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showing determination With one concentrated effort we can finish the work by tonight. ▶ skoncentrowany 2 made stronger by removing some liquid concentrated orange juice ▶ skoncentrowany stężony
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2[countable] concentration (of sth) a large amount of people or things in one place There is a high concentration of chemicals in the drinking water here. ▶ stężenie skupisko
1 [uncountable] concentration (on sth) the ability to give all your attention or effort to sth This type of work requires total concentration. Don’t lose (your) concentration or you might make a mistake. ▶ skupienie (się) koncentracja
obóz koncentracyjny
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concentration camp
ˌconcenˈtration camp noun [countable] a prison (usually a number of buildings inside a high fence) where political prisoners are kept in very bad conditions ▶ obóz koncentracyjny
współśrodkowy, koncentryczny
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concentric, concentric
concentric /kənˈsentrɪk; US / adj. (used about circles of different sizes) having the same centre point ▶ koncentryczny współśrodkowy współosiowy
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concept /ˈkɒnsept; US / noun [countable] the concept (of sth/that...) an idea; a basic principle It is difficult to grasp the concept of eternity. ▶ pojęcie zasada □ conceptual /kənˈseptʃʊəl; US / adj. ▶ pojęciowy
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2[countable, uncountable] (a) conception (of sth) We have no real conception (nie zdajemy sobie sprawy) of what people suffered during the war. ▶koncepcja 3[countable, uncountable] the moment when a woman or female animal becomes pregnant ▶ poczęcie
[uncountable] the process of forming an idea or a plan ▶ koncepcja
pojęciowy, konceptualny
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conceptual, conceptual
□ conceptual /kənˈseptʃʊəl; US / adj. ▶ pojęciowy conˌceptual ˈart noun [uncountable] art in which the idea which the work of art represents is considered to be the most important thing about it ▶ sztuka konceptualna konceptualizm
dotyczyć, odnosić się do
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2 to worry sb What concerns me is that we have no long-term plan. ▶ niepokoić 3concern yourself with sth to give your attention to sth You needn’t concern yourself with the hotel booking. The travel agent will take care of it. ▶ troszczyć się (o coś)
to affect or involve sb/sth; to be about sth This does not concern you. The closure of the factory came as a shock to all concerned The main problem concerns the cost of the project. The central issue concerns pay. dotyczyć, odnosić się (do czegoś)
być związanym z czymś, być wplątanym w coś
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be concerned in sth
be concerned in sth to have a connection with or be involved in sth She was concerned in a drugs case some years ago. ▶ być związanym z czymś
dotyczyć czegoś
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be concerned with sth
be concerned with sth to be about sth Tonight’s programme is concerned with the effects of the law on ordinary people. ▶ dotyczyć czegoś
obawa, troska
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2[countable] something that is important to you or that involves you The government’s main concern is to reduce inflation. Financial matters are not my concern. ▶ troska sprawa 3 a company or business a large industrial concern ▶ koncern
[countable, uncountable] concern (for/about/over sb/sth); concern (that...) a feeling of worry; sth that causes worry The safety officer assured us that there was no cause for concern. My main concern is that we’ll run out of money. ▶ obawa troska
zatroskany, zaniepokojony
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concerned, concerned
concerned (about/for sth); concerned (that...) worried and feeling concern about sth If you are concerned about your baby’s health, you should consult a doctor immediately. I’m concerned that we won’t be able to find their house. ▶ zatroskany
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concerning /kənˈsɜ: nɪŋ; US / prep. about; on the subject of She refused to answer questions concerning her private life. ▶ dotyczący odnośnie do czegoś
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concert /ˈkɒnsət; US / noun [countable] a performance of music The band is on tour doing concerts all over the country. ▶ koncert
zniżka, ustępstwo
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2[countable] a lower price for certain groups of people Concessions are available for students and pensioners. ▶ zniżka 3 a special right to do sth that is given or sold to sb/sth ▶ koncesja
noun 1 [countable, uncountable] (a) concession (to sb/sth) something that you agree to do in order to end an argument Employers have been forced to make concessions to the union. ▶ ustępstwo
ulgowy, zniżkowy
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concessionary /kənˈseʃənəri; US -neri / adj. having a lower price for certain groups of people a concessionary fare ▶ zniżkowy ulgowy
pojednanie, pogodzenie
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conciliation /kənˌsɪliˈeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] the process of ending an argument or disagreement All attempts at conciliation have failed and civil war seems inevitable. ▶ pojednanie pogodzenie
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conciliatory /kənˈsɪliətəri; US -tɔ: ri / adj. that tries to end an argument or disagreement a conciliatory speech/gesture ▶ pojednawczy rozjemczy
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concise /kənˈsaɪs; US / adj. giving a lot of information in a few words He gave a clear and concise summary of what had happened. ▶ zwięzły treściwy □ concisely /; US / adv. ▶ zwięźle —conciseness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ zwięzłość
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3[transitive] conclude sth (with sb) to formally arrange or agree to sth to conclude a business deal/treaty ▶ zawierać (np. umowę)
1 From the man’s strange behaviour I concluded that he was drunk. ▶ wnioskować 2[intransitive, transitive] (formal) May I conclude by thankingour guest speaker. The Prince concluded his tour with a visit to a charity concert. ▶ zakończyć
wniosek, konkluzja
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2[countable, usually sing.] (formal) Let us hope the peace talks reach a conclusion. to bring something to a conclusion ▶ zakończenie 3[uncountable] The summit ended with the conclusion of an arms-reduction treaty. ▶ zawarcie (umowy, traktatu)
1[countable] the conclusion (that...) After trying to phone Bob, I came to the conclusion that he was on holiday. The police were able to draw some conclusions from the evidence. Have you reached any conclusions from your studies? ▶ wniosek
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in conclusion
in conclusion finally In conclusion, I would like to wish you continued success in the future. ▶ podsumowując na zakończenie
decydujący, rozstrzygający
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□ conclusively /; US / adv. Tests can now prove conclusively who the father of a child is. ▶ decydująco autorytatywnie rozstrzygająco
conclusive /kənˈklu: sɪv; US / adj. that shows sth is definitely true or real The blood tests gave conclusive proof of Robson’s guilt. ▶ decydujący rozstrzygający
sporządzać, kombinować
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□ concoction /; US / noun [countable] a strange concoction of beer and milk ▶ mikstura sporządzanie wymysł
concoct /kənˈkɒkt; US / verb [transitive] 1 to make sth unusual by mixing different things together ▶ sporządzać kombinować pichcić 2 to make up or invent sth (an excuse, a story, etc.) ▶ wymyślać
hala np na dworcu
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concourse /ˈkɒŋkɔ: s; US / noun [countable] a large hall or space inside a building such as a station or an airport ▶ hala (np. dworcowa)
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concrete1 /ˈkɒŋkri: t; US / adj. real or definite; not only existing in the imagination Can you give me a concrete example of what you mean? ▶ konkretny  OPPOSITE  abstract □ concretely /; US / adv. ▶ konkretnie
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concrete2 /ˈkɒŋkri: t; US / noun [uncountable] a hard substance made from cement mixed with sand, water and small stones, which is used in building a modern office building of glass and concrete a concrete floor/bridge ▶ beton
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concrete3 /ˈkɒŋkri: t; US / verb [transitive] concrete sth (over) to cover sth with concrete ▶ betonować
zgadzać się, podzielać czyjeś zdanie (formal)
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concur /kənˈkɜ:(r); US / verb [intransitive] (concurring; concurred) (formal) to agree ▶ podzielać czyjeś zdanie zgadzać się
jednoczesny, zbieżny
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concurrent /kənˈkʌrənt; US -ˈkɜ: r- / adj. existing or happening at the same time as sth else ▶ jednoczesny zbieżny □ concurrently /; US / adv. The semi-finals are played concurrently, so it is impossible to watch both. ▶ jednocześnie
powodować wstrząśnienie mózgu
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□ concussion /kənˈkʌʃn; US / noun [uncountable] He was rushed to hospital, but only suffered mild concussion. ▶ wstrząśnienie mózgu wstrząs mózgu
concuss /kənˈkʌs; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] to injure sb’s brain by hitting their head to be badly concussed I was slightly concussed when I fell off my bicycle. ▶ powodować wstrząśnienie/wstrząs mózgu
potępiać, skazywać na coś
3condemn sth (as sth) to say officially that sth is not safe enough to use The building was condemned as unsafe and was demolished. ▶ przeznaczać (np. do rozbiórki)
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2condemn sb (to sth/to do sth) to say what sb’s punishment will be; to sentence sb The murderer was condemned to death. • (figurative) Their poor education condemns them to a series of low-paid jobs. ▶ skazywać na coś
1condemn sb/sth (for/as sth) to say strongly that you think sb/sth is very bad or wrong A government spokesman condemned the bombing as a cowardly act of terrorism. ▶ potępiać
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condemnation /ˌkɒndemˈneɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] the act of condemning sth; a statement that condemns The bombing brought condemnation from all around the world. ▶ potępienie
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condensation /ˌkɒndenˈseɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] small drops of liquid that are formed when warm air touches a cold surface On cold mornings the windows are covered in condensation (okna są zaparowane). ▶ skroplenie
skraplać, zagęszczać
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3[transitive] condense sth (into sth) to make a piece of writing shorter We’ll have to condense these three chapters into one. ▶ skracać kondensować
Steam condenses into water when it touches a cold surface. ▶ skraplać się 2[transitive, intransitive] if a liquid condenses or you condense it, it becomes thicker and stronger because it has lost some of its water condensed soup ▶ gęstnieć, zagęszczać
protekcjonalny, łaskawy
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□ condescending /; US / adj. a condescending smile ▶ protekcjonalny łaskawy
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condescension /ˌkɒndɪˈsenʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ protekcjonalność
przyprawa kulinarna, np. sól, pieprz, musztarda, keczup
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2 (especially US) a sauce, etc. that is used to give flavour to food, or that is eaten with food hot condiments made from a variety of chili peppers ▶ sos
condiment /ˈkɒndɪmənt; US / noun [usually pl.] 1 (Brit.) a substance such as salt or pepper that is used to give flavour to food ▶ przyprawa
stan, warunek
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condition, condition
3(conditions) [pl.] the situation or surroundings in which people live, work or do things The prisoners were kept in terrible conditions. poor living/housing/working conditions Under normal conditions, a baby is born after about 40 weeks. ▶ warunki
to be in poor/good/excellent condition He looks really ill. He is certainly not in a condition to drive home. ▶ stan 2[countable] a medical problem that you have for a long time to have a heart condition chorować na serce ▶ choroba
pod warunkiem, że lub o ile
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on condition that or if
on condition (that...) only if I agreed to help on condition that I got half the profit. ▶ pod warunkiem, że
nie w formie, niedysponowany
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out of condition
out of condition not physically fit I need to get more exercise. I’m really out of condition. ▶ nie w formie w złym stanie
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2 to keep sth such as your hair or skin in a good condition ▶ utrzymywać w dobrym stanie
condition2 /kənˈdɪʃn; US / verb [transitive] 1 to affect or control the way that sb/sth behaves Boys are conditioned to feel that they are stronger than girls. to be conditioned by (zależeć od) your environment ▶ warunkować
warunkowy, zależny
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conditional, dependent
2 [only before a noun] describing a situation that must exist before sth else can happen. ‘ If you don’t study, you won’t pass the exam’ is a conditional sentence. ▶ warunkowy □ conditionally /-ʃənəli; US / adv. ▶ warunkowo
1 conditional (on/upon sth) that only happens if sth else is done or happens first My university place is conditional on my getting good marks in the exams. ▶ zależny od czegoś
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conditioner /kənˈdɪʃənə(r); US / noun [countable, uncountable] a substance that keeps sth in a good condition Do you use conditioner on your hair? ▶ odżywka płyn do płukania tkanin krem pielęgnacyjny
mieszkanie własnościowe
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condominium, condo
condominium /ˌkɒndəˈmɪniəm; US / (also informal condo /ˈkɒndəʊ; US /) noun [countable] (US) a flat or block of flats owned by the people who live in them ▶ mieszkanie własnościowe
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condolence /kənˈdəʊləns; US / noun [pl., uncountable] an expression of how sorry you feel for sb whose relative or close friend has just died offer your condolences a message of condolence ▶ wyrazy współczucia kondolencje
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3(formal) conduct yourself well, badly, etc. to behave in a particular way He conducted himself far better than expected. ▶ zachowywać się prowadzić się
1(formal) to organize and do sth, especially research to conduct tests/a survey/an inquiry ▶ przeprowadzać 2 to stand in front of an orchestra and direct the musicians the London Orchestra conducted by Sir Colin Davis ▶ dyrygować (orkiestrą)
zachowanie, prowadzenie
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2(formal) conduct of sth the act of controlling or organizing sth She was criticized for her conduct of the bank’s affairs. ▶ prowadzenie kierowanie
conduct2 /ˈkɒndʌkt; US / noun [uncountable] 1 sb’s behaviour His conduct has always been of the highest standard. a code of conduct reguły dobrego zachowania ▶ zachowanie sprawowanie
dyrygent, konduktor
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conductor, conductor
4 a substance that allows heat or electricity to pass through or along it Water is a good conductor. ▶ przewodnik
1 a person who stands in front of an orchestra and directs the musicians ▶ dyrygent 2 (US) = guard1 (5) 3 (Brit.) a person whose job is to collect money from passengers on a bus or to check their tickets ▶ konduktor/ka
stożek, syszka
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2 the hard fruit of a pine tree or a fir tree ▶ szyszka
a shape or an object that has a round base and a point at the top Orange cones (pomarańczowe pachołki) marked off the area where the roadworks were. an ice cream cone wafel (w kształcie stożka) ▶ stożek przedmiot w kształcie stożka ⇨ adj. conical
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confederacy /kənˈfedərəsi; US / noun [countable] a group of people, states or political parties with the same aim ▶ konfederacja
konfederat, współnik
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confederate1 /kənˈfedərət; US / noun [countable] a person who helps sb, especially to do sth illegal or secret Rokovssky was his confederate in the assassination plot. ▶ konfederat wspólni-k/czka
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confederate2 /kənˈfedərət; US / adj. belonging to aconfederacy ▶ konfederacki
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confederation /kənˌfedəˈreɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] an organization of smaller groups which have joined together a confederation of independent republics ▶ konfederacja
naradzać się, konferować
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consult, confer
2[transitive] (formal) confer sth (on sb) to give sb a special right or advantage ▶ nadawać przyznawać
(conferring; conferred) 1[intransitive] confer (with sb) (on/about sth) to discuss sth with sb before making a decision The President is conferring with his advisers. ▶ naradzać się
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a large official meeting lasting several days, at which members of an organization. meet to discuss important matters Political parties usually hold a conference once a year. an international conference on global warming ▶ konferencja zjazd
przyznawać się, spowiadać się
kezdjen tanulni
confess, confess
Frank confessed to stealing/to having stolen the car. Frank confessed that he had stolen the car. 2confess (sth) (to sb) to tell a priest or God what you have done that is bad or wrong ▶ spowiadać się
1confess (to sth/to doing sth); confess (sth) (to sb) The young woman confessed to the murder of her boyfriend/to murdering/to having murdered her boyfriend. ▶ przyznawać się Mniej formalnym wyrażeniem jest own up (to sth).
przyznanie się, spowiedź
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confession, confession
confession /kənˈfeʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] an act of admitting that you have done sth bad or wrong The police persuaded the man to make a full confession. ▶ przyznanie się (do czegoś) wyznanie spowiedź
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confessional /kənˈfeʃənl; US / noun [countable] a private place in a church where a priest listens to people makingconfessions ▶ konfesjonał
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confetti /kənˈfeti; US / noun [uncountable] small pieces of coloured paper that people throw over a man and woman who have just got married ▶ konfetti
zwierzać się komuś
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confide in somebody
confide in sb to talk to sb that you trust about sth secret or private ▶ zwierzać się komuś
confide /kənˈfaɪd; US / verb [transitive] confide sth to sb to tell sb sth that is secret She did not confide her love to anyone – not even to her best friend. ▶ zwierzać się komuś z czegoś
ufność, zaufanie
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the feeling that you are sure about your own abilities, opinion, etc. I didn’t have the confidence to tell her I thought she was wrong. to be full of confidence ‘ Of course we will win,’ the team captain said with confidence. ▶ pewność (siebie)
1confidence (in sb/sth) trust or strong belief in sb/sth They don’t have much confidence in him. The public is losing confidence in the present government. I have every confidence (głęboko wierzę) in Edith’s ability to do the job. ▶ ufność pewność
oszustwo polegające na wykorzystaniu czyjegoś zaufania
kezdjen tanulni
confidence trick
ˈconfidence trick noun [countable] a way of getting money by cheating sb ▶ oszustwo polegające na wykorzystaniu czyjegoś zaufania
pewny siebie
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You should feel confident about your own abilities. Dillon has a very confident manner. ▶ pewny (siebie/czegoś) przeświadczony (o tym, że)
confident (of sth/that...); confident (about sth) feeling or showing that you are sure about your own abilities, opinions, etc. Kate feels confident of passing/that she can pass (jest przekonana, że zda) the exam. to be confident of success
poufny, tajny
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□ confidentiality /ˌkɒnfɪˌdenʃiˈæləti; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ poufność poufny charakter —confidentially /-ʃəli; US / adv. She lowered her voice confidentially. ‘ I’m pregnant,’ she said. ▶ w sekrecie w zaufaniu
confidential /ˌkɒnfɪˈdenʃl; US / adj. secret; not to be shown or told to other people The letter was marked ‘ private and confidential’. ▶ poufny tajny
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confidently /; US / adv. She stepped confidently onto the stage and began to sing. ▶ pewnie z pełnym zaufaniem z ufnością
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2 the equipment and programs that form a computer system and the particular way that these are arranged ▶ konfiguracja
configuration /kənˌfɪɡəˈreɪʃn; US -ɡjəˈr- / noun [countable, uncountable] 1(formal) the way in which the parts of sth, or a group of things, are arranged ▶ konfiguracja
ograniczać, poprzestawać na czymś
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2confine sb/sth (in/to sth) to keep a person or an animal in a particular, usually small, place The prisoners are confined to their cells for long periods at a time. ▶ ograniczać zamykać (w czymś) przykuwać (do łóżka)
confine sb/sth/yourself to sth to stay within the limits of sth Please confine your questions to the topic we are discussing. The problem of homelessness is not confined to big cities. ▶ ograniczać (się) poprzestawać na czymś
ograniczony (o przestrzeni)
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confined /kənˈfaɪnd; US / adj. (used about a space) very small Sailors on submarines must get used to living in confined spaces. ▶ ograniczony ścieśniony
izolacja, zamkniecie
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confinement /kənˈfaɪnmənt; US / noun [uncountable] being kept in a small space to be kept in solitary confinement ▶ odosobnienie izolacja
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to confirm
2 to accept sb as a full member of a Christian Church in a special ceremony He was confirmed at the age of thirteen. ▶ bierzmować konfirmować
1 to say or show that sth is true; to make sth definite Can you confirm that you will be able to attend? Please confirm your telephone booking in writing. Seeing the two of them together confirmed our suspicions. ▶ potwierdzać
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2 a religious service at which a person is confirmed ▶ bierzmowanie konfirmacja
confirmation /ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] 1 a statement that confirms sth We are waiting for confirmation of the report. You will receive a written confirmation of your reservation. ▶ potwierdzenie
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confiscate /ˈkɒnfɪskeɪt; US / verb [transitive] to take sth away from sb as a punishment Any cigarettes found in school will be confiscated. ▶ konfiskować □ confiscation /ˌkɒnfɪˈskeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ konfiskata
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□ confiscation /ˌkɒnfɪˈskeɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ konfiskata

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