and down as a way of saying ‘ yes’ or as a sign to sb to do sth Everybody at the meeting nodded in agreement.
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□ nod noun [countable] Give him a nod when you want him to begin his speech. ▶ kiwnięcie (głową) skinienie (głowy) ukłon
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3 a point at which two lines or systems meet or cross a network node ▶ węzeł 4 a small hard mass of tissue, especially near a joint in the human body a lymph node ▶ guzek node /nəʊd; US / noun [countable] 1 a place on the stem of a plant from which a branch or leaf grows ▶ węzeł 2 a small swelling on a root or branch ▶ zgrubienie
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ˌno-ˈgo area noun [sing.] a place, especially part of a city, where it is very dangerous to go because there is a lot of violence or crime At night, this neighbourhood is a no-go area for tourists. ▶ niebezpieczna dzielnica
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What an awful noise! Why is the engine making so much noise? ▶ hałas zgiełk noise /nɔɪz; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant Did you hear a noise downstairs? Try not to make a noise (nie hałasować) if you come home late.
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noiseless /ˈnɔɪzləs; US / adj. making no sound ▶ bezszelestny cichy □ noiselessly /; US / adv. ▶ bezszelestnie cicho
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□ noisily /; US / adv. ▶ hałaśliwie głośno noisy /ˈnɔɪzi adj. (noisier; noisiest) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW making a lot of or too much noise; full of noise The clock was so noisy that it kept me awake. noisy children/traffic/crowds The classroom was very noisy. ▶ hałaśliwy głośny
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nomad /ˈnəʊmæd; US / noun [countable] a member of a community that moves with its animals from place to place ▶ koczowni-k/czka włóczęga nomada □ nomadic /nəʊˈmædɪk; US / adj. the nomadic life of a foreign correspondent ▶ koczowniczy wędrowny
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ˈno-man’s-land noun [uncountable, sing.] an area of land between the borders of two countries or between two armies during a war and which is not controlled by either ▶ ziemia niczyja
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2 (used about a price, sum of money, etc.) very small; much less than normal Because we are friends he only charges me a nominal rent. ▶ symboliczny nominal /ˈnɒmɪnl; US / adj. 1 being sth in name only but not in reality the nominal (tytularny) leader of the country ▶ nominalny
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□ nominally /-nəli; US / adj. He was nominally in charge of the company. ▶ nominalnie tytularnie
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I would like to nominate Bob Fry as chairman. The novel has been nominated for the Booker prize. You may nominate a representative to speak for you. ▶ nominować mianować nominate /ˈnɒmɪneɪt; US / verb [transitive] nominate sb/sth (for/as sth); nominate sb (to/as sth) (to do sth) to formally suggest that sb/sth should be given a job, role, prize, etc.
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nomination /ˌnɒmɪˈneɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] The film has received 10 Oscar nominations. His nomination as leader of the party was announced this morning. ▶ nominacja mianowanie
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nominee /ˌnɒmɪˈni:; US / noun [countable] a person who is suggested for an important job, role, prize, etc. ▶ kandydat/ka (na coś/do czegoś) nominowan-y/a
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ˌnon-acaˈdemic adj. connected with technical or practical subjects rather than subjects of interest to the mind ▶ (przedmioty) techniczny praktyczny
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ˌnon-alcoˈholic adj. (used about drinks) not containing any alcohol non-alcoholic drinks Can I have something non-alcoholic? ▶ bezalkoholowy
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□ nonchalance /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ nonszalancja obojętność —nonchalantly /; US / adv. ▶ nonszalancko obojętnie nonchalant /ˈnɒnʃələnt; US ˌnɒnʃəˈlɑ: nt / adj. not feeling or showing interest or excitement about sth ▶ nonszalancki obojętny
Jeżeli używamy none of z rzeczownikiem niepoliczalnym, wówczas czasownik występuje w lp: None of the work was done. Jeśli natomiast none of używamy z rzeczownikiem w lm lub z zaimkiem, lub z rzeczownikiem w lp odnoszącym się do grupy osób lub rzeczy, wówczas czasownik występuje w lp lub lm. Formę czasownika w lp stosuje się w Br. ang. w języku formalnym: None of the trains is/are going to Birmingham. None of her family has/have been to university. kezdjen tanulni
‘ Have you brought any books to read?’ ‘ No, none.’ I went to several shops but none had what I was looking for. ‘ Could you pass me the wine, please?’ ‘ I’m afraid there’s none left (nic nie zostało).’ ▶ nic nikt none1 /nʌn / pron. none (of sb/sth) not any, not one (of a group of three or more) They gave me a lot of information but none of it was very helpful. I’ve got four brothers but none of them live/lives nearby.
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ˌnon-esˈsential adj. [usually before a noun] not completely necessary ▶ nieistotny
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nonetheless /ˌnʌnðəˈles; US / adv. (formal) in spite of this fact It won’t be easy but they’re going to try nonetheless. ▶ niemniej jednak tym niemniej