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□ liquidation /ˌlɪkwɪˈdeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] If the company doesn’t receive a big order soon, it will have to go into liquidation (zostanie postawiona w stan likwidacji). the liquidation of political opponents ▶ likwidacja
liquidate /ˈlɪkwɪdeɪt; US / verb [transitive] 1 to close a business because it has no money left ▶ likwidować rozwiązywać (np. firmę) 2 to destroy or remove sb/sth that causes problems ▶ likwidować (źródło problemów) zabijać
lista, spis, wykaz
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list, list, list
a waiting list lista oczekujących Your name is third on the list. ▶ lista spis
list /lɪst; US / noun [c] a series of names, figures, items, etc. that are written, printed or said one after another Can you put butter on your shopping list? a checklist of everything that needs to be done
spisywać, katalogować
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□ list verb [transitive] to list items in alphabetical order I’m sorry, your name isn’t listed here. ▶ tworzyć listę/spis spisywać katalogować umieszczać na liście/w spisie
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to listen
2listen to sb/sth to take notice of or believe what sb says If you’d listened to me this would never have happened. You should listen to your parents’ advice. ▶ słuchać
listen /ˈlɪsn; US / verb [intransitive] ⇨ NOTE ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1listen (to sb/sth) to pay attention to sb/sth in order to hear them or it Now please listen carefully to what I have to say. to listen to music/the radio ▶ słuchać
nasłuchiwać czegoś
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listen out for sth
listen (out) for sth to wait to hear sth to listen (out) for a knock on the door ▶ nadsłuchiwać czegoś listen in (on/to sth) to listen to sb else’s private conversation Have you been listening in on my phone calls? ▶ podsłuchiwać (czyjąś rozmowę)
słuchacz, słuchaczka
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listener, listener
listener /ˈlɪsənə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who listens When I’m unhappy I always phone Charlie – he’s a good listener (potrafi słuchać). The new radio show has attracted a record number of listeners. ▶ słuchacz/ka
umiejętność czytania i pisania
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literacy /ˈlɪtərəsi; US / noun [uncountable] the ability to read and write ▶ umiejętność czytania i pisania
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2 (used when translating, etc.) dealing with each word separately without looking at the general meaning A literal translation is not always accurate. ▶ dosłowny literalny
literal /ˈlɪtərəl; US / adj. 1 (used about the meaning of a word or phrase) original or basic The adjective ‘ big-headed’ is hardly ever used in its literal sense. ▶ dosłowny podstawowy ⇨ look at figurative, metaphor
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literally /ˈlɪtərəli/ adv. 1 according to the basic or original meaning of the word, etc. You can’t translate these idioms literally. ▶ dosłownie literalnie 2(informal) (used for emphasizing sth) We were literally frozen to death. ▶ dosłownie
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literary /ˈlɪtərəri; US -reri / adj. of or concerned with literature literary criticism a literary journal ▶ literacki
umiejący czytać i pisać
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2 having education or knowledge in a particular area computer-literate znający się na komputerach ▶ wykształcony obeznany z czymś
literate /ˈlɪtərət; US / adj. 1 able to read and write ▶ piśmienny umiejący czytać i pisać  OPPOSITE  illiterate ⇨ look at numerate ⇨ noun literacy
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2literature (on sth) printed material about a particular subject Have you got any literature on opening a bank account in Britain? promotional literature ▶ materiały literatura (np. fachowa)
literature /ˈlɪtrətʃə(r); US / noun [uncountable] ⇨ NOTE ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 writing that is considered to be a work of art French literature a great work of literature ▶ literatura
kezdjen tanulni
lithe /laɪð; US / adj. (used about a person or their body) moving or bending easily, in a way that is elegant a tall lithe figure ▶ gibki sprężysty □ lithely /; US / adv. She moved lithely to the music. ▶ sprężyście gibko
zaskarżać do sądy
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litigate /ˈlɪtɪɡeɪt; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to take a claim or disagreement to court ▶ procesować się zaskarżać do sądu □ litigator /; US / noun [countable] ▶ osoba zaskarżająca sprawę do sądu
spór sądowy
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litigation /ˌlɪtɪˈɡeɪʃn/ noun [u] the process of taking legal action in a court of law The company has been in litigation with its previous auditors for a year. to run the risk of litigation ryzykować, że zostawnie się pozwanym do sądu ▶ spór sądowy
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litre (US liter) /ˈli: tə(r); US / noun [countable] (abbr. l) a measure of liquid ten litres of petrol a litre bottle of wine ▶ litr
śmieci, odpadki
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□ litter verb [transitive] The streets were littered with rubbish. ▶ śmiecić
litter /ˈlɪtə(r); US / noun 1 [uncountable] pieces of paper, rubbish, etc. that are left in a public place ▶ śmieci odpadki 2[countable] all the young animals that are born to one mother at the same time a litter of six puppies ▶ miot
koszt na śmieci (domowy)
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litter bin
ˈlitter bin noun [countable] a container to put rubbish in, in the street or a public building ▶ kosz na śmieci
nieduży, mały
Przymiotnik little często występuje z innymi przymiotnikami: a little old lady • a cute little kitten • What a funny little shop! Rzeczownik, przed którym występuje przymiotnik little, często tłumaczy się jako zdrobnienie: a little shop sklepik •
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3 (used about distance or time) short Do you mind waiting a little while (chwileczkę)? We only live a little way (niedaleko) from here. We have only a little way (kawałek) to go. ▶ (dystans) krótki
little1 /ˈlɪtl/ adj. 1 not big; small a little bag of sweets Do you want the big one or the little one? a little mistake/problem ▶ mały nieduży 2 young a little girl/boy my little brother I was very naughty when I was little. ▶ mały młodszy
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little by little slowly After the accident her strength returned little by little. ▶ stopniowo po trochu
little2 /ˈlɪtl; US / adv. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW not much or not enough I slept very little last night. a little-known author ▶ mało
mało, niewiele
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The little I know of him has given me a good impression. Chociaż znam go mało, to, co o nim wiem, zrobiło na mnie dobre wrażenie. We studied Latin at school but I remember very little. ▶ mało niewiele
little3 /ˈlɪtl; US / determiner, pron. [also as a noun after the] not much or not enough They have very little money. There is little hope that she will recover.
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2[intransitive] to be or stay alive You can’t live without water. to live to a great age She hasn’t got long to live. Pozostaje jej niedużo życia. ▶ żyć dożywać
live1 /lɪv; US / verb ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[intransitive] to have your home in a particular place Where do you live? He still lives with his parents. ▶ mieszkać
kezdjen tanulni
to live
4[intransitive] to enjoy all the opportunities of life fully I want to live a bit before settling down. ▶ żyć pełnią życia
3[intransitive, transitive] to pass or spend your life in a certain way to live a quiet life to live in comfort/poverty ▶ prowadzić (np. spokojne) życie
pogodzić się z czymś
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live with sth
live through sth to survive an unpleasant experience She lived through two wars. ▶ przeżywać
live with sth to accept sth unpleasant that you cannot change It can be hard to live with the fact that you are getting older. ▶ pogodzić się (z czymś)
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2 seen or heard as it is happening live coverage of the Olympic Games ▶ na żywo
live2 /laɪv; US / adj. 1 having life; not dead Have you ever touched a real live snake? ▶ żywy
na żywo
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4 (used about a wire, etc.) carrying electricity That cable is live. ▶ pod napięciem
3 given or made when people are watching or listening; not recorded That pub has live music on Saturdays. ▶ (koncert, transmisja itp.) na żywo (płyta, nagranie) koncertowy (relacja wiadomości) bezpośredni live
środki utrzymania
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livelihood /ˈlaɪvlihʊd; US / noun [countable, usually sing.] the way that you earn money When the factory closed he lost his livelihood. ▶ środki utrzymania
żywy, pełen życia
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lively /ˈlaɪvli; US / adj. (livelier; liveliest) full of energy, interest, excitement, etc. lively children a lively imagination The town is quite lively at night. ▶ żywy ożywiony pełen życia
ożywiać się
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liven /ˈlaɪvn; US / verb  PHRASAL VERB  liven (sb/sth) up to become or make sb/sth become more interesting and exciting Once the band began to play the party livened up. ▶ ożywiać (się)
wątroba, wątróbka
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liver, liver
liver /ˈlɪvə(r); US / noun 1 [countable] the part of your body that cleans your blood ▶ wątroba 2 [uncountable] the liver of an animal when it is cooked and eaten as food fried liver and onions ▶ wątróbka
żywy inwentarz
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livestock /ˈlaɪvstɒk; US / noun [uncountable] animals that are kept on a farm, such as cows, pigs, sheep, etc. ▶ żywy inwentarz
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livid /ˈlɪvɪd; US / adj. 1 extremely angry Dad will be livid when he finds out. ▶ wściekły  SYNONYM  furious 2 dark bluish-grey in colour a livid bruise ▶ siny
żyjący, żywy
kezdjen tanulni
living, alive
living1 /ˈlɪvɪŋ; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 alive now He has no living relatives. ▶ żyjący żywy ⇨ note at alive 2[only before a noun] still used or practised now living languages/traditions ▶ żywy
utrzymanie, życie
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living, living
2[uncountable] your way or quality of life The standard of living is very high in that country. The cost of living (koszty utrzymania) has risen in recent years. ▶ życie
living2 /ˈlɪvɪŋ; US / noun 1 [countable, usually sing.] money to buy things that you need in life What do you do for a living? ▶ utrzymanie życie
salon, pokój dzienny
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living room
ˈliving room (Brit. also ˈsitting room) noun [countable] the room in a house where people sit, relax, watch TV, etc. together ▶ pokój dzienny salon
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lizard /ˈlɪzəd; US / noun [countable] a small animal with four legs, dry skin and a long tail ▶ jaszczurka
ładunek, ciężar
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2[in compounds] the quantity of sth that can be carried bus loads of tourists a lorry load of sand ▶ cały (np. autobus) 3(loads (of sth)) [pl.] (informal) a lot (of sth) There are loads of things to do in London in the evenings. ▶ mnóstwo
load1 /ləʊd; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 something (heavy) that is being or is waiting to be carried a truck carrying a load of sand ▶ ładunek ciężar
ładować, obciążać
4[transitive] to put a program or disk into a computer First, switch on the machine and load the disk. ▶ wkładać wgrywać program komputerowy
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2[intransitive] to receive a load The ship is still loading. ▶ brać ładunek 3[transitive] to put sth into a machine, a weapon, etc. so that it can be used to load film into a camera to load a gun ▶ ładować wkładać (film, nabój)
load2 /ləʊd / verb 1[i, t] load (sth/sb) (up) (with sth); load (sth/sb) (into/onto sth) to put a large quantity of sth into or onto sb/sth Have you finished loading yet? They loaded the plane (up) with supplies. Load the washing into the machine.
nadziany, załadowany
5 having more meaning than you realize at first and intended to make you think in a particular way a loaded question ▶ podchwytliwy
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3be loaded in favour of sb/sth; be loaded against sb/sth giving an advantage The system is loaded in their favour. ▶ działać na czyjąś korzyść/niekorzyść 4 (used especially about a gun or a camera) containing a bullet, a film, etc. ▶ naładowany
loaded /ˈləʊdɪd; US / adj. 1 loaded (with sth) carrying a load; full and heavy ▶ załadowany obciążony 2[not before a noun] (informal) having a lot of money; rich ▶ nadziany
bochenek chleba
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a loaf of bread
loaf /ləʊf; US / noun [countable] (pl. loaves /ləʊvz; US /) bread baked in one piece a loaf of bread ▶ bochenek
pożyczka, kredyt
kezdjen tanulni
a loan
2[u] the act of lending sth or the state of being lent The books are on loan (wypożyczone) from the library. □ loan verb [transitive] (formal) loan sth (to sb) The painting was loaned to the gallery by the artist’s family. ▶ pożyczać wypożyczać
loan /ləʊn; US / noun ⇨ NOTE 1 [countable] money, etc. that sb/sth lends you to take out a bank loan to pay off a loan ▶ pożyczka kredyt
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lob /lɒb; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (lobbing; lobbed) (in sport) to hit, kick or throw a ball high into the air, so that it lands behind your opponent He lobbed (the ball over) the goalkeeper to score. ▶ lobować □ lob noun [c] ▶ lob
hal, lobby
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hall, lobby
2[with sing. or pl. verb] a group of people who try to influence politicians to do or not do sth the anti-smoking lobby ▶ lobby
lobby1 /ˈlɒbi; US / noun [countable] (pl. lobbies) 1 the area that is just inside a large building, where people can meet and wait a hotel lobby ▶ hall
wywierać nacisk na kogoś
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The group are lobbying the Transport Minister for improved rail services. ▶ wywierać nacisk na rząd w jakiejś sprawie
lobby2 /ˈlɒbi; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (lobbying; lobbies; past tense, past participle lobbied) to try to influence a politician or the government to do or not do sth
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lobe /ləʊb; US / noun [countable] 1 = ear lobe 2 one part of an organ of the body, especially the brain or lungs ▶
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lobster /ˈlɒbstə(r)/ 1 [c] a sea creature with a hard shell, a long body divided into sections, eight legs and two large claws. Its shell is black but turns red when it is cooked. ▶ homar 2 [uncountable] meat from a lobster eaten as food ▶ homar
miejscowy, lokalny
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local, local, locally
□ locally /-kəli; US / adv. I do most of my shopping locally. ▶ lokalnie w najbliższej okolicy
local1 /ˈləʊkl; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW of a particular place (near you) local newspapers/radio the local doctor/policeman/butcher local government/authorities a local call ▶ miejscowy lokalny
miejscowy mieszkaniec
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local2 /ˈləʊkl; US / noun [countable] 1[usually pl.] a person who lives in a particular place The locals seem very friendly. ▶ miejscowy mieszkan-iec/ka 2(Brit., informal) a pub that is near your home where you often go to drink ▶ lokalny pub
środek znieczulający miejscowo
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local anesthetic
ˌlocal anaesˈthetic noun [countable, uncountable] medicine that is injected into one part of your body so that you do not feel pain there ▶ środek znieczulający miejscowo
władze samorządowe
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local authority
ˌlocal auˌthority noun [countable] (Brit.) the organization which is responsible for the government of an area of Britain ▶ władze samorządowe
samorząd lokalny
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local government
2[countable] (US) the organization that is responsible for the government of a local area and for providing services, etc. ▶ samorząd lokalny
ˌlocal ˈgovernment noun 1 [uncountable] (especially Brit.) the system of government of a town or an area by elected representatives of the people who live there ▶ samorząd lokalny
umiejscowiać, lokalizować
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localize (also localise) /ˈləʊkəlaɪz; US / verb [transitive] to limit sth to a particular place or area localized pain/problems ▶ umiejscawiać lokalizować
czas miejscowy
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local time
ˈlocal time noun [uncountable] the time at a particular place in the world We arrive in Singapore at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, local time. ▶ czas miejscowy
lokalizować, umiejscowiać
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locate, place
2 to put or build sth in a particular place They located their headquarters in Swindon. ▶ umiejscawiać lokować umieszczać
locate /ləʊˈkeɪt; US ˈloʊkeɪt / verb [transitive] 1 to find the exact position of sb/sth The damaged ship has been located two miles off the coast. ▶ umiejscawiać lokalizować
znajdować się
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□ located /; US / adj. be located Where exactly is your office located? ▶ znajdować się
lokalizacja, miejsce
on location (used about a film, TV programme, etc.) made in a suitable place away from the building where films, etc. are usually made The series was filmed on location in Thailand. ▶ w plenerze
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2[uncountable] the act of finding where sb/sth is Police enquiries led to the location of the terrorists’ hideout. ▶ zlokalizowanie umiejscowienie
location /ləʊˈkeɪʃn; US / noun 1 [countable] a place or position Several locations have been suggested for the new office block. ▶ lokalizacja miejsce
zamykać się
kezdjen tanulni
2[t] Lock your passport in a safe place. ▶ chować/trzymać pod kluczem 3[transitive] be locked in/into sth to be involved in an angry argument, etc. with sth The two sides were locked in a bitter dispute. ▶ być zaplątanym (np. w kłótnię)
lock1 /lɒk; US / verb 1[intransitive, transitive] to close or fasten (sth) so that it can only be opened with a key Have you locked the car? The door won’t lock. ▶ zamykać (się) na klucz/zatrzask
blokować się
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to block
5[intransitive, transitive] to fix sth or be fixed in one position The wheels locked and the car crashed into the wall. ▶ blokować (się)
4[transitive] be locked together; be locked in sth to be holding sb very tightly They were locked in a passionate embrace. ▶ być splecionym (np. w uścisku)
chować pod kluczem
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lock sth away
lock sth away to keep sth in a safe or secret place that is locked ▶ chować/trzymać pod kluczem
zamykać kogoś
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lock sb
lock (sth) up to lock all the doors, windows, etc. of a building Make sure that you lock up before you leave. ▶ (po)zamykać wszystkie drzwi i okna lock sb up to put sb in prison ▶ wtrącać kogoś do więzienia
lock sb in/out to lock a door so that a person cannot get in/out I locked myself out of the house and had to climb in through the window. ▶ zamykać kogoś (w pomieszczeniu) na klucz
zamek, zatrzask
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lock, latch
2 a part of a river or a canal where the level of water changes. Locks have gates at each end and are used to allow boats to move to a higher or lower level. ▶ śluza
lock2 /lɒk; US / noun [countable] 1 something that is used for fastening a door, lid, etc. so that you need a key to open it again to turn the key in the lock ▶ zamek zatrzask
szafka, schowek
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locker /ˈlɒkə(r); US / noun [countable] a small cupboard that can be locked in a school or sports centre, where you can leave your clothes, books, etc. ▶ szafka schowek
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locksmith /ˈlɒksmɪɵ; US / noun [countable] a person who makes and repairs locks ▶ ślusarz
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a locust
locust /ˈləʊkəst; US / noun [countable] a flying insect from Africa and Asia that moves in very large groups, eating and destroying large quantities of plants ▶ szarańcza
domek, portiernia, stróżówka
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3 a small house at the gates of a park or in the land belonging to a large house ▶ stróżówka
lodge1 /lɒdʒ/ [c] 1 a small house in the country where people stay when they want to take part in some types of outdoor sport a hunting lodge ▶ domek (np. myśliwski) 2room at the entrance to a large building such as a college or factory ▶ portiernia
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lodge2 /lɒdʒ; US / verb 1 [transitive] (formal) lodge sth (with sb) (against sb/sth) to make a statement complaining about sth to a public organization or authority They lodged a compensation claim against the factory. ▶ wnosić
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3[intransitive, transitive] to become firmly fixed or to make sth do this The bullet lodged in her shoulder. ▶ utkwić
2[intransitive] to pay to live in sb’s house with them He lodged with a family for his first term at university. ▶ mieszkać w wynajętym pokoju
lokatorka, lokator
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lodger /ˈlɒdʒə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who pays rent to live in a house as a member of the family ▶ lokator/ka
zakwaterowanie, mieszkanie
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accommodation, flat
lodging /ˈlɒdʒɪŋ; US / noun 1 [countable, uncountable] a place where you can stay The family offered full board and lodging in exchange for English lessons. ▶ zakwaterowanie mieszkanie
strych, poddasze
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attic, attic, loft
loft /lɒft; US / noun [countable] the room or space under the roof of a house or other building Our loft has been converted into a bedroom. ▶ strych poddasze
wzniosły, strzelisty
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2[usually before a noun] (used about a thought, an aim, etc.) deserving praise because of its high moral quality lofty ambitions/ideals/principles ▶ wzniosły
lofty /ˈlɒfti; US / adj. (loftier; loftiest) (formal) 1 (used about buildings, mountains, etc.) very high and impressive lofty ceilings/rooms/towers ▶ strzelisty
kłoda, kloc
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log, log
2(also logbook /ˈlɒɡbʊk; US; /) the official written record of a ship’s or an aircraft’s journey to keep a log ▶ dziennik okrętowy/pokładowy
log1 /lɒɡ; US; / noun [countable] 1 a thick piece of wood that has fallen or been cut from a tree logs for the fire drewno na ognisko ▶ kłoda kloc polano
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log2 /lɒɡ; US; / verb [transitive] (logging; logged) 1 to keep an official written record of sth All phone calls to the police station are logged. ▶ odnotowywać rejestrować
logować kogś gdzieś
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log someone somewhere
log off/out to perform the actions that allow you to finish using a computer system ▶ wylogować się z sieci komputerowej wyłączać się z sieci komputerowej
log sb in/on to allow sb to begin using a computer system The system is unable to log you on. ▶ logować kogoś (do czegoś)
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logarithm /ˈlɒɡərɪðəm; US; / (also informal log) noun [countable] one of a series of numbers arranged in lists that allow you to solve problems in mathematics by adding or taking away numbers instead of multiplying or dividing ▶ logarytm
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logic /ˈlɒdʒɪk; US / noun [uncountable] 1 a sensible reason or way of thinking There is no logic in your argument. ▶ logika 2 the science of using reason the rules of logic ▶ logika
logiczny, rozsądny
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logical, reasonable
2 thinking in a sensible way a logical mind ▶ logiczny □ logically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ logicznie sensownie rozsądnie
logical /ˈlɒdʒɪkl; US / adj. 1 seeming natural, reasonable or sensible There is only one logical conclusion. ▶ logiczny rozsądny sensowny
logowanie się
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2[countable] the name that you use to enter a computer system Enter your login and password and press ‘ go’. ▶ login
login /ˈlɒɡɪn; US; / (also logon /ˈlɒɡɒn; US; /) noun 1 [uncountable] the act of starting to use a computer system, usually by typing a name or word that you choose to use If you’ve forgotten your login ID, click this link. ▶ logowanie się
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the logistics of moving the company to a new building ▶ logistyka
logistics /ləˈdʒɪstɪks; US / noun [uncountable, with sing. or pl. verb] logistics (of sth) the practical organization that is needed to make a complicated plan successful when a lot of people and equipment is involved
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□ logistic (also logistical /ləˈdʒɪstɪkl; US /) adj. logistic support Organizing famine relief presents huge logistical problems. ▶ logistyczny —logistically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ logistycznie
logo, znak firmowy
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logo, trademark
logo /ˈləʊɡəʊ; US / noun [countable] (pl. logos) a printed symbol or design that a company or an organization uses as its special sign the company/brand logo ▶ znak firmowy logo
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a lollipop
lollipop /ˈlɒlipɒp; US / (also lolly /ˈlɒli; US /) noun [countable] a sweet on a stick ▶ lizak
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lone /ləʊn; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1 without any other people; alone a lone swimmer ▶ samotny jedyny  SYNONYM  solitary 2 (used about a parent) single; without a partner ▶ samotny
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□ loneliness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ samotność osamotnienie ⇨ look at solitude, isolation
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3[only before a noun] far from other people and places where people live a lonely house in the hills ▶ samotny odludny
lonely /ˈləʊnli; US / adj. (lonelier; loneliest) 1 unhappy because you are not with other people to feel sad and lonely ▶ samotny 2 (used about a situation or a period of time) sad and spent alone lonely nights in front of the TV ▶ samotny
Przymiotnika long używa się także w twierdzeniach i pytaniach o długość, odległość lub czas trwania: How long is the film? • The insect was only 2 millimetres long (miał dwa milimetry długości). • a five-mile-long traffic jam.
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long1 /lɒŋ / adj. (longer /ˈlɒŋɡə(r); US /; longest /ˈlɒŋɡɪst) measuring a large amount in distance or time long hair We had to wait a long time. a very long journey/book/corridor Nurses work very long hours. I walked a long way today. ▶ długi
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at the longest
have a long way to go to need to make a lot more progress before sth can be achieved I’ve got a long way to go before I can say I’m fluent in French. ▶ (przen.) mieć długą drogę przed sobą
at the longest not longer than the stated time It will take a week at the longest. ▶ najdalej najwyżej
na dłuższą metę
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in the long run
in the long run after a long time; in the end We ought to buy a new car – it’ll be cheaper in the long run. ▶ na dłuższą metę w końcu
W pytaniach występuje long, jak i a long time: Were you away long/a long time? W zdaniach przeczących występuje czasem różnica znaczeniowa pomiędzy long a a long time: I haven’t been here long. Jestem tu od niedawna. • I haven’t been here for a long time.
long, jak i a long time określają czas trwania czegoś. W zdaniach twierdzących zwykle używa się a long time: They stood there for a long time. W zdaniach twierdzących long występuje tylko z innym przysłówkiem, np. too, enough, ago: We lived here long ago
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a long time before or after a particular time or event We got married long before we moved here. Don’t worry – they’ll be here before long. All that happened long ago. ▶ dawno
long2 /lɒŋ/ adv. (longer /ˈlɒŋɡə(r); US /; longest /ˈlɒŋɡɪst; US /) 1 for a long time She didn’t stay long. You shouldn’t have to wait long. I hope we don’t have to wait much longer. They won’t be gone for long. Nie będzie ich przez krótki czas.
o ile
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as long as
for (so) long for (such) a long time I’m sorry I haven’t written to you for so long. Przepraszam, że dawno nie pisałem. ▶ dużo czasu długo no/not any longer not any more They no longer live here. They don’t live here any longer. ▶ już nie
as/so long as on condition that As long as no problems arise we should get the job finished by Friday. ▶ pod warunkiem o ile
pragnąć, tęsknić
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□ longing /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a longing for peace ▶ pragnienie tęsknota —longingly /; US / adv. She gazed longingly at the cakes in the shop window. ▶ tęsknie z upragnieniem
long3 /lɒŋ; US / verb [intransitive] long for sth; long (for sb) to do sth to want sth very much, especially sth that is not likely She longed to return to Greece. ▶ pragnąć tęsknić
międzymiastowy, międzynarodowy
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ˌlong-ˈdistance adj. [only before a noun] (used about travel or communication) between places that are far from each other a long-distance lorry driver kierowca ciężarówki jeżdżący na długich trasach ▶ międzymiastowy międzynarodowy
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longevity /lɒnˈdʒevəti; US; / noun [uncountable] (formal) long life; the fact of lasting a long time We wish you both health and longevity. He prides himself on the longevity of the company. ▶ długowieczność
dalekiego zasięgu (o przewozie osób)
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ˈlong-haul adj. [only before a noun] connected with the transport of people or goods over long distances a long-haul flight ▶ (przewozy ludzi/towarów) daleki dalekiego zasięgu
długość geograficzna
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longitude /ˈlɒŋɡɪtju: d; ˈlɒndʒɪ ˈlɑ: ndʒətu: d / noun [uncountable] the distance of a place east or west of a line from the North Pole to the South Pole that passes through Greenwich in London. Longitude is measured in degrees. ▶ długość geograficzna
skok w dal
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ˈlong jump noun [sing.] the sport in which people try to jump as far as possible ▶ skok w dal
o długim terminie przydatności do użycia/spożycia
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long life
ˌlong-ˈlife adj. made to last for a long time a long-life battery long-life milk ▶ o długim terminie przydatności do użycia/spożycia
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ˌlong-ˈlived adj. that has lived or lasted for a long time a long-lived dispute ▶ długowieczny długotrwały
dalekiego zasięgu
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ˈlong-range adj. [only before a noun] 1 that can go or be sent over long distances long-range nuclear missiles ▶ dalekiego zasięgu 2 of or for a long period of time starting from the present the long-range weather forecast ▶ długoterminowy
daleko wzroczny
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far sighted, long-sighted
ˌlong-ˈsighted (US ˌfar-ˈsighted) adj. able to see things clearly only when they are quite far away ▶ dalekowzroczny
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ˌlong-ˈstanding adj. that has lasted for a long time a long-standing arrangement ▶ długotrwały trwający od dawna
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ˌlong-ˈterm adj. of or for a long period of time long-term planning ▶ długoterminowy
fale długie
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long waves
ˈlong wave noun [uncountable] (abbr. LW) the system of broadcasting radio using sound waves of 1 000 metres or more ▶ fale długie

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