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2[transitive, usually passive] (formal) to pass a disease from one person or animal to another The disease is communicated though dirty drinking water. ▶ przenosić (np. chorobę) 1[intransitive, transitive] to share and exchange information, ideas or feelings with sb Parents often have difficulty communicating with their teenage children. We usually communicate by phone. ▶ porozumiewać się przekazywać kontaktować się
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be in communication with sb/sth be in communication with sb/sth to be in regular contact with sb/sth We are in regular communication with our head office in New York. ▶ mieć łączność z kimś/czymś być w kontakcie z kimś/czymś
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2(communications) [pl.] the methods that are used for travelling to and from a place or for sending messages The telephone lines are down so communications are very difficult. ▶ łączność 3[countable] a message a communication from head office 1[uncountable] the act of sharing or exchanging information, ideas or feelings There is little real communication between father and daughter. Radio is the only means of communication in remote areas. ▶ komunikacja
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communicative /kəˈmju: nɪkətɪv; US -keɪt- / adj. willing and able to talk and share ideas, etc. Emma seems shy and not very communicative. Paolo has excellent communicative skills. ▶ rozmowny komunikatywny
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communion /kəˈmju: niən; US / noun [uncountable] 1 (Communion) a Christian church ceremony in which people share bread and wine ▶ komunia 2(formal) the sharing of thoughts or feelings ▶ wspólnota bliskość łączność duchowa
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communism /ˈkɒmjunɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the political system in which the state owns and controls all factories, farms, services etc. and aims to treat everyone equally ▶ komunizm
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communist (also Communist) /ˈkɒmjənɪst; US / noun [countable] a person who believes in or supports communism; a member of the Communist Party ▶ komunist(k)a
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2[countable, with sing. or pl. verb] a group of people who have sth in common the Asian community in Britain the business community ▶ społeczność 3[uncountable] the feeling of belonging to a group in the place where you live a community spirit 1(the community) [sing.] all the people who live in a particular place, area, etc. when considered as a group She was given an award for her work with young people in the community. community service praca społeczna ▶ społeczność środowisko
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comˈmunity centre (US comˈmunity center) noun [countable] a building that local people can use for meetings, classes, sports, etc. ▶ ośrodek kultury dom kultury
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work helping people in the local community that sb does without being paid, either because they want to, or because they have been ordered to by a court as a punishment ▶ praca społeczna (wykonywana dobrowolnie lub nakazana wyrokiem sądowym)
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commute /kəˈmju: t; US / verb [intransitive] to travel a long distance from home to work every day A lot of people commute to London from nearby towns. ▶ dojeżdżać do pracy □ commuter /; US / noun [countable] ▶ dojeżdżając-y/a do pracy
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commute /kəˈmju: t; US / verb [intransitive] to travel a long distance from home to work every day A lot of people commute to London from nearby towns. ▶ dojeżdżać do pracy □ commuter /; US / noun [countable] ▶ dojeżdżając-y/a do pracy
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companion /kəmˈpæniən; US / noun [countable] a person or an animal who you spend a lot of time or go somewhere with a travelling companion His dog is his only companion. ▶ towarzysz/ka
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companionship /kəmˈpæniənʃɪp; US / noun [uncountable] the pleasant feeling of having a friendly relationship with sb and not being alone A lot of people get married for companionship. ▶ towarzystwo
Nazwy firm pisze się dużą literą. Skrót od Company to Co.: the Walt Disney Company • Milton & Co. kezdjen tanulni
2[countable, with sing. or pl. verb] a group of actors, singers, dancers, etc. a ballet company the Royal Shakespeare Company ▶ trupa teatralna 3[uncountable] being with a person I always enjoy Rachel’s company. ▶ towarzystwo [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] a business organization selling goods or services an engineering company She applied to several companies for a job. The company is/are planning to build a new factory. ▶ przedsiębiorstwo firma
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comparable /ˈkɒmpərəbl; US / adj. comparable (to/with sb/sth) of a similar standard or size; that can be compared with sth The population of Britain is comparable to that of France. A comparable flat in my country would be a lot cheaper. ▶ podobny
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2 compared with sth else or with what is usual or normal He had problems with the written exam but passed the practical exam with comparative ease. ▶ względny comparative1 /kəmˈpærətɪv; US / adj. 1 that compares things of the same kind a comparative study of systems of government ▶ porównawczy
stopień wyższy przymiotnika kezdjen tanulni
comparative2 /kəmˈpærətɪv; US / noun [countable] the form of an adjective or adverb that expresses a greater amount, quality, size, etc. ‘ Bigger’ is the comparative of ‘ big’. ▶ (gram.) stopień wyższy
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comparatively /kəmˈpærətɪvli; US. when compared with sth else or with what is usual; fairly Most of the houses are old but this one was built comparatively recently. Fortunately, the disease is comparatively rare nowadays. ▶ względnie stosunkowo
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2[intransitive] compare (with/to sb/sth) to be as good as sb/sth There is nothing to compare with (nic się nie równa) the taste of bread fresh from the oven. This car compares favourably with more expensive models. ▶ równać się 1[transitive] (abbr.cf.) compare A and B; compare A with/to B to consider people or things in order to see how similar or how different they are When the police compared the two letters, they realized that they had been written by the same person.
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in comparison with sb/sth; considered in relation to sb/sth I’m quite a patient person, compared with him. Compared to the place where I grew up, this town is exciting. ▶ w porównaniu z kimś/czymś w stosunku do kogoś/czegoś
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comparison /kəmˈpærɪsn; US an act of comparing; a statement in which people or things are compared Put the new one and the old one side by side, for comparison. It’s hard to make comparisons between two athletes from different sports. ▶ porównanie
w porównaniu (z kimś/czymś) kezdjen tanulni
when compared When she told me about her problems I realized that mine were small by comparison. In comparison with many other people, they’re quite well off.
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2 one of the separate sections into which certain containers are divided The drugs were discovered in a secret compartment in his suitcase. the glove compartment schowek w samochodzie (np. na mapy) ▶ przegródka schowek compartment /kəmˈpɑ: tmənt; US / noun [countable] 1 one of the separate sections which railway carriages are divided into a first-class compartment ▶ przedział
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2 (compasses) [pl.] a V-shaped instrument that is used for drawing circles Use a pair of compasses. ▶ cyrkiel compass /ˈkʌmpəs; US / noun [countable] 1 an instrument for finding direction, with a needle that always points north They had to find their way back to the camp using a map and a compass. the points of the compass rumby ▶ kompas busola
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compassion /kəmˈpæʃn; US / noun [uncountable] compassion (for sb) understanding or pity for sb who is suffering to have/feel/show compassion ▶ współczucie □ compassionate /kəmˈpæʃənət; US / adj. ▶ współczujący
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time that you are allowed to be away from work because sb in your family is ill or has died She was granted compassionate leave to attend her father’s funeral. ▶ urlop okolicznościowy (np. z powodu śmierci bliskiej osoby)
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Janet and Phil found they weren’t compatible as soon as they started living together. ▶ dopasowany zgodny kompatybilny compatible (with sb/sth) able to be used together, or to live or exist together These two computer systems are not compatible. Lee’s diet is not compatible with his active lifestyle.
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fellow countryman, compatriot compatriot /kəmˈpætriət; US -ˈpeɪt- / noun [countable] a person who comes from the same country as you ▶ roda-k/czka
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compel /kəmˈpel; US / verb [transitive] (compelling; compelled) (formal) compel sb to do sth to force sb to do sth I felt compelled to tell her what I really thought of her. ▶ zmuszać ⇨ noun compulsion
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that forces or persuades you to do or to believe sth compelling evidence I felt a compelling need to tell them what I thought. ▶ przekonujący przemożny przekonywający ⇨ noun compulsion 2 very exciting; holding your attention ▶ zajmujący
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2[intransitive, transitive] compensate (sb) (for sth) to pay sb money because you have injured them or lost or damaged their property The airline sent me a cheque to compensate for losing my luggage. ▶ wynagradzać (stratę) kompensować 1 [intransitive] compensate (for sth) to remove or reduce the bad effect of sth His willingness to work hard compensates for his lack of skill. ▶ równoważyć kompensować
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2[countable, uncountable] a fact or action that removes or reduces the bad effect of sth He took the children to the zoo as compensation for not taking them on holiday. City life can be very tiring but there are compensations. ▶ zadośćuczynienie 1 [uncountable] compensation (for sth) money that you pay to sb because you have injured them or lost or damaged their property She’s going to claim compensation from her company. I got £ 5 000 (in) compensation for my injuries. ▶ odszkodowania
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We’ll be competing against seven other teams for the trophy. As children, they always used to compete with each other. They had to compete against several larger companies for the contract. ▶ współzawodniczyć compete /kəmˈpi: t; US / verb [intransitive] compete (in sth) (against/with sb) (for sth) to try to win or achieve sth, or to try to be better than sb else The world’s best athletes compete in the Olympic Games.
kwalifikacje, umiejętności kezdjen tanulni
competence /ˈkɒmpɪtəns; US / noun [uncountable] the fact of having the ability or skill that is needed for sth She quickly proved her competence in her new position. ▶ kwalifikacje umiejętność fachowość
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2 good enough, but not excellent The singer gave a competent, but not particularly exciting, performance. ▶ dostateczny competent /ˈkɒmpɪtənt; US / adj. 1 having the ability or skill needed for sth a highly competent player Isobel is competent at her job. He is not competent to be a manager. ▶ kompetentny fachowy
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competently /; US / adv. Maria dealt with the crisis very competently. ▶ kompetentnie fachowo
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There was fierce competition among the players for places in the team. Competition from the supermarkets means that many small shops have had to close. ▶ rywalizacja konkurencja 1 [uncountable] a situation where two or more people or organizations are trying to achieve, obtain, etc. the same thing or to be better than sb else He is in competition with (konkuruje z) three other people for promotion.
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Our prices are highly competitive. ▶ konkurencyjny 3 (used about people) wanting very much to win or to be more successful than others She’s a very competitive player. ▶ skory do rywalizacji zacięty involving people or organizations competing against each other The travel industry is a highly competitive business. ▶ oparty na rywalizacji 2 able to be as successful as or more successful than others They are trying to make the company competitive.
wyczynowo, konkurencyjnie kezdjen tanulni
competitively /; US / adv. Their products are competitively priced. ▶ wyczynowo konkurencyjnie z zacięciem
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competitiveness /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ (produkty) konkurencyjność (osoba) chęć do współzawodnictwa/rywalizacji
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competitor /kəmˈpetɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] a person or organization that is competing against others There are ten competitors in the first race. Two local companies are our main competitors. ▶ przeciwnik konkurent rywal współzawodni-k
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2[uncountable] the act of compiling sth ▶ kompilowanie opracowanie compilation /ˌkɒmpɪˈleɪʃn; US / noun 1 [countable] a collection of pieces of music, writing, film, etc. that are taken from different places and put together A compilation CD of the band’s greatest hits. ▶ kompilacja składanka
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compile /kəmˈpaɪl; US / verb [transitive] to collect information and arrange it in a list, book, etc. to compile a dictionary/a report/a list ▶ zbierać i porządkować (informacje) opracować (publikację)
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2(formal) complain of sth to say that you have a pain or illness He went to the doctor, complaining of chest pains. ▶ skarżyć się (np. na ból) 1complain (to sb) (about sth/that...) to say that you are not satisfied with or happy about sth We complained to the hotel manager that the room was too noisy. People are always complaining about the weather. ▶ po/skarżyć (się) narzekać
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2[uncountable] I wrote a letter of complaint to the manager about the terrible service I had received. Jim’s behaviour never gave the teachers cause for complaint. ▶ skarga narzekanie an illness or disease a serious heart complaint ▶ dolegliwość a statement that you are not satisfied with sth The most common complaint to airlines is about the food. You should make a complaint to the company that made the machine. ▶ zażalenie skarga
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complicate /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt; US / verb [transitive] to make sth difficult to understand or deal with Let’s not complicate things by adding too many details. ▶ komplikować
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complicated /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd; US / adj. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW made of many different things or parts that are connected; difficult to understand a novel with a very complicated plot ▶ skomplikowany SYNONYM complex
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2 a new illness that you get when you are already ill Unless he develops complications, he’ll be out of hospital in a week. ▶ powikłanie komplikacja 1 something that makes a situation hard to understand or to deal with Unless there are any unexpected complications, I’ll be arriving next month. The fact that she changed her mind was yet another complication. ▶ komplikacja
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complicit /kəmˈplɪsɪt; US / adj. complicit (in/with sb/sth) involved with other people in sth wrong or illegal Several officers were complicit in the cover-up. ▶ współwinny zamieszany w coś
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2(compliments) [pl.] (formal) (used to say that you like sth or to thank sb for sth) My compliments to the chef! Wyrazy mojego uznania dla szefa kuchni! ▶ wyrazy szacunku/pozdrowienia (np. przy przesyłaniu/darowaniu czegoś w upominku) 1 [countable] a compliment (on sth) a statement or action that shows admiration for sb People often pay her compliments on her piano playing. ▶ komplement
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compliment2 /ˈkɒmplɪment; US / verb [transitive] compliment sb (on sth) to say that you think sb/sth is very good She complimented them on their smart appearance. ▶ prawić komplementy
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complimentary /ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri; US / adj. 1 given free of charge a complimentary theatre ticket ▶ gratisowy bezpłatny 2 showing that you think sb/sth is very good He made several complimentary remarks about her work. ▶ pochlebny
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(complying; complies; past tense, past participle complied) (formal) comply (with sth) to obey an order or request All office buildings must comply with the fire and safety regulations. ▶ przestrzegać spełniać
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one of several parts of which sth is made car components The human eye has two main components. the components of a machine/system ▶ część składowa komponent □ component adj. [only before a noun] the component parts of an engine ▶ składowy
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to produce a piece of writing, using careful thought I sat down and composed a letter of reply. ▶ układać z namysłem 4to make yourself, your feelings under control The news came as such a shock that it took me a while to compose myself. opanowywać się [transitive] to be the parts that together form sth the parties that compose the coalition government ▶ tworzyć (całość) 2[intransitive, transitive] to write music Mozart composed forty-one symphonies. ▶ komponować
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2 calm, in control of your feelings Although he felt very nervous, he managed to appear composed. ▶ opanowany composed /kəmˈpəʊzd; US / adj. 1 be composed of sth to be made or formed from several different parts, people, etc. The committee is composed of politicians from all parties. ▶ składać się z czegoś
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composer /kəmˈpəʊzə(r); US / noun [countable] a person who writes music ▶ kompozytor/ka
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consisting of different parts or materials ▶ złożony □ composite noun [countable] The document was a composite of information (był zbiorem informacji) from various sources. ▶ połączenie
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3[uncountable] the act of writing a piece of music or text ▶ komponowanie 4[uncountable] the skill or technique of writing a piece of music She studied both musical theory and composition. ▶ kompozycja 1 [uncountable] the parts that form sth; the way in which the parts of sth are arranged the chemical composition of a substance ▶ skład 2 [countable] a piece of music that has been written by sb Chopin’s best-known compositions ▶ kompozycja
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compost /ˈkɒmpɒst; US -pəʊ- / noun [uncountable] a mixture of dead plants, old food, etc. that is added to soil to help plants grow ▶ kompost
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composure /kəmˈpəʊʒə(r); US / noun [uncountable] the state of being calm and having your feelings under control The goalkeeper couldn’t regain his composure after his mistake. ▶ opanowanie spokój
związek chemiczny; mieszanina, złożenie kezdjen tanulni
a word or phrase consisting of parts that combine to make a single meaning ‘ Car park’ and ‘ bad-tempered’ are compounds. ▶ wyraz złożony 3 an area of land with a group of buildings on it, surrounded by a wall or fence ▶ ogrodzony teren zabudowany compound1 /ˈkɒmpaʊnd; US / noun [countable] 1 something that consists of two or more things or substances combined together a chemical compound ▶ związek (chemiczny)
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comprehend /ˌkɒmprɪˈhend; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to understand sth completely She’s too young to comprehend what has happened. ▶ rozumieć pojmować
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2[countable, uncountable] an exercise that tests how well you understand spoken or written language a listening comprehension The first part of the exam is reading comprehension. ▶ ćwiczenie sprawdzające rozumienie 1 [uncountable] (formal) the ability to understand The horror of war is beyond comprehension. How such a peculiar thing could happen is beyond my comprehension. Nie mogę pojąć, jak taka dziwna rzecz mogła się wydarzyć. ▶ zrozumienie pojmowanie
wyczrepujący (temat, zagadnienie) kezdjen tanulni
2 (Brit.) (used about education) teaching children of all levels of ability in the same school a comprehensive education system ▶ ogólnokształcący including everything or nearly everything that is connected with a particular subject a guide book giving comprehensive information on the area The store offers a comprehensive range of kitchen equipment. ▶ wszechstronny wyczerpujący
szkoła średnia ogólnokształcąca kezdjen tanulni
comprehensive2 /ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv; US / (also compreˈhensive school) noun [countable] (Brit.) a secondary school in which children of all levels of ability are educated My sister went to the local comprehensive. ▶ szkoła średnia ogólnokształcąca
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comprehensively /ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪvli; US / adv. completely ▶ wszechstronnie wyczerpująco
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2 to express sth briefly or in a shorter form He found it hard to compress his ideas into a single page. ▶ ujmować zwięźle streszczać compress /kəmˈpres; US / verb [transitive] compress sth (into sth) 1 to press sth together so that it takes up less space Divers breathe compressed air from tanks. ▶ ściskać skupiać
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□ compression /kəmˈpreʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ sprężenie kompresja streszczenie
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1 to consist of; to have as parts or members The association comprises 36 members. a house comprising three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and a living room ▶ składać się z czegoś 2 to form or be part of sth Women comprise 62% of the staff. ▶ stanowić
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a compromise (between/on sth) an agreement that is reached when each person gets part, but not all, of what they wanted to reach a compromise Both sides will have to be prepared to make compromises. Compromise is a vital part of negotiation. kompromis
▶ kompromitować się przekreślać (szansę) kezdjen tanulni
compromise sb/sth/yourself to put sb/sth/yourself in a bad or dangerous position, especially by doing sth that is not very sensible He compromised himself by accepting money from them. He refused to compromise his principles by signing the letter. compromise (with sb) (on sth) to accept less than you want or are aiming for, especially in order to reach an agreement The company never compromises on the quality of its products. ▶ iść na kompromis
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if sth iscompromising, it shows or tells people sth that you want to keep secret, because it is wrong or embarrassing compromising photos They were discovered together in a compromising situation. ▶ kompromitujący
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2[countable] a strong desire that you cannot control, often to do sth that you should not do Tony sometimes felt a strong compulsion to tell lies. ▶ pokusa compulsion /kəmˈpʌlʃn; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the act of forcing sb to do sth or being forced to do sth There is no compulsion to take part. ▶ przymus ⇨ verb compel
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about a person) having a habit that they cannot control a compulsive gambler nałogowy 3 so interesting or exciting that you cannot take your attention away from it This book makes compulsive reading. Nie można się oderwać od tej książki. ▶ pasjonujący compulsive /kəmˈpʌlsɪv; US / adj. 1 (used about a bad or harmful habit) caused by a strong desire that you cannot control compulsive eating ▶ nałogowy niepohamowany
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compulsory /kəmˈpʌlsəri; US / adj. that must be done, by law, rules, etc. Maths and English are compulsory subjects on this course. It is compulsory to wear a hard hat on the building site. ▶ obowiązkowy
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compute /kəmˈpju: t; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to calculate sth ▶ obliczać
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an electronic machine that can store, find and arrange information, calculate amounts and control other machines The bills are all done by computer. a home/personal computer computer software First of all, the details are fed into a computer.
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□ computerization (also computerisation) /kəmˌpju: təraɪˈzeɪʃn; US -rəˈz- / noun [uncountable] ▶ komputeryzacja computerize (also computerise) /kəmˈpju: təraɪz; US / verb [transitive] to use computers to do a job or to store information The whole factory has been computerized. We have now computerized the library catalogue. ▶ komputeryzować
znający obsługę komputera kezdjen tanulni
comˌputer-ˈliterate adj. able to use a computer Candidates for the job must be totally computer-literate. ▶ znający obsługę komputera
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2(Brit. also ˌcomrade-in-ˈarms) (old-fashioned) a friend or other person that you work with, especially as soldiers during a war They were old army comrades. ▶ towarzysz (np. broni) □ comradeship /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ braterstwo comrade /ˈkɒmreɪd; US -ræd / noun [countable] 1 a person who is a member of the same political party as the person speaking We must fight for our rights, comrades! ▶ towarzysz/ka
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concave /kɒnˈkeɪv; US / adj. having a surface that curves towards the inside of sth, like the inside of a bowl ▶ wklęsły ⇨ look at convex
ukrywać, skrywać (formalnie) kezdjen tanulni
□ concealment /; US / noun [uncountable] the concealment of the facts of the case ▶ ukrywanie (formal) conceal sth/sb (from sb/sth) to hide sb/sth; to prevent sb/sth from being seen or discovered The film was taken with a concealed camera. ▶ ukrywać skrywać
przyznawać, udawać (formal) kezdjen tanulni
2concede sth (to sb) to allow sb to take sth although you do not want to They lost the war and had to concede territory to their enemy. Despite conceding (pomimo utraty) two late goals, they still won. ▶ ustępować przyznawać (komuś prawo do czegoś) 1 to admit that sth is true although you do not want to When it was clear that he would lose the election, he conceded defeat. She conceded that the problem was mostly her fault. ▶ przyznawać uznawać
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conceit /kənˈsi: t; US / noun [uncountable] too much pride in yourself and your abilities and importance ▶ zarozumiałość □ conceited /; US / adj. He’s so conceited – he thinks he’s the best at everything! ▶ zarozumiały
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SYNONYM possible OPPOSITE inconceivable □ conceivably /-əbli; US / adv. She might just conceivably be telling the truth. Niewykluczone, że ona mówi prawdę. ▶ możliwe conceivable /kənˈsi: vəbl; US / adj. possible to imagine or believe I made every conceivable effort to succeed in my new career. ▶ wyobrażalny
postrzegać, wyobrażać się (formal) kezdjen tanulni
conceive (of) sb/sth (as sth) to think about sb/sth in a particular way; to imagine He started to conceive of the world as a dangerous place. ▶ postrzegać 3to become pregnant Their first child was conceived after they got married. ▶ począć (dziecko) [transitive] (formal) to think of a new idea or plan He conceived the idea for the novel during his journey through India. I cannot conceive that she would lie to me. ▶ mieć pomysł wyobrażać sobie
skupiać się, koncentrować się kezdjen tanulni
2 to come together or to bring people or things together in one place Most factories are concentrated in one small area of the town. ▶ skupiać, koncentrować 1concentrate (sth) (on sth/doing sth) to give all your attention or effort to sth How can you concentrate on your work with so much noise going on? I tried to concentrate my thoughts on the problem. ▶ skupiać (się) koncentrować się