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English, Gaelic, Scots (dialect of English)
National day? (St. Andrew's Day) kezdjen tanulni
National day? (Robert Burns' birthday) kezdjen tanulni
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Mac- (MacDonald, McIntosh) =some of...
'Holy Trinity' consists of? kezdjen tanulni
The coronation stone of Scottish monarchs? kezdjen tanulni
The Stone of Scone, The Stone of Destiny
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heather- wrzos heathland- wrzosowisko
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bagpipes- dudy to pipe- grać na dudach
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The Hebrides, the Shetlands, the Orkneys
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Tam o'shanter- szkockie nakrycie głowy, pierwotnie męskie, którego nazwa pochodzi od tytułowej postaci z wiersza Roberta Burnsa; noszony był podczas II wojny światowej przez oddziały piechoty armii brytyjskiej
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Ben Nevis (1356 m n.p.m.)
Freedom fighter against English (Edward I and Edward II) = BRAVEHEART!!! kezdjen tanulni
William Walace (1270-1305)
continued fight against England, king of independent Scotland kezdjen tanulni
reneissane religious reformer (monument in the Catedral in Edinburgh) kezdjen tanulni
Queen of Scotland, is said to conspire against Elizabeth I and died for it kezdjen tanulni
Mary Queen of Scots, Mary Stuart (1542-1587)
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national poet of Scotland, who have written in the Scots language, although much of his writing is also in English and a "light" Scots dialect, accessible to an audience beyond Scotland kezdjen tanulni
Scottish historical novelist, playwright, and poet, the first English-language author to have a truly international career in his lifetime kezdjen tanulni
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)
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David Livingstone (1813-1873)
the inventor of telephone kezdjen tanulni
Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)
famous writer, Treasure Island, Kidnapped, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. kezdjen tanulni
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)
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National anthem of Scotland? kezdjen tanulni
'lake' in Scotish dialect? kezdjen tanulni
'valley' in Scotish dialect? kezdjen tanulni
'little' in Scotish dialect? kezdjen tanulni
'beautiful' in Scotish dialect? kezdjen tanulni
'boy' in Scotish dialect? kezdjen tanulni
'girl' in Scotish dialect? kezdjen tanulni
National Dish? (omnommnomom) kezdjen tanulni
Haggis (stomach of sheep with mince meat)
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St Andrew briings christianity to Scotland. When? kezdjen tanulni
Edward I's invasion of Sotland and the capture of The Stone of Scone (Edward the Hammer of Scots)-- date? kezdjen tanulni
The Battle of Bannockburn (significant Scottish victory in the Wars of Scottish Independence)-- date? kezdjen tanulni
Execution of Mary Stuart -- date? kezdjen tanulni
The union of crowns -- date? kezdjen tanulni
The union of Parliaments (Scotland and England- one Parliament in London)-- date? kezdjen tanulni
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Who wanted to bring back Stuart to the throne? kezdjen tanulni
Jacobites (Bonnie, Prince Charlie)
The battle of Culloden (Prescription act) kezdjen tanulni
failed attempt to steal the Stone of Destiny -- date? kezdjen tanulni
First devolution referendum (51% zagłosowało na tak, ale wprowadzono regułę, na mocy której 'za' powinno być przynajmniej 40% wszystkich obywateli uprawnionych do głosowania, a tego nie udało się osiągnąć- czyli NIE MA PARLAMENTU!) -- date? kezdjen tanulni
The Stone of Scone returns to Scotland -- date? kezdjen tanulni
2nd devolution referendum (YES!- Parliament was established by the 1998)-- date? kezdjen tanulni
Knee-length garment with pleats at the rear, originating in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century. kezdjen tanulni
Pattern consisting of criss-crossed horizontal and vertical bands in multiple colours. kezdjen tanulni