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foal /fəʊl; US / noun [countable] a young horse ▶ źrebię
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3 an artificial substance that is between a solid and a liquid and is made from very small bubbles shaving foam They used foam to put out the fire. ▶ pian(k)a
foam1 /fəʊm; US / noun [u] 1(also ˌfoam ˈrubber) a light rubber material that is used inside seats, a foam mattress ▶ gąbka 2 a mass of small air bubbles that form on the surface of a liquid white foam on the tops of the waves ▶ piana
pienić się
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foam2 /fəʊm; US / verb [intransitive] to produce foam We watched the foaming river below. The dog was foaming at the mouth (toczył pianę z pyska). ▶ pienić się
skupiać się
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focus1 /ˈfəʊkəs; US / verb (focusing; focused or focussing; focussed) focus (sth) (on sth) 1[intransitive, transitive] to give all your attention to sth to focus on a problem to focus attention on a problem ▶ skupiać się skupiać (uwagę na czymś)
skupiać się, ześrodkowywać
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3[int, t] (used about a camera) to change or be changed so that things can be seen clearly I focussed (the camera) on the person in the middle. ▶ nastawiać ostrość 4[transitive] to direct rays of light onto one particular point ▶ ogniskować
2[intransitive, transitive] (used about your eyes) to change or be changed so that things can be seen clearly Gradually his eyes focused. She focussed her eyes on the page. ▶ ześrodkowywać (się) skupiać się
centrum, środek
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2 the point at which rays of light meet or from which they appear to come ▶ ognisko (promieni)
focus2 /ˈfəʊkəs; US / [c] 1 the centre of interest or attention; special attention that is given to sb/sth Tonight our focus will be on modern jazz. The school used to be the focus of village life. ▶ centrum (np. uwagi) ośrodek (zainteresowania)
pasza, obrok
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fodder /ˈfɒdə(r); US / noun [uncountable] food that is given to farm animals ▶ pasza obrok
płód, zarodek
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foetus, embryo
foetus (US fetus) /ˈfi: təs; US / noun [countable] a young human or animal that is still developing in its mother’s body ▶ płód zarodek Wcześniejsze stadium rozwoju to embryo.
Fog oznacza gęstą mgłę, zaś mist to lekka mgła. W gorące dni, pod wpływem wysokiej temperatury, może tworzyć się zamglenie zwane po angielsku haze. Smog to rodzaj mgły spowodowanej zanieczyszczeniem powietrza.
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a fog
The fog had lifted/cleared by midday. Bad fogs are common in November. • (figurative) His mind was in a fog (miał zamęt w myślach) and he couldn’t study any more. ▶ mgła
fog /fɒɡ; US; / noun [u, c] thick cloud that forms close to or just above the land or sea. Fog makes it difficult for us to see Patches of dense fog are making driving dangerous.
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foggy /ˈfɒɡi; US; / adj. (foggier; foggiest) (used to describe the weather when there is fog) a foggy morning ▶ mglisty
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2 [countable] a long, thin, pointed weapon used in the sport of fencing ▶ floret
foil1 /fɔɪl; US / noun 1 (also tinfoil /ˈtɪnfɔɪl; US /) [uncountable] metal that has been made into very thin sheets, used for putting around food aluminium foil ▶ folia (np. aluminiowa) ⇨ look at cling film
udaremniać, krzyżować wysiłki
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The prisoners tried to escape but all their attempts were foiled. ▶ udaremniać (wysiłki) krzyżować (komuś coś)
foil2 /fɔɪl; US / verb [transitive] to prevent sb from succeeding, especially with a plan; to prevent a plan from succeeding The prisoners were foiled in their attempt to escape.
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2[in] fold (up) to be able to be made smaller This table folds up flat. ▶ składać się 3[transitive] fold A in B; fold B round/over A to put sth around sth else I folded the photos in a sheet of paper and put them away. ▶ zawijać coś w coś
/fəʊld / 1 [tra] fold sth (up) to bend one part of sth over another part in order to make it smaller, tidier, etc. He folded the letter into three before putting it into the envelope. Fold up your clothes neatly and put them away please. ▶ składać
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□ folding /; US / adj. [only before a noun] a folding chair a folding bed łóżko polowe ▶ składany
fałda, zagięcie
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3 a small area inside a fence where sheep are kept together in a field ▶ owczarnia koszara
fold2 /fəʊld; US / noun [countable] 1 a curved shape that is made when there is more material, etc. than is necessary to cover sth the folds of a curtain/dress folds of skin ▶ fałda 2 the mark or line where sth has been folded ▶ zagięcie
teczka, skoroszyt
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folder /ˈfəʊldə(r); US / noun [c] 1 a cardboard or plastic cover that is used for holding papers, etc. ▶ teczka (do akt) skoroszyt 2 a collection of information or files on one subject that is stored in a computer or on a disk ▶ plik zbiór
ludowy, folkowy
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folklore /ˈfəʊklɔ:(r); US / noun [uncountable] traditional stories and beliefs ▶ folklor folklorist /ˈfəʊklɔ: rɪst; US / noun [countable] a person who studiesfolklore, especially as an academic subject ▶ folkloryst(k)a
folk2 /fəʊk; US / adj. [only before a noun] traditional in a community; of a traditional style Robin Hood is an English folk hero. folk music a folk dance/song/singer/tale ▶ ludowy folkowy
mieszek (włosowy)
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follicle /ˈfɒlɪkl; US / noun [countable] one of the very small holes in the skin which hair grows from a hair follicle ▶ mieszek
iść za kimś
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2 to go after somebody in order to catch them Go a bit slower! I think the police are following us! ▶ ścigać gonić śledzić
follow /ˈfɒləʊ; US / verb 1[in, t] to come, go or happen after sb/sth You go first and I’ll follow (on) later. The dog followed her (around) wherever she went. The news will be followed by a programme on monkeys. ▶ iść za kimś/czymś
następować, wynikać
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3[transitive] to go along a road, etc.; to go in the same direction as sth Follow this road for a mile and then turn right at the pub. The road follows the river for a few miles. ▶ iść/jechać (np. drogą) iść wzdłuż czegoś biec równolegle z czymś
2[in] follow (on) (from sth) to be the logical result of sth; to be the next logical step after sth Intermediate Book One follows on from Elementary Book Two. It doesn’t follow that old people can’t lead active lives. ▶ następować wynikać
stosować się do czegoś
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5[intransitive, transitive] to understand the meaning of sth I’m sorry, I don’t follow. The children couldn’t follow the plot of that film. ▶ rozumieć
4[t] to do sth or to happen according to instructions, an example etc. When lighting fireworks, it is important to follow the instructions carefully. The day’s events followed the usual pattern. ▶ stosować się do czegoś nadążać za czymś
słuchać, śledzić coś z zainteresowaniem
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7[transitive] to take an active interest in sth Have you been following the tennis championships? ▶ śledzić z zainteresowaniem
6[transitive] to keep watching or listening to sb/sth very carefully You’ll have to follow what he says very carefully if you want to understand it. The film follows the career of a young dancer. ▶ słuchać/patrzeć uważnie śledzić (np. czyjeś losy
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supporter, follower
follower /ˈfɒləʊə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who follows or supports a person, belief, etc. ▶ zwolenni-k/czka wyznaw-ca/czyni stronni-k/czka ucze-ń/nnica
następny, następujący
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2 that are going to be mentioned next Please could you bring the following items to the next meeting... ▶ następujący
following1 /ˈfɒləʊɪŋ; US / adj. 1 next (in time) He became ill on Sunday and died the following day. ▶ następny
poparcie, nastęujące rzeczy
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2(the following) [pl.] the people or things that are going to be mentioned next The following are the winners (a oto nazwiska zwycięzców) of the competition... ▶ następujące osoby/rzeczy
following2 /ˈfɒləʊɪŋ; US / noun 1 [sing.] a group of people who support or admire sth The Brazilian team has a large following in all parts of the world. ▶ grupa zwolenników poparcie
po, w następstwie
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following3 /ˈfɒləʊɪŋ; US / prep. after; as a result of Following the riots many students have been arrested. ▶ po w następstwie
dodatek, kontynuacja
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ˈfollow-up noun [countable] something that is done as a second stage to continue or develop sth As a follow-up to the TV series, the BBC is publishing a book. follow-up treatment after an operation ▶ dodatek kontynuacja
kezdjen tanulni
I’m especially fond of (szczególnie lubię) his chicken casserole. ▶ lubiący 2[only before a noun] kind and loving I have fond memories of (mile wspominam) my aunts. ▶ czuły
fond /fɒnd; US / adj. 1 [not before a noun] fond of sb/sth; fond of doing sth liking a person or thing, or liking doing sth Elephants are very fond of bananas. I’m not fond of getting up early. Teachers often grow fond of their students.
kezdjen tanulni
font /fɒnt; US / noun [countable] 1 a large stone bowl in a church that holds water for a baptism the baptismal font ▶ chrzcielnica 2 the particular size and style of a set of letters that are used in printing, on a computer screen, etc. ▶ czcionka
żywność, jedzenie
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food, food
2[countable, uncountable] a particular type of food that you eat My favourite food is pasta. Have you ever had Japanese food? baby food dog food health foods ▶ żywność
food /fu: d; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[uncountable] something that people or animals eat Food and drink will be provided after the meeting. There is a shortage of food in some areas. ▶ żywność jedzenie
łańcuch, pokarmowy
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food chain
ˈfood chain noun [countable] (usually the food chain) a series of living creatures, each of which feeds on the one below it in the series ▶ łańcuch pokarmowy
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gourmet, foodie
foodie /ˈfu: di; US / noun [countable] (informal) a person who is very interested in cooking and eating different kinds of food ▶ smakosz/ka
zatrucie pokarmowe
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food poisoning
ˈfood poisoning noun [uncountable] an illness that is caused by eating food that is bad ▶ zatrucie pokarmowe
mikser, robot kuchenny
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food processor
ˈfood processor noun [countable] an electric machine that can mix food and also cut food into small pieces ▶ mikser robot kuchenny
artykuł żywnościowy
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foodstuff /ˈfu: dstʌf; US / noun [countable, usually pl.] a substance that is used as food There has been a sharp rise in the cost of basic foodstuffs. ▶ artykuł żywnościowy
głupiec, dureń
kezdjen tanulni
fool, fool
fool1 /fu: l; US / noun [countable] a person who is silly or who acts in a silly way I felt such a fool when I realized my stupid mistake. She was fool enough (była na tyle naiwna) to believe it when he said that he loved her. ▶ głupiec dureń
nabierać kogoś
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2[intransitive] to speak without being serious You didn’t really believe me when I said I was going to America, did you? I was only fooling. ▶ żartować
fool2 /fu: l; US / verb 1 [transitive] fool sb (into doing sth) to trick sb Don’t be fooled into believing everything that the salesman says. You can’t fool me – that’s not real money! ▶ nabierać kogoś okpiwać
niemądry, głupi
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foolishly /; US / adv. I foolishly agreed to lend him money. ▶ niemądrze lekkomyślnie głupio —foolishness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ głupota lekkomyślność
foolish /ˈfu: lɪʃ; US / adj. 1 not sensible I was foolish enough to trust him. ▶ niemądry lekkomyślny głupi 2 looking silly or feeling embarrassed I felt a bit foolish when I He felt rather foolish (głupio) when he fell in the street. ▶ głupi
kezdjen tanulni
foolproof, reliable
foolproof /ˈfu: lpru: f; US / adj. not capable of going wrong or being wrongly used Our security system is absolutely foolproof. ▶ nie do zepsucia niezawodny
stopa, noga
Boso to barefoot lub in bare feet: There’s broken glass on the floor, so don’t walk around in bare feet.
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2 [in compounds] having or using the type of foot or number of feet mentioned There are no left-footed players in the team. a four-footed creature czworonożne stworzenie ▶ -nożny 3 the part of a sock, etc. that covers the foot ▶ stopa
foot1 /fʊt; US / noun [c] (pl. feet /fi: t; US /) 1 the lowest part of the body, at the end of the leg, on which a person or an animal stands People usually get to their feet (powstają) for the national anthem. She rose to her feet. Wstała.
dół, spód
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5 (abbr. ft) a measure of length; 30.48 centimetres. There are 3 feet in a yard ‘ How tall are you?’ ‘ Five foot six (inches).’ a six-foot high wall ▶ stopa
4[sing.] the foot of sth the bottom of sth There’s a note at the foot of the page. the foot of the stairs at the foot of the bed w nogach łóżka ▶ dół (czegoś) spód  OPPOSITE  top Antonimem the foot of the bed jest the head of the bed.
materiał filmowy
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footage /ˈfʊtɪdʒ; US / noun [uncountable] part of a film showing a particular event The documentary included footage of the assassination of Kennedy. ▶ materiał filmowy
piłka nożna
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football /ˈfʊtbɔ: l; US / noun 1(especially US soccer /ˈsɒkə(r); US /) [uncountable] a game that is played by two teams of eleven players who try to kick a round ball into a goal a football pitch/match ▶ piłka nożna futbol
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a footballer
footballer /ˈfʊtbɔ: lə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who plays football a talented footballer ▶ piłkarz
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footbridge /ˈfʊtbrɪdʒ; US / noun [countable] a narrow bridge used only by people who are walking ▶ kładka mostek dla pieszych
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foothill /ˈfʊthɪl; US / noun [usually pl.] a hill or low mountain at the base of a higher mountain or range of mountains the foothills of the Himalayas ▶ podgórze
punkt zaczepienia
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foothold /ˈfʊthəʊld; US / noun [countable] a place where you can safely put your foot when you are climbing: (figurative) We need to get a foothold in the European market. ▶ oparcie dla nóg punkt zaczepienia
równowaga, oparcie dla nóg
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▶ równowaga oparcie (dla nóg) 2 the level or position of sb/sth (in relation to sb/sth else) to be on an equal footing (na równej stopie) with sb ▶ stosunki (np. zażyłe, przyjacielskie)
/ˈfʊtɪŋ/ sing. 1 being able to stand firmly on a surface Climbers usually attach themselves to a rope in case they lose their footing. • (figurative) The company is now on on a firm footing (stoi teraz mocno na nogach) and should soon show a profit.
przypis, odnoścnik
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footnote, reference
footnote /ˈfʊtnəʊt; US / noun [countable] an extra piece of information that is added at the bottom of a page in a book ▶ przypis odnośnik
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footpath /ˈfʊtpɑ:ɵ; US -pæɵ / noun [countable] a path for people to walk on a public footpath ▶ ścieżka
ślady stopy
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footprint /ˈfʊtprɪnt; US / noun [countable] a mark that is left on the ground by a foot or a shoe ▶ ślad (stopy) ⇨ look at track
odgłos kroków
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footstep /ˈfʊtstep; US / noun [countable] the sound of sb walking; the mark that a person leaves when walking I heard his footsteps in the hall. footsteps in the snow ▶ odgłos kroków ślad (stopy)  
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footwear /ˈfʊtweə(r); US / noun [uncountable] boots or shoes ▶ obuwie
zabraniać, zakazywać
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2[usually passive] to not allow sth Smoking is forbidden inside the building. ▶ zabraniać zakazywać
forbid /fəˈbɪd; US / verb [transitive] (forbidding; past tense forbade or forbad /fəˈbæd; US /, past participle forbidden /fəˈbɪdn; US /) 1forbid sb to do sth to order sb not to do sth My parents forbade me to see Tim again. ▶ zabraniać
grożny, odpychający
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forbidding /fəˈbɪdɪŋ; US / adj. looking unfriendly or frightening The coast near the village is rather grey and forbidding. ▶ groźny odpychający
siła, moc
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force1 /fɔ: s/ 1[u] physical strength or power The force of the explosion knocked them to the ground. The police used force to break up the demonstration. ▶ siła moc 2[uncountable] power and influence the force of public opinion ▶ siła
potęga, siły
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4[countable] a group of people who are trained for a particular purpose a highly trained workforce (siła robocza) the police force policja a UN peace-keeping force (siły pokojowe) ▶ siły jednostki (np. bojowe)
3[countable] a person or thing that has power or influence Britain is no longer a major force in international affairs. Julia has been the driving force (siłą napędową) behind the company’s success. ▶ potęga
siły zbrojne, siła
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5[usually plural] the soldiers and weapons that an army, etc. has the armed forces ▶ siły zbrojne 6 [countable, uncountable] (technical) a power that can cause change or movement the force of gravity (przyciągania) ▶ siła (wiatru)
zmuszać, forsować
kezdjen tanulni
to force
2 to use physical strength to do sth or to move sth The window had been forced (open). We had to force our way (przedzierać się) through the crowd. ▶ robić (coś) na siłę forsować
force2 /fɔ: s / 1force sb (to do sth); force sb (into sth/doing sth) to make sb do sth that they do not want to do The bank robber forced the staff and customers to lie on the floor. The President was forced into resigning. ▶ zmuszać
karmić na siłę
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ˌforce-ˈfeed verb [transitive] to use force to make sb, especially a prisoner, eat or drink, by putting food or drink down their throat ▶ karmić na siłę
silny, wpływowy
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forceful /ˈfɔ: sfl; US / adj. having the power to persuade people He has a very forceful personality. a forceful speech ▶ silny wpływowy
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forceps /ˈfɔ: seps; US / noun [pl.] a special instrument that looks like a pair of scissors but is not sharp. Forceps are used by doctors for holding things firmly a pair of forceps ▶ kleszcze
dokonane przemocą
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□ forcibly /-əbli; US / adv. The squatters were forcibly removed by the police. ▶ na siłę przemocą
forcible /ˈfɔ: səbl/ adj. [only before a noun] 1 done using (physical) force The police made a forcible entry into the building. ▶ dokonany przemocą 2 (used about ideas, an argumen) strong; convincing a forcible reminder ▶ dosadny przekonujący
bród (rzeka)
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ford (river)
ford /fɔ: d; US / noun [countable] a place in a river where you can walk or drive across because the water is not deep ▶ bród
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forearm /ˈfɔ: rɑ: m; US / noun [countable] the part of your arm between your elbow and your wrist ▶ przedramię
złe przeczucie
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foreboding /fɔ:ˈbəʊdɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable, sing.] a strong feeling that danger or trouble is coming She was filled with a sense of foreboding. ▶ złe przeczucie
przewidywać, prognozować
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Rain has been forecast for tomorrow. ▶ przewidywać prognozować przepowiadać □ forecast noun [countable] a sales forecast for the coming year ▶ prognoza
forecast /ˈfɔ: kɑ: st/ verb [t] (past tense, past participle forecast or forecasted) to say (with the help of information) what will probably happen in the future The Chancellor did not forecast the sudden rise in inflation.
palec wskazujący
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forefinger /ˈfɔ: fɪŋɡə(r); US / (also index finger) noun [countable] the finger next to the thumb ▶ palec wskazujący
na czele
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at the forefront
forefront /ˈfɔ: frʌnt; US / noun [sing.] the leading position; the position at the front Our department is right at the forefront of (zajmuje czołową pozycję) scientific research. ▶ czołowa pozycja na czele
pierwszy plan
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2 a position where you will be noticed most He likes to be in the foreground at meetings. ▶ pierwszy plan  
foreground /ˈfɔ:ɡraʊnd; US / noun [sing.] 1 the part of a view, picture, photograph, etc. that appears closest to the person looking at it Notice the artist’s use of colour in the foreground of the picture. ▶ przedni plan
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forehand /ˈfɔ: hænd; US / noun [countable] a way of hitting the ball in sports such as tennis, that is made with the inside of your hand facing forward ▶ forhend
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forehead /ˈfɔ: hed; ˈfɒrɪd; US; -red; / (also brow) noun [countable] the part of sb’s face above the eyes and below the hair ▶ czoło
obcy, zagraniczny
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2[only before a noun] dealing with or involving other countries foreign policy foreign affairs/news/trade the French Foreign Minister minister spraw zagranicznych Francji ▶ zagraniczny
foreign /ˈfɒrən; US; / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 belonging to or connected with a country that is not your own a foreign country/coin/accent to learn a foreign language ▶ obcy zagraniczny
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a foreigner
foreigner /ˈfɒrənə(r); US; / noun [countable] a person who belongs to a country that is not your own ▶ obcokrajowiec cudzoziem-iec/ka
giełda walutowa
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foreign exchange
ˌforeign exˈchange noun [countable, uncountable] the system of buying and selling money from a different country; the place where it is bought and sold ▶ giełda walutowa system wymiany walut
minister spraw zagranicznych
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the foreign secretary
the ˌForeign ˈSecretary noun [countable] the person in the government who is responsible for dealing with foreign countries ▶ minister spraw zagranicznych ⇨ look at Home Secretary
przednia łapa u zwierząt
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foreleg /ˈfɔ: leɡ; US / noun [countable] either of the two front legs of an animal that has four legs ▶ przednia łapa (zwierząt czworonożnych)
czołowy, najsłynniejszy
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foremost /ˈfɔ: məʊst; US / adj. most famous or important; best Laurence Olivier was among the foremost actors of the last century. ▶ najsłynniejszy czołowy
sądowy, kryminalistyczny
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forensic, forensic
forensic /fəˈrensɪk; US -ˈrenzɪk; US / adj. [only before a noun] using scientific tests to find out about a crime The police are carrying out forensic tests to try and find out the cause of death. ▶ sądowy kryminalistyczny
prekursor, zwiastun
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forerunner /ˈfɔ: rʌnə(r)/ noun [countable] a forerunner (of sb/sth) a person or thing that is an early example or a sign of sth that appears or develops later Country music was undoubtedly one of the forerunners of rock and roll. ▶ prekursor zwiastun
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foresee - foresaw - foreseen
foresee /fɔ:ˈsi: / verb [transitive] (past tense foresaw /fɔ:ˈsɔ:; US /, past participle foreseen /fɔ:ˈsi: n; US /) to know or guess that sth is going to happen in the future Nobody could have foreseen the result of the election. ▶ przewidywać
dający się przewidzieć
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foreseeable /fɔ:ˈsi:əbl; US / adj. that can be expected; that you can guess will happen These problems were foreseeable. The weather won’t change in the foreseeable future. ▶ możliwy do przewidzenia dający się przewidzieć przewidywalny
zdolność przewidywania
kezdjen tanulni
My neighbour had the foresight to move house (mój sąsiad był przewidujący i wyprowadził się) before the new motorway was built. ▶ zdolność przewidywania przezorność
foresight /ˈfɔ: saɪt; US / noun [uncountable] the ability to see what will probably happen in the future and to use this knowledge to make careful plans
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foreskin /ˈfɔ: skɪn; US / noun [countable] the piece of skin that covers the end of the male sexual organ ▶ napletek
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a forest
A forest is larger than a wood. A jungle is a forest in a tropical part of the world.
forest /ˈfɒrɪst; US; / noun [countable, uncountable] a large area of land covered with trees A large part of Canada is covered in forest. a forest fire tropical rain forests tropikalne lasy deszczowe ▶ las
ubiegać, uprzedać
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apply, anticipate, forestall
In strategy, you have effectively won when you forestall the enemy, so you must train well to attain this.
forestall /fɔ:ˈstɔ: l; US / verb [transitive] to take action to prevent sb from doing sth or sth from happening ▶ ubiegać uprzedzać (coś)
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forestry /ˈfɒrɪstri; US; / noun [uncountable] the science of planting and taking care of trees in forests ▶ leśnictwo
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They were unaware that the street violence was just a foretaste of what was to come. ▶ przedsmak
foretaste /ˈfɔ: teɪst; US / noun [sing.] a foretaste (of sth) a small amount of a particular experience or situation that shows you what it will be like when the same thing happens on a larger scale in the future
przepowiadać (formal)
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foretell /fɔ:ˈtel; US / verb [transitive] (past tense, past participle foretold /fɔ:ˈtəʊld; US /) (formal) to say what will happen in the future ▶ przepowiadać wróżyć przewidywać
przewidywanie, zapobiegliwość
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forethought /ˈfɔ:ɵɔ: t; US / noun [uncountable] careful thought about, or preparation for, the future With forethought, anyone can give a good party. ▶ przewidywanie przezorność zapobiegliwość
wiecznie, na zawsze
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forever and forever
2[only used with continuous tenses] very often; in a way which is annoying Our neighbours are forever having noisy parties. ▶ ciągle stale
forever /fərˈevə(r); US / adv. 1 (also for ever) for all time; permanently I wish the holidays would last forever! I realized that our relationship had finished forever (literary) I’ll regret it forever more. ▶ wiecznie na zawsze
ostrzegać kogoś za wczasu (formal)
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□ forewarning /; US / noun [uncountable, countable] ▶ ostrzeżenie (zawczasu) uprzedzenie (przed czymś)
forewarn /fɔ:ˈwɔ: n / verb [transitive, often passive] forewarn sb (formal) to warn sb about sth bad or unpleasant before it happens The commander had been forewarned of the attack. ▶ ostrzegać kogoś zawczasu (o czymś) uprzedzać kogoś (o czymś)
przedmowa, słowo wstępne
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foreword /ˈfɔ: wɜ: d; US / noun [countable] a piece of writing at the beginning of a book that introduces the book and/or its author ▶ przedmowa słowo wstępne
fałszować podrabiać, nawiązywać kontakty
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2 to make an illegal copy of sth to forge a signature/banknote/passport ▶ fałszować podrabiać
forge1 /fɔ: dʒ; US / verb [transitive] 1 to put a lot of effort into making sth strong and successful Our school has forged links with a school in Romania. ▶ nawiązywać (stosunki)
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forge2 /fɔ: dʒ; US / noun [countable] a place where objects are made by heating and shaping metal ▶ kuźnia
fałszerstwo, podrabianie
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forgery, counterfeiting
2[countable] a document, picture, etc. that is a copy of the real one The painting that had been sold as a Rembrandt was discovered to be a forgery. ▶ falsyfikat podrobiony obraz/dokument/podpis fałszerstwo
forgery /ˈfɔ: dʒəri; US / noun (pl. forgeries) 1 [uncountable] the crime of illegally copying a document, painting, etc. ▶ fałszerstwo podrabianie

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