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1 the act of making sb be less respected; the state of being less respected the degradation of being in prison ▶ poniżenie 2 causing the condition of sth to become worse environmental degradation ▶ degradacja
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□ degrading /; US / adj. the inhuman and degrading treatment of prisoners Many people agree that pornography is degrading to women. Having to ask other people for money is degrading. ▶ poniżający upokarzający
degrade /dɪˈɡreɪd; US / verb [transitive] to make people respect sb less It’s the sort of film that really degrades women. ▶ poniżać
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2 [countable] a measurement of temperature Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (100° C). three degrees below zero/minus three degrees (-3°) ▶ stopień
1 [countable] a measurement of angles a forty-five degree (45°) angle An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle. ▶ stopień
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2[intransitive, transitive] If you run for a long time in the heat, you start to dehydrate. ▶ odwadniać (się) □ dehydrated /ˌdi: haɪˈdreɪtɪd; US / adj. Drink lots of water to avoid becoming dehydrated (aby zapobiec odwodnieniu). ▶ odwodniony
1 [tran, usually passive] to remove all the water from sth dehydrated vegetables suszone warzywa ▶ odwadniać (się) —dehydration /ˌdi: haɪˈdreɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] Several of the runners were suffering from severe dehydration. ▶ odwodnienie
zwłoka, opóźnienie
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delay, delay
Because of an accident, all trains are subject to delay. If you smell gas, you should report it without delay. ▶ opóźnienie zwłoka
delay1 /dɪˈleɪ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a situation or period of time where you have to wait Delays are likely on the roads because of heavy traffic.
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2[intransitive, transitive] delay (sth/doing sth) to decide not to do sth until a later time I was forced to delay the trip until the following week. ▶ odkładać (zrobienie czegoś) opóźniać
1 [transitive] to make sb/sth slow or late The plane was delayed for several hours because of bad weather. ▶ opóźniać
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delegate1 /ˈdelɪɡət; US / noun [countable] a person who has been chosen to speak or take decisions for a group of people, especially at a meeting ▶ delegat/ka
delegować, zlecać
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delegate, commission
delegate2 /ˈdelɪɡeɪt; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to give sb with a lower job or position a particular task to do You can’t do everything yourself. You must learn how to delegate. ▶ delegować zlecać
delegacja, przekazywanie uprawnień
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2[uncountable] the process of giving sb work or responsibilities that would usually be yours ▶ przekazanie uprawnień delegacja pełnomocnictw
1 [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] a group of people who have been chosen to speak or take decisions for a larger group of people, especially at a meeting The British delegation walked out of the meeting in protest. ▶ delegacja
skreślać, usuwać
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delete, delete
□ deletion /dɪˈli:ʃn; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the act of deleting ▶ skreślenie usunięcie 2[countable] part of sth written or printed (e.g. a word, a sentence, a paragraph, etc.) that is deleted ▶ skreślenie
delete /dɪˈli: t / [tran] to remove sth that is written The advantage of a word processor is that you make a mistake you can delete it. ‘ I will not be able to attend the meeting. Delete as appropriate (niepotrzebne skreślić).’ ▶ skreślać usuwać
celowy, rozmyślny
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deliberate1 /dɪˈlɪbərət / adj. 1 done on purpose; planned Was it an accident or was it deliberate? ▶ celowy rozmyślny  SYN.  intentional 2 done slowly and carefully, without hurrying She spoke in a calm, deliberate voice. ▶ rozważny niespieszny
celowo, rozmyślnie
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2 slowly and carefully, without hurrying He packed up his possessions slowly and deliberately. ▶ rozważnie niespiesznie
1 in a way that was planned, not by chance I didn’t break it deliberately – it was an accident. ▶ celowo rozmyślnie  SYNONYM  purposely  OPPOSITE  by accident
delikatność, subtelność
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delicacy, subtlety
2[uncoun.] great care; a gentle touch The ancient bones have to be handled with great delicacy. the delicacy of his touch She played with great delicacy. • (figurative) Be tactful! It’s a matter of some delicacy. ▶ delikatność subtelność
1[uncountable] the quality of being easy to damage or break ▶ delikatność
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2 often ill or hurt He was a delicate child and often in hospital. ▶ delikatny wątły 3 needing skilful treatment and care Repairing this is going to be a very delicate operation. ▶ wymagający delikatności/precyzji
easy to damage or break delicate skin delicate china teacups the delicate mechanisms of a watch ▶ delikatny
delikatnie, subtelnie
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3 carefully so as not to offend sb I phrased my comments delicately so as not to upset her. ▶ delikatnie ostrożnie
□ delicately /; US / adv. 1 lightly, gently or finely delicately painted vases ▶ delikatnie subtelnie 2 with skilful and careful movement She stepped delicately over the broken glass. ▶ delikatnie ostrożnie
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delicatessen /ˌdelɪkəˈtesn; US / noun [countable] a shop that sells special, unusual or foreign foods, especially cold cooked meat, cheeses, etc. ▶ delikatesy
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delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs; US / adj. having a very pleasant taste or smell This soup is absolutely delicious. What are you cooking? It smells delicious. ▶ smakowity pyszny bardzo smaczny
zachwyt, radość
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2[countable] something that gives sb great pleasure The story is a delight to read. To opowiadanie czyta się z przyjemnością. ▶ coś, co zachwyca
1 [uncountable] great pleasure She laughed with delight as she opened the present. ▶ zachwyt radość  SYNONYM  joy
zachwycać, radować
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delight, delight
delight2 /dɪˈlaɪt; US / verb [transitive] to give sb great pleasure She delighted the audience by singing all her old songs. ▶ zachwycać radować
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‘ Would you like to come for dinner?’ ‘ Thanks, I’d be delighted to (z przyjemnością).’ ‘ How do you feel about winning today?’ ‘ Delighted (bardzo się cieszę).’ ▶ zachwycony
delighted /dɪˈlaɪtɪd; US / adj. delighted (at/with/about sth); delighted to do sth/that... extremely pleased She was delighted at getting the job/that she got the job. They’re absolutely delighted with their baby.
zachwycający, wspaniały
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delightful, wonderful
delightful /dɪˈlaɪtfl; US / adj. very pleasant a delightful view of the sea The people were delightful and I made a lot of friends. ▶ zachwycający wspaniały □ delightfully /-fəli; US / adv. ▶ zachwycająco wspaniale
bredzący, majaczący
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□ deliriously /; US / adv. ▶ majacząc szalejąc z radości
delirious /dɪˈlɪriəs; US / adj. 1 speaking or thinking in a crazy way, often because of illness ▶ bredzący majaczący 2 extremely happy I was absolutely delirious when I passed the exam. ▶ uszczęśliwiony szalejący z radości
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delirium /dɪˈlɪriəm; US -ˈlɪəriəm; US / noun [uncountable] a mental state where sb becomesdelirious, usually because of illness fits of delirium He mumbled in delirium all night. ▶ delirium maligna majaczenie
kezdjen tanulni
to deliver
2[transitive] (formal) to say sth formally to deliver a speech/lecture/warning ▶ wygłaszać
1[intransitive, transitive] to take sth (goods, letters, etc.) to the place requested or to the address on it Your order will be delivered within five days. We deliver free within the local area. ▶ dostarczać
dostawa, roznoszenie
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delivery, delivery
2[countable] an occasion when sth is delivered Is there a delivery here on Sundays? ▶ roznoszenie (np. poczty)
1[uncountable] the act of taking sth (goods, letters, etc.) to the place or person who has ordered it or whose address is on it Please allow 28 days for delivery. a delivery van ▶ doręczenie dostawa
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delve /delv; US / verb [intransitive] to search for sth inside a bag, container, etc. She delved into the bag and brought out a tiny box. ▶ sięgać
żądanie, wymagania, popyt
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2(demands) [pl.] something that sb makes you do, especially sth that is difficult or tiring Running a marathon makes huge demands on the body (jest dużym obciążeniem dla organizmu). the demands of work/children ▶ obciążenie wymagania
1[count] a demand (for sth/that...) a strong request that must be obeyed The demand for the kidnappers to release the hostage has not been met. a demand for changes in the law I was amazed by their demand that I should leave immediately. ▶ żądanie
żądać, wymagać
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‘ Have you seen her?’ he demanded. ▶ pytać (w sposób agresywny) żądać domagać się 2 to need sth a sport that demands skill as well as strength ▶ wymagać
1demand to do sth/that...; demand sth to ask for sth in an extremely firm or aggressive way I walked into the office and demanded to see the manager. She demanded that I pay her immediately. Your behaviour was disgraceful and I demand an apology.
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2 (used about a person) always wanting attention or expecting very high standards of people Young children are very demanding. a demanding boss ▶ wymagający
demanding /dɪˈmɑ: ndɪŋ; US -ˈmæn- / adj. 1 (used about a job, task, etc.) needing a lot of effort, care, skill, etc. It will be a demanding schedule – I have to go to six cities in six days. ▶ wymagający
wytyczać granicę
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demarcate /ˈdi: mɑ: keɪt/ verb [transitive] (formal) to mark or establish the limits of sth Plots of land have been demarcated by barbed wire. The police demarcated the city into eighteen geographical divisions. ▶ wyznaczać granicę wytyczać granicę
poniżać się
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demean oneself
1demean yourself to do sth that makes people have less respect for you I wouldn’t demean myself by asking for charity. poniżać się 2 to make people have less respect for sb/sth Such images demean women. Behaviour like this demeans politics. poniżać
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dementia /dɪˈmenʃə; US / noun [uncountable] a serious mental disorder caused by brain disease or injury, that affects the ability to think, remember and behave normally ▶ demencja otępienie umysłowe
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□ demilitarization (also demilitarisation) /ˌdi:ˌmɪlɪtəraɪˈzeɪʃn; US -rəˈz- / noun [uncountable] ▶ demilitaryzacja
demilitarize (also demilitarise) /ˌdi:ˈmɪlɪtəraɪz; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] to remove military forces from an area a demilitarized zone ▶ demilitaryzować  OPPOSITE  militarize
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□ demobilization (also demobilisation) /dɪˌməʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn; US -ləˈz- / noun [uncountable] ▶ demobilizacja
verb [transitive] to release sb from military service, especially at the end of a war We were waiting to be demobilized. The army has demobilized 200 000 soldiers in the last two years. ▶ demobilizować ⇨ look at mobilize
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3[uncountable] the right of everyone in an organization, etc. to be treated equally and to vote on matters that affect them There is a need for more democracy in the company. ▶ demokracja
1[uncountable] a system in which the government of a country is elected by the people ▶ demokracja 2[countable] a country that has this system How long has that country been a democracy? ▶ demokracja
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▶ członek lub zwolennik Partii Demokratycznej w USA Demokrat(k)a ⇨ look at Republican
democrat /ˈdeməkræt; US / noun [countable] 1 a person who believes in and supports democracy ▶ demokrat-a/ka 2(Democrat) (abbr. Dem. /dem; US /) a member of, or sb who supports, the Democratic Party of the US
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democratically /-kli; US / adv. a democratically elected government ▶ demokratycznie
democratic /ˌdeməˈkrætɪk; US / adj. 1 based on the system of democracy democratic elections a democratic government ▶ demokratyczny
statystyczne dane demograficzne
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data relating to the population and different groups within it the demographics of radio listeners ▶ statystyczne dane demograficzne
rozbierać, wyburzać
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disassemble, demolish
□ demolition /ˌdeməˈlɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ wyburzenie rozbiórka
to destroy sth, for example a building The old shops were demolished and a supermarket was built in their place. • (figurative) She demolished his argument in one sentence. ▶ wyburzać rozbierać obalać
demon, diabeł
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demon, devil
demon /ˈdi: mən; US / noun [countable] an evil spirit ▶ demon diabeł
demoniczny, szatański
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demonic, satanic
demonic /diˈmɒnɪk; US / adj. connected with, or like, a demon demonic forces a demonic appearance ▶ demoniczny szatański
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to demonstrate
2[intransitive, transitive] demonstrate sth (to sb) to show and explain to sb how to do sth or how sth works The crew demonstrated the use of life jackets just after take-off. I’m not sure what you mean – could you demonstrate? ▶ demonstrować
1 [transitive] demonstrate sth (to sb) to show sth clearly by giving proof Scientists demonstrated the presence of radioactivity in the soil. Using this chart, I’d like to demonstrate to you what has happened to our sales. ▶ dowodzić demonstrować
manifestacja, demonstracja
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manifestation, demonstration
1 (especially Brit., informal demo) [countable] a demonstration (against/for sb/sth) a public protest for or against sb/sth demonstrations against a new law ▶ manifestacja demonstracja
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demonstrator /ˈdemənstreɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who takes part in a public protest ▶ demonstrant/ka manifestant/ka
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□ demoralization (also demoralisation) /dɪˌmɒrəlaɪˈzeɪʃn -ləˈz-; / noun [uncountable] ▶ działanie demobilizujące/zniechęcające
to make sb lose confidence or the courage to continue doing sth Repeated defeats completely demoralized the team. ▶ działać demobilizująco zniechęcać do dalszego działania
nora, legowisko
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den /den; US / noun [countable] 1 the place where certain wild animals, such as lions live ▶ nora legowisko 2 a secret place, especially for illegal activities a den of thieves a gambling den jaskinia hazardu ▶ kryjówka melina
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2[countable, uncountable] (a) denial (of sth) refusing to allow sb to have or do sth a denial of personal freedom ▶ pozbawienie odmowa
noun 1 [countable] a statement that sth is not true The minister issued a denial that he was involved in the scandal. ▶ zaprzeczenie wyparcie się
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The well-known actor has been denounced as a bad influence on young people. ▶ potępiać
denounce /dɪˈnaʊns; US / verb [transitive] to say publicly that sth is wrong; to be very critical of a person in public Opposition MPs have denounced the government’s decision.
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□ densely /; US / adv. densely populated areas ▶ gęsto zwarcie
dense /dens; US / adj. 1 containing a lot of things or people close together dense forests areas of dense population ▶ gęsty zwarty 2 difficult to see through dense fog ▶ gęsty 3(informal) not intelligent; stupid ▶ tępy
gęstość, ciężar właściwy
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2 [countable, uncountable] (technical) the relation of the weight of a substance to its size Lead has a high density. ▶ ciężar właściwy
density /ˈdensəti; US / noun (pl. densities) 1[uncountable] the number of things or people in a place in relation to its area the density of populaton There is a high density of (duże zagęszczenie) wildlife in this area. ▶ gęstość
wginać, wyginać
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dent1 /dent; US / verb [transitive] to damage a flat surface by hitting it but not breaking it I hit a wall and dented the front of the car. ▶ wginać wyginać
wgięcie, wklęśnięcie
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dent, dent
dent2 /dent; US / noun [countable] a place where a flat surface, especially metal, has been hit and damaged but not broken This tin’s got a dent in it. ▶ wgięcie wklęśnięcie wygięcie
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dental /ˈdentl; US / adj. [only before a noun] connected with teeth dental care/treatment ▶ dentystyczny stomatologiczny
nić dentystyczna
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dental floss
ˈdental floss noun [uncountable] a type of thread that is used for cleaning between the teeth ▶ nić dentystyczna
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2(the dentist’s) [sing.] the place where a dentist works I have to go to the dentist’s today. ▶ gabinet dentystyczny
dentist /ˈdentɪst; US / noun 1 [countable] a person whose job is to look after people’s teeth an appointment with the dentist The dentist examined my teeth and said I needed a filling. ▶ dentyst(k)a stomatolog ⇨ note at tooth
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denunciation /dɪˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] an expression of strong disapproval of sb/sth in public a strong denunciation of the invasion ▶ potępienie ⇨ verb denounce
zaprzeczać, odmawiać
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2(formal) deny sb sth; deny sth (to sb) to refuse to allow sb to have sth She was denied permission to remain in the country. ▶ odmawiać
(denying; denies; past, past part. denied) 1deny sth/doing sth; deny that... to state that sth is not true; to refuse to admit or accept sth In court he denied all the charges. She denied telling lies/that she had told lies. ▶ zaprzeczać wypierać się
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deodorant /diˈəʊdərənt; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a chemical substance that you put onto your body to prevent bad smells ▶ dezodorant
odjeżdzać, odlatywać
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depart /dɪˈpɑ: t; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to leave a place, usually at the beginning of a journey Ferries depart for Spain twice a day. The next train to the airport departs from platform 2. ▶ odjeżdżać odpływać odlatywać
wydział, department
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department, department
2 a division of the government responsible for a particular subject the Department of Health ▶ ministerstwo
1 one of the sections into which an organization, for example a school or a business, is divided the Modern Languages department The book department is on the second floor. She works in the accounts department. ▶ wydział dział departament
wydziałowy, działowy
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departmental, departmental
departmental /ˌdi: pɑ: tˈmentl; US / adj. [only before a noun] connected with a department There is a departmental meeting (zebranie wydziału) once a month. ▶ wydziałowy ministerialny działowy
odjazd, odlot
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departure, departure
Will passengers for flight BA372 to Barcelona please go to the departure gate. We sat in the departure lounge, waiting for our plane to start boarding. ▶ odjazd odlot odejście odpłynięcie
1 leaving or going away from a place Arrivals and departures are shown on a screen in the station. Kate’s sudden departure meant I had to do her job as well as mine. Passengers should check in at least one hour before departure.
niezawodny, pewny
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reliable, dependable
dependable /dɪˈpendəbl; US / adj. that can be trusted The bus service is very dependable. ▶ niezawodny pewny
osoba będąca na czyimś utrzymaniu
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a dependent
dependant (especially US dependent) /dɪˈpendənt; US / noun [countable] a person who depends on sb else for money, a home, food, etc. insurance cover for you and all your dependants ▶ osoba będąca na czyimś utrzymaniu
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dependence /dɪˈpendəns; US / noun [uncountable] dependence on sb/sth the state of needing sb/sth The country wants to reduce its dependence on imported oil. ▶ zależność  OPPOSITE  independence
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dependency /dɪˈpendənsi; US / noun [uncountable] the state of being dependent on sb/sth; the state of being unable to live without sth, especially a drug a drug dependency clinic ▶ uzależnienie
zależny, na czyimś utrzymaniu
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2dependent on sb/sth influenced or decided by sth The price you pay is dependent on the number in your group. ▶ zależny uzależniony
1 dependent (on sb/sth) needing sb/sth to support you The industry is heavily dependent on government funding. Do you have any dependent children? ▶ zależny na czyimś utrzymaniu
opisywać, przedstawiać
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1 to show sb/sth in a painting or drawing a painting depicting a country scene ▶ przedstawiać dawać obraz 2 to describe sb/sth in words The novel depicts rural life a century ago. ▶ opisywać
uszczuplać, wyczerpywać, redukować
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deplete, exhaust, reduce
□ depletion /dɪˈpli:ʃn; US / noun [uncountable] the depletion (zmniejszenie się) of the ozone layer ▶ uszczuplenie wyczerpanie
deplete /dɪˈpli: t; US / verb [transitive] to reduce the amount of sth so that there is not much left Wealthy nations are depleting the world’s natural resources. ▶ uszczuplać wyczerpywać
rozstawiać, ustawiać
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2 to use sth in a useful and successful way ▶ rozstawiać ustawiać □ deployment /; US / noun [uncountable, countable] the deployment of troops ▶ rozwinięcie rozstawienie ustawienie
deploy /dɪˈplɔɪ; US / verb [transitive] 1 to put soldiers or weapons in a position where they are ready to fight ▶ rozstawiać (wojsko/broń)
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□ deportation /ˌdi: pɔ:ˈteɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] The illegal immigrants face deportation. ▶ deportacja wydalenie
deport /dɪˈpɔ: t; US / verb [transitive] to force sb to leave a country because they have no legal right to be there A number of illegal immigrants have been deported. ▶ deportować wydalać (z kraju)
kaucja, zaliczka
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deposit, advance payment
2[usually sing.] a deposit (on sth) a sum of money that you pay when you rent sth and get back when you return it without damage Boats can be hired for £ 5 an hour, plus £ 20 deposit. ▶ kaucja zastaw
1a deposit (on sth) a sum of money which is the first payment for sth, with the rest of the money to be paid later Once you have paid a deposit, the booking will be confirmed. ▶ zaliczka zadatek
składać, deponować
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submit, deposit
3 to put money into an account at a bank He deposited £ 20 a week into his savings account. ▶ wpłacać (na konto) deponować 1 to put sth down somewhere He deposited his bags on the floor and sat down. ▶ składać umieszczać
2 (used about liquid or a river) to leave sth lying on a surface, as the result of a natural or chemical process mud deposited by a flood muł naniesiony przez powódź ▶ pozostawiać coś jako osad
magazyn, skład
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depot /ˈdepəʊ; US ˈdi:- / noun [countable] 1 a place where large amounts of food, goods or equipment are stored ▶ magazyn skład 2 a place where large numbers of vehicles (buses, lorries, etc.) are kept when not in use ▶ zajezdnia remiza
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depraved /dɪˈpreɪvd; US / adj. (formal) morally bad This is the work of a depraved mind. ▶ zdeprawowany  SYNONYMS  wicked, evil □ depravity /dɪˈprævəti; US / noun [uncountable] a life of depravity ▶ zdeprawowanie  SYNONYM  wickedness
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deprecate /ˈdeprəkeɪt; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to feel and express strong disapproval of sth ▶ potępiać □ deprecating (also deprecatory /ˌdeprəˈkeɪtəri; US ˈdeprɪkətɔ: ri /) adj. a deprecating comment ▶ potępiający
deprecjonować coś
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□ depreciation /dɪˌpri:ʃiˈeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ dewaluacja deprecjacja utrata wartości
depreciate /dɪˈpri:ʃieɪt; US / verb [intransitive] to become less valuable over a period of time New cars start to depreciate the moment they are on the road. ▶ dewaluować się deprecjonować się tracić na wartości
osłabiać, przygnębiać
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2 (used about business) to cause sth to become less successful The reduction in the number of tourists has depressed local trade. ▶ osłabiać obniżać
1 to make sb unhappy and without hope or enthusiasm The thought of going to work tomorrow really depresses me. ▶ przygnębiać
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2 (used about a place or an industry) without enough businesses or jobs an attempt to create employment in depressed areas ▶ dotknięty bezrobociem/kryzysem
1 very unhappy, often for a long period of time He’s been very depressed since he lost his job. ▶ przygnębiony w depresji ⇨ note at sad
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□ depressing /; US / adj. The thought of growing old alone is very depressing. ▶ przygnębiający —depressingly /; US / adv. ▶ przygnębiająco
depresja, stagnacja
kezdjen tanulni
depression, stagnation
2 [countable, uncountable] a period when the economic situation is bad, with little business activity and many people without a job The country was in the grip of (an) economic depression. ▶ stagnacja kryzys recesja
[uncountable] a feeling of unhappiness that lasts for a long time. Depression can be a medical condition and may have physical signs, for example being unable to sleep, etc. clinical/post-natal depression ▶ depresja przygnębienie
kezdjen tanulni
□ deprivation /ˌdeprɪˈveɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ pozbawienie niedostatek ubóstwo
deprive /dɪˈpraɪv; US / verb [transitive] deprive sb/sth of sth to prevent sb/sth from having sth; to take away sth from sb to deprive people of their rights as citizens The prisoners were deprived of food. ▶ pozbawiać
kezdjen tanulni
2[countable, uncountable] the distance from the front to the back of sth the depth of a shelf ▶ głębokość
1 [countable, uncountable] the distance down from the top to the bottom of sth What’s the depth of the swimming pool? The hole should be 3 cm in depth. ▶ głębokość
kezdjen tanulni
(pl. deputies) the second most important person in a particular organization, who does the work of their manager if the manager is away the deputy head of a school While I am away my deputy will take over. ▶ zastęp-ca/czyni

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