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2exclude sb/sth (from sth) to prevent sb/sth from entering a place or taking part in sth Women are excluded from (nie mają wstępu do) the temple. Jake was excluded from the game for cheating. ▶ wykluczać exclude /ɪkˈsklu: d; US / verb [transitive] [not used in the continuous tenses] 1 to leave out; not include The price excludes all extras such as drinks or excursions. ▶ wykluczać usuwać OPPOSITE include
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excluding /ɪkˈsklu: dɪŋ; US / prep. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW leaving out; without Lunch costs £ 10 per person excluding drinks. ▶ z wyjątkiem bez OPPOSITE including
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exclusion /ɪkˈsklu:ʒn; US / noun [uncountable] keeping or leaving sb/sth out ▶ wykluczenie wyłączenie
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2 not welcoming people who are thought to be of a lower social class an exclusive restaurant a flat in an exclusive part of the city ▶ ekskluzywny 3exclusive of sb/sth Lunch costs £ 7 per person exclusive of drinks. ▶ nie licząc kogoś/czegoś bez /ɪkˈsklu:sɪv/ adj. [before a noun] to be used by or given to one person, group, etc.; not to be shared This car is for the Director’s exclusive use. Tonight we are showing an exclusive interview with the new leader of the Labour Party. ▶ wyłączny
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exclusively /ɪkˈsklu: sɪvli; US / adv. only; not involving anyone/anything else The swimming pool is reserved exclusively for members of the club. ▶ wyłącznie
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□ excommunication /ˌekskəˌmju: nɪˈkeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable, countable] They were threatened with excommunication. ▶ ekskomunika excommunicate /ˌekskəˈmju: nɪkeɪt; US / verb [transitive] excommunicate sb (for sth) to punish sb by officially stating that they can no longer be a member of a Christian Church, especially the Roman Catholic Church ▶ ekskomunikować
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excrement /ˈekskrɪmənt; US / noun [uncountable] (formal) the solid waste material that you get rid of when you go to the toilet ▶ kał odchody SYNONYM faeces
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excruciating /ɪkˈskru:ʃieɪtɪŋ; US / adj. extremely painful ▶ rozdzierający
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excursion /ɪkˈskɜ:ʃn; US / noun [countable] a short journey or trip that a group of people make for pleasure to go on an excursion to the seaside ▶ wycieczka ⇨ note at travel
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excusable /ɪkˈskju: zəbl; US / adj. that you can forgive an excusable mistake ▶ wybaczalny OPPOSITE inexcusable
usprawiedliwienie, wymówka kezdjen tanulni
There’s no excuse for rudeness. He always finds an excuse for not helping with the housework. to make an excuse ▶ usprawiedliwienie wymówka excuse1 /ɪkˈskju: s; US / noun [countable] an excuse (for sth/doing sth) ⇨ a reason (that may or may not be true) that you give in order to explain your behaviour
wybaczać, usprawiedliwiać W Amer. ang. i czasami w Br. ang. excuse me występuje również, jeśli się kogoś przeprasza za drobne przewinienie: Did I tread on your toe? Excuse me. Wyrażenie excuse me ma zastosowanie w sytuacjach, kiedy przerywa się czyjąś rozmowę lub zwraca się do kogoś obcego: Excuse me (przepraszam pana/panią), can you tell me the way to the station? kezdjen tanulni
2 to explain sb’s bad behaviour and make it seem less bad Nothing can excuse such behaviour. ▶ usprawiedliwiać wytłumaczyć się excuse2 /ɪkˈskju: z; US / verb [transitive] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1excuse sb/sth (for sth/for doing sth) to forgive sb for sth they have done wrong that is not very serious Please excuse the interruption but I need to talk to you. ▶ wybaczać
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2(formal) to perform a task, etc. or to put a plan into action ▶ wykonywać przeprowadzać □ execution /ˌeksɪˈkju:ʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ stracenie (kogoś) egzekucja wykonanie przeprowadzenie (czegoś) execute /ˈeksɪkju: t; US / verb [transitive] 1 [usually passive] execute sb (for sth) to kill sb as an official punishment He was executed for murder. ▶ stracić kogoś wykonać na kimś wyrok
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executioner /ˌeksɪˈkju:ʃənə(r); US / noun [countable] a person whose job is to execute criminals ▶ kat
pracownik na kierowniczym stanowisku kezdjen tanulni
3(the executive) [sing., with sing. or pl. verb] the part of a government responsible for putting new laws into effect ▶ władza wykonawcza ⇨ look at judiciary, legislature executive1 /ɪɡˈzekjətɪv; US / noun 1 [countable] a person who has an important position as a manager of a business or organization She’s a senior executive in a computer company. ▶ pracownik na kierowniczym stanowisku
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2 (used about goods, buildings, etc.) designed to be used by important business people an executive briefcase ▶ dla ludzi biznesu biznesowy /ɪɡˈzekjətɪv / adj. [before a noun] 1 (used in connection with people in business, government, etc.) concerned with managing, making plans, decisions, etc. executive decisions/jobs an executive director of the company dyrektor firmy ▶ wykonawczy
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exemplary /ɪɡˈzempləri; US / adj. very good; that can be an example to other people exemplary behaviour ▶ wzorowy
być przykładem, ilustrować kezdjen tanulni
exemplify /ɪɡˈzemplɪfaɪ; US / verb [transitive] (exemplifying; exemplifies; past tense, past participle exemplified) to be a typical example of sth ▶ ilustrować być przykładem
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exempt1 /ɪɡˈzempt/ adj [not before a noun] exempt (from sth) free from having to do sth or pay for sth Children under 16 are exempt from dental charges. ▶ zwolniony (z czegoś) □ exemption /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ zwolnienie ulga
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exempt2 /ɪɡˈzempt; US / verb [transitive] (formal) exempt sb/sth (from sth) to say officially that sb does not have to do sth or pay for sth ▶ zwalniać (z czegoś)
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2[countable, often plural] a movement or activity that you do in order to stay healthy or to become skilled at sth I do keep-fit exercises every morning. breathing/stretching/relaxation exercises ▶ gimnastyka ćwiczenie gimnastyczne exercise1 /ˈeksəsaɪz; US / noun 1[uncountable] physical or mental activity that keeps you healthy and strong The doctor advised Sebastian to take regular exercise. Swimming is a good form of exercise. ▶ gimnastyka ćwiczenie ruch
ćwiczyć, korzystać z czegoś kezdjen tanulni
2[intransitive] to do some form of physical activity in order to stay fit and healthy It is important to exercise regularly. ▶ zażywać ruchu ćwiczyć gimnastykować się exercise2 /ˈeksəsaɪz; US / verb 1 [transitive] to make use of sth, for example a power, right, etc. You should exercise your right to vote. ▶ korzystać z czegoś
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ˈexercise bike noun [countable] a bicycle that does not move forward but is used for getting exercise indoors ▶ rower treningowy
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ˈexercise book noun [countable] 1(US notebook) a small book for students to write their work in ▶ zeszyt (do ćwiczeń)
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2exert yourself to make a big effort You won’t make any progress if you don’t exert yourself a bit more. ▶ wysilać się wytężać się exert /ɪɡˈzɜ: t; US / verb [transitive] 1 to make use of sth, for example influence, strength, etc., to affect sb/sth Parents exert a powerful influence on their children’s opinions. ▶ wywierać
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exertion /ɪɡˈzɜ:ʃn; US / noun [unc, c] using your body in a way that takes a lot of effort; sth that you do that makes you tired At his age physical exertion was dangerous. I’m tired after the exertions of the past few days. ▶ wytężenie wysiłek
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exhale /eksˈheɪl; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to breathe out so that the air leaves your lungs ▶ wydychać OPPOSITE inhale □ exhalation /ˌekshəˈleɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ wydech
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2[countable] (also exhaust pipe; US tailpipe /ˈteɪlpaɪp; US /) a pipe (particularly at the back of a car) through which waste gas escapes from an engine or machine ▶ spaliny gazy spalinowe exhaust1 /ɪɡˈzɔ: st; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the waste gas that comes out of a vehicle, an engine or a machine car exhaust fumes/emissions ▶ rura wydechowa
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2 to use sth up completely; to finish sth All the supplies of food have been exhausted. ▶ zużyć wyczerpywać 3 to say everything you can about a subject, etc. Well, I think we’ve exhausted that topic. ▶ wyczerpywać exhaust2 /ɪɡˈzɔ: st; US / verb [transitive] 1 to make sb very tired The long journey to work every morning exhausted him. ▶ wyczerpywać
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exhausted /ɪɡˈzɔ: stɪd; US / adj. very tired ▶ wyczerpany zmęczony
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exhaustion /ɪɡˈzɔ: stʃən; US / noun [uncountable] the state of being extremely tired ▶ wyczerpanie przemęczenie exhaustive /ɪɡˈzɔ: stɪv; US / adj. including everything possible This list is certainly not intended to be exhaustive. ▶ wyczerpujący exhausting /ɪɡˈzɔ: stɪŋ; US / adj. making sb very tired Teaching young children is exhausting work. ▶ wyczerpujący męczący
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2(formal) to show clearly that you have a particular quality, feeling. etc. The refugees are exhibiting signs of exhaustion and stress. ▶ okazywać exhibit1 /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt; US / verb [transitive] 1 to show sth in a public place for people to enjoy or to give them information His paintings have been exhibited in the local art gallery. ▶ wystawiać (na pokaz)
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exhibit2 /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt; US / noun [countable] an object that is shown in a museum, etc. or as a piece of evidence in a court of law ▶ eksponat okaz (prawn.) dowód rzeczowy
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2[countable] an occasion when a particular skill is shown to the public We saw an exhibition of Scottish dancing last night. ▶ pokaz przedstawienie exhibition /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/ noun 1 [countable] a collection of objects, for example works of art, that are shown to the public Have you seen the Picasso exhibition? Her paintings will be on exhibition in London for the whole of April. ▶ wystawa
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exhibitionist /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃənɪst; US / noun [countable] a person who likes to make other people notice him or her Children are natural exhibitionists. ▶ ekshibicjonist(k)a Zwykle wyraża dezaprobatę.
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exhibitor /ɪɡˈzɪbɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] a person, for example an artist, a photographer, etc. who shows their work to the public ▶ wystawca
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□ exhilarating /; US / adj. very exciting and enjoyable My first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience. ▶ ekscytujący emocjonujący ożywiający —exhilaration /ɪɡˌzɪləˈreɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ radosne ożywienie exhilarate /ɪɡˈzɪləreɪt; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] to make sb feel very excited and happy We felt exhilarated by our walk along the beach. ▶ ożywiać radować
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the Polish Government-in-Exile Rząd Polski na Uchodźstwie ▶ wygnanie wychodźstwo emigracja (polityczna) 2[countable] a person who is forced to live outside their own country (especially for political reasons) ▶ uchodźca emigrant/ka exile /ˈeksaɪl; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the state of being forced to live outside your own country (especially for political reasons) He went into exile (wyemigrował) after the revolution of 1968. They lived in exile in London for many years.
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2 exist (on sth) to manage to live I don’t know how she exists on the wage she earns. ▶ utrzymywać się przy życiu egzystować exist /ɪɡˈzɪst; US / verb [intransitive] 1[not used in the continuous tenses] to be real; to be found in the real world; to live Dreams only exist in our imagination. Fish cannot exist out of water. ▶ istnieć
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2[sing.] a way of living, especially when it is difficult They lead a miserable existence (wiodą ciężkie życie) in a tiny flat in London. ▶ byt egzystencja existence /ɪɡˈzɪstəns; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the state of existing This is the oldest human skeleton in existence. To jest najstarszy istniejący ludzki szkielet. How did the universe come into existence? Jak powstał wszechświat? ▶ istnienie
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existential /ˌeɡzɪˈstenʃəl; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1(formal) connected with human existence ▶ egzystencjalny 2 connected with the theory ofexistentialism ▶ egzystencjalny
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existentialism /ˌeɡzɪˈstenʃəlɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] (in philosophy) the theory that humans are free and responsible for their own actions in a world without meaning ▶ egzystencjalizm
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existing /ɪɡˈzɪstɪŋ; US / adj. [only before a noun] that is already there or being used; present Under the existing law you are not allowed to work in this country. ▶ istniejący
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2 the act of leaving sth If I see her coming I’ll make a quick exit. an exit visa wiza wyjazdowa ▶ wyjście OPPOSITE entrance 3 a place where traffic can leave a road or a motorway to join another road At the roundabout take the third exit. ▶ zjazd exit1 /ˈeksɪt; US ˈeɡzɪt; US / noun [countable] 1 a door or way out of a public building or vehicle The emergency exit is at the back of the bus. ▶ wyjście OPPOSITE entrance
wychodzić, wysiadać, zamykać formal kezdjen tanulni
exit2 /ˈeksɪt; US ˈeɡzɪt; US / v [int, tr] (formal) to leave a place He exited through the back door. I exited the database and switched off the computer. ▶ wychodzić wychodzić z programu komputerowego wysiadać zamykać (np. plik komputerowy)
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exorbitant /ɪɡˈzɔ: bɪtənt; US / adj. (formal) (used about the cost of sth) much more expensive than it should be ▶ wygórowany nadmierny
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2(formal) to remove sth that is bad or painful from your mind She had managed to exorcize these unhappy memories from her mind. ▶ odpędzać (np. bolesne wspomnienia) przepędzać (np. bolesne wspomnienia) exorcize (also exorcise) /ˈeksɔ: saɪz; US / verb [transitive] 1exorcize sth (from sb/sth) to make an evil spirit leave a place or sb’s body by special prayers or magic The ghost was exorcized from the house. ▶ egzorcyzmować
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exotic /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk; US / adj. unusual or interesting because it comes from a different country or culture exotic plants/animals/fruits ▶ egzotyczny
rozszerzać się, powiększać kezdjen tanulni
expand /ɪkˈspænd; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to become or to make sth bigger Metals expand when they are heated. We hope to expand our business this year. ▶ rozszerzać (się) powiększać (się) rozwijać (się) OPPOSITE contract
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expanse /ɪkˈspæns; US / noun [countable] a large open area (of land, sea, sky, etc.) I lay on my back and stared up at the vast expanse of blue sky. ▶ obszar przestrzeń
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expansion /ɪkˈspænʃn; US / noun [uncountable] the act of becoming bigger or the state of being bigger than before The rapid expansion of the university has caused a lot of problems. ▶ rozwój ekspansja
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□ expansionist /-ʃənɪst; US / 1 adj. expansionist policies ▶ ekspansjonistyczny 2 noun [countable] He was a ruthless expansionist. ▶ ekspansjonist(k)a expansionism /ɪkˈspænʃənɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the belief in and process of increasing the size and importance of sth, especially in a country or a business ▶ ekspansjonizm Czasami wyraża dezprobatę.
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expansive /ɪkˈspænsɪv; US / adj. (formal) (used about a person) who talks a lot in an interesting way; friendly ▶ wylewny
osoba żyjąca poza swoim krajem kezdjen tanulni
expatriate /ˌeksˈpætriət; US -ˈpeɪt- / (also informal expat /ˌeksˈpæt; US /) noun [countable] a person who lives outside their own country American expatriates in London ▶ osoba żyjąca poza własnym krajem
Czasownika expect nie używa się w czasach continuous. Natomiast często spotyka się go w present participle (formie -ing): She flung the door open, expecting to see Richard standing there. kezdjen tanulni
He expected it to be hot in Washington and it was. I know the food’s not so good, but what did you expect from such a cheap restaurant? She’s expecting a baby in the spring. ▶ oczekiwać spodziewać się expect /ɪkˈspekt; US / verb [transitive] 1 to think or believe that sb/sth will come or that sth will happen She was expecting a letter from the bank this morning but it didn’t come. I expect that it will rain this afternoon.
wymagać, oczekiwać po kimś czegoś kezdjen tanulni
3[not used in the continuous tenses] (Brit.) to think that sth is true or correct; to suppose ‘ Whose is this suitcase?’ ‘ Oh it’s Angela’s, I expect.’ ‘ Will you be able to help me later on?’ ‘ I expect so (chyba tak).’ ▶ przypuszczać (że) 2expect sth (from sb); expect sb to do sth to feel confident that you will get sth from sb He expects a high standard of work from everyone. Factory workers are often expected to work at nights. ▶ wymagać oczekiwać po kimś czegoś
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We have high expectancy with this investment.(Wiążemy wysokie nadzieje z tą inwestycją.) expectancy /ɪkˈspektənsi; US / noun [uncountable] the state of expecting sth to happen; hope a look/feeling of expectancy ▶ oczekiwanie nadzieja ⇨ look at life expectancy
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expectant /ɪkˈspektənt; US / adj. 1 hoping for sth good and exciting an expectant audience expectant faces ▶ wyczekujący pełen nadziei 2 having a baby soon an expectant mother/father ▶ w ciąży
przewidywanie, oczekiwanie kezdjen tanulni
2[countable, usually pl.] hope for the future They had great expectations for their son, but he didn’t really live up to them. ▶ nadzieja widoki (np. na spadek) /ˌekspekˈteɪʃn/ noun (formal) 1[uncountable] expectation (of sth) the belief that sth will happen There’s no expectation of the weather getting better for some days yet. The dog was sitting under the table in expectation of food. ▶ przewidywanie
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expected /ɪkˈspektɪd; US / adj. that you think will happen Double the expected number of people came to the meeting. ▶ oczekiwany
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□ expediency /ɪkˈspi: diənsi; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ korzyść wygoda /ɪkˈspi:diənt/ adj. (formal) (used about an action) convenient or helpful for a purpose, but possibly not completely honest or moral The government decided that it was expedient not to increase taxes until after the election. ▶ stosowny dogodny
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expedition /ˌekspəˈdɪʃn; US / noun [countable] 1 a long journey for a special purpose a scientific expedition to Antarctica ▶ wyprawa ekspedycja 2 a short journey that you make for pleasure a fishing expedition ▶ wyprawa
wydalać (ucznia ze szkoły, członka z organizacji) kezdjen tanulni
2 (technical) to send sth out by force to expel (wydychać) air from the lungs ▶ wydalać ⇨ noun expulsion expel /ɪkˈspel; US / verb [transitive] (expelling; expelled) 1 to force sb to leave a country, school, club, etc. The government has expelled all foreign journalists. The boy was expelled from school for smoking. ▶ wydalać
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expenditure /ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r); US / noun [uncountable, sing.] (formal) the act of spending money; the amount of money that is spent Government expenditure on education is very low. an expenditure of £ 2 000 ▶ wydatki
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2(expenses) [pl.] money that is spent for a particular purpose You can claim back your travelling expenses. ▶ wydatki koszty expense /ɪkˈspens/ noun 1 [c, unc] the cost of sth in time or money Running a car is a great expense. Expense wasn’t important when they were deciding what present to buy their son. The movie was filmed in Tahiti at great expense ▶ wydatek koszt
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expensive /ɪkˈspensɪv; US / adj. costing a lot of money Houses are very expensive in this area. ▶ drogi kosztowny OPPOSITES inexpensive, cheap □ expensively /; US / adv. ▶ drogo kosztownie
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2[countable] something that has happened to you (often sth unusual or exciting) She wrote a book about her experiences in Africa. It’s an experience not to be missed. ▶ przygoda przeżycie experience1 /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ noun 1[unc] the things that you have done in your life; the knowledge or skill that you get from seeing or doing sth We all learn by experience. Do you have any previous experience of working with children? ▶ doświadczenie
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experience2 /ɪkˈspɪəriəns; US / verb [transitive] to have sth happen to you; to feel It was the first time I’d ever experienced failure. to experience pleasure/pain/difficulty ▶ doznawać przeżywać
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experienced /ɪkˈspɪəriənst; US / adj. having the knowledge or skill that is necessary for sth He’s an experienced diver. ▶ doświadczony OPPOSITE inexperienced
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Many companies no longer do experiments on animals. I’m going to try cycling to work – it’s just an experiment. We need to prove this theory by experiment. ▶ eksperyment doświadczenie experiment1 /ɪkˈsperɪmənt; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW a scientific test that is done in order to get proof of sth or to get new knowledge to carry out/perform/conduct/do an experiment
eksperymentować, testować kezdjen tanulni
Is it really necessary to experiment on animals? We’re experimenting with a new timetable this month. ▶ eksperymentować testować experiment2 /ɪkˈsperɪmənt; US / verb [intransitive] experiment (on/with sth) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW to do tests to see if sth works or to try to improve it
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□ experimentally /-təli; US / adv. ▶ eksperymentalnie experimental /ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl; US / adj. connected with experiments or trying new ideas We’re still at the experimental stage with the new product (w fazie doświadczeń nad nowym produktem). experimental schools ▶ eksperymentalny
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She’s a leading expert in the field of genetics. He’s an expert on the history of rock music. ▶ ekspert specjalist(k)a znaw-ca/czyni expert /ˈekspɜ: t; US / noun [countable] an expert (at/in/on sth) a person who has a lot of special knowledge or skill a computer expert Let me try – I’m an expert at parking cars in small spaces.
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□ expert adj. He’s an expert cook. Jest doskonałym kucharzem. I think we should get expert advice (zasięgnąć opinii eksperta) on the problem. ▶ mistrzowski biegły —expertly /; US / adv. ▶ po mistrzowsku biegle
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expertise /ˌekspɜ:ˈti: z; US / noun [uncountable] a high level of special knowledge or skill I was amazed at his expertise on the word processor. ▶ biegłość znawstwo