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chwila, moment
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moment, moment
2[sing.] a particular point in time Just at that moment my mother arrived. the moment of birth/death ▶ chwila moment
moment /ˈməʊmənt; US / noun 1[countable] a very short period of time One moment, please. Joe left just a few moments ago. He hesitated for a moment and then knocked on the door. Moments later, the police arrived. ▶ chwila moment
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momentary /ˈməʊməntri; US -teri / adj. lasting for a very short time a momentary lack of concentration ▶ chwilowy □ momentarily /ˈməʊməntrəli; US ˌməʊmənˈterəli / adv. She paused momentarily before answering. ▶ chwilowo
ważny, doniosły
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important, momentous
momentous /məˈmentəs; US məʊˈm- / adj. very important a momentous decision/event/change ▶ ważny doniosły
impet, rozpęd
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momentum /məˈmentəm; US məʊˈm- / noun [u] the ability to keep increasing or developing; the force that makes sth move faster and faster The environmental movement is gathering momentum. The ball gained momentum as it rolled downhill. ▶ rozpęd impet
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monastery /ˈmɒnəstri; US -teri / noun [countable] (pl. monasteries) a place where monks live together in a religious community ▶ klasztor
pieniężny, monetarny
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monetary, monetary
monetary /ˈmʌnɪtri; US -teri / adj. [only before a noun] connected with money the government’s monetary policy ▶ pieniężny monetarny
If you have a cash card (US ATM card), you can withdraw money from your bank account at a cash machine. If you spend more money than is in your account, you are overdrawn.
You can save money in a bank account, and this money is called your savings. You can spend cash to buy things, or you can write a cheque. If you use a debit card, the money comes straight out of your bank account. If you use a credit card, you pay later.
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Uwaga! Money jest rzeczownikiem niepoliczalnym i występuje z czasownikiem w lp: The money is on the table.
/ˈmʌni ; US / noun [u] (= coins or notes) Will you earn more money? The new road will cost a lot of money. If we do the work ourselves, we will save money. Some kids spend too much money on clothes. to borrow/lend money ▶ pieniądze waluta
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money box
ˈmoney box noun [countable] a box into which you put money that you want to save ▶ skarbonka
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2 to listen to and record foreign radio or television broadcasts ▶ prowadzić nasłuch (zagranicznego radia i TV)
monitor2 /ˈmɒnɪtə(r); US / verb [transitive] 1 to check, record or test sth regularly for a period of time Pollution levels in the lake are closely monitored. ▶ kontrolować (regularnie)
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a monk
monk /mʌŋk; US / noun [countable] a member of a religious group of men who live in a monastery and do not get married or have possessions ▶ mnich
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monkey business silly or dishonest behaviour ▶ machlojki
monkey /ˈmʌŋki; US / noun [countable] an animal with a long tail that lives in hot countries and can climb trees ▶ małpa Chimpanzees and gorillas are apes, although people sometimes call them monkeys.
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□ monogamous /məˈnɒɡəməs; US / adj. a monogamous relationship Most birds are monogamous. ▶ monogamiczny
monogamy /məˈnɒɡəmi; US / noun [uncountable] the fact or custom of being married to, or having a sexual relationship with, only one person at a particular time ▶ monogamia ⇨ look at bigamy, polygamy
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□ monolithic /ˌmɒnəˈlɪɵɪk; US / adj. a monolithic block the monolithic structure of the state ▶ monolitowy monolityczny
monolith /ˈmɒnəlɪɵ; US / noun [c] ▶ monolit 2 a single, very large organization, etc. that is very slow to change and not interested in individual people ▶ (przen: partia itp.) beton
monopol, monopolizować
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monopoly, monopolize
monopoly /məˈnɒpəli/ noun [c] (pl. monopolies) a monopoly (on/in sth) 1 The company has a monopoly on broadcasting international football. ▶ monopol The party had a monopoly of power throughout the 1980s.
monopolize (also monopolise) /məˈnɒpəlaɪz; US / verb [transitive] to control sth so that other people cannot share it She completely monopolized the conversation. I couldn’t get a word in. ▶ monopolizować
monotonny, jednostajny
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monotonous, monotonous
monotonous /məˈnɒtənəs; US / adj. never changing and therefore boring monotonous work a monotonous voice ▶ monotonny jednostajny □ monotonously /; US / adv. The streets look monotonously similar. ▶ monotonnie jednostajnie
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monotony /məˈnɒtəni; US / noun [uncountable] the state of being always the same and therefore boring the monotony of working on a production line ▶ jednostajność monotonia
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monsoon /ˌmɒnˈsu: n; US / noun [countable] the season when it rains a lot in Southern Asia; the rain that falls during this period ▶ monsun deszcz monsunowy
potwór, poczwara
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monster, monster
monster /ˈmɒnstə(r); US / noun [countable] (in stories) a creature that is large, ugly and frightening a monster with three heads • (figurative) The murderer was described as a dangerous monster. ▶ potwór poczwara
pomnik, monument
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monument, monument
2 an old building or other place that is of historical importance Stonehenge is a famous ancient monument. ▶ monument pomnik
monument /ˈmɒnjumənt; US / noun [countable] 1a monument (to sb/sth) a building or statue that is built to remind people of a famous person or event ▶ pomnik monument
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monumental /ˌmɒnjuˈmentl; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1 (used about a building) very large and impressive ▶ monumentalny 2 very great a monumental success/task/achievement ▶ olbrzymi ogromny
nastrój, usposobienie
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mood, disposition
2[c] a time when you are angry or bad-tempered Debby’s in one of her moods again ▶ kiepski nastrój zły humor 3[sing.] the way that a group of people feel about sth The mood of the crowd suddenly changed and violence broke out. ▶ nastrój atmosfera
mood /mu: d; US / noun 1[countable, uncountable] the way that you are feeling at a particular time to be in a bad/good mood She had a sudden change of mood. Turn that music down a bit – I’m not in the mood for it. ▶ nastrój usposobienie
chumorzasty, kapryśny
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2 bad-tempered or unhappy, often for no particular reason After the accident and she became moody and withdrawn. ▶ humorzasty markotny w złym humorze
moody /ˈmu: di; US / adj. (moodier; moodiest) 1 often changing moods in a way that people cannot predict You never know where you are with Andy because he’s so moody. ▶ zmiennego usposobienia humorzasty kapryśny
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The moon as it appears at its different stages, can be called a new moon, a full moon, a half-moon or a crescent moon. 2 [countable] an object like the moon that moves around another planet How many moons does Neptune have? ▶ księżyc
moon /mu: n; US / noun 1 (the moon) [sing.] the object that shines in the sky at night and that moves round the earth once every 28 days The moon’s very bright tonight. When was the first landing on the moon? ▶ Księżyc
światło księżyca
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moonlit /ˈmu: nlɪt; US / adj. lit by the moon a moonlit evening księżycowy wieczór ▶ oświetlony światłem księżyca
moonlight /ˈmu: nlaɪt; US / noun [uncountable] light that comes from the moon The lake looked beautiful in the moonlight. ▶ światło księżyca blask księżyca
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moor1 /mʊə(r) mɔ:(r); US / (also moorland /ˈmʊələnd ˈmɔ: l-; US /) noun [countable, uncountable] a wild open area of high land that is covered with grass and heather We walked across the moors. ▶ wrzosowisko
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mooring /ˈmʊərɪŋ ˈmɔ: r-; US / noun [countable, usually pl.] a place where a boat is tied; the ropes, chains, etc. used to fasten a boat ▶ miejsce do cumowania
moor2 /mʊə(r) mɔ:(r); US / verb [intransitive, transitive] moor (sth to sth) to fasten a boat to the land or to an object in the water with a rope or chain ▶ cumować
szczotka do zmywania podłogi
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mop1 /mɒp; US / noun [countable] a tool for washing floors that has a long handle with a bunch of thick strings or soft material at the end ▶ szczotka do zmywania podłogi mop
myć podłogę
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PHRASAL VERB  mop sth up to get rid of liquid from a surface with a mop or dry cloth Mop up that tea you’ve spilt or it’ll leave a stain! ▶ wycierać coś
mop2 /mɒp; US / verb [transitive] (mopping; mopped) 1 to clean a floor with water and a mop ▶ myć (podłogę) mopem 2 to remove liquid from sth using a dry cloth to mop your forehead with a handkerchief ▶ wycierać  
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2 having a high standard of behaviour that is considered good and right by most people She has always led a very moral life. ▶ moralny
moral1 /ˈmɒrəl; US; / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[only before a noun] concerned with what is right and wrong Some people refuse to eat meat on moral grounds. a moral dilemma/issue/question ▶ moralny
moralność, obyczaje
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2[countable] a lesson in the right way to behave that can be learnt from a story or an experience The moral of the play is that friendship is more important than money. ▶ morał
moral2 /ˈmɒrəl; US; / noun 1 (morals) [pl.] standards of good behaviour These people appear to have no morals. ▶ moralność obyczaje
duch, morale
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morale /məˈrɑ: l; US -ˈræl / noun [uncountable] how happy, sad, confident, etc. a group of people feels at a particular time The team’s morale was low/high before the match. to boost/raise/improve morale ▶ duch (np. armii, zespołu) morale
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moralistic /ˌmɒrəˈlɪstɪk; US / adj. having or showing very fixed ideas about what is right and wrong, especially when this causes you to judge other people’s behaviour ▶ moralizatorski
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morality /məˈræləti; US / noun [uncountable] principles concerning what is good and bad or right and wrong behaviour a debate about the morality of abortion ▶ moralność
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moralize (also moralise) /ˈmɒrəlaɪz; US; / verb [intransitive] moralize (about/on sth) to tell other people what the right or wrong way to behave is ▶ moralizować umoralniać
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morally /ˈmɒrəli; US; / adv. 1 connected with standards of what is right or wrong Parents should be morally responsible for their children. ▶ moralnie 2 in a way that is good or right to behave morally ▶ moralnie
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/ˌmɒrəˈtɔ:riəm ; US / noun [c] (pl. -riums or -toria /-riə ; US /) moratorium (on sth) a temporary stopping of an activity, especially by official agreement The convention called for a two-year moratorium on commercial whaling. ▶ moratorium
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more and more an increasing amount or number There are more and more cars on the road. ▶ coraz więcej/bardziej
more1 /mɔ:(r); US / determiner, pron a larger number or amount of people or things; sth extra as well as what you have There were more people than I expected. I’ve bought some more plants for the garden. We had more time than we thought.
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2 to a greater degree than usual or than sth else I like him far/much more than his wife. She was far/much more intelligent than her sister. ▶ bardziej więcej
more2 /mɔ:(r); US / adv. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 (used to form the comparative of many adjectives and adverbs) a course for more advanced students Please write more carefully. We should meet more often in future. ▶ bardziej
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morgue /mɔ:ɡ; US / noun [countable] a building where dead bodies are kept until they are buried or burned ▶ kostnica
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morphine /ˈmɔ: fi: n; US / noun [uncountable] a powerful drug that is used for reducing pain ▶ morfina
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□ morphological /ˌmɔ: fəˈlɒdʒɪkl; US / adj. ▶ morfologiczny
morphology /mɔ:ˈfɒlədʒi; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the form and structure of animals and plants, studied as a science ▶ morfologia 2 the forms of words, studied as a branch oflinguistics ▶ morfologia ⇨ look at grammar, syntax
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2(formal) that will result in death a mortal wound/blow to be in mortal danger ▶ śmiertelny ⇨ look at fatal 3 very great or extreme They were in mortal fear of the enemy. ▶ śmiertelny
mortal1 /ˈmɔ: tl; US / adj. 1 that cannot live for ever and must die We are all mortal. ▶ śmiertelny
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□ mortally /-təli; US / adv. 1 in a way that will result in death to be mortally wounded ▶ śmiertelnie 2 very; extremely She was mortally offended. ▶ na śmierć (np. obrazić się) śmiertelnie
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2 the number of deaths in one period of time or in one place Infant mortality is high in the region. the mortality rate ▶ współczynnik umieralności śmiertelność
mortality /mɔ:ˈtæləti; US / noun [uncountable] 1 the fact that you will die He didn’t like to think about his own mortality. ▶ śmiertelność
zaprawa murarska
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2[countable] a type of heavy gun that fires a type of bomb high into the air ▶ moździerz 3 [countable] a small hard bowl in which you can crush some foods or substances into powder with a pestle ▶ moździerz
mortar /ˈmɔ: tə(r); US / noun 1 [uncountable] a mixture of cement, sand and water used in building for holding bricks and stones together ▶ zaprawa murarska
kredyt hipoteczny
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mortgage credit
mortgage /ˈmɔ:ɡɪdʒ; US / noun [countable] money that you borrow in order to buy a house or flat We took out a £ 40 000 mortgage. Mamy hipotekę w wysokości £40 000. ▶ kredyt hipoteczny
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mortuary /ˈmɔ: tʃəri; US -ʃueri / noun [countable] (pl. mortuaries) a room, usually in a hospital, where dead bodies are kept before they are buried or burned ▶ kostnica
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a mosaic
mosaic /məʊˈzeɪɪk; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a picture or pattern that is made by placing together small coloured stones, pieces of glass, etc. a Roman mosaic floor ▶ mozaika
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mosque /mɒsk; US / noun [countable] a building where Muslims meet and worship ▶ meczet
moskit, komar
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mosquito, mosquito
mosquito /məˈski: təʊ; US mɒs-; US / noun [countable] (pl. mosquitoes) a small flying insect that lives in hot countries and bites people or animals to drink their blood. Some types of mosquito spread malaria. ▶ moskit komar
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moss /mɒs; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a small soft green plant, with no flowers, that grows in wet places, especially on rocks or trees ▶ mech □ mossy /; US / adj. ▶ omszały porosły mchem
Zwróć uwagę, że przed rzeczownikiem poprzedzonym the (także this, my itp.) używa się most of: Most of the people I invited were able to come. • It rained most of the time we were in Ireland.
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2 nearly all of a group of people or things Most people in this country have a TV. I like most Italian food. ▶ większość przeważająca część
most1 /məʊst; US / determiner, pron. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[used as the superlative of many and much] greatest in number or amount Who got the most points? The children had the most fun. We all worked hard but I did the most. ▶ najwięcej
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at (the) most not more than a certain number, and probably less There were 20 people there, at the most. ▶ najwyżej w najlepszym razie/wypadku
make the most of sth to get as much pleasure, profit, etc. as possible from sth You won’t get another chance – make the most of it! ▶ wykorzystywać, jak się tylko da wyciągać z czegoś jak najwięcej
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2 more than anyone/anything else What do you miss most when you’re abroad? ▶ najwięcej w największym stopniu najbardziej
most2 /məʊst; US / adv. 1 (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs) I think this machine works the most efficiently. I work most comfortably in the attic. It’s the most beautiful house I’ve ever seen. ▶ najbardziej
przeważnie, w większości
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2 usually I play football mostly at the weekend but sometimes on Wednesday too. ▶ najczęściej zazwyczaj zwykle
mostly /ˈməʊstli; US / adv. 1 almost all Our students come mostly from Japan. The people at work are mostly very nice. ▶ przeważnie w większości w przeważającej
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motel /məʊˈtel; US / noun [countable] a hotel near a main road for people who are travelling by car ▶ motel
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moth /mɒɵ; US / noun [countable] an insect with wings that usually flies at night. Some moths eat cloth and leave small holes in your clothes. ▶ ćma mól
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a single mother samotna matka a foster mother przybrana matka a mother and baby group I saw your mother in town yesterday. ▶ matka
mother1 /ˈmʌðə(r); US / noun [countable] the female parent of a person or an animal an expectant mother/a mother-to-be kobieta spodziewająca się dziecka
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mother2 /ˈmʌðə(r); US / verb [transitive] to look after sb as a mother does Stop mothering me – I can look after myself! ▶ matkować
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motherhood /ˈmʌðəhʊd; US / noun [uncountable] the state of being a mother ▶ macierzyństwo
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ˈmother-in-law noun [countable] (pl. mothers-in-law) the mother of your husband or wife ▶ teściowa
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motherly /ˈmʌðəli; US / adj. having the qualities of a good mother motherly love/instincts/advice ▶ macierzyński
język ojczysty
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a mother tongue
ˈmother tongue noun [countable] the first language that you learnt to speak as a child ▶ język ojczysty
motyw, wzór
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motif /məʊˈti: f; US / noun [countable] a picture or pattern on sth a flower motif ▶ motyw wzór
ruch, poruszanie się
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2[countable] a formal suggestion at a meeting that you discuss and vote on The motion was carried/rejected (wniosek podtrzymano/odrzucono) by a majority of eight votes. ▶ inicjatywa wniosek
motion1 /ˈməʊʃn; US / noun 1 [uncountable] movement or a way of moving The motion of the ship made us all feel sick. Pull the lever to set the machine in motion (żeby wprawić maszynę w ruch). ▶ ruch poruszanie się
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motionless /ˈməʊʃnləs; US / adj. not moving ▶ nieruchomy bez ruchu
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to motivate
2 to make sb want to do sth, especially sth that involves hard work and effort Our new teacher certainly knows how to motivate his classes. I just can’t motivate myself to do anything this morning. ▶ dostarczać pobudek/motywacji
motivate /ˈməʊtɪveɪt; US / verb [transitive] 1[usually passive] to cause sb to act in a particular way Her reaction was motivated by fear. The attack was politically motivated. ▶ motywować być pobudką/bodźcem (do czegoś) powodować
mający silną motywację
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□ motivated /; US / adj. highly motivated students ▶ mający (silną) motywację —motivation /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] He’s clever enough, but he lacks motivation. ▶ motywacja
motyw, pobudka
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motive /ˈməʊtɪv; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (a) motive (for sth/doing sth) a reason for doing sth, often sth bad The police couldn’t discover a motive for the murder. ▶ motyw pobudka
motor, silnik
Pojawia się ono nawet w samej nazwie samochodu – motor car. Engine oznacza zazwyczaj silnik benzynowy, zaś motor – silnik napędzany prądem elektrycznym.
W odniesieniu do samochodów i motocykli zwykle używa się rzeczownika engine, chociaż słowo motor jest też niekiedy stosowane.
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motor, engine
motor1 /ˈməʊtə(r); US / noun [countable] a device that uses petrol, gas, electricity, etc. to produce movement and makes a machine, etc. work The washing machine doesn’t work. I think something is wrong with the motor. ▶ motor silnik
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2 (especially Brit.) connected with vehicles that have engines, especially cars motor racing wyścigi samochodowe a motor mechanic mechanik samochodowy the motor industry motor insurance ▶ samochodowy
motor2 /ˈməʊtə(r); US / adj. [only before a noun ] 1 having or using the power of an engine or a motor a motor vehicle ▶ motorowy
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a motorbike
motorbike /ˈməʊtəbaɪk; US / (also formal motorcycle /ˈməʊtəsaɪkl; US /) noun [countable] a vehicle that has two wheels and an engine He rides a classic Harley Davidson motorbike. ▶ motocykl motor
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motorboat /ˈməʊtəbəʊt; US / noun [countable] a small fast boat that has a motor ▶ motorówka łódź motorowa
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motorcyclist /ˈməʊtəsaɪklɪst; US / noun [countable] a person who rides a motorbike ▶ motocyklist(k)a
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a motorway
A motorway has two or three lanes on each carriageway. On the left of each carriageway there is a hard shoulder.
motorway /ˈməʊtəweɪ; US / (US expressway /ɪkˈspresweɪ; US /freeway /ˈfri: weɪ; US /) noun [countable] (abbr. M) a motorway service station stacja obsługi przy autostradzie ▶ autostrada
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mottled /ˈmɒtld; US / adj. marked with shapes of different colours without a regular pattern the mottled skin of a snake ▶ cętkowany
dewiza, motto
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motto, motto
motto /ˈmɒtəʊ; US / noun [countable] (pl. mottoes or mottos) a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims and beliefs of a person, a group, an organization, etc. ‘ Live and let live’ that’s my motto. ▶ dewiza motto
matryca, forma odlewnicza
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matrix, mold
2[countable, usually sing.] a particular type She doesn’t fit into the usual mould of sales directors. ▶ (osoba) typ pokrój
mould1 (US mold) /məʊld; US / noun 1 [countable] The liquid then becomes solid in the sameshape as the container, for example after it has cooled or cooked Pour the chocolate into the heart-shaped mould. ▶ forma odlewnicza matryca
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□ mouldy /; US / (US moldy) adj. The cheese had gone mouldy. ▶ zapleśniały stęchły spleśniały
3[uncountable] a soft green or black substance like fur that grows in wet places or on old food The room smelled damp and there was mould on one wall. ▶ pleśń
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mould2 (US mold) /məʊld; US / verb [transitive] mould A (into B); mould B (from/out of A) to make sth into a particular shape or form First mould the dough into a ball. a bowl moulded from clay ▶ kształtować modelować
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moult (US molt) /məʊlt; US / verb [intransitive] (used about an animal or a bird) to lose hairs or feathers before growing new ones ▶ linieć pierzyć się
montować, organizować
3[transitive] (formal) to go up sth or up on to sth to mount the stairs He mounted the platform and began to speak. ▶ wchodzić/wspinać się (na coś)
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2[intransitive] to increase gradually in level or amount The tension mounted as the end of the match approached. ▶ podnosić się zwiększać się
mount1 /maʊnt; US / verb 1 [transitive] to organize sth to mount a protest/a campaign/an exhibition/an attack ▶ organizować montować
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mount up to increase (often more than you want) When you’re buying food for six people the cost soon mounts up. ▶ narastać
5[transitive] mount sth (on/onto/in sth) to fix sth firmly on sth else The gas boiler was mounted on the wall. The diamond is mounted in platinum and gold. ▶ montować
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a mountain
2a mountain (of sth) a large amount of sth I’ve got a mountain of work to do. ▶ góra (czegoś) stos sterta
mountain /ˈmaʊntən; US -tn / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a very high hill Which is the highest mountain in the world? Have you ever climbed a mountain? mountain roads/scenery/villages a mountain range ▶ góra
rower górski
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Mountain bike
Wyrażenia go mountain biking zwykle używa się, mówiąc o jeździe rowerem w górach dla przyjemności.
ˈmountain bike noun [countable] a bicycle with a strong frame, wide tyres and many different gears designed for riding on rough ground ▶ rower górski
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mountaineering /ˌmaʊntəˈnɪərɪŋ; US -tnˈɪrɪŋ / noun [uncountable] the sport of climbing mountains ▶ wspinaczka górska alpinizm □ mountaineer /; US / noun [countable] ▶ alpinist(k)a
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mountainous /ˈmaʊntənəs; US / adj. 1 having many mountains a mountainous region ▶ górzysty 2 very large in size or amount The mountainous waves made sailing impossible. ▶ ogromny olbrzymi
stok górski
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mountain slope
mountainside /ˈmaʊntənsaɪd; US / noun [countable] the land on the side of a mountain ▶ stok górski
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mounting /ˈmaʊntɪŋ; US / adj. [only before a noun] increasing mounting unemployment/tension/concern ▶ narastający
żałoba, opłakiwać kogoś
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mourning, mourn someone
□ mourning /; US / noun [uncountable] He wore a black armband to show he was in mourning. ▶ żałoba
mourn /mɔ: n; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] mourn (for/over) sb/sth to feel and show great sadness, especially because sb has died She is still mourning (for) her child. ▶ opłakiwać
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mourner /ˈmɔ: nə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who goes to a funeral as a friend or relative of the person who has died ▶ żałobnik
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mouse /maʊs; US / noun [countable] (pl. mice /maɪs; US /) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a very small animal with fur and a long thin tail ▶ mysz
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moustache (US mustache) /məˈstɑ:ʃ; US / noun [countable] hair that grows on a man’s top lip, between the mouth and nose ▶ wąs/y
usta, buzia
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2 the place where a river enters the sea ▶ ujście (rzeki) 3(-mouthed) /-maʊðd; US / [in compounds] We stared open-mouthed. Gapiliśmy się z otwartymi ustami. loud-mouthed o niewyparzonej gębie ▶ (określa usta) (określa sposób mówienia)
mouth1 /maʊɵ; US / noun [c] (pl. mouths /maʊðz; US /) 1 to open/close your mouth The baby had food all round its mouth. They have a low income and five mouths to feed (i pięć gąb do wykarmienia). ▶ usta buzia
kęs, łyk
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mouthful /ˈmaʊɵfʊl; US / noun 1 [countable] the amount of food or drink that you can put in your mouth at one time ▶ kęs łyk 2[sing.] a word or phrase that is long or difficult to say Her name is a bit of a mouthful. ▶ długie/trudne słowo
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movable /ˈmu: vəbl; US / adj. that can be moved ▶ ruchomy
ruszać, się przemieszczać
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move, move
The meeting has been moved to Thursday. ▶ ruszać (się) przemieszczać (się)
move1 /mu: v; US / verb 1[intransitive, transitive] to change position or to put sth in a different position Don’t move – there’s a bee on your arm. Please move your car – it’s blocking the road. The station is so crowded you can hardly move.
przesuwać się
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to move
The train conductor asked people to move along to the next carriage. Move your head down – I can’t see the screen. ▶ przesuwać (się) (np. dalej)
2[intransitive, transitive] move along, down, over, up, etc. to move (sth) further in a particular direction in order to make space for sb/sth else If we move up a bit, Rob can sit here too.
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4[intransitive] to take action Unless we move quickly lives will be lost. ▶ działać przystępować do czynu
3[intransitive] move (on/ahead) to make progress When the new team of builders arrived things started moving very quickly. ▶ ruszać się (z miejsca) posuwać się (naprzód)
przeprowadzać się
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to move
6[transitive] to cause sb to have strong feelings, especially of sadness Many people were moved to tears by reports of the massacre. ▶ wzruszać kogoś poruszać kogoś
5[intransitive, transitive] to change the place where you live, work, study, etc. Our neighbours are moving to Exeter next week. to move house Yuka’s moved down to the beginners’ class. ▶ przeprowadzać się przenosić się
ruch, posunięcie
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move, move
2 a change in the place where you live or work a move to a bigger house I’ve been in the same job for six years and feel it’s time for a move. ▶ przeprowadzka zmiana pracy
move2 /mu: v; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a change of place or position She was watching every move I made. ▶ ruch posunięcie
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3 action that you take because you want to achieve a particular result Both sides want to negotiate but neither is prepared to make the first move. Asking him to help me was a good move. ▶ ruch
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an act of moving or being moved from one place to another the slow movement of the clouds across the sky ▶ przemieszczanie (się) poruszanie (się) przesuwanie (się)
movement /ˈmu: vmənt; US / noun 1[countable, uncountable] an act of moving The dancer’s movements were smooth and controlled. The seat belt doesn’t allow much freedom of movement. I could see some movement in the trees. ▶ ruch
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4(movements) [pl.] sb’s actions or plans during a period of time Detectives have been watching the man’s movements for several weeks. ▶ posunięcia ruchy
3[countable] a group of people who have the same aims or ideas the Animal Rights movement Ruch na Rzecz Praw Zwierząt I support the peace movement. ▶ ruch
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movie (especially US) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1= film1 (1) Shall we go and see a movie? a science fiction/horror movie a movie director/star a movie theater 2(the movies) [pl.] = cinema (1) Let’s go to the movies. Chodźmy do kina.
wzruszający, poruszający, ruchomy
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touching, moving, moving
2[only before a noun] that moves It’s a computerized machine with few moving parts. ▶ ruchomy poruszający się
moving /ˈmu: vɪŋ; US / adj. 1 causing strong feelings, especially of sadness a deeply moving speech/story ▶ wzruszający poruszający rozczulający

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