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introspective /ˌɪntrəˈspektɪv; US / adj. tending to think a lot about your own thoughts, feelings, etc. There were a lot of family problems and Jim became increasingly introspective. an introspective piece of writing ▶ introspektywny introspection /ˌɪntrəˈspekʃn/ noun [uncountable] the careful examination of your own thoughts, feelings and reasons for behaving in a particular way These situations are best resolved with the minimum of introspection or self-analysis. ▶ introspekcja
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introvert /ˈɪntrəvɜ: t; US / noun [countable] a quiet, shy person who prefers to be alone than with other people ▶ introwerty-k/czka OPPOSITE extrovert □ introverted /; US / adj. ▶ zamknięty w sobie introwertyczny wpatrzony w siebie
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I’m sorry to intrude on your Sunday lunch but... You’re intruding – this is a private party. ▶ wchodzić gdzieś niespodziewanie i nie będąc zaproszonym narzucać się intrude /ɪnˈtrʌ: d/ verb [i] intrude on/upon sb/sth to enter a place or situation without permission or when you are not wanted
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intruder /ɪnˈtru: də(r); US / noun [countable] a person who enters a place without permission and often secretly ▶ intruz nieproszony gość
narzucanie się, wtargnięcie kezdjen tanulni
□ intrusive /ɪnˈtru: sɪv; US / adj. ▶ nieproszony intrusion /ɪnˈtru:ʒn/ noun [c, un] (an) intrusion (on/upon/into sth) something that disturbs you or your life when you want to be private This was another example of press intrusion into the affairs of the royals. ▶ narzucanie się wtargnięcie
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intuitive /ɪnˈtju:ɪtɪv; US -ˈtu:- / adj. 1 (used about ideas) obtained by using your feelings rather than by considering the facts He had an intuitive sense of what the reader wanted. ▶ intuicyjny intuition /ˌɪntjuˈɪʃn/ noun [c, u] the feeling or understanding that makes you believe or know sth is true without being able to explain why She knew, by intuition (intuicyjnie), about his illness although he never mentioned it. ▶ intuicja przeczucie
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□ intuitively /; US / adv. Intuitively, she knew that he was lying. ▶ intuicyjnie
najeżdzać, dokonywać inwazji kezdjen tanulni
2[t] to enter in large numbers, often where sb/sth is not wanted As the final whistle blew, fans began invading the pitch The whole area has been invaded by tourists. The town is invaded with tourists ▶ (przen.) dokonywać inwazji okupować invade /ɪnˈveɪd; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to enter a country with an army in order to attack and take control of it When did the Romans invade Britain? ▶ najeżdżać dokonywać inwazji
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□ invader /; US / noun [countable] They forced back the invaders. ▶ najeźdźca
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2 not correct according to reason; not based on all the facts an invalid argument ▶ nieważny bezpodstawny 3 (used about an instruction, etc.) of a type that the computer cannot recognize an invalid command ▶ nieprawidłowy invalid1 /ɪnˈvælɪd; US / adj. 1 not legally or officially acceptable I’m afraid your passport is invalid. ▶ nieprawomocny nieważny
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invalid2 /ˈɪnvəlɪd; US / noun [countable] a person who has been very ill for a long time and needs to be looked after Her husband’s been an invalid ever since he had his first stroke. ▶ osoba niepełnosprawna
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2 to make a document, contract, election, etc. no longer legally or officially valid or acceptable ▶ unieważniać (np. kontrakt) OPPOSITE for both meanings validate □ invalidation /ɪnˌvælɪˈdeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ obalenie unieważnienie invalidate /ɪnˈvælɪdeɪt; US / verb [transitive] (formal) 1 to prove that an idea, a story, an argument, etc. is wrong This new piece of evidence invalidates his version of events. ▶ obalać (np. teorię)
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Uwaga! Invaluable nie jest antonimem valuable. Słowem o przeciwnym znaczeniu jest valueless lub worthless. invaluable /ɪnˈvæljuəbl; US / adj. invaluable (to/for sb/sth) extremely useful invaluable help/information/support ▶ nieoceniony bezcenny
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invariably /ɪnˈveəriəbli; US / adv. almost always She invariably arrives late. ▶ niezmiennie zawsze invariable /ɪnˈveəriəbl; US / adj. not changing ▶ niezmienny
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2[countable] the act of entering a place where you are not wanted and disturbing sb Such questions are an invasion of privacy. ▶ naruszenie (np. czyjejś prywatności) ⇨ verb invade invasion /ɪnˈveɪʒn; US / noun 1 [countable, uncountable] the act of entering another country with your army in order to take control of it the threat of invasion ▶ najazd inwazja napaść
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/ɪnˈveɪsɪv/ adj. (formal) 1 (especially used about diseases within the body) spreading very quickly and difficult to stop invasive cancer ▶ inwazyjny 2 (used about medical treatment) involving cutting into the body invasive surgery ▶ inwazyjny
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invective /ɪnˈvektɪv / noun [u] (formal) rude language and unpleasant remarks that sb shouts when they are very angry The gesture infuriated him and he let out a stream of invective. a speech full of invective against the government ▶ inwektywa
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□ inventor /; US / noun [countable] ▶ wynalaz-ca/czyni /ɪnˈvent / v [t] 1 to think of or make sth for the first time Laszlo Biro invented the ballpoint pen. When was the camera invented? ▶ wynaleźć 2 to say or describe sth that is not true I realized that he had invented the whole story. ▶ wymyślać
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2[uncountable] the action or process of making or designing sth for the first time Books had to be written by hand before the invention of printing. ▶ wynalezienie invention /ɪnˈvenʃn/ noun 1 [countable] a thing that has been made or designed by sb for the first time The microwave oven is a very useful invention. ▶ wynalazek
pomysłowy, pełen pomysłów kezdjen tanulni
inventive /ɪnˈventɪv; US / adj. having clever and original ideas ▶ pomysłowy wynalazczy pełen pomysłów □ inventiveness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ pomysłowość
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inventory /ˈɪnvəntri; US -tɔ: ri / noun [countable] (pl. inventories) a detailed list, for example of all the furniture in a house The landlord is coming to make an inventory of the contents of the flat. ▶ inwentarz
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□ the inverse noun [sing.] the exact opposite of sth ▶ odwrotność —inversely /ˌɪnˈvɜ: sli; US / adv. We regard health as inversely related to social class. ▶ odwrotnie inverse /ˌɪnˈvɜ: s; US / adj. [only before a noun] opposite in amount or position A person’s wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness. There is often an inverse relationship between the power of the tool ▶ odwrotny
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invert /ɪnˈvɜ: t; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to put sth in the opposite order or position to the way it usually is What you see in a mirror is an inverted image (odwrócone odbicie) of yourself. ▶ odwracać
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invertebrate /ɪnˈvɜ: tɪbrət; US / noun [countable] an animal with no backbone ▶ (biol.) bezkręgowiec
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2 to spend money, time or energy on sth that you think is good or useful I’m thinking of investing in a computer. You have to invest a lot of time if you really want to learn a language well. ▶ kupować inwestować invest /ɪnˈvest/ verb [i, t] invest (sth) (in sth) 1 to put money into a bank, business, property, etc. in the hope that you will make a profit Many firms have invested heavily in this project. I’ve invested all my money in the company. ▶ inwestować
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□ investor /; US / noun [countable] The government is trying to attract more overseas investors. ▶ inwestor/ka
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□ investigator /; US / noun [countable] Accident investigators are examining wreckage from the aircraft. ▶ badacz/ka osoba prowadząca dochodzenie investigate /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt; US / verb [i, t] to try to find out all the facts about sth A murder was reported and the police were sent to investigate. A group of experts are investigating the cause of the crash. ▶ prowadzić dochodzenie badać
dochodzenie, śledztwo, badanie kezdjen tanulni
investigation, investigation, investigation The matter is still under investigation (jest nadal przedmiotem dochodzenia) by the police. ▶ dochodzenie śledztwo badanie investigation /ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (an) investigation (into sth) The airlines are going to carry out an investigation into security procedures at airports.
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investigative /ɪnˈvestɪɡətɪv; US -ɡeɪtɪv / adj. trying to find out all the facts about sb/sth investigative journalism dziennikarstwo śledcze ▶ badawczy dochodzeniowy odkrywczy
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The company will have to make an enormous investment to computerize production. We got a good return on our original investment of £ 10 000. ▶ inwestycja inwestowanie investment /ɪnˈvestmənt; US / noun 1 [uncountable, countable] (an) investment (in sth) the act of putting money in a bank, business, property, etc.; the amount of money that you put in investment in local industry
dodawać energii, orzeźwiać kezdjen tanulni
□ invigorating /; US / adj. an invigorating early-morning swim ▶ orzeźwiający dodający energii wzmacniający invigorate /ɪnˈvɪɡəreɪt; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to make sb feel healthy, fresh and full of energy I felt invigorated after my run. ▶ orzeźwiać dodawać energii wzmacniać
niepokonany, niezwyciężony kezdjen tanulni
invincible /ɪnˈvɪnsəbl; US / adj. too strong or powerful to be defeated ▶ niezwyciężony niepokonany (wiara itp.) niezachwiany
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□ invisibility /ɪnˌvɪzəˈbɪləti; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ niewidzialność niewidoczność —invisibly /-əbli; US / adv. These animals blend almost invisibly into any background. ▶ niewidzialnie niewidocznie invisible /ɪnˈvɪzəbl; US / adj. invisible (to sb/sth) that cannot be seen bacteria that are invisible to the naked eye The detective tried to make himself invisible behind a group of people. ▶ niewidzialny niewidoczny
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2[uncountable] the act of inviting sb or being invited Entry is by invitation only. a letter of invitation list zapraszający ▶ zaproszenie zapraszanie /ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃn/ 1[c] an invitation to sb/sth (to sth/to do sth) a request to go somewhere Did you get an invitation to the conference? a wedding invitation to accept an invitation to turn down/(formal) decline an invitation ▶ zaproszenie
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2 to make sth unpleasant likely to happen You’re inviting trouble (narobisz sobie biedy) if you carry so much money around. Don’t invite thieves by leaving your windows open. ▶ prowokować zachęcać (do czegoś) invite /ɪnˈvaɪt/ verb [t] 1invite sb (to/for sth) to ask sb to come somewhere or to do sth We invited all the family to the wedding. Shall we invite Louise and Pete for a meal next Saturday? Applicants will be invited for interview ▶ zapraszać
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invite sb back - zapraszać kogoś do swojego domu po wspólnym pobycie gdzieś/zapraszać na rewizytę invite sb in zapraszać kogoś do środka (do siebie do domu) invite sb out -zapraszać kogoś na wspólne wyjście
pociągający, zapraszający kezdjen tanulni
inviting /ɪnˈvaɪtɪŋ; US / adj. attractive and pleasant The smell of cooking was very inviting. ▶ pociągający zapraszający nęcący ponętny
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□ in vitro adv. an egg fertilized in vitro ▶ in vitro in vitro /ɪn ˈvi: trəʊ; US / adj. (used about a process or a reaction) taking place in a glass tube or dish, not inside a living body in vitro experiments the development of in vitro fertilization ▶ in vitro
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invoice /ˈɪnvɔɪs; US / noun [countable] an official paper that lists goods or services that you have received and says how much you have to pay for them Have we received an invoice for the building work yet? ▶ faktura
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□ involuntarily /ɪnˈvɒləntrəli; US ɪnˌvɑ: lənˈterəli / adv. ▶ mimowolnie nieumyślnie odruchowo involuntary /ɪnˈvɒləntri; US -teri / adj. done without wanting or meaning to She gave an involuntary gasp of pain as the doctor inserted the needle. ▶ mimowolny nieumyślny odruchowy
wymagać, pociągać za sobą 3involve sb/sth in (doing) sth to cause sb/sth to take part in or be concerned with sth Please don’t involve me in your family arguments. ▶ wciągać/mieszać (kogoś w coś) wikłać Mimo że czasownika involve w znaczeniu 1 i 2 nie używa się w czasach continuous, często spotyka się go w present participle (formie -ing): There was a serious accident involving a stolen car. kezdjen tanulni
2[not used in the continuous tenses] if a situation, an event or an activity involves sb/sth, he/she/it takes part in it The story involves a woman who went on holiday with her child. More than 100 people were involved in the project. ▶ dotyczyć involve /ɪnˈvɒlv; US / verb [transitive] 1[not used in the continuous tenses] to make sth necessary The job involves a lot of travelling. ▶ wymagać pociągać za sobą
zaangażowanie, zaangażowany kezdjen tanulni
involved /ɪnˈvɒlvd; US / / / adj. 1 [not before a noun] involved (in sth) closely connected with sth; taking an active part in sth I’m very involved in local politics. ▶ zaangażowany □ involvement /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] They deny any involvement in the robbery. ▶ zaangażowanie 2[not before a noun] involved (with sb) having a sexual relationship with sb She is involved with an older man. ▶ zaangażowany
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[only before a noun] inside your mind my inward feelings ▶ myślowy wewnętrzny duchowy skryty inwardly /ˈɪnwədli; US / adv. in your mind; secretly He was inwardly relieved that they could not come to the party. ▶ w duchu skrycie inward /ˈɪnwəd; US / adv. (also inwards) towards the inside or centre Stand in a circle facing inwards. ▶ skierowany do środka/wnętrza
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iodine /ˈaɪədi: n; US -daɪn / noun [uncountable] (symbol I) a substance that is found in sea water. A purple liquid containing iodine is sometimes used to clean cuts in your skin. ▶ jod jodyna
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iris /ˈaɪrɪs; US / noun [countable] 1 the coloured part of your eye ▶ tęczówka ⇨ look at pupil 2 a tall plant with long pointed leaves and large bright yellow or purple flowers ▶ kosaciec irys
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The roof of the hut was made of corrugated iron (z blachy falistej). The doctor gave me iron tablets. • (figurative) The general has an iron will (żelazną wolę). ▶ żelazo żelazny iron1 /ˈaɪən; US / noun 1 [u] (symbol Fe) an iron bar iron ore ruda żelaza wrought-iron (z kutego żelaza) railings a pot made of cast iron (z lanego żelaza)
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2 [countable] an electrical instrument with a flat bottom that is heated and used to smooth clothes after you have washed and dried them a steam iron ▶ żelazko
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iron2 /ˈaɪən; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW to use an iron to make clothes, etc. smooth Could you iron this dress for me? That shirt needs ironing. ▶ prasować
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the ˌIron ˈCurtain noun [sing.] the name that people used for the border that used to exist between Western Europe and the communist countries of Eastern Europe ▶ żelazna kurtyna
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2 (used about a situation) strange or amusing because it is unusual or unexpected It is ironic that (paradoksalnie) the busiest people are often the most willing to help. ▶ ironiczny paradoksalny ironic /aɪˈrɒnɪk; US / (also ironical /aɪˈrɒnɪkl; US /) adj. 1 meaning the opposite of what you say an ironic sense of humour ‘ Oh, I’m so pleased,’ she said in an ironic way. ▶ ironiczny ⇨ look at sarcastic
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□ ironically /-kli; US / adv. Ironically, the person who ran over our dog was a vet. ▶ ironicznie jak na ironię
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ˈironing board noun [countable] a special narrow table covered with cloth that you iron clothes on ▶ deska do prasowania ironing /ˈɑɪənɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] clothes, etc. that you have just ironed or that you need to iron a large pile of ironing ▶ prasowanie (rzeczy do prasowania lub już wyprasowane)
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2[uncountable] a way of speaking that shows you are joking or that you mean the opposite of what you say ‘ The English are such good cooks’, he said with heavy irony. ▶ ironia irony /ˈaɪrəni/ noun (pl. ironies) 1[c, u] an unusual or unexpected part of a situation, etc. that seems strange or amusing The irony was that (jak na ironię losu) he was killed in a car accident soon after the end of the war. ▶ ironia paradoks
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irradiate /ɪˈreɪdieɪt; US / verb [transitive] to send rays of radioactivity through sth ▶ napromieniowywać naświetlać (promieniami)
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—irrationally /ɪˈræʃənəli; US / adv. ▶ irracjonalnie nieracjonalnie irrational /ɪˈræʃənl; US / adj. not based on reason or clear thought an irrational fear of spiders ▶ irracjonalny nieracjonalny irrationality /ɪˌræʃəˈnæləti; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ irracjonalność nieracjonalność
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irreconcilable, irreconcilably irreconcilably /-əbli; US / adv. ▶ (w sposób) nie do pogodzenia nieprzejednanie irreconcilable /ɪˌrekənˈsaɪləbl; US / adj. (formal) (used about people or their ideas and beliefs) so different that they cannot be made to agree ▶ nie do pogodzenia nieprzejednany
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2 happening at times that you cannot predict His visits became more and more irregular. an irregular pulse ▶ nieregularny nierównomierny irregular /ɪˈreɡjələ(r); US / adj. 1 not having a shape or pattern that we recognize or can predict an irregular shape ▶ nieregularny nierównomierny
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4 not following the usual rules of grammar ‘ Caught’ is an irregular past tense form. ▶ nieregularny 3 not allowed according to the rules or social customs It is highly irregular for a doctor to give information about patients without their permission. ▶ niezgodny z przepisami/zasadami
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irregularly, irregularity —irregularly /; US / adv. ▶ nieregularnie nierównomiernie nierówno niezgodnie z przepisami □ irregularity /ɪˌreɡjəˈlærəti; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. irregularities) ▶ nieregularność nierównomierność nierówność niezgodność z przepisami/zasadami
błahostka, rzecz nieistotna kezdjen tanulni
2[uncountable] the state of being irrelevant ▶ oderwanie od tematu niestosowność □ irrelevance /; US / (also irrelevancy pl. irrelevancies) noun 1 [countable] something that is irrelevant ▶ rzecz nieistotna rzecz oderwana od tematu błahostka
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—irrelevantly /; US / adv. ▶ niestosownie ni w pięć ni w dziewięć od rzeczy irrelevant /ɪˈreləvənt; US / adj. not connected with sth or important to it That evidence is irrelevant to the case. ▶ oderwany od tematu/rzeczy itp. bez związku z tematem/rzeczą itp.
niepowetowany, nienaprawialny kezdjen tanulni
irreparable /ɪˈrepərəbl; US / adj. that cannot be repaired Irreparable damage has been done to the ancient forests of Eastern Europe. ▶ nie do naprawienia niepowetowany □ irreparably /-əbli; US / adv. ▶ w sposób nie do naprawienia
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irreplaceable /ˌɪrɪˈpleɪsəbl; US / adj. (used about sth very valuable or special) that cannot be replaced ▶ niezastąpiony
nienaganny, nieskazitelny kezdjen tanulni
irreproachable /ˌɪrɪˈprəʊtʃəbl; US / adj. (used about a person or their behaviour) free from fault and impossible to criticize ▶ nienaganny nieskazitelny
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2irresistible (to sb) very attractive He seems to think he’s irresistible to women. The sea is irresistible on a hot day like this. ▶ taki, że nie można się (czemuś/komuś) oprzeć irresistible /ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbl; US / adj. 1 so strong that it cannot be stopped or prevented an irresistible urge to laugh Their arguments were irresistible – I had to agree. ▶ nieprzeparty nieodparty porywający
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□ irresistibly /-əbli; US / adv. ▶ nieprzeparcie nieodparcie porywająco
bez względu na coś / niezależnie od czegoś kezdjen tanulni
irrespective of /ˌɪrɪˈspektɪv əv; US / prep. not affected by Anybody can take part in the competition, irrespective of age. ▶ niezależnie (od czegoś) bez względu (na coś)
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□ irresponsibility /ˌɪrɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ nieodpowiedzialność lekkomyślność —irresponsibly /ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbli; US / adv. ▶ nieodpowiedzialnie lekkomyślnie irresponsible /ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbl; US / adj. not thinking about the effect your actions will have; not sensible It is irresponsible to let small children go out alone. ▶ nieodpowiedzialny lekkomyślny
uchybiający, bez szacunku kezdjen tanulni
irreverence /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ brak szacunku lekceważenie uchybianie —irreverently /; US / adv. ▶ bez szacunku lekceważąco uchybiająco irreverent /ɪˈrevərənt; US / adj. not feeling or showing respect This comedy takes an irreverent look at the world of politics. ▶ bez szacunku lekceważący uchybiający
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irreversible /ˌɪrɪˈvɜ: səbl; US / adj. that cannot be stopped or changed an irreversible decision The disease can do irreversible damage to the body. ▶ nieodwołalny nieodwracalny □ irreversibly /-əbli; US / adv. ▶ nieodwołalnie nieodwracalnie
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□ irrigation /ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] irrigation channels Irrigation has increased the area of land that can be cultivated. ▶ nawadnianie irygacja irrigate /ˈɪrɪɡeɪt; US / verb [transitive] to supply water to an area of land so that crops will grow irrigated land/crops ▶ nawadniać irygować
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□ irritability /ˌɪrɪtəˈbɪləti; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ drażliwość nadpobudliwość nerwowość —irritably /ˈɪrɪtəbli; US / adv. ▶ z rozdrażnienem/irytacją drażliwie nerwowo irritable /ˈɪrɪtəbl; US / adj. becoming angry easily to be/feel/get irritable ▶ drażliwy skory do gniewu nerwowy
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irritated /; US / adj. irritated (at/by/with sth) annoyed or angry She was getting more and more irritated at his comments. ▶ zdenerwowany rozdrażniony/podirytowany (z powodu czegoś) irritate /ˈɪrɪteɪt; US / verb [t] 1 to make sb angry It really irritates me the way he keeps repeating himself. ▶ denerwować drażnić 2 to cause a part of the body to be painful or sore I don’t use soap because it irritates my skin. ▶ podrażniać
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—irritation /ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] — ▶ zdenerwowanie gniew irytacja —irritating /; US / adj. I found her extremely irritating an irritating habit an irritating cough/rash ▶ denerwujący drażniący irytujący
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Islam /ɪzˈlɑ: m; US / noun [uncountable] the religion of Muslim people. Islam teaches that there is only one God and that Muhammad is His Prophet. ▶ islam mahometanizm □ Islamic /; US / adj. Islamic law ▶ muzułmański islamski mahometański
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island /ˈaɪlənd; US / noun [countable] 1 a piece of land that is surrounded by water the islands of the Caribbean the Greek islands ▶ wyspa
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islander /ˈaɪləndə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who lives on a small island ▶ wyspia-rz/rka
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Isle najczęściej używa się w nazwach geograficznych. isle /aɪl; US / noun [countable] an island the Isle of Wight the British Isles ▶ wyspa
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We need to isolate all the animals with the disease so that the others don’t catch it. ▶ izolować odseparowywać odosabniać wyodrębniać isolate /ˈaɪsəleɪt; US / verb [transitive] isolate sb/sth (from sb/sth) to put or keep sb/sth separate from other people or things Some farms were isolated by the heavy snowfalls.
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2 not connected with others; happening once an isolated case of food poisoning ▶ odosobniony odizolowany isolated /ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd; US / adj. 1 isolated (from sb/sth) alone or apart from other people or things an isolated village deep in the countryside I was kept isolated from the other patients. ▶ odizolowany osamotniony
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In isolation each problem (każdy problem z osobna) does not seem bad, but together they are quite daunting. ▶ odosobnienie izolacja isolation /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] isolation (from sb/sth); in isolation (from sb/sth) the state of being separate and alone; the act of separating sb/sth He lived in complete isolation from the outside world.
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isotope /ˈaɪsətəʊp; US / noun [countable] one of two or more forms of a chemical element which have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons in their atoms. radioactive isotopes the many isotopes of carbon ▶ izotop
kwestia, sprawa, zagadnienie kezdjen tanulni
2[countable] one in a series of things that are published or produced Do you have last week’s issue of this magazine? There’s usually a special issue of stamps for Christmas. ▶ wydanie emisja numer (czasopisma) issue1 /ˈɪʃu:; ˈɪsju:; US / 1[c] I want to raise the issue of overtime pay at the meeting. The school cannot avoid the issue of truancy any longer. The government seems to be treating environmental protection as a side issue. ▶ kwestia sprawa
robić z czegoś dużą sprawę kezdjen tanulni
make an issue (out) of sth to give too much importance to a small problem OK, we disagree on this but let’s not make an issue of it. ▶ robić z czegoś dużą sprawę robić z czegoś kwestię
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2[transitive] to print and supply sth to issue a magazine ▶ wydawać emitować issue2 /ˈɪʃu:; ˈɪsju:; US / verb 1 [transitive] to give or say sth to sb, often officially The new employees were issued with uniforms. to issue a visa The police will issue a statement later today. ▶ wydawać przydzielać
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□ italic adj. italic handwriting pismo pochyłe ▶ pisany/drukowany kursywą italics /ɪˈtælɪks; US / noun [pl.] a type of writing or printing in which the letters do not stand straight up All the example sentences in the dictionary are printed in italics (kursywą). ▶ kursywa pismo pochyłe
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—itchy /; US / adj. This shirt is itchy. My skin is all itchy. ▶ swędzący (ubranie) drapiący itch /ɪtʃ; US / noun [countable] the feeling on your skin that makes you want to rub or scratch it I’ve got an itch on my back. ▶ Swędzą mnie plecy. swędzenie □ itch verb [intransitive] My whole body is itching. ▶ swędzieć
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2 one single article or object Can I pay for each item separately? an item of clothing sztuka odzieży ▶ artykuł rzecz 3 a single piece of news There was an interesting item about Spain in yesterday’s news. ▶ wiadomość item /ˈaɪtəm; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 one single thing on a list or in a collection Some items arrived too late to be included in the catalogue. What is the first item on the agenda? ▶ pozycja punkt programu
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itemize (also itemise) /ˈaɪtəmaɪz; US / verb [transitive] to make a list of all the separate items in sth an itemized telephone bill ▶ wyszczególniać
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itinerant /aɪˈtɪnərənt; US / adj. [only before a noun] travelling from place to place an itinerant circus family ▶ wędrowny objazdowy
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itinerary /aɪˈtɪnərəri; US -reri / noun [countable] (pl. itineraries) a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you will visit ▶ plan podróży marszruta
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ivory /ˈaɪvəri; US / noun [uncountable] the hard white substance that the tusks of an elephant are made of ▶ kość słoniowa
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ivy /ˈaɪvi; US / noun [uncountable] a climbing plant that has dark leaves with three or five points ▶ bluszcz