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fable /ˈfeɪbl; US / noun [countable] a short story that teaches a moral lesson and that often has animals as the main characters Aesop’s fables ▶ bajka ⇨ look at fairy tale
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2[sing.] the basic structure of a building or system The fabric of the church is in need of repair. The Industrial Revolution changed the fabric of society. ▶ struktura fabric /ˈfæbrɪk; US / noun 1 [countable, uncountable] (a type of) cloth or soft material that is used for making clothes, curtains, etc. cotton fabrics ▶ tkanina materiał
fałszować, zmyślać, produkować kezdjen tanulni
2 to make or produce goods, equipment, etc. from various different materials ▶ wytwarzać fabrykować produkować SYNONYM manufacture fabricate /ˈfæbrɪkeɪt/ verb [tra, often passive] 1 to invent false information in order to trick people The evidence was totally fabricated. The prisoner claimed the police had fabricated his confession. ▶ fabrykować fałszować SYN make sth up
wytwarzanie, fabrykacja, sfałszowanie kezdjen tanulni
□ fabrication /ˌfæbrɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] Her story was a complete fabrication from start to finish. ▶ fabrykacja zmyślenie sfałszowanie wytwarzanie produkcja
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fabulous /ˈfæbjələs; US / adj. 1 very good; excellent It was a fabulous concert. ▶ wyśmienity znakomity cudowny 2 very great fabulous wealth/riches/beauty ▶ ogromny znakomity
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facade /fəˈsɑ: d; US / noun [countable] 1 the front wall of a large building that you see from the outside ▶ fasada 2 the way sb/sth appears to be, which is not the way he/she/it really is His good humour was just a facade. ▶ fasada pozór
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2(-faced) [in compounds] round/sour-faced red-faced o czerwonej twarzy two-faced dwulicowy ▶ (określa cechę twarzy) 3 the front or one side of sth the north face of the mountain He put the cards face up/down on the table. ▶ przód strona /feɪs/ noun [c] 1 the front part of your head; the expression that is shown on it She has a very pretty face. He came in with a smile on his face. the children’s happy faces Her face lit up when John came into the room. ▶ twarz buzia
zwracać się, stawiać czoło kezdjen tanulni
2 to need attention or action from sb There are several problems facing the government. We are faced with (stoimy przed) a difficult decision. They faced a lot of problems when they moved house. stawiać czoło spojrzeć prosto w twarz face2 /feɪs; US / verb [transitive] 1 to have your face or front pointing towards sb/sth or in a particular direction Can you all face the front, please? The garden faces south. Ogród wychodzi na wschód. ▶ wychodzić na coś
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ˈface cream noun [uncountable, countable] a thick cream that you put on your face to clean the skin or keep it soft ▶ krem do twarzy
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faceless /ˈfeɪsləs; US / adj. without individual character or identity faceless civil servants ▶ bezimienny anonimowy
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facelift /ˈfeɪslɪft; US / noun [countable] a medical operation that makes your face look younger ▶ liftingująca operacja plastyczna lifting ⇨ look at plastic surgery
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ˈface-saving adj. done to stop yourself looking silly or losing other people’s respect a face-saving compromise ▶ dla zachowania twarzy
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ˌface ˈvalue noun [uncountable, sing.] the cost or value that is shown on the front of stamps, coins, etc. ▶ wartość nominalna
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facial1 /ˈfeɪʃl; US / adj. connected with sb’s face facial hair a facial expression wyraz twarzy ▶ twarzowy na twarzy
umożliwiać, ułatwiać (formal) kezdjen tanulni
facilitate /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to make sth possible or easier ▶ umożliwiać udogadniać ułatwiać
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2[countable] an extra function or ability that a machine, etc. may have a facility for checking spelling ▶ możliwość funkcja facility /fəˈsɪləti/ noun (pl. facilities) 1(facilities) [pl.] a service, building, piece of equipment, etc. that makes it possible to do sth Our town has excellent sports facilities. The room was nice but there were no cooking facilities. ▶ warunki
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The fact that I am older than you makes no difference at all. You must face facts (musisz spojrzeć prawdzie w oczy) and accept that he has gone. ▶ fakt 2[uncountable] true things; reality The film is based on fact. ▶ fakt rzeczywistość fact /fækt/ noun 1 [c] something that you know has happened or is true It is a scientific fact that light travels faster than sound. We need to know all the facts before we can decide. I know for a fact that Peter wasn’t ill yesterday.
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2 (technical) (in mathematics) a whole number (except 1) by which a larger number can be divided 2, 3, 4 and 6 are factors of 12. ▶ dzielnik factor /ˈfæktə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 one of the things that influences a decision, situation, etc. economic factors His unhappiness at home was a major factor in his decision to go abroad. ▶ czynnik
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factory /ˈfæktri; -təri; US / noun [countable] (pl. factories) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW a building or group of buildings where goods are made in large quantities by machine a car factory factory workers ▶ fabryka
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factual /ˈfæktʃuəl; US / adj. based on or containing things that are true or real a factual account of the events ▶ faktyczny rzeczywisty ⇨ look at fictional
zmysł, zdolność, wydział, katedra kezdjen tanulni
2(also Faculty) one department in a university, college, etc. the Faculty of Law/Arts ▶ wydział katedra faculty /ˈfæklti; US / noun [countable] (pl. faculties) 1 one of the natural abilities of sb’s body or mind the faculty of hearing/sight/speech ▶ zmysł zdolność (np. myślenia, odczuwania)
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2[intransitive] fade (away) to disappear slowly (from sight, hearing, memory, etc.) The cheering of the crowd faded away. The smile faded from his face. ▶ zanikać gasnąć fade /feɪd/ verb 1 [intr, tran] to become or make sth become lighter in colour or less strong or fresh Jeans fade when you wash them. The sun was setting and the light was fading fast. Look how the sunlight has faded these curtains. ▶ blaknąć płowieć
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Fahrenheit /ˈfærənhaɪt; US / adj. (abbr. F) of or using a scale of temperature in which water freezes at 32° and boils at 212° fifty degrees Fahrenheit ▶ Fahrenheita ⇨ look at Celsius □ Fahrenheit noun [uncountable] ▶ skala Fahrenheita
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2[intransitive] fail to do sth to not do sth She never fails to do her homework. Jimmy failed to arrive on time (nie przybył na czas). ▶ nie zrobić czegoś zaniedbywać coś fail1 /feɪl; US / verb 1[intransitive, transitive] to not be successful in sth She failed her driving test. I feel that I’ve failed – I’m 25 and I still haven’t got a steady job. ▶ nie udawać się (komuś) oblać (egzamin) nie zdać
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4[intransitive] to stop working My brakes failed on the hill but I managed to stop the car. ▶ zepsuć się 5[intransitive] (used about health, etc.) to become weak His eyesight is failing. ▶ pogarszać się podupadać (na zdrowiu) 3[transitive] to decide that sb is not successful in a test, exam, etc. The examiners failed half of the candidates. ▶ oblać kogoś (na egzaminie) OPPOSITE pass
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fail2 /feɪl; US / noun [countable] the act of not being successful in an exam ▶ oblanie egzaminu
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failing1 /ˈfeɪlɪŋ; US / noun [countable] a weakness or fault She’s not very patient – that’s her only failing. ▶ wada słabość
niepowodzenie, nie udanie się kezdjen tanulni
2[countable] a person or thing that is not successful I was a failure as a mother. Byłam kiepską matką. His first attempt at skating was a miserable failure. ▶ niepowodzenie do niczego failure /ˈfeɪljə(r); US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[uncountable] lack of success All my efforts ended in failure (skończyły się niepowodzeniem). ▶ niepowodzenie nieudanie się OPPOSITE success
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4[countable, uncountable] an example of sth not working properly There’s been a failure in the power supply. She died of heart failure (na niewydolność serca). ▶ awaria (med.) wada 3[countable, uncountable] failure to do sth not doing sth that people expect you to do I was very disappointed at his failure to come (że nie przyszedł) to the meeting. ▶ niezrobienie czegoś
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2 (used about actions, etc.) done without much effort He made a faint protest. Zaprotestował nieśmiało. ▶ słaby od niechcenia faint1 /feɪnt/ adj. 1 (used about things that you can see, hear, feel, etc.) not strong or clear a faint light/sound They heard a faint cry, then there was silence. There is still a faint hope that they will find more people alive. ▶ słaby nikły
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faint2 /feɪnt; US / verb [intransitive] to become unconscious She fainted from shock and loss of blood. ▶ mdleć
bojaźliwy, niepewny siebie kezdjen tanulni
ˌfaint-ˈhearted adj. lacking confidence and not brave; afraid of failing ▶ niepewny siebie bojaźliwy
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2fair (to/on sb) treating each person or side equally, according to the rules That’s not fair – he got the same number of mistakes as I did and he’s got a better mark. It wasn’t fair on her to ask her to stay so late. a fair trial ▶ sprawiedliwy fair1 /feə(r); US / adj. 1 appropriate and acceptable in a particular situation That’s a fair price for that house. I think it’s fair to say that the number of homeless people is increasing. ▶ sprawiedliwy fair OPPOSITE unfair
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4 (used about the skin or hair) light in colour Chloe has fair hair and blue eyes. ▶ jasny OPPOSITE dark 5 (used about the weather) good, without rain a fair and breezy autumn day ▶ pogodny 3 quite good, large, etc. They have a fair chance of success. It is a fair-sized house. ▶ pokaźny spory
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2 a large event where people, businesses, etc. show and sell their goods a trade fair the Frankfurt book fair ▶ targi fair2 /feə(r)/ noun [countable] 1(also funfair /ˈfʌnfeə(r); US /) a type of entertainment in a field or park. At a fair you can ride on machines or try and win prizes at games. Fairs usually travel from town to town. ▶ lunapark wesołe miasteczko
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ˌfair-ˈhaired adj. with light-coloured hair ▶ o jasnych włosach SYNONYM blonde
sprawiedliwie, słusznie, dość kezdjen tanulni
2 in an acceptable way; in a way that treats people equally or according to the law, rules, etc. I felt that the teacher didn’t treat us fairly. ▶ sprawiedliwie słusznie OPPOSITE unfairly fairly /ˈfeəli; US / adv. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 quite, not very He is fairly tall. We must leave fairly soon. ▶ dosyć dość ⇨ note at rather
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ˌfair-ˈminded adj. (used about people) looking at and judging things in a fair and open way ▶ bezstronny sprawiedliwy
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fairness /ˈfeənəs; US / noun [uncountable] treating people equally or according to the law, rules, etc. ▶ sprawiedliwość
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fairy /ˈfeəri; US / noun [countable] (pl. fairies) (in stories) a small creature with wings and magic powers ▶ duszek wróżka
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ˌfairy ˈgodmother noun [countable] a person who rescues you when you most need help ▶ dobra wróżka
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ˈfairy tale (also ˈfairy story) noun [countable] a story that is about fairies, magic, etc. ▶ baśń bajka
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2[uncountable] strong religious belief He’s a man of great faith Jest osobą głęboko wierzącą. ▶ wiara 3[countable] a particular religion the Jewish faith ▶ religia faith /feɪɵ; US / noun 1 [uncountable] faith (in sb/sth) strong belief (in sb/sth); trust I have lost faith in him. I’ve got great faith in your ability to do the job. Wierzę, że świetnie poradzisz sobie z tym zadaniem. ▶ wiara zaufanie
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2 true to the facts; accurate a faithful description ▶ wierny faithful /ˈfeɪɵfl; US / adj. 1 faithful (to sb/sth) always staying with and supporting a person, organization or belief; loyal Peter has been a faithful friend. He was always faithful to his wife. ▶ wierny lojalny SYNONYM loyal
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faithfulness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ wierność lojalność ⇨ look at fidelity faithfully /-fəli; US / adv. ▶ wiernie z oddaniem Yours faithfully używa się jako formuły kończącej oficjalny list, jeśli rozpoczęło się go od Dear Sir/Madam itp., a nie od imienia lub nazwiska adresata.
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ˈfaith healing noun [uncountable] a method of treating a sick person through the power of belief and prayer ▶ uzdrawianie modlitwą □ ˈfaith healer noun [countable] ▶ uzdrowiciel/ka
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2 a person who is not really what they appear to be ▶ osoba, która kogoś/coś udaje oszust □ fake adj. a fake passport ▶ fałszywy podrobiony fake1 /feɪk; US / noun [c] 1 a work of art, etc. that seems to be real or genuine but is not That’s not a real diamond necklace. It’s just a fake! ▶ falsyfikat podróbka
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2 to make people believe that you are feeling sth that you are not I faked surprise when he told me the news. ▶ udawać fake2 /feɪk; US / verb [transitive] 1 to copy sth and try to make people believe it is the real thing He faked his father’s signature. ▶ fałszować podrabiać
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falcon /ˈfɔ: lkən; US ˈfæl- / noun [countable] a bird with long pointed wings that kills and eats other animals. Falcons can be trained to hunt. ▶ sokół
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2fall (down/over) to suddenly stop standing and drop to the ground She slipped on the ice and fell. The little boy fell over and hurt his knee. ▶ upadać przewracać się 3 to hang down Her hair fell down over her shoulders. ▶ opadać fall1 /fɔ: l/ verb [int] (past tense fell /fel; US /, past participle fallen /ˈfɔ: lən; US /) 1 to drop down towards the ground He fell off the ladder (spadł z drabiny) onto the grass. Don’t walk along that wall – you might fall. ▶ padać opadać
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2[c] a fall (of sth) the amount of sth that has fallen or the distance that sth has fallen We have had a heavy fall of snow. a fall of four metres ▶ opad 3(falls) [pl.] water that falls down the side of a mountain, etc. Niagara Falls ▶ wodospad fall2 /fɔ: l; US / noun 1[countable] an act of falling down or off sth She had a nasty fall from her horse. ▶ upadek przewrócenie się
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fallacious /fəˈleɪʃəs; US / adj. (formal) wrong; based on a false idea a fallacious argument ▶ błędny
złuda, błędne przekonanie (formal) kezdjen tanulni
fallacy /ˈfæləsi; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. fallacies) (formal) a false belief or a wrong idea It’s a fallacy that money brings happiness. ▶ błędne przekonanie złuda
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Fallopian tube (also fallopian tube) /fəˌləʊpiən ˈtju: b; US fəˈləʊpiən tu: b / noun [countable] one of the two tubes in the body of a woman or female animal along which eggs pass from the ovaries to the uterus ▶ jajowód
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fallout /ˈfɔ: laʊt; US / noun [uncountable] dangerous waste that is carried in the air after a nuclear explosion ▶ deszcz/opad radioaktywny
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fallow /ˈfæləʊ; US / adj. (used about farm land) not used for growing crops, especially so that the quality of the land will improve Farmers are now paid to let their land lie fallow (leżała odłogiem). ▶ ugorowy odłogowy
sztuczny, błędny, nieprawdziwy kezdjen tanulni
2 not real; artificial false hair/eyelashes ▶ sztuczny false /fɔ: ls/ adj. 1 not true; not correct Bucharest is the capital of Romania – true or false? I think the information you have been given is false. I got a completely false impression of him from our first meeting. ▶ błędny nieprawdziwy
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□ falsely /; US / adv. 1 He was falsely accused of theft. ▶ bezpodstawnie 2 She smiled falsely at his joke. ▶ fałszywie
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2 a situation when sb taking part in a race starts before the official signal has been given ▶ (sport) falstart ˌfalse ˈstart noun [countable] 1 an attempt to begin sth that is not successful After a number of false starts, she finally found a job she liked. ▶ nieudana próba
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ˌfalse ˈteeth (also dentures /ˈdentʃəz; US /) noun [pl.] artificial teeth that are worn by sb who has lost their natural teeth ▶ sztuczna szczęka
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falsify /ˈfɔ: lsɪfaɪ; US / verb [tran] (falsifying; falsifies; past tense, past participle falsified) (formal) to change a document, information, etc. so that it is no longer true in order to trick sb to falsify data/records/accounts ▶ fałszować
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2 to lose confidence and determination Murray faltered and missed the ball. ▶ wahać się falter /ˈfɔ: ltə(r); US / verb [intransitive] 1 to become weak or move in a way that is not steady The engine faltered (silnik zakrztusił się) and stopped. ▶ załamywać się zachwiać się
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fame /feɪm; US / noun [uncountable] being known or talked about by many people because of what you have achieved Pop stars achieve fame at a young age. The town’s only claim to fame (powodem do dumy) is that there was a riot there. ▶ sława rozgłos
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2familiar with sth having a good knowledge of sth People in Europe aren’t very familiar with Chinese music. ▶ obeznany wprawny familiar /fəˈmɪliə(r)/ adj. 1familiar (to sb) known to you; often seen or heard and therefore easy to recognize Chinese music isn’t very familiar to people in Europe. It was a relief to see a familiar face in the crowd. look/sound familiar ▶ znajomy
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familiarity /fəˌmɪliˈærəti; US / noun [uncountable] 1familiarity (with sth) having a good knowledge of sth His familiarity with the area was an advantage. ▶ znajomość obeznanie 2 being too friendly and informal ▶ poufałość
zaznajamiać się, poznawać kezdjen tanulni
familiarize /fəˈmɪliəraɪz/ verb [tran] familiarize sb/yourself (with sth) to teach sb about sth or learn about sth until you know it well I want to familiarize myself with the plans before the meeting. ▶ zaznajamiać się zapoznawać się
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2[c, u] children Do you have any family? We are planning to start a family (mieć pierwsze dziecko) next year. to bring up/raise a family ▶ dzieci 3 [c] a group of animals, plants that are similar Lions belong to the cat family. ▶ rodzina family /ˈfæməli; US / noun (pl. families) 1 [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] a group of people who are related to each other I have quite a large family. ▶ rodzina ród
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□ family adj. a family car family entertainment ▶ rodzinny
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ˌfamily ˈplanning noun [uncountable] controlling the number of children you have by using birth control ▶ planowanie rodziny zapobieganie ciąży ⇨ look at contraception
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ˌfamily ˈtree noun [countable] a diagram that shows the relationships between different members of a family over a long period of time How far back can you trace your family tree? ▶ drzewo genealogiczne
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famine /ˈfæmɪn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a lack of food over a long period of time in a large area that can cause the death of many people There is a severe famine in many parts of Africa. The long drought was followed by famine. ▶ głód
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Por. infamous i notorious, które oznaczają „cieszący się złą sławą, niesławny“. famous /ˈfeɪməs; US / adj. famous (for sth) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW known about by many people a famous singer Sydney is famous for its opera house. One day, I’ll be rich and famous. ▶ sławny słynny
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2 a machine with parts that turn around very quickly an electric fan a fan heater ▶ wiatraczek wentylator 3 an object in the shape of half a circle made of paper, feathers, etc. that you wave in your hand to create a current of cool air ▶ wachlarz fan1 /fæn/ noun [c] 1 football fans She’s a Beatles fan. I’m not a great fan of (nie przepadam za) modern jazz. fan mail a fan club ▶ kibic fan wielbiciel/ka miłośnik
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2 to make a fire burn more strongly by blowing on it The strong wind really fanned the flames. ▶ podsycać rozniecać fan2 /fæn/ verb [transitive] (fanning; fanned) 1 to make air blow on sb/sth by waving a fan1 (3), your hand, etc. in the air She used a newspaper to fan her face. ▶ wachlować
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□ fanatical /-kl; US / (also fanatic) adj. He’s fanatical about keeping things tidy. ▶ fanatyczny zagorzały fanatic /fəˈnætɪk; US / noun [countable] a person who is very enthusiastic about sth and may have extreme or dangerous opinions (especially about religion or politics) religious fanatics a health-food fanatic ▶ fanaty-k/czka zagorzalec
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—fanatically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ fanatycznie zagorzale —fanaticism /fəˈnætɪsɪzəm; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ fanatyzm zagorzałość
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3fancy yourself (as) sth (Brit.) [transitive] to think that you would be good at sth; to think that you are sth (although this may not be true) He fancied himself (as) a poet. ▶ uważać się za kogoś wyobrażać sobie siebie jako kogoś /ˈfænsi/ verb (fancying; fancies; past tense, past participle fancied) 1[transitive] (Brit., informal) to like the idea of having or doing sth; to want sth or to want to do sth I don’t fancy going out in this rain. ▶ mieć ochotę (na coś)
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fancy3 /ˈfænsi; US / adj. (fancier; fanciest) not simple or ordinary My father doesn’t like fancy food. I just want a pair of black shoes – nothing fancy. ▶ wymyślny wyszukany ozdobny
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fanfare /ˈfænfeə(r); US / noun [countable] a short loud piece of music that is used for introducing sb important, for example a king or queen ▶ fanfara
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fang /fæŋ; US / noun [countable] a long sharp tooth of a dog, snake, etc. ▶ kieł ząb jadowy
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fantasize (also fantasise) /ˈfæntəsaɪz; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to imagine sth that you would like to happen He liked to fantasize that he had won a gold medal at the Olympics. ▶ fantazjować marzyć
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2(informal) very large or great A Rolls Royce costs a fantastic amount of money. ▶ niesamowity fantastyczny olbrzymi fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk; US / adj. 1 (informal) very good; excellent She’s a fantastic swimmer. You passed your test. Fantastic! ▶ fantastyczny świetny ⇨ note at good
fantastycznie, niesamowicie kezdjen tanulni
□ fantastically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ fantastycznie niesamowicie
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fantasy /ˈfæntəsi; US / noun [countable, uncountable] (pl. fantasies) situations that are not true, that you just imagine I have a fantasy about going to live in the Bahamas. They live in a world of fantasy. ▶ fantazja wyobraźnia
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fanzine /ˈfænzi: n; US / noun [countable] a magazine that is written by and for people who like a particular sports team, singer, etc. ▶ magazyn dla fanów
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for the attention of someone fao abbr. (Brit.) (used in writing to mean for the attention of; written on a document or letter to say who should deal with it) ▶ do wiadomości kogoś (kiedy należy podjąć jakieś działanie) ⇨ look at attn
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frequently asked questions FAQ /ˌef eɪ ˈkju:; US / abbr. frequently asked questions ▶ (dokument internetowy zawierający) najczęściej zadawane pytania i odpowiedzi na jakiś temat
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2[only before a noun] the longest distance away of two or more things My friend lives at the far end of the street. the far side of the river ▶ (koniec, strona itp.) drugi odległy far1 /fɑ:(r)/ adj. (farther /ˈfɑ:ðə(r)/ or further /ˈfɜ:ðə(r)/; farthest /ˈfɑ:ðɪst; US / or furthest /ˈfɜ:ðɪst; US /) 1 a long distance away In the far north, days are short in winter. Let’s walk – it’s not far (daleko). ▶ daleki odległy
Let’s get a bus. It’s much too far to walk. W tym znaczeniu używa się far w zdaniach przeczących i pytających. W zdaniach oznajmujących mówi się a long way: It’s a long way from here to the sea. Zdarza się jednak, że zdania oznajmujące mają znaczenie negatywne. Wówczas stosuje się far: kezdjen tanulni
Do you live far from Oxford? How far did we walk yesterday? If we sit too far away from the screen, I won’t be able to see the film. I can’t swim as far as you. ▶ daleko far2 /fɑ:(r)/ adv. (farther /ˈfɑ:ðə(r)/ or further /ˈfɜ:ðə(r)/; farthest /ˈfɑ:ðɪst/ or furthest /ˈfɜ:ðɪst/) 1 (at) a distance London’s not far from here. How much further is it?
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The company employs local people as far as possible. ‘ You must have been delighted!’ ‘ I wouldn’t go that far, but I was quite pleased.’ 4 a long time This story began far back (dawno (temu)), in 1850. We danced far into the night. ▶ długo 2very much She’s far more intelligent than I thought. It’s far wetter in England than in Italy. ▶ o wiele znacznie dużo daleko 3 (to) a certain degree How far have you got with your homework? Jak dużo lekcji już odrobiłeś?
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2 (used about a look in sb’s eyes) as if you are thinking of sth else She stared out of the window with a faraway look in her eyes. ▶ (wzrok) rozmarzony nieprzytomny faraway /ˈfɑ: rəweɪ; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1(formal) a great distance away He told us stories of faraway countries. ▶ odległy daleki
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2 a funny play for the theatre full of ridiculous situations ▶ farsa □ farcical /ˈfɑ: sɪkl; US / adj. ▶ farsowy farce /fɑ: s; US / noun [countable] 1 something important or serious that is not organized well or treated with respect The meeting was a farce – everyone was shouting at the same time. ▶ farsa kpiny
cena biletu, opłata za przejazd kezdjen tanulni
Adults pay full fare, and children pay half fare. Dorośli kupują bilet normalny, a dzieci – bilet ulgowy. What’s the fare (ile kosztuje bilet) to Leeds? ▶ cena biletu opłata za przejazd fare1 /feə(r); US / noun [countable] the amount of money you pay to travel by bus, train, taxi, etc. Train fares are going up next month.
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the ˌFar ˈEast noun [sing.] China, Japan and other countries in East and South East Asia ▶ Daleki Wschód ⇨ look at Middle East
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farewell /ˌfeəˈwel; US / interj. (old-fashioned) goodbye ▶ żegnaj(cie)! □ farewell noun [countable] a farewell (pożegnalne) party He said his farewells (pożegnał się) and left. ▶ pożegnanie
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ˌfar-ˈfetched adj. not easy to believe It’s a good book but the story’s too far-fetched. ▶ naciągany przesadzony zmyślony
farma, gospodarstwo rolne kezdjen tanulni
a dairy farm ferma mleczna a sheep farm farma owcza ▶ gospodarstwo rolne farma farm1 /fɑ: m; US / noun [countable] an area of land with fields and buildings that is used for growing crops and keeping animals to work on a farm pracować na roli farm buildings zabudowania gospodarcze farm workers/animals
uprawiać ziemię, gospodarować kezdjen tanulni
farm2 /fɑ: m; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to use land for growing crops or keeping animals The family have farmed in this area for centuries. She farms 200 acres. ▶ uprawiać (ziemię) gospodarować
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farmer /ˈfɑ: mə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who owns or manages a farm ▶ rolni-k/czka gospod-arz/yni
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farmhand /ˈfɑ: mhænd; US / noun [countable] a person who works for a farmer ▶ robotnik rolny
dom w gospodarstwie rolnym kezdjen tanulni
farmhouse /ˈfɑ: mhaʊs; US / noun [countable] the house on a farm where the farmer lives ▶ dom w gospodarstwie rolnym zagroda
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farming /ˈfɑ: mɪŋ; US / noun [uncountable] managing a farm or working on it Farming (praca na roli) is extremely hard work. farming areas obszar rolniczy farming methods ▶ gospodarowanie uprawianie roli hodowla
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farmyard /ˈfɑ: mjɑ: d; US / noun [countable] an outside area near a farmhouse surrounded by buildings or walls ▶ podwórze gospodarskie obejście