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Check the expiry date of your credit cards. The expiry date on this yoghurt was 20 November. ▶ data ważności termin przydatności do spożycia termin ważności exˈpiry date (US expiˈration date) noun [countable] the date after which an official document, agreement, etc. is no longer valid, or after which sth should not be used
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W języku codziennym używa się w tym znaczeniu zwrotu run out. expire /ɪkˈspaɪə(r); US / verb [intransitive] (used about an official document, agreement, etc.) to come to the end of the time when you can use it or in which it has effect My passport’s expired. I’ll have to renew it. ▶ wygasać
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Zwróć uwagę, że poprawnie mówi się Explain it to me. 2 to give a reason for sth ‘ This work isn’t very good.’ ‘ I wasn’t feeling very well.’ ‘ Oh, that explains it then.’ The manager explained to the customers why the goods were late. ▶ wyjaśniać explain /ɪkˈspleɪn; US / explain (sth) (to sb) 1 to make sth clear or easy to understand A dictionary explains the meaning of words. She explained how I should fill in the form. I don’t understand. Can you explain it to me? ▶ wyjaśniać objaśniać
wytłumaczenie, wyjaśnienie kezdjen tanulni
2[countable] a statement or a piece of writing that makes sth easier to understand That idea needs some explanation. ▶ wyjaśnienie objaśnienie explanation /ˌekspləˈneɪʃn/ noun 1[c, uc] an explanation (for sth) a statement, fact or situation that gives a reason for sth He could not give an explanation for his behaviour. to provide/offer an explanation ▶ wytłumaczenie wyjaśnienie
wyjaśniający, objaśniający kezdjen tanulni
explanatory /ɪkˈsplænətri; US -tɔ: ri / adj. giving an explanation There are some explanatory notes at the back of the book. Those instructions are self-explanatory (zrozumiałe same przez się). ▶ wyjaśniający objaśniający
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expletive /ɪkˈspli: tɪv; US ˈeksplə- / [c] (formal) a word, especially a rude word, that you use when you are angry, or in pain He dropped the book on his foot and muttered several expletives under his breath. ▶ przekleństwo SYNONYM swear word
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explicable /ɪkˈsplɪkəbl; US ˈeksplɪkəbl / adj. that can be explained Barry’s strange behaviour is only explicable in terms of the stress he is under. ▶ wytłumaczalny OPPOSITE inexplicable
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⇨ look at implicit 2 not hiding anything The movie contains explicit (śmiałe) sex scenes. ▶ wyraźny niedwuznaczny explicit /ɪkˈsplɪsɪt; US / adj. 1 clear, making sth easy to understand I gave you explicit instructions not to touch anything. She was quite explicit about her feelings on the subject. ▶ wyraźny niedwuznaczny
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□ explicitly /; US / adv. He was explicitly forbidden to stay out later than midnight. ▶ wyraźnie jasno
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The army exploded the bomb at a safe distance from the houses. • (figurative) My father exploded when I told him how much the car would cost to repair. ▶ wybuchać eksplodować wysadzać w powietrze ⇨ noun explosion explode /ɪkˈspləʊd; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] ⇨ to burst with a loud noise The bomb exploded without warning.
wykorzystywać, wyzyskiwać kezdjen tanulni
2 to develop sth or make the best use of sth This region has been exploited for oil for fifty years. Solar energy is a source of power that needs to be exploited more fully. ▶ wykorzystywać (np. źródła energii) exploit1 /ɪkˈsplɔɪt; US / verb [transitive] 1 to use sth or to treat sb unfairly for your own advantage Some employers exploit foreign workers, making them work long hours for low pay. ▶ wyzyskiwać eksploatować
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exploitation, exploitation □ exploitation /ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] They’re making you work 80 hours a week? That’s exploitation! the exploitation of computers in schools ▶ wyzysk wykorzystywanie
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exploration /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the act of travelling around a place in order to learn about it space exploration badania kosmosu ▶ badanie poszukiwanie eksploracja
rozpoznawczy, przygotowawczy kezdjen tanulni
exploratory /ɪkˈsplɒrətri; US -tɔ: ri / adj. done in order to find sth out The doctors are doing some exploratory tests to try and find out what’s wrong. exploratory drillings for oil ▶ rozpoznawczy (med.) eksploracyjny przygotowawczy badawczy
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They went on an expedition to explore (wyruszyli na wyprawę badawczą nad) the River Amazon. • (figurative) We need to explore all the possibilities before we decide. ▶ podróżować w celach badawczych zwiedzać (gruntownie) zbadać explore /ɪkˈsplɔ:(r); US / verb [intransitive, transitive] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW to travel around a place, etc. in order to learn about it I’ve never been to Paris before – I’m going out to explore.
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explorer /ɪkˈsplɔ: rə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who travels round a place in order to learn about it ▶ badacz/ka odkryw-ca/czyni
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2 a sudden and often surprising increase in sth an explosion of sound/light/interest the population explosion wyż demograficzny ▶ gwałtowny wzrost ⇨ verb explode explosion /ɪkˈspləʊʒn; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a sudden and extremely violent bursting Two people were killed in the explosion. The explosion may have been caused by a gas leak. ▶ wybuch eksplozja
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2 causing strong feelings or having dangerous effects The situation is explosive. We must do all we can to calm people down. ▶ wybuchowy drażliwy explosive1 /ɪkˈspləʊsɪv; US / adj. 1 capable of exploding and therefore dangerous Hydrogen is highly explosive. ▶ wybuchowy
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explosive2 /ɪkˈspləʊsɪv; US / noun [countable] a substance that is used for causing explosions Dynamite is a powerful explosive. ▶ materiał wybuchowy
wykładnik potęgi, propagator kezdjen tanulni
3 a raised figure or symbol that shows how many times a quantity must be multiplied by itself, for example the figure 4 in a4 ▶ (mat.) wykładnik potęgi /ɪkˈspəʊnənt/ noun [c 1 a person who supports an idea, a belief, etc. and persuades others that it is good She was a leading exponent of free trade during her political career. Huxley was an exponent of Darwin’s theory of evolution. ▶ propagator/ka
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2 to move information from one computer program to another ▶ eksportować OPPOSITE for both meanings import export1 /ɪkˈspɔ: t; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] 1 to send goods, etc. to another country, usually for sale India exports tea and cotton. American dance music has been exported all over the world. ▶ eksportować
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□ exporter /; US / noun [countable] the world’s largest exporter of cars ▶ eksporter /ˈekspɔ:t / noun 1 [uc] Most of our goods are produced for export. the export trade ▶ eksport 2[c, usually pl.] a product or service that is sent to another country for sale What are Brazil’s main exports? ▶ art. eksportowe
wystawiać, odsłaniać, ujawniać kezdjen tanulni
She didn’t want to expose her true feelings to her family. The politician was exposed as a liar on TV. This is an injustice which needs to be exposed. ▶ wystawiać (np. na pokaz) odsłaniać wyjawiać expose /ɪkˈspəʊz; US / verb [transitive] 1expose sth (to sb); expose sb/sth (as sth) to show sth that is usually hidden; to tell sth that has been kept secret The rocks are exposed at low tide.
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3expose sb to sth to give sb the chance to experience sth I like jazz because I was exposed to it (miałem kontakt z nim) as a child. ▶ sprawiać, że ktoś ma kontakt z czymś 2expose sb/sth to sth to put sb/sth or yourself in a situation that could be difficult or dangerous to be exposed to danger Thousands of people were exposed to radiation when the nuclear reactor exploded. ▶ narażać (np. na niebezpieczeństwo)
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exposed /ɪkˈspəʊzd; US / adj. (used about a place) not protected from the wind and bad weather ▶ odkryty nieosłonięty wystawiony na działanie czynników zewnętrznych
wystawienie na działanie czegoś kezdjen tanulni
2[u, c] the act of making sth public; the thing that is made public The new movie has been given a lot of exposure (był nagłośniony) in the media. The politician resigned because of the exposures about his private life. ▶ ujawnianie demaskowanie exposure /ɪkˈspəʊʒə(r); US / noun 1 [uc] being allowed or forced to experience sth TV can give children exposure to other cultures from an early age. Exposure to radiation is almost always harmful. ▶ wystawianie (na działanie czegoś)
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4[countable] the amount of film that is used when you take one photograph How many exposures are there on this film? ▶ klatka (kliszy) zdjęcie 3 [uncountable] a harmful condition when a person becomes very cold because they have been outside in very bad weather The climbers all died of exposure. ▶ wyziębienie
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2express yourself to say or write your feelings, opinions, etc. I don’t think she expresses herself very well in that article. ▶ wypowiadać się wysławiać się express1 /ɪkˈspres/ verb [tran] 1 to show sth such as a feeling or an opinion by words or actions I found it very hard to express what I felt about her. to express fears/concern about something ▶ wyrażać wypowiadać
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□ express adv. by a special service that does sth faster than usual to send a parcel express ▶ ekspresem /ɪkˈspres/ [before a noun] 1going or sent quickly an express coach an express letter ekspres ▶ ekspresowy 2 (used about a command, wish) clearly and definitely stated It was her express wish that he should have the picture after her death. ▶ wyraźny
ekspres, pociąg pośpieszny kezdjen tanulni
express train, express train express3 /ɪkˈspres; US / (also exˌpress ˈtrain) noun [countable] a fast train that does not stop at all stations ▶ ekspres pociąg pospieszny
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2[c] He had a puzzled expression on his face. ▶ wyraz 3[countable] a word or phrase with a particular meaning ‘ I’m starving’ is an expression meaning ‘ I’m very hungry’. a slang/an idiomatic expression ▶ zwrot wyrażenie expression /ɪkˈspreʃn/ n 1 [uc, c] something that you say that shows your opinions or feelings Freedom of expression (wolność słowa) is a basic human right. an expression of gratitude/sympathy/anger ▶ wyraz ekspresja
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□ expressionist (also Expressionist) /-ʃənɪst; US / 1 noun [countable] ▶ ekspresjonist(k)a 2 adj. ▶ ekspresjonistyczny expressionism /ɪkˈspreʃənɪzəm/ noun [uc] a style and movement in early 20th century art, theatre, cinema and music that tries to express people’s feelings and emotions rather than showing events or objects in a realistic way ▶ ekspresjonizm
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expressive /ɪkˈspresɪv; US / adj. showing feelings or thoughts That is a very expressive piece of music. Kate has a very expressive face. ▶ wyrazisty ekspresyjny sugestywny □ expressively /; US / adv. ▶ wyraziście sugestywnie
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expressly /ɪkˈspresli; US / adv. 1 clearly; definitely I expressly told you not to do that. ▶ wyraźnie kategorycznie 2 for a special purpose; specially These scissors are expressly designed for left-handed people. ▶ specjalnie specyficznie
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FA /ˌef ˈeɪ; US / abbr. (Brit.) the Football Association the FA Cup ▶ związek piłki nożnej (odpowiednik PZPN w Polsce)
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2(formal) to take sb’s property and use it without permission ▶ przywłaszczać sobie cudzą własność expropriate /eksˈprəʊprieɪt; US / verb [transitive] 1(formal) (used about a government or an authority) to officially take away private property from its owner for public use ▶ konfiskować (mienie) wywłaszczać przejmować (mienie prywatne)
konfiskata, wywłaszczenie kezdjen tanulni
□ expropriation /ˌeksˌprəʊpriˈeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ konfiskata (mienia) wywłaszczenie przejęcie (mienia prywatnego) przywłaszczenie sobie cudzej własności
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expulsion /ɪkˈspʌlʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the act of making sb leave a place or an institution There have been three expulsions from school this year. ▶ wydalenie ⇨ verb expel
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[intr, tran] to cover the area or period of time mentioned The desert extends over a huge area of the country. The company is planning to extend its operations into Asia. This project will extend (przeciągnie się) well into next year. ▶ rozciągać się extend /ɪkˈstend/ verb 1 [transitive] to make sth longer or larger (in space or time) We’re planning to extend the back of the house to give us more space. Since my injury I can’t extend this leg fully. ▶ przedłużać powiększać
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exˌtended ˈfamily noun [c] a family group with a close relationship among the members that includes not only parents and children but also uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc. She grew up surrounded by a large extended family. ▶ rodzina wielopokoleniowa
przybudówka, przedłużenie kezdjen tanulni
2 an extra period of time that you are allowed for sth I’ve applied for an extension to my work permit. ▶ przedłużenie prolongata extension /ɪkˈstenʃn; US / noun [countable] 1 a part that is added to a building They’re building an extension on the hospital (nowe skrzydło szpitala). ▶ przybudówka
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exˈtension lead (also extension; exˈtension cable, US exˈtension cord) noun [countable] an extra length of electric wire, used when the wire on an electrical device is not long enough ▶ (elektr.) przedłużacz
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□ extensively /; US / adv. He has travelled extensively. Dużo podróżował. ▶ rozlegle obszernie extensive /ɪkˈstensɪv/ adj. large in area or amount The house has extensive grounds. Most of the buildings suffered extensive damage. ▶ rozległy obszerny
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The full extent of the damage is not yet known. ▶ obszar rozmiary zakres extent /ɪkˈstent/ noun [uc] the extent of sth the length, area, size or importance of sth From the roof we could see the full extent of the park. I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge (ogromem jego wiedzy).
powierzchowność, zewnętrzna strona kezdjen tanulni
Despite his calm exterior, Steve suffers badly from stress. ▶ powierzchowność zewnętrzna strona exterior1 /ɪkˈstɪəriə(r)/ noun [c] the outside of sth; the appearance of sb/sth The exterior of the house is fine (z zewnątrz dom wygląda dobrze) but inside it isn’t in very good condition.
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exterior2 /ɪkˈstɪəriə(r); US / adj. on the outside the exterior walls of a house ▶ zewnętrzny OPPOSITE interior
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□ extermination /ɪkˌstɜ: mɪˈneɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ zagłada tępienie exterminate /ɪkˈstɜ: mɪneɪt/ verb [tran] to kill a large group of people or animals Once cockroaches infest a building, they are very hard to exterminate. ▶ unicestwiać tępić
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□ externally /-nəli; US / adv. The building has been restored externally and internally. The university has many externally funded research projects. ▶ z zewnątrz OPPOSITE internally external /ɪkˈstɜ: nl; US / adj. 1 connected with the outside of sth The cream is for external use only. ▶ zewnętrzny 2 coming from another place You will be tested by an external examiner. ▶ z zewnątrz OPPOSITE for both meanings internal
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□ extinction /; US / noun [uncountable] The giant panda is in danger of extinction. ▶ wymarcie wyginięcie wygaśnięcie extinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt; US / adj. 1 (used about a type of animal, plant, etc.) no longer existing Tigers are nearly extinct in the wild. ▶ wymarły 2 (used about a volcano) no longer active ▶ wygasły
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W języku codziennym używa się zwrotu put out. □ extinguisher /; US / = fire extinguisher extinguish /ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to cause sth to stop burning The fire was extinguished very quickly. The stewardess asked everybody to extinguish their cigarettes. ▶ ugasić zgasić
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□ extortion /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ wymuszanie szantaż extort /ɪkˈstɔ: t; US / verb [transitive] (formal) extort sth (from sb) to get sth by using threats or violence The gang were found guilty of extorting money from small businesses. ▶ wymuszać (coś na kimś) wydzierać (coś komuś)
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□ extra adv. ‘ What size is this pullover?’ ‘ Extra large (XL).’ They charge extra if you want to reserve a seat. I tried to be extra (nadzwyczajnie) nice to him yesterday because it was his birthday. ▶ dodatkowo więcej extra1 /ˈekstrə/ adj. more than is usual, expected, or than exists already I’ll need some extra money for the holidays. The football match went into extra time. Is wine included in the price of the meal or is it extra? ▶ dodatkowy
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▶ odpłatny dodatek odpłatna dodatkowa usługa2 a person in a film, etc. who has a small unimportant part, for example in a crowd ▶ statyst(k)a extra2 /ˈekstrə/ noun [c] 1 something that costs more, or that is not normally included Optional extras (dodatkowe urządzenia) such as colour printer, scanner and modem are available on top of the basic package.
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extract1 /ˈekstrækt; US / noun [countable] a part of a book, piece of music, etc., that has often been specially chosen to show sth The newspaper published extracts from the controversial novel. ▶ fragment wypis
wydobywać, wyrywać (formal) kezdjen tanulni
extract2 /ɪkˈstrækt; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to take sth out, especially with difficulty I think this tooth will have to be extracted. I wasn’t able to extract an apology from her. ▶ usuwać wydobywać wyrywać wymuszać
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2[uncountable] family origin He’s an American but he’s of Italian extraction. ▶ pochodzenie extraction /ɪkˈstrækʃn; US / noun (formal) 1[uncountable, countable] the act of taking sth out extraction of salt from the sea Dentists report that children are requiring fewer extractions. ▶ wydobywanie usunięcie wymuszanie
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□ extradition /ˌekstrəˈdɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ ekstradycja wydanie /ˈekstrədaɪt/ v [tran] to send a person who may be guilty of a crime from the country in which they are living to the country which wants to put them on trial for the crime The suspected terrorists were captured in Spain and extradited. ▶ ekstradowac
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extrajudicial /ˌekstrədʒuˈdɪʃl; US / adj. happening outside the normal power of the law an extrajudicial execution ▶ pozasądowy
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extramarital /ˌekstrəˈmærɪtl; US / adj. happening outside marriage an extramarital affair ▶ pozamałżeński
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□ extraordinarily /ɪkˈstrɔ: dnrəli; US -dəˈner- / adv. He was an extraordinarily talented musician. ▶ niezwykle zadziwiająco extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔ: dnri; US -dəneri / adj. 1 not what you would expect in a particular situation; very strange ▶ nadzwyczajny niezwykły 2 very unusual She has an extraordinary ability to whistle and sing at the same time. ▶ przedziwny
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We have extrapolated these results from research in other countries. The results cannot be extrapolated to other patient groups. ▶ ekstrapolować (coś) (na podstawie czegoś) extrapolate /ɪkˈstræpəleɪt; US / verb [int, tra] (formal) extrapolate (sth) (from/to sth) to form an opinion or make a judgement about a new situation by using facts that you know from a different situation
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□ extrapolation /ɪkˌstræpəˈleɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable, countable] Their age can be determined by extrapolation from their growth rate. ▶ ekstrapolacja przewidywanie
istota pozaziemska, kosmita kezdjen tanulni
□ extraterrestrial adj. extraterrestrial beings/life ▶ pozaziemski extraterrestrial /ˌekstrətəˈrestriəl; US / noun [countable] (in stories) a creature that comes from another planet; a creature that may exist on another planet ▶ kosmit(k)a istota pozaziemska przybysz z kosmosu obcy
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The goalkeeper caught the ball with an extravagant dive. ▶ przesadny nadmierny □ extravagance /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ rozrzutność ekstrawagancja —extravagantly /; US / adv. ▶ rozrzutnie ekstrawagancko ɪkˈstrævəɡənt/ adj. 1 spending or costing too much money He’s terribly extravagant – he travels everywhere by taxi. an extravagant present ▶ rozrzutny drogi 2 exaggerated; more than is usual, true or necessary the extravagant claims of advertisers
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2 not ordinary or usual Children will be removed from their parents only in extreme circumstances. an extreme example of cruelty to animals Don’t go doing anything extreme like leaving the country extreme weather conditions ▶ ekstremalny skrajny extreme /ɪkˈstri: m; US / adj. 1[only before a noun] the greatest or strongest possible extreme heat/difficulty/poverty You must take extreme care (musisz bardzo uważać) when driving at night. ▶ najwyższy niesłychany
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3 (used about political organizations, opinions, etc.) far from what most people consider to be normal Her extreme views on immigration are shocking to most people. extreme right-wing views politicians on the extreme left of the party ▶ ekstremalny □ extreme noun [countable] Alex used to be very shy but now she’s gone to the opposite extreme (popadła z jednej skrajności w drugą). ▶ skrajność
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extremely /ɪkˈstri: mli; US / adv. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW very Listen carefully because this is extremely important. I thought Martin handled the problem extremely well. ▶ niezmiernie szalenie
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exˈtreme sport noun [countable] a very dangerous sport or activity which some people do for fun The first day of the extreme sports championships featured bungee jumping. ▶ sport ekstremalny
ekstremista, ekstremistka kezdjen tanulni
extremist /ɪkˈstri: mɪst; US / noun [countable] a person who has extreme political opinions ▶ ekstremist(k)a ⇨ look at moderate, radical □ extremism /ɪkˈstri: mɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ ekstremizm
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extremity /ɪkˈstreməti; US / noun [countable] (pl. extremities) the part of sth that is furthest from the centre ▶ koniec koniuszek ostateczność skrajność
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□ extroverted /; US / adj. ▶ ekstrawertyczny OPPOSITE introverted extrovert /ˈekstrəvɜ: t/ noun [countable] a person who is confident and full of life and who prefers being with other people to being alone ▶ ekstrawerty-k/czka OPPOSITE introvert
wylewny, tryskający energią kezdjen tanulni
exuberant /ɪɡˈzju: bərənt; US -ˈzu:- / adj. (used about a person or their behaviour) full of energy and excitement ▶ tryskający radością/energią wylewny □ exuberance /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ wylewność entuzjazm
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2 if sthexudes a liquid or smell, or a liquid or smellexudes from somewhere, the liquid, etc. comes out slowly The plant exudes a sticky fluid. An awful smell exuded from the creature’s body. ▶ (zapach itp.) wydzielać (się) roztaczać (się sączyć (się) exude /ɪɡˈzju: d; US -ˈzu: d / verb [intr, tr] 1 if youexude a particular feeling or quality, or itexudes from you She exuded confidence. ▶ emanować (np. pewnością siebie) tryskać (np. zdrowiem, radością) pomieniować (np. pewnością siebie)
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2 the ability to see sth He has sharp eyes (dobry wzrok). She has an eye for detail (jest skrupulatna). ▶ oko wzrok 3 the hole at one end of a needle that the thread goes through ▶ ucho eye1 /aɪ; US / noun [countable] 1 one of the two organs of your body that you use to see with She opened/closed her eyes. He is blind in one eye. Nie widzi na jedno oko. an eye test badanie wzroku He’s got blue eyes. ▶ oko
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eye2 /aɪ; US / verb [transitive] (eyeing or eying; past tense, past participle eyed) to look at sb/sth closely She eyed the stranger with suspicion. ▶ mierzyć (kogoś) wzrokiem
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eyeball /ˈaɪbɔ: l; US / noun [countable] the whole of your eye (including the part which is hidden inside the head) ▶ gałka oczna
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eyebrow /ˈaɪbraʊ; US / (also brow) noun [countable] the line of hair that is above your eye ▶ brew IDIOMS raise your eyebrows ⇨ raise
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ˈeye-catching adj. (used about a thing) attracting your attention immediately because it is interesting, bright or pretty ▶ przyciągający wzrok
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eyelash /ˈaɪlæʃ; US / (also lash) noun [countable] one of the hairs that grow on the edges of your eyelids ▶ rzęsa
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ˈeye level adj. at the same height as sb’s eyes when they are standing up an eye-level grill ▶ na poziomie oczu
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eyelid /ˈaɪlɪd; US / (also lid) noun [countable] the piece of skin that can move to cover your eye ▶ powieka
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eyeliner /ˈaɪlaɪnə(r); US / noun [uncountable] a substance that you use to draw a dark line around your eyes to make them look more attractive ▶ kredka do oczu tusz do kresek
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ˈeye-opener noun [countable] something that makes you realize the truth about sth That TV programme about the inner cities was a real eye-opener. ▶ rewelacja objawienie
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eyeshadow /ˈaɪʃædəʊ; US / noun [uncountable] colour that is put on the skin above the eyes to make them look more attractive ▶ cień do powiek
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eyesight /ˈaɪsaɪt; US / noun [uncountable] the ability to see good/poor eyesight ▶ wzrok
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eyesore /ˈaɪsɔ:(r); US / noun [countable] something that is ugly and unpleasant to look at All this litter in the streets is a real eyesore. ▶ szkaradzieństwo obrzydliwość