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szczęśliwie, chętnie
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happily /ˈhæpɪli; US / adv. 1 in a happy way I would happily give up my job if I didn’t need the money. ▶ szczęśliwie chętnie 2 it is lucky that The police found my handbag and, happily, nothing had been stolen. ▶ na szczęście szczęśliwie
szczęśliwy, radosny, pogodny
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happy, joyful, cheerful
giving or causing pleasure a happy marriage/memory/childhood The film is sad but it has a happy ending. ▶ szczęśliwy wesoły
happy /ˈhæpi; US / adj. (happier; happiest) 1happy (to do sth); happy for sb; happy that... feeling or showing pleasure; pleased a happy baby You look very happy today. Congratulations! I’m very happy for you. ▶ szczęśliwy radosny pogodny
Be happy to do sth często tłumaczy się zwrotem „robić coś z radością, przyjemnością itp.“
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5[not before a noun] happy to do sth ready to do sth; pleased I’ll be more than happy to give you extra classes if you think you need them. I’ll be happy to (chętnie) see you any day next week. ▶ chętny do (zrobienia) czegoś
4happy (with/about sb/sth) satisfied that sth is good and right; not worried She doesn’t feel happy about the salary she’s been offered. I’m not very happy with what you’ve done. If there’s anything you’re not happy about, ▶ zadowolony
szczęśliwy, udany
Glad i pleased odnoszą się do konkretnej sytuacji lub wydarzenia. Happy określa nastrój, stan umysłu; może występować przed rzeczownikiem: This kind of music always makes me feel happy. • She’s such a happy child – she’s always laughing.
Delighted oznacza odczuwanie wielkiej przyjemności z powodu jakiegoś wydarzenia itp: I was delighted to meet her. Osoba, którą określa się jako cheerful, jest radosna i uzewnętrznia to swoim zachowaniem: a cheerful, hard-working employee.
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happy, successful
□ happiness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ szczęścieˌhappy-go-ˈlucky adj. not caring or worried about life and the future a happy-go-lucky person/attitude ▶ beztroski niefrasobliwy
6[only before a noun] lucky He’s in the happy position of being able to (jest w takiej szczęśliwej sytuacji, że może) retire at 50! a happy coincidence. ▶ szczęśliwy udany sprzyjający
dręczyć, nękać, prześladować
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harass, stalk
□ harassment / noun [u] She accused her boss of sexual harassment (molestowanie seksualne). ▶ gnębienie prześladowanieharassed /ˈhærəst; US həˈræst; US / adj. tired and worried because you have too much to do ▶ umęczony zgnębiony znękany
harass /ˈhærəs; US həˈræs; US / verb [transitive] to annoy or worry sb by doing unpleasant things to them, especially over a long time The court ordered him to stop harassing his ex-wife. ▶ dręczyć nękać prześladować
port, przystań
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a harbour
harbour1 (US harbor) /ˈhɑ: bə(r); US / noun [countable, uncountable] a place on the coast where ships can be tied up and protected from the sea and bad weather ▶ port przystań
skrywać, ukrywać
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2 to keep feelings or thoughts secret in your mind for a long time She harboured a deep dislike of him for years. She began to harbour doubts about the decision. ▶ skrywać (np. uczucia)
harbour2 (US harbor) /ˈhɑ: bə(r); US / verb [transitive] 1 to hide or protect sb/sth that is bad They were accused of harbouring terrorists. ▶ dawać schronienie (np. przestępcy, zbiegowi) ukrywać (np. przestępcę, zbiega)
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2hard (for sb) (to do sth) The first question in the exam was very hard. I find his attitude very hard to take. It’s hard (trudno) to know why he made that decision. It’s hard (trudno) for young people to find good jobs nowadays. ▶ trudny ciężki
hard1 /hɑ: d; US / adj. 1 not soft to touch; not easy to break or bend The bed was so hard that I couldn’t sleep. Diamonds are the hardest known mineral. ▶ twardy
ciężki, trudny
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heavy, difficult
4 (used about conditions) full of difficulty He had a hard time when his parents died. to have a hard day/life/childhood ▶ trudny ciężki
3 needing or using a lot of physical strength or mental effort It’s a hard climb to the top of the hill. Hard work is said to be good for you. We had some long, hard talks before we came to an agreement. He’s a hard worker ▶ ciężki trudny
ciężki, surowy
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6 very cold The forecast is for a hard winter/frost. ▶ surowy srogi  OPPOSITE  mild 7 containing particular minerals so that soap does not make many bubbles a hard water area ▶ twardy
5 not feeling or showing kindness or pity; not gentle You have to be hard to succeed in business. My grandfather was a very hard man – we were all afraid of him. She used some very hard words to tell him what she thought of him. ▶ surowy twardy
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hardness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ twardość
ciężko, z wysiłkiem
Uwaga! Nie myl hard z hardly. Hardly to przysłówek, który oznacza „prawie/wcale nie“: I hardly ever go to concerts. • I can hardly wait for my birthday.
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hard, with effort
2 with great force; heavily It was raining/snowing hard. He hit her hard across the face. ▶ mocno silnie ciężko
/hɑ:d/ adv. 1 with great effort, energy or attention He worked hard all his life. She looked hard at the man (bardzo uważnie przyglądała się mężczyźnie) but she didn’t recognize him. You’ll have to try a bit harder than that. ▶ ciężko z wysiłkiem
książka w twardej oprawie
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hardback /ˈhɑ: dbæk; US / noun [countable] a book that has a hard cover This book is only available in hardback. ▶ książka w twardej oprawie
ugotowany na tward
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ˌhard-ˈboiled adj. (used about an egg) boiled until it is solid inside ▶ ugotowany na twardo
kopia dokumentacyjna, wydruk z komputera
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hard copy
ˌhard ˈcopy noun [uncountable] printed material produced by a computer, usually on paper, to be read in the ordinary way ▶ wydruk z komputera kopia dokumentacyjna
twarda waluta
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hard currency
ˌhard ˈcurrency noun [uncountable] money belonging to a particular country that is easy to exchange and not likely to fall in value ▶ twarda waluta
dysk twardy
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a hard drive
ˌhard ˈdisk noun [countable] a piece of hard plastic that is fixed inside a computer and is used for storing data and programs permanently ▶ twardy dysk ⇨ look at floppy disk
twardy narkotyk
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hard drug
ˌhard ˈdrug noun [countable, usually pl.] a powerful and illegal drug that some people take for pleasure and can become addicted to Heroin and cocaine are hard drugs. He was arrested for smuggling hard drugs into the country. ▶ (twardy) narkotyk
utwardzać, twardnieć
Harden używa się tylko wtedy, gdy hard oznacza „twardy“ lub „nieżyczliwy“: The concrete will harden (cement stwardnieje) in 24 hours. • He hardened himself (znieczulił się na) to the feelings of other people
. Get harder używa się, kiedy hard ma inne znaczenie, np. „trudny“: Learning a foreign language gets harder as you get older. Nauka obcego języka staje się coraz trudniejsza wraz z upływem lat.
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harden, harden
2[intransitive] (used about sb’s face, voice, etc.) to become serious and unfriendly ▶ usztywnić się
harden /ˈhɑ: dn; US / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to become or to make sth hard or less likely to change The varnish takes a few hours to harden. • (figurative) The firm has hardened its attitude on this question. ▶ twardnieć utwardzać
znieczulać kogoś na coś
Get harder używa się, kiedy hard ma inne znaczenie, np. „trudny“: Learning a foreign language gets harder as you get older. Nauka obcego języka staje się coraz trudniejsza wraz z upływem lat.
Harden używa się tylko wtedy, gdy hard oznacza „twardy“ lub „nieżyczliwy“: The concrete will harden (cement stwardnieje) in 24 hours. • He hardened himself (znieczulił się na) to the feelings of other people.
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harden sb to sth
3[transitive, usually passive] harden sb (to sth/doing sth) to make sb less kind or less easily shocked a hardened (zatwardziały) criminal War reporters get hardened to seeing suffering. ▶ znieczulać kogoś (na coś)
twardy, rzeczowy
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ˌhard-ˈheaded adj. determined and not allowing yourself to be influenced by emotions a hard-headed businessman ▶ (osoba) twardy rzeczowy
nieczuły, bezlitosny
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ˌhard-ˈhearted adj. not kind to other people and not considering their feelings ▶ nieczuły bezlitosny
otwarty, odważny
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ˌhard-ˈhitting adj. that talks about or criticizes sb/sth in an honest and very direct way a hard-hitting campaign/speech/report ▶ (krytyka itp.) otwarty odważny
twarde stanowisko
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hard line
ˌhard ˈline noun [sing.] a way of thinking or a plan which will not be changed or influenced by anything The government has taken a very hard line on people who drink and drive. ▶ twarde stanowisko
mało, rzadko
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Hardly anybody I knew was at the party. It hardly matters whether you are there or not. Właściwie nie jest ważne, czy będziesz tam, czy nie. I hardly spoke any English when I first came here. mało (co/kto) prawie (nie/nigdy/nikt itp.) rzadko (kiedy)
hardly /ˈhɑ: dli; US / adv. 1 almost no; almost not; almost none There’s hardly any coffee left. Nie ma już prawie wcale kawy. We hardly ever go to the theatre nowadays. Prawie wcale nie chodzimy teraz do teatru.
ledwie, prawie nie
Zwróć uwagę, że kiedy hardly występuje na początku zdania, bezpośrednio po nim następuje czasownik. Ta konstrukcja jest używana przede wszystkim w formalnym języku pisanym: Hardly had she gone to sleep than it was time to get up again.
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Winning this money could hardly have come at a better time. Wygrana tych pieniędzy nie mogła przyjść w lepszym czasie. ▶ ledwie prawie nie
2 (used especially after ‘ can’ and ‘ could’ and before the main verb to emphasize that sth is difficult to do) Speak up – I can hardly hear you. I can hardly wait for the holidays to begin. Nie mogę się doczekać wakacji.
Zwróć uwagę, że kiedy hardly występuje na początku zdania, bezpośrednio po nim następuje czasownik. Ta konstrukcja jest używana przede wszystkim w formalnym języku pisanym: Hardly had she gone to sleep than it was time to get up again.
kezdjen tanulni
hardly, barely
3 (used to say that sth has just begun, happened, etc.) only just She’d hardly gone to sleep than it was time to get up again. Ledwie zasnęła, już trzeba było znowu wstawać. I’d hardly sat down when the phone rang. ▶ ledwie
trudno, chyba nie
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She hasn’t written for two years – she’s hardly likely to write now. He can hardly expect me to do all his washing for him! Chyba nie oczekuje, że zrobię mu to całe pranie. ▶ trudno (np. spodziewać się, uwierzyć, zrobić) chyba (nie)
4 (used to suggest that sth is unlikely or unreasonable) not really It’s hardly surprising (trudno się dziwić) that you’re tired after all the work you’ve done.
trudność, duża niewygoda
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hardship /ˈhɑ: dʃɪp; US / noun [c, u] the fact of not having enough money, food, etc. This new tax is going to cause a lot of hardship. It was no hardship to walk home on such a lovely evening. ▶ duża niewygoda trudność
pobocze drogi
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hard shoulder
ˌhard ˈshoulder (US shoulder) noun [countable] a narrow section of road at the side of a motorway where cars are allowed to stop in an emergency ▶ pobocze
sprzęt komputerowy
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2 tools and equipment that are used in the house and garden a hardware shop ▶ narzędzia towary żelazne sprzęt 3 heavy machinery or weapons ▶ ciężki sprzęt broń
hardware /ˈhɑ: dweə(r); US / noun [uncountable] 1 the machinery and electronic parts of a computer system ▶ sprzęt komputerowy hardware ⇨ look at software
mocny, wytrzymały
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ˌhard-ˈwearing adj. (Brit.) (used about materials, clothes, etc.) strong and able to last for a long time ▶ mocny wytrzymały
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ˌhard-ˈworking adj. working with effort and energy a hard-working man ▶ pracowity
odporny, wytrzymały
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hardy /ˈhɑ: di; US / adj. (hardier; hardiest) strong and able to survive difficult conditions and bad weather a hardy plant a hardy breed of sheep ▶ odporny wytrzymały trwały
odporny, wytrzymały
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hardy /ˈhɑ: di; US / adj. (hardier; hardiest) strong and able to survive difficult conditions and bad weather a hardy plant a hardy breed of sheep ▶ odporny wytrzymały trwały
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hare /heə(r); US / noun [countable] an animal like a rabbit but bigger with longer ears and legs ▶ zając
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harem /ˈhɑ: ri: m; -rəm; US ˈhærəm / noun [countable] a number of women living with one man, especially in Muslim societies. The part of the building the women live in is also called a harem. ▶ harem
krzywda, szkoda
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harm1 /hɑ: m; US / noun [u] damage or injury Peter ate some of those berries but they didn’t do him any harm. The scandal caused serious harm to the government. I forgot to turn the cooker off, but luckily no harm was done. ▶ krzywda szkoda
krzywdzić, wyrządzać szkodę
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harm, cause harm
harm2 /hɑ: m; US / verb [transitive] to cause injury or damage; hurt Too much sun can harm your skin. It wouldn’t harm him to work a bit harder! ▶ krzywdzić wyrządzać szkodę
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harmful /ˈhɑ: mfl; US / adj. harmful (to sb/sth) causing harm The new drug has no harmful side effects. Traffic fumes are harmful to the environment. ▶ szkodliwy
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2 not likely to upset people The children can watch that film – it’s quite harmless. ▶ nieszkodliwy niewinny □ harmlessly /; US / adv. ▶ nieszkodliwie
/ˈhɑ:mləs / adj. 1 not able or not likely to cause damage or injury; safe You needn’t be frightened – these insects are totally harmless. ▶ nieszkodliwy
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□ harmonic noun [usually pl.] 1 a note that sounds together with the main note being played and is higher and quieter than that note ▶ harmoniczna
harmonic /hɑ:ˈmɒnɪk; US / adj. [usually before a noun] relating to the way notes are played or sung together to make a pleasing sound the harmonic and rhythmic interest of the music ▶ harmoniczny
harmonijka ustna
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harmonica /hɑ:ˈmɒnɪkə; US / (also ˈmouth organ) noun [countable] a small musical instrument that you play by moving it across your lips while you are blowing ▶ organki harmonijka ustna
zgodny, harmoniczny
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2 (used about musical notes, colours, etc.) producing a pleasant effect when heard or seen together ▶ harmoniczny melodyjny
harmonious /hɑ:ˈməʊniəs; US / adj. 1 friendly, peaceful and without disagreement Discussions between the two countries have been extremely harmonious. ▶ zgodny harmonijny
harmonijnie, zgodnie
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□ harmoniously /; US / adv. ▶ harmonijnie zgodnie zgranie
harmonizowanie, dopasowywanie
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□ harmonization (also harmonisation) /ˌhɑ: mənaɪˈzeɪʃn; US -nəˈz- / noun [uncountable] ▶ dopasowywanie harmonizowanie zestrajanie dostosowywanie
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2harmonize (with sb/sth) to sing or play music that sounds good combined with the main tune You sing the tune and I’ll harmonize. ▶ harmonizować
harmonize /ˈhɑ: mənaɪz/ verb [i] 1harmonize (with sth) (used about two or more things) to produce a pleasant effect when seen, heard, etc. together That new house doesn’t really harmonize with the older houses in the street. ▶ harmonizować pasować
zgoda, harmonia
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2 [countable, uncountable] a pleasing combination of musical notes, colours, etc. They sang in three-part harmony. There are some beautiful harmonies in that music. ▶ harmonia
harmony /ˈhɑ: məni; US / noun (pl. harmonies) 1[uncountable] a state of agreement or of living together in peace We need to live more in harmony with our environment. There is said to be a lack of harmony within the government. ▶ zgoda harmonia
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2 a set of narrow pieces of material for fastening sth to sb’s body or for stopping sb from moving around, falling, etc. a safety harness ▶ szelki (zabezpieczające)
harness1 /ˈhɑ: nɪs; US / noun [countable] 1 a set of narrow pieces of leather that is put around a horse’s neck and body so that it can pull sth ▶ uprząż
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2 to control the energy of sth in order to produce power or to achieve sth to harness the sun’s rays as a source of energy ▶ wprzęgać wykorzystywać (do czegoś)
harness2 /ˈhɑ: nɪs; US / verb [transitive] 1harness sth (to sth) to put a harness on a horse, etc. or to tie a horse, etc. to sth using a harness Two ponies were harnessed to the cart. ▶ zaprzęgać nakładać uprząż
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□ harpist /-pɪst; US / noun [countable] ▶ harfist(k)a harfiarz/rka
harp1 /hɑ: p; US / noun [countable] a large musical instrument which has many strings stretching from the top to the bottom of a frame. You play the harp with your fingers. ▶ harfa
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harpoon /hɑ:ˈpu: n; US / noun [countable] a long thin weapon with a sharp pointed end and a rope tied to it that is used to catch whales ▶ harpun □ harpoon verb [transitive] ▶ łowić na harpun
wstrząsający, przerażający
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harrowing /ˈhærəʊɪŋ; US / adj. making people feel very sad or upset The programme showed harrowing scenes of the victims of the war. ▶ wstrząsający przerażający
surowy, ostry, niemiły
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2 unpleasant and difficult to live in She grew up in the harsh environment a harsh light/voice ▶ trudny ostry niemiły 3 too strong or rough and likely to damage sth This soap is too harsh for a baby’s skin. ▶ chropowaty o silnym działaniu
harsh /hɑ:ʃ; US / adj. 1 very strict and unkind a harsh punishment/criticism The judge had some harsh words for the journalist’s behaviour. ▶ surowy ostry niemiły
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□ harshly /; US / adv. ▶ surowo —harshness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ surowość ostrość
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2[countable] the amount of grain, fruit, etc. that is collected This year’s wheat harvest was very poor. ▶ zbiór/zbiory plony
harvest /ˈhɑ: vɪst/ noun 1 [c, u] the time of year when the grain, fruit, etc. is collected on a farm; the act of collecting the grain, fruit, etc. In our country harvest time is usually June. Farmers always need extra help with the harvest. ▶ żniwa
zbierać plony
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to harvest
□ harvest verb [intransitive, transitive] to harvest crops ▶ zbierać (plony z pól)
# krzyżyk
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2[uncountable] (informal) = hashish 3(also ˈhash sign) (Brit.) [countable] the symbol ( # ), especially one on a telephone ▶ krzyżyk (na tarczy telefonu)
hash /hæʃ; US / noun 1 [uncountable] a hot dish of meat and potatoes that are cut into small pieces, mixed together and fried ▶ zapiekanka ze smażonego mięsa i ziemniaków
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hashish /ˈhæʃi:ʃ; US / (also informal hash) noun [uncountable] a drug made from hemp that some people smoke for pleasure and which is illegal in many countries ▶ haszysz
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haste /heɪst; US / noun [uncountable] speed in doing sth, especially because you do not have enough time In my haste to get to the airport on time I left my passport at home. The letter had clearly been written in haste. ▶ pośpiech
pośpieszać, przyśpieszać
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2[transitive] to make sth happen or be done earlier or more quickly The revelations about the President’s private life hastened his departure from office. ▶ przyśpieszać
hasten /ˈheɪsn; US / verb (formal) 1[intransitive] hasten to do sth to be quick to do or say sth She hastened to apologize. Pośpieszyła z przeprosinami. ▶ pośpieszać skwapliwie coś zrobić
pośpieszny, pochopny, nierozważny
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2hasty (in doing sth/to do sth) (used about a person) acting or deciding too quickly or without enough thought Don’t be too hasty. This is an important decision. Maybe I was too hasty in rejecting her for the job. ▶ pochopny nierozważny
hasty /ˈheɪsti; US / adj. (hastier; hastiest) 1 said or done too quickly He said a hasty ‘ goodbye’ and left. ▶ pośpieszny □ hastily /; US / adv. ▶ pośpiesznie pochopnie
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hat /hæt; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW a covering that you wear on your head, usually when you are outside to put on/take off a hat to wear a hat a sun hat kapelusz od słońca ▶ kapelusz
wykluwać się, wysiadywać jaja
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hatch, brood
2[transitive] to make a baby bird, etc. come out of an egg The female finds a warm place to hatch her eggs. ▶ wysiadywać (jaja) 3[intransitive] (used about an egg) to break open and allow the baby bird, etc. inside to get out ▶ (jajko) pękać
hatch1 /hætʃ; US / verb 1 [i] hatch (out) (used about a baby bird, insect, fish, etc.) to come out of an egg Ten chicks hatched out this morning. ▶ wykluwać się
luk, okienko w ścianie do podawania jedzenia
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2 an opening in the wall between a kitchen and another room that is used for passing food through a serving hatch ▶ okienko otwór w ścianie 3 the door in a plane or spacecraft ▶ drzwi właz
hatch2 /hætʃ; US / noun [countable] 1 an opening in the deck of a ship or the bottom of an aircraft through which goods are passed ▶ luk
toporek, siekierka
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hatchet, hatchet
hatchet /ˈhætʃɪt; US / noun [countable] a tool with a short handle and a heavy metal head with a sharp edge used for cutting wood ▶ toporek siekierka
nienawidzić, nieznosić
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2 (used as a polite way of saying sorry for sth you would prefer not to have to say) I hate to bother you but did you pick up my keys by mistake? I hate to say it (przepraszam bardzo), but I think that’s my drink you’re drinking.
hate1 /heɪt; US / verb [t] 1 to have a very strong feeling of not liking sb/sth at all I hate grapefruit. I hate it when it’s raining like this. I hate to see the countryside spoilt. I hate him having to work so hard. ▶ nienawidzić nie znosić
nienawiść, niechęć
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2[countable] a thing that you do not like at all ▶ przedmiot szczególnej awersji Często używane z pet, wówczas oznacza coś, czego się wyjątkowo nie lubi: Plastic flowers are one of my pet hates.
hate2 /heɪt; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[uncountable] a very strong feeling of not liking sb/sth at all Do you feel any hate towards the kidnappers? ▶ nienawiść
nienawistny, wstrętny
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hateful, hideous
hateful /ˈheɪtfl; US / adj. hateful (to sb) extremely unpleasant Racism in any form was hateful to her. It was a hateful thing to say. ▶ nienawistny wstrętny okropny
wyniosły, zarozumiały
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haughty, conceited
□ haughtily /; US / adv. ▶ wyniośle —haughtiness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ wyniosłość pycha duma
haughty /ˈhɔ: ti; US / adj. (haughtier; haughtiest) proud, and thinking that you are better than other people She gave me a haughty look. ▶ wyniosły zarozumiały
ciągnąć, holować
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haul1 /hɔ: l; US / verb [transitive] to pull sth with a lot of effort or difficulty Try to haul yourself up using the rope. A lorry hauled the car out of the mud. ▶ ciągnąć wlec holować
połów, łup
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2[sing.] a distance to be travelled It seemed a long haul back home. ▶ (długa) droga do przebycia dystans odległość 3[sing.] the act of hauling ▶ ciągnienie wleczenie holowanie
/hɔ:l / noun 1 [c, usually sing.] a haul (of sth) a large amount of sth that has been stolen, caught, collected, etc. Police have made the biggest ever haul of illegal drugs in London. The fishermen came back with a good haul of fish. ▶ połów łup
koszt przewozu,
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haulage /ˈhɔ: lɪdʒ; US / noun [uncountable] (Brit.) the transport of goods by road, rail, etc.; the money charged for this ▶ przewóz koszt przewozu transport
pośladki, (u zwierząt)
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haunches /ˈhɔ: ntʃəs; US / noun [pl.] the tops of the legs and buttocks; the similar parts at the back of the body of an animal that has four legs to crouch/squat on your haunches ▶ pośladki (razem z tylną częścią ud) zad
nawiedzać, straszyć
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2 (used about sth unpleasant or sad) to be always in your mind His unhappy face has haunted me for years. ▶ prześladować
haunt1 /hɔ: nt; US / verb [transitive] 1[often passive] if a ghost haunts a place, people say that they have seen it there The ghost of a woman haunts the castle. The house is said to be haunted. ▶ nawiedzać (duchy) straszyć
prześladujący, nie dający spokoju
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persecuting, haunting
haunting /ˈhɔ: ntɪŋ; US / adj. having a quality that stays in your mind a haunting song ▶ prześladujący nie dający komuś spokoju
chorować na coś
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be down with something
4(also have got) [not used in the continuous tenses] to be ill with sth She’s got a bad cold. to have flu/a headache/cancer/AIDS ▶ chorować na coś mieć
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to have
She had her bag stolen (ukradziono jej torebkę) on the underground. Charles I had his head cut off. Karolowi I obcięto głowę. He had his driving licence taken off him for six months. Odebrano mu prawo jazdy na sześć miesięcy. ▶ mieć
to experience sth to have fun/a good time dobrze/wesoło spędzić czas Did you have a nice holiday? He’s had (doznał) a terrible shock. to have problems/difficulties to have an idea/an impression/a feeling to have an accident
W Br. ang. częściej używanym i mniej formalnym wyrażeniem jest have got to. ⇨ note at must
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must/have to - had to - had to
Do you have to have a visa to go to America? We had to do (mieliśmy do zrobienia) lots of boring exercises. She’s got to go (ma iść) to the bank this afternoon.
have to /ˈhæv tə; ˈhæf tə; strong form and before vowels ˈhæv tu:; US ˈhæf tu: / (also have got to) modal verb (used for saying that sb must do sth or that sth must happen We don’t have to go to the party if you don’t want to ▶ musieć
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These insects can wreak havoc on (mogą zniszczyć) crops. ▶ spustoszenie
havoc /ˈhævək/ [u] a situation in which there is a lot of damage or confusion The rail strikes will cause havoc all over the country. The bad weather will play havoc with our plans (zniweczyła nasze plany).
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2 (in politics) a person who supports strong action and the use of force rather than peaceful solutions ▶ (polityk) jastrząb
hawk /hɔ: k; US / noun [countable] 1 a type of large bird that catches and eats small animals and birds. Hawks can see very well The shopkeeper was watching the boys like a hawk. ▶ jastrząb Hawks are a type of bird of prey.
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hawthorn /ˈhɔ:ɵɔ: n; US / noun [uncountable, countable] a bush or small tree with sharp thorns, white, red or pink flowers and small dark red berries ▶ głóg
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hay /heɪ; US / noun [uncountable] grass that has been cut and dried for use as animal food ▶ siano
katar sienny
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hay fever
ˈhay fever noun [uncountable] an illness that affects the eyes, nose and throat and is caused by breathing in pollen ▶ katar sienny
niebezpieczeństwo, ryzyko
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hazard1 /ˈhæzəd; US / noun [countable] a danger or risk Smoking is a serious health hazard. ▶ niebezpieczeństwo ryzyko
zgadywać, zaryzykować
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hazard2 /ˈhæzəd; US / verb [t] to make a guess or to suggest sth even though you know it may be wrong I don’t know what he paid for the house but I could hazard a guess. ▶ zgadywać zaryzykować
ryzykowny, niebezpieczny
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hazardous /ˈhæzədəs; US / adj. involving risk or danger ▶ niebezpieczny ryzykowny
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haze /heɪz; US / noun 1 [countable, uncountable] air that is difficult to see through because of heat, dust or smoke ▶ mgiełka ⇨ note at fog 2[sing.] a mental state in which you cannot think clearly He lay there in a drunken haze. ▶ otumanienie
leszczyna, leszczynowy
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hazel, hazel
hazel2 /ˈheɪzl; US / adj. (used especially about eyes) light brown in colour ▶ piwny
hazel1 /ˈheɪzl; US / noun [countable] a small tree or bush that produces nuts ▶ leszczyna leszczynowy
orzech laskowy
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a hazelnut
hazelnut /ˈheɪzlnʌt; US / noun [countable] a small brown nut that we eat ▶ orzech laskowy
mglisty, niejasny
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2 difficult to remember or understand clearly a hazy memory ▶ mglisty 3 (used about a person) uncertain, not expressing things clearly She’s a bit hazy about the details of the trip. ▶ niepewny (czegoś)
hazy /ˈheɪzi; US / adj. (hazier; haziest) 1 not clear, especially because of heat The fields were hazy in the early morning sun. ▶ mglisty niejasny
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2[in compounds] having the type of head mentioned a bald-headed (łysy) man ▶ (określa rodzaj głowy)
head1 /hed; US / noun 1 [countable] the part of your body above your neck She turned her head to look at him. He’s in hospital with serious head injuries after the crash. ▶ głowa
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4[c, u] the person in charge of a group of people the head of the family Several heads of state attended the funeral. the head of the Church of England the head of a company the head waiter kierownik sali w restauracji ▶ głowa szef/owa
3[countable] sb’s mind, brain or mental ability Use your head! Rusz głową! A horrible thought entered my head. I usually add the prices up in my head (w pamięci) as I go round the supermarket. ▶ (przen.) głowa
reszka, czoło
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7[countable, sing.] the top, front or most important part to sit at the head (na szczycie) of the table Put your name at the head (w nagłówku) of the paper. We were marching right at the head of the procession. the head of the queue ▶ czoło przód
5 (also head teacher) [c] the teacher in charge of a school Who is going to be the new head? ▶ dyrektor/ka szkoły 6(heads) [u] the side of a coin with the head of a person on it Heads or tails? Heads I go first, tails you do. ▶ reszka
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8 something that is like a head in shape or position the head of (główka) a hammer the head of (łebek) a nail
przewodzić, kierować
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2[transitive] to be in charge of or to lead sth Do you think that he has the experience necessary to head a government? ▶ przewodzić kierować
head2 /hed; US / verb 1 [intransitive] to move in the direction mentioned The ship headed towards the harbour. Where are you heading? ▶ iść/jechać/płynąć (w kierunku opisanym) zdążać (w kierunku opisanym)
poprzedać, być na czele
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5[t] to hit the ball with your head He headed the ball into the net. ▶ zagrać głową (sport) główkować 3[t] to be at the front of a line, top of a list, etc. to head a procession Two names headed the list of possible suspects. ▶ być na czele
4[transitive, often passive] to give a title at the top of a piece of writing The report was headed ‘ The State of the Market’. ▶ zatytułować poprzedzać
bół głowy
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headache /ˈhedeɪk; US / noun [countable] 1 a pain in your head I’ve got a splitting (rozsadzający) headache. ▶ ból głowy ⇨ note at ache 2 a person or thing that causes worry or difficulty Paying the bills is a constant headache. ▶ utrapienie
opaska na głowę
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headband /ˈhedbænd; US / noun [countable] a strip of fabric worn around the head, especially to keep hair or sweat out of your eyes when playing sports ▶ opaska na głowę
wyszukiwać kandydatów do pracy
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headhunt /ˈhedhʌnt; US / [t] to find sb who is suitable for a senior job and persuade them to leave their present job I was headhunted by a marketing agency. A successor is being headhunted. ▶ wyszukiwać kandydatów do pracy (z innych instytucji)
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a heading
heading /ˈhedɪŋ; US / noun [countable] the words written as a title at the top of a page or a piece of writing The company’s aims can be grouped under three main headings. ▶ nagłówek
cypel, przylądek
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headland, cape
headland /ˈhedlənd; US -lænd / noun [countable] a narrow piece of land that sticks out into the sea ▶ cypel przylądek
reflektor w samochodzie
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headlight in a car
headlight /ˈhedlaɪt; US / (also headlamp /ˈhedlæmp; US /) noun [countable] one of the two large bright lights at the front of a vehicle Switch your headlights on – it’s getting dark. ▶ reflektor (w samochodzie)
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a headline
headline /ˈhedlaɪn; US / noun 1 [countable] the title of a newspaper article printed in large letters above the story ▶ nagłówek 2(the headlines) [pl.] the main items of news read on TV or radio ▶ skrót najważniejszych wiadomości
głową na przód
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□ headlong adj. [only before a noun] a headlong dive/rush ▶ głową naprzód
headlong /ˈhedlɒŋ/ adv. 1 with your head before the rest of your body I tripped and fell headlong into the road. ▶ głową naprzód 2 too quickly; without enough thought He rushed headlong into buying the business. ▶ na łeb na szyję nierozważnie
centrala, siedziba główna
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headquarters, head office
ˌhead ˈoffice noun [countable, uncountable, with sing. or pl. verb] the main office of a company; the managers who work there Their head office is in New York. I don’t know what head office will think about this proposal. ▶ centrala siedziba główna
głowa państwa
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head of state
ˌhead of ˈstate noun [countable] (pl. heads of state) the official leader of a country who is sometimes also the leader of the government The Queen was joined by the US President and other heads of state from around the world. ▶ głowa państwa
czołowy, czołowo
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ˌhead-ˈon adj. [only before a noun] with the front of one car, etc. hitting the front of another a head-on crash ▶ czołowy □ ˌhead-ˈon adv. The cars crashed head-on. ▶ czołowo
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headphones /ˈhedfəʊnz; US / noun [pl.] a piece of equipment worn over or in the ears that makes it possible to listen to music, the radio, etc. without other people hearing it ▶ słuchawki
główna kwatera
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headquarters /ˌhedˈkwɔ: təz / noun [pl., with sing. or pl. verb] (abbr. HQ /ˌeɪtʃ ˈkju:; US /) the place from where an organization is controlled; the people who work there Where is/are the firm’s headquarters? ▶ centralny zarząd główna kwatera
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headrest /ˈhedrest; US / noun [countable] the part of a seat or chair that supports a person’s head, especially on the front seat of a car ▶ zagłówek
zestaw słuchawkowy
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headset /ˈhedset; US / noun [countable] a pair of headphones, especially one with a microphone fixed to it The pilot was talking into his headset. ▶ zestaw słuchawkowy
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head start
ˌhead ˈstart noun [sing.] an advantage that you have from the beginning Being able to speak English gave her a head start at school. ▶ fory
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headstone /ˈhedstəʊn; US / noun [countable] a large stone with writing on, used to mark where a dead person is buried ▶ nagrobek
nieustępliwy, uparty
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headstrong /ˈhedstrɒŋ; US / adj. doing what you want, without listening to advice from other people ▶ nieustępliwy uparty
mocny, odurzający
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2 (used about alcoholic drinks) likely to make people drunk quickly; potent a heady wine ▶ mocny idący do głowy 3 (used about a person) excited and acting without careful thought to be heady with success ▶ odurzony
heady /ˈhedi; US / adj. 1 having a quick and exciting effect on the senses a heady perfume the heady days (szalone dni) of her youth ▶ mocny odurzający raptowny

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