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2[transitive] jab sth into sb/sth to push sth roughly into sb/sth The robber jabbed a gun into my back and ordered me to move. ▶ uderzać czymś w kogoś/coś wpychać coś w kogoś/coś jab1 /dʒæb/ v 1 [i, t] jab (at sb/sth) (with sth); jab sb/sth (with sth) to push at sb/sth with a sudden, rough movement, usually with sth sharp He kept jabbing at his potato with his fork... She jabbed me in the ribs with her elbow. [t] ▶ kłuć dźgać
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2 (Brit., informal) the act of putting a drug, etc. under sb’s skin with a needle I’m going to the doctor’s to have a flu jab (żeby zaszczepić się przeciwko grypie) today. ▶ zastrzyk jab2 /dʒæb; US / noun [countable] 1 a sudden rough push with sth sharp He gave me a jab (dźgnął mnie) in the ribs with the stick. ▶ ukłucie dźgnięcie szturchnięcie
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jack sth up to lift a car, etc. using a jack We jacked the car up to change the wheel. ▶ podnosić coś lewarkiem jack1 /dʒæk; US / noun [c] 1 a piece of equipment for lifting a car, etc. off the ground, for example in order to change its wheel ▶ podnośnik lewarek 2 the card between the ten and the queen in a pack of cards the jack of hearts ▶ walet
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2 a cover for a hot-water tank, etc. that stops heat from being lost ▶ osłona otulina płaszcz jacket /ˈdʒækɪt; US / noun [countable] 1 a short coat with sleeves Do you have to wear a jacket and tie to work? a denim/leather jacket ▶ marynarka kurtka
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ˌjacket poˈtato (also ˌbaked poˈtato) noun [countable] a potato that is cooked in the oven in its skin ▶ ziemniak w mundurku
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the jackpot /ˈdʒækpɒt; US / noun [countable] the largest money prize that you can win in a game ▶ pula największa wygrana w grze
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jade /dʒeɪd; US / noun [uncountable] 1 a hard stone that is usually green and is used in making jewellery ▶ jadeit nefryt 2 a bright green colour ▶ kolor jasnozielony □ jade adj. ▶ jasnozielony
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jagged /ˈdʒæɡɪd; US / adj. rough with sharp points Be careful not to cut yourself, that metal has a jagged edge. jagged rocks ▶ postrzępiony ząbkowany wyszczerbiony
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jaguar /ˈdʒæɡjuə(r); US / noun [countable] a large wild cat with black spots that comes from Central and South America ▶ jaguar
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jail2 /dʒeɪl; US / verb [transitive] to put sb in prison She was jailed for ten years. ▶ wsadzać do więzienia jail1 /dʒeɪl; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (a) prison She was sent to jail for ten years. ▶ więzienie W Br. ang. stosuje się też pisownię gaol i gaoler.
Zwróć uwagę, że dżem z pomarańczy lub cytryn nazywa się marmalade. kezdjen tanulni
2 [c] a situation in which are too many people or vehicles a traffic jam ▶ korek (w ruchu ulicznym) zator 3[c] (informal) a difficult situation We’re in a bit of a jam without our passports or travel documents. ▶ kłopotliwa sytuacja jam1 /dʒæm; US / noun 1 (especially US jelly) [uncountable] a sweet substance that you spread on bread, made by boiling fruit and sugar together a jar of raspberry jam a jam jar słoik do dżemu ▶ dżem konfitur-a/y
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2[i, t] jam (sth) (up) to become or to make sth unable to move or work Something is jamming (up) the machine. The paper keeps jamming in the photocopier. I can’t open the door. The lock’s jammed (zamek się zaciął). ▶ blokować zacinać się /dʒæm/ (jamming; jammed) 1[t] jam sb/sth in,between, etc. sth to push or force sb/sth into a place where there is not much room The little boy had jammed a pencil up his nose. She managed to jam everything into her suitcase. ▶ wciskać stłaczać
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jam on the brakes/jam the brakes on to stop a car suddenly by pushing hard on the brake with your foot I jammed on the brakes as the child ran into the road. ▶ gwałtownie zahamować 3[transitive, usually passive] jam sth (up) (with sb/sth) to fill sth with too many people or things All the roads were jammed with cars and people. The cupboard was jammed full (była wypełniona) of old newspapers and magazines. ▶ blokować zapychać
zapchany, wypełniony czymś kezdjen tanulni
ˌjam-ˈpacked adj. [not usually before a noun] jam-packed (with sb/sth) (informal) very full or crowded The train was jam-packed with commuters. The suitcase was jam-packed with designer clothes. ▶ wypełniony po brzegi zapchany
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jangle noun [uncountable] ▶ pobrzękiwanie podzwanianie brzęk dzwonienie brzęczenie jangle /ˈdʒæŋɡl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to make a noise like metal hitting against metal; to move sth so that it makes this noise The baby smiles if you jangle your keys. ▶ pobrzękiwać podzwaniać
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2 the food that a jar contains a jar of honey/jam/coffee ▶ słój/słoik (czegoś) jar1 /dʒɑ:(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a container with a lid, usually made of glass and used for keeping food, etc. in a jam jar słoik do dżemu a large storage jar for flour I can’t unscrew the lid of this jar. ▶ słój słoik
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jar2 /dʒɑ:(r); US / verb (jarring; jarred) 1[transitive] to hurt or damage sth as a result of a sharp knock He fell and jarred his back (obił sobie plecy). ▶ wstrząsać (s)tłuc
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jargon /ˈdʒɑ:ɡən; US / noun [uncountable] special or technical words that are used by a particular group of people in a particular profession and that other people do not understand medical/scientific/legal/computer jargon ▶ żargon
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jasmine /ˈdʒæzmɪn; US / noun [uncountable, countable] a plant with white or yellow sweet-smelling flowers ▶ jaśmin
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jaundice /ˈdʒɔ: ndɪs; US / noun [uncountable] a disease that makes your skin and eyes yellow ▶ żółtaczka
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2 suffering from jaundice a jaundiced patient/liver ▶ chory na żółtaczkę jaundiced /ˈdʒɔ: ndɪst; US / adj. He had a jaundiced view of life. Ma pesymistyczne spojrzenie na życie. She looked on politicians with a jaundiced eye. Patrzyła na polityków złym okiem. ▶ cyniczny pełen żółci
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javelin /ˈdʒævlɪn; US / noun 1 [countable] a long stick with a pointed end that is thrown in sports competitions ▶ oszczep 2(the javelin) [sing.] the event or sport of throwing the javelin as far as possible ▶ rzut oszczepem
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jaw /dʒɔ:/ noun 1 [countable] either of the two bones in your face that contain your teeth the lower/upper jaw ▶ szczęka 2 (jaws) [pl.] the mouth (especially of a wild animal) The lion came towards him with its jaws open. ▶ paszcza szczęki
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jawbone /ˈdʒɔ: bəʊn; US / noun [countable] the bone that forms the lowerjaw ▶ kość szczękowa
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jazz1 /dʒæz; US / noun [uncountable] a style of music with a strong rhythm, originally of African American origin modern/traditional jazz a jazz band ▶ jazz jazzowy
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2jealous (of sb/sth) feeling angry or sad because you want to be like sb else or because you want what sb else has He’s always been jealous of his older brother. I’m very jealous of your new car – how much did it cost? ▶ zazdrosny zawistny jealous /ˈdʒeləs; US / adj. 1 feeling upset or angry because you think that sb you like or love is showing interest in sb else a jealous husband/wife Tim gets jealous whenever Sue speaks to another boy! ▶ zazdrosny
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□ jealously /; US / adv. ▶ zazdrośnie zawistnie —jealousy /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. jealousies) ▶ zazdrość zawiść
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jeans /dʒi: nz; US / noun [pl.] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW trousers made of denim These jeans are a bit too tight. a pair of jeans ▶ dżinsy
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2[uncountable] a type of jam that does not contain any solid pieces of fruit blackcurrant jelly ▶ dżem jelly /ˈdʒeli / (pl. jellies) 1[c, u] a soft, solid brightly coloured food that shakes when it is moved. Jelly is made from sugar and fruit juice and is eaten cold at the end of a meal, especially by children raspberry jelly and ice cream ▶ galaretka
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jellyfish /ˈdʒelifɪʃ; US / noun [countable] (pl. jellyfish) a sea animal with a soft transparent body and long thin parts that can sting you. ▶ meduza
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jeopardize (also jeopardise) /ˈdʒepədaɪz; US / verb [transitive] to do sth that may damage sth or put it at risk He would never do anything to jeopardize his career. ▶ narażać wystawiać na niebezpieczeństwo
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jeopardy /ˈdʒepədi; US / noun IDIOMS in jeopardy in a dangerous position and likely to be lost or harmed The future of the factory and 15 000 jobs are in jeopardy. ▶ w niebezpieczeństwie
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□ jerky /; US / adj. ▶ szarpany gwałtowny urywany nagły —jerkily /-kɪli; US / adv. ▶ nierówno spazmatycznie /dʒɜ:k / v [i, t] to move sb/sth with a sudden sharp movement She jerked the door open. Z gwałtownym szarpnięcie His head jerked back (jego głowa gwałtownie odchyliła się do tyłu) as the car set off. ▶ szarpać (nagłym/gwałtownym ruchem) trząść się
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jerk2 /dʒɜ: k; US / noun [countable] 1 a sudden sharp movement The car started with a jerk and we were off. ▶ szarpnięcie drgnięcie 2(especially US, slang) a stupid or annoying person ▶ palant dupek
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jersey /ˈdʒɜ: zi; US / noun 1 [c] a piece of clothing made of wool that you wear over a shirt ▶ sweter wełniany 2 [uncountable] a soft thin cloth made of cotton or wool that is used for making clothes ▶ materiał wełniany typu jersey
odrzutowiec, strumień, wodotrysk kezdjen tanulni
jet1 /dʒet; US / noun [countable] 1 a fast modern plane ▶ odrzutowiec 2 a fast, thin current of water, gas, etc. coming out of a small hole ▶ strumień wytrysk
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ˈjet engine noun [countable] a powerful engine that makes planes fly by pushing out a current of hot air and gases at the back ▶ silnik odrzutowy
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jetty /ˈdʒeti; US / noun [countable] (pl. jetties) (also ˈlanding stage; US dock) a stone wall or wooden platform built out into the sea or a river where boats are tied and where people can get on and off them ▶ molo nabrzeże falochron
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Jew /dʒu:; US / noun [c] a person whose family originally came from the ancient Hebrew people of Israel and/or whose religion is Judaism ▶ Żyd/ówka □ Jewish /; US / adj. He’s Jewish. a Jewish synagogue He’s Jewish. On jest Żydem. ▶ żydowski
klejnot, kamień szlachetny kezdjen tanulni
jewel /ˈdʒu:əl / noun 1 [c] a valuable stone (for example a diamond) ▶ kamień szlachetny 2[pl.] a piece of jewellery or an object that contains precious stones The family jewels are all kept in a safety deposit box. the crown jewels ▶ klejnot
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2 (the jeweller’s) [sing.] a shop where jewellery and watches are made, sold and repaired I’m going to take my watch to the jeweller’s to get a new strap. ▶ sklep jubilerski jeweller (US jeweler) /ˈdʒu:ələ(r); US / noun 1 [countable] a person whose job is to buy, sell, make or repair jewellery and watches ▶ jubiler złotnik
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jewellery (US jewelry) /ˈdʒu:əlri; US / noun [uncountable] objects such as rings, etc. that are worn as personal decoration a piece of jewellery ▶ biżuteria kosztowności klejnoty
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jigsaw /ˈdʒɪɡsɔ:; US / (also ˈjigsaw puzzle) noun [countable] a picture on cardboard or wood that is cut into small pieces and has to be fitted together again ▶ układanka puzzle
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2[countable] a short simple tune or song that is easy to remember and is used in advertising on TV or radio ▶ dżingiel jingle1 /ˈdʒɪŋɡl; US / noun 1 [sing.] a ringing sound like small bells, made by metal objects gently hitting each other the jingle of coins ▶ dzwonienie brzęczenie pobrzękiwanie
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jingle2 /ˈdʒɪŋɡl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to make or cause sth to make a pleasant gentle sound like small bells ringing She jingled the coins in her pocket. ▶ podzwaniać pobrzękiwać brzęczeć
rzecz, osoba przynosząca pecha kezdjen tanulni
—jinxed adj. After my third accident in a month, I began to think I was jinxed. ▶ pechowy mający pecha jinx /dʒɪŋks; US / noun [countable, usually sing.] (informal) bad luck; a person or thing that people believe brings bad luck to sb/sth ▶ pech rzecz/osoba przynosząca pecha □ jinx verb [transitive] ▶ przynosić pecha
Odpowiedniki job w języku formalnym post i position: I would like to apply for the post/position of Marketing Manager. kezdjen tanulni
a task or a piece of work The garage has done a good/bad job on our car. Warsztat dobrze/źle naprawił nasz samochód. I always have a lot of jobs to do in the house at weekends. ▶ praca robota /dʒɒb/ [c] 1 the work that you do regularly She took/got a job as a waitress (podjęła/dostała pracę kelnerki). A lot of people will lose their jobs if the factory closes. to look for/apply for (starać się o)/find a job a well-paid/highly paid job
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jobcentre /ˈdʒɒbsentə(r); US / noun [countable] (Brit.) a government office where people can get advice in finding work and where jobs are advertised ▶ urząd pracy biuro pośrednictwa pracy
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ˈjob description noun [countable] a written description of the exact work and responsibilities of a job ▶ zakres obowiązków
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/ˈdʒɒbləs / adj. 1 (usually used about large numbers of people) without paid work ▶ bezrobotn-y/i SYNONYM unemployed 2(the jobless) noun [pl.] people without paid work ▶ bezrobotni □ joblessness / ; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ bezrobocie
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jockey /ˈdʒɒki; US / noun [countable] a person who rides horses in races, especially as a profession ▶ dżokej
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2[transitive] to push or knock sb/sth slightly He jogged my arm and I spilled the milk. ▶ trącać szturchać jog1 /dʒɒɡ; US / verb (jogging; jogged) 1 [intransitive] to run slowly, especially as a form of exercise ▶ uprawiać jogging biegać dla zdrowia
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2 a slight push or knock ▶ trącenie szturchnięcie jogger /ˈdʒɒɡə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who goes jogging for exercise ▶ osoba biegająca dla zdrowia jog2 /dʒɒɡ; US / noun [sing.] 1 a slow run as a form of exercise She goes for a jog before breakfast. ▶ bieg dla zdrowia Kiedy biega się dla przyjemności lub w ramach ćwiczeń, często mówi się go jogging zamiast jog: I go jogging most evenings.
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2[i, t] join (up) (with sb/sth) to meet or unite (with sb/sth) to form one thing Do the two rivers join (up) at any point? Where does this road join the motorway? Would you like to join us (pójść z nami) for a drink? ▶ łączyć (się) (z kimś/czymś) /dʒɔɪn/ verb 1[transitive] join A to B; join A and B (together) The Channel Tunnel joins Britain to Europe. The two pieces of wood had been carefully joined together. We’ve knocked down the wall and joined the two rooms into one. ▶ łączyć wiązać
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4[transitive] to take your place in sth or to take part in sth We’d better go and join the queue if we want to see the film. Come downstairs and join the party. ▶ przyłączać się/dołączać się do czegoś 3[transitive] to become a member of a club or organization to join a club I’ve joined an aerobics class. He joined the company (zaczął pracować w tej firmie) three months ago. ▶ zapisać się do czegoś/na coś
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join2 /dʒɔɪn; US / noun [countable] a place where two things are fixed or connected He glued the handle back on so cleverly that you couldn’t see the join. ▶ złącze miejsce złączenia
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/dʒɔɪnt / adj [only before a noun] shared or owned by two or more people Have you and your husband got a joint account? a joint decision The joint winners of the competition will each receive £ 500. ▶ wspólny □ jointly / ; US / adv. ▶ wspólnie
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3 a large piece of meat that you cook whole in the oven a joint of lamb the Sunday joint typowy angielski obiad składający się ze sztuki pieczonego mięsa, jedzony w niedzielę ▶ udziec pieczeń joint2 /dʒɔɪnt; US / [c] 1 a part of the body where two bones fit together and are able to bend the knee joint ▶ staw 2 the place where two or more things are fastened or connected together, especially to form a corner ▶ złącze przegub styk
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ˌjoint ˈventure noun [countable] a business project or activity that is begun by two or more companies, etc., which remain separate organizations ▶ spółka typu joint venture wspólne przedsięwzięcie
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joist /dʒɔɪst; US / noun [countable] a long thick piece of wood, metal etc. that is used to support a floor or ceiling in a building ▶ belka stropowa legar podłogowy
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I’m sorry, I didn’t get the joke (nie zrozumiałem tego dowcipu). Can you explain it to me? ▶ dowcip żart 2[sing.] a ridiculous person, thing or situation The salary he was offered was a joke! ▶ żart pośmiewisko joke1 /dʒəʊk; US / noun 1[c] something said or done to make you laugh, especially a funny story Have you heard the joke about the three men in a taxi? to tell/crack jokes opowiadać dowcipy/sypać dowcipami a dirty joke świński dowcip
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2 to say sth that is not true because you think it is funny I never joke about religion. Don’t get upset. I was only joking! ▶ żartować joke2 /dʒəʊk; US / verb [intransitive] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1joke (with sb) (about sth) to say sth to make people laugh; to tell a funny story She spent the evening laughing and joking with her old friends. ▶ dowcipkować opowiadać kawał
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joker /ˈdʒəʊkə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a person who likes to tell jokes or play tricks ▶ żartowniś dowcipniś 2 an extra card which can be used instead of any other one in some card games ▶ dżoker
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2[intransitive] to move in a sudden rough way The lorry jolted (telepała się) along the bumpy track. ▶ podskoczyć jolt1 /dʒəʊlt; US / verb 1 [transitive] to make sb/sth move in a sudden rough way The crash jolted all the passengers forward (rzucił pasażerów do przodu). ▶ wstrząsać szarpać podrzucać
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jolt2 /dʒəʊlt; US / noun [usually sing.] 1 a sudden movement The train stopped with a jolt. ▶ szarpnięcie wstrząs 2 a sudden surprise or shock His sudden anger gave her quite a jolt (była dla niej zupełnym szokiem). ▶ wstrząs szok
przepychać, rozpychać się kezdjen tanulni
jostle /ˈdʒɒsl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to push hard against sb in a crowd ▶ przepychać się rozpychać się
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2 a written record of the things you do, see, etc. each day Have you read his journal of the years he spent in India? ▶ dziennik pamiętnik journal /ˈdʒɜ: nl; US / noun [countable] 1 a newspaper or a magazine, especially one in which all the articles are about a particular subject or profession a medical/scientific journal ▶ czasopismo (zwł. monotematyczne) magazyn
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journalism /ˈdʒɜ: nəlɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the profession of collecting and writing about news in newspapers and magazines or talking about it on the TV or radio ▶ dziennikarstwo
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journalist /ˈdʒɜ: nəlɪst; US / noun [countable] a person whose job is to collect and write about news in newspapers and magazines or to talk about it on the TV or radio a job as a journalist on the local paper ▶ dziennika-rz/rka
Journey może oznaczać zarówno podróż samolotem, jak i statkiem, jednak mówiąc konkretnie o podróży samolotem używa się słowa flight, a o podróży morskiej voyage. Rejs statkiem dla przyjemności to cruise. kezdjen tanulni
The journey to work takes me 45 minutes. Dojazd do pracy zajmuje mi 45 minut. a twenty-mile journey to work We’ll have to break the journey. Będziemy musieli zrobić przerwę w podróży. ▶ podróż journey /ˈdʒɜ: ni; US / noun [countable] the act of travelling from one place to another, usually on land Did you have a good journey? Jak minęła podróż? a two-hour journey
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2[countable] a person or thing that gives you great pleasure the joys of fatherhood That class is a joy to teach. Uczenie tej klasy to prawdziwa przyjemność. ▶ radość uciecha joy /dʒɔɪ; US / noun 1 [uncountable] a feeling of great happiness We’d like to wish you joy and success in your life together. to shout/cry with joy (z radości) to dance/jump/shout for joy (z radości) ▶ radość uciecha
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□ joyfully /-fəli; US / adv. ▶ radośnie z uciechą —joyfulness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ radość uciecha joyful /ˈdʒɔɪfl; US / adj. very happy a joyful occasion ▶ radosny uradowany
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joyless /ˈdʒɔɪləs; US / adj. unhappy The couple had a joyless marriage. ▶ nieszczęśliwy
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jubilation /ˌdʒu: bɪˈleɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] (formal) great happiness because of a success ▶ triumfowanie radowanie się jubilant /ˈdʒu: bɪlənt; US / adj. (formal) extremely happy, especially because of a success The football fans were jubilant at their team’s victory in the cup. ▶ pełen triumfu nie posiadający się z radości
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Wyróżnia się następujące jubileusze: silver jubilee (25 lat), golden jubilee (50 lat) i diamond jubilee (60 lat). jubilee /ˈdʒu: bɪli:; US / noun [countable] a special anniversary of an event that took place a certain number of years ago, and the celebrations that go with it It’s the company’s golden jubilee this year. ▶ jubileusz
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Judaism /ˈdʒu: deɪɪzəm; US -dəɪzəm / noun [uncountable] the religion of the Jewish people ▶ judaizm
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2 a person who decides who has won a competition a panel of judges The judges’ decision is final. ▶ sędzia (sportowy) juror/ka arbiter judge1 /dʒʌdʒ; US / noun [countable] 1 a person in a court of law whose job is to decide how criminals should be punished and to make legal decisions a High Court judge The judge sentenced the man to seventeen years in prison. ▶ sę-dzia/dzina
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It’s difficult to judge how long the project will take. The party was judged a great success by everybody. Wszyscy uznali imprezę za wielki sukces. ▶ sądzić oceniać judge2 /dʒʌdʒ; US / verb 1[i, t] to form or give an opinion about sb/sth based on the information you have Judging by/from what he said, his work is going well. Don’t judge people by their appearance!
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3[t] to form an opinion about sb/sth, especially when you do not approve of them or it Don’t judge him too harshly – he’s had a difficult time. ▶ osądzać wydawać sąd (o kimś) 2[t] to decide the result or winner of a competition The head teacher will judge the competition. ▶ sędziować
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2[countable, uncountable] an opinion that you form after carefully considering the information you have What, in your judgement (twoim zdaniem), would be the best course of action? ▶ opinia zdanie judgement /ˈdʒʌdʒmənt/ noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[uncountable] the ability to form opinions or to make sensible decisions He always shows excellent judgement in his choice of staff. to have good/poor/sound judgement ▶ rozsądek rozum
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3(judgment) [countable, uncountable] an official decision made by a judge or a court of law The man collapsed when the judgment was read out in court. ▶ wyrok orzeczenie
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judicial /dʒuˈdɪʃl; US / adj. connected with a court of law, a judge or a legal judgement the judicial system ▶ sądowy sędziowski
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judiciary /dʒuˈdɪʃəri; US -ʃieri / noun (the judiciary) [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] (pl. judiciaries) the judges of a country or a state, when they are considered as a group an independent judiciary ▶ sędziowie
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judicious /dʒuˈdɪʃəs; US / adj. (used about a decision or an action) sensible and carefully considered; showing good judgement ▶ rozsądny rozumny □ judiciously /; US / adv. ▶ rozsądnie rozumnie
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judo /ˈdʒu: dəʊ; US / noun [uncountable] a sport from Asia in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground ▶ dżudo judo
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jug /dʒʌɡ; US / (US pitcher) noun [countable] a container with a handle used for holding or pouring liquids a milk jug dzbanek do mleka a jug of water dzbanek wody ▶ dzbanek
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2juggle sth (with sth) to try to deal with two or more important jobs or activities at the same time Many women have to juggle (łączyć) a career with having a family. ▶ (przen.) żonglować juggle /ˈdʒʌɡl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] 1juggle (with sth) to keep three or more objects such as balls in the air at the same time by throwing them one at a time and catching them quickly ▶ żonglować
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juggler /ˈdʒʌɡlə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who juggles to entertain people ▶ żongler/ka
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2 the liquid that comes from a piece of meat when it is cooked You can use the juices of the meat to make gravy. ▶ sos własny (z mięsa) 3 the liquid in your stomach that helps you break down the food you eat gastric/digestive juices ▶ sok trawienny juice /dʒu: s; US / noun [countable, uncountable] 1 the liquid that comes from fruit and vegetables carrot/grapefruit/lemon juice I’ll have an orange juice, please. ▶ sok (owocowy/warzywny)
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2(informal) (used about information) interesting because it is shocking juicy gossip The tabloids published all the juicy details of the latest sex scandal in Parliament. ▶ (plotka itp.) pikantny soczysty juicy /ˈdʒu: si; US / adj. (juicier; juiciest) 1 containing a lot of juice juicy oranges ▶ soczysty
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jukebox /ˈdʒu: kbɒks; US / noun [countable] a machine in a bar, etc. that plays music when money is put in ▶ szafa grająca
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jumble2 /ˈdʒʌmbl; US / noun 1 [sing.] an untidy group of things a jumble of papers/ideas ▶ gmatwanina mieszanina galimatias jumble1 /ˈdʒʌmbl; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] jumble sth (up/together) to mix things together in a confused and untidy way I must sort my clothes out – they’re all jumbled up in the drawer. ▶ mieszać gmatwać
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2[t] to get over sth by jumping The dog jumped the fence and ran off down the road. ▶ przeskakiwać 3[i] to move quickly and suddenly The phone rang and she jumped up to answer it. He jumped out of bed when he realized what time it was. jump1 /dʒʌmp; US / verb 1[i to move quickly into the air by pushing yourself up with your legs and feet, or by stepping off a high place to jump into the air/off a bridge/onto a chair How high can you jump? Jump up and down to keep warm. ▶ skakać
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5[intransitive] jump (from sth) to sth; jump (by) (sth) to increase suddenly by a very large amount His salary jumped from £ 20 000 to £ 28 000 last year. Prices jumped (by) 50% in the summer. ▶ (ceny, pensja itp.) podskoczyć 4[intransitive] to make a sudden movement because of surprise or fear ‘ Oh, it’s only you – you made me jump,’ he said. ▶ podskoczyć (np. z przestrachu)
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jump at sth to accept an opportunity, offer, etc. with enthusiasm Of course I jumped at the chance to work in New York for a year. ▶ skwapliwie skorzystać z czegoś 6[intransitive] jump (from sth) to sth to go suddenly from one point in a series, a story, etc. to another The book kept jumping from the present to the past. ▶ skakać z (tematu) na (temat)
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2 a thing to be jumped over The third jump consisted of a five-bar gate. ▶ przeszkoda do przeskoczenia 3a jump (in sth) a sudden increase in amount, price or value a 20% jump in profits ▶ skok (cen/wartości) jump2 /dʒʌmp; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 an act of jumping With a huge jump the horse cleared the hedge. to do a parachute jump ▶ skok podskok przeskok
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jumper /ˈdʒʌmpə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 (Brit.) a piece of clothing with sleeves, usually made of wool, that you wear on the top part of your body ▶ sweter (wkładany przez głowę) ⇨ note at sweater 2 a person or an animal that jumps ▶ skoczek
węzeł kolejowy, skrzyżowanie kezdjen tanulni
railway junction, intersection junction /ˈdʒʌŋkʃn; US / noun [countable] a place where roads, railway lines, etc. meet According to the map, we leave the motorway at the next junction. ▶ skrzyżowanie węzeł kolejowy
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jungle /ˈdʒʌŋɡl; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a thick forest in a hot tropical country the jungles of Africa and South America ▶ dżungla