New inspiration " GLOBAL ENGLISH"

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letöltés mp3 Nyomtatás játszik ellenőrizze magát
kérdés válasz
wole isc na piechote niz jechac autobusem
kezdjen tanulni
I prefer to walk rather than to take the bus
nie zapomnij...
kezdjen tanulni
Don't forget to...
ta ksiazka nalezy do...
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This book belongs to...
przynajmniej 5
kezdjen tanulni
at least 5
zgodzila sie nam pomoc
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she agreed to help us
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by myself
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pewnego dnia
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one day
nawet nie sprobowal
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he didn't even try
nie zna sie na zartach
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he can't take a joke
chce byc lekarzem
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I want to be a doctor
spedzac duzo czasu w domu
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spend a lot of time indoors
jestem z siebie dumny
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I'm proud of myself
zgadzam sie, ze...
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I agree that...
odebrac telefon
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answer the telephone
a wiec jestesmy kwita
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sa now we're even
odzwon do mnie
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call me back
chyba zartujesz
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You must be joking
udzielic wywiadu
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give an interview
o czym myslisz?
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what are you thinking about?
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piece of music
zrozumiec kawal
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get the joke
przeprowadzic wywiad
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conduct an interview
po koncercie
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after the concert
przykro mi ale nie zgadzam sie z toba
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i'm sorry but I don't agree with you
moj angielski sie poprawia
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my ebglish is getting better
dzieki mojemu kursowi
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thanks to my course
podziela moje zainteresowania
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she shares my interests
pewny siebie
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czuje sie chory
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I'm feeling ill
przed koncertem
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before the concert
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zostalem zaproszony na rozmowe
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I was called for interview
spoznilem sie do pracy
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I was late for work
dom towarowy
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department store
nieuprzejmy dla klientow
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rude to costomers
nie jestem zadowolony z sandry
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I'm unhappy with Sandra
poszukac innej pracy
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look for another job
pracuje do pozna
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i work long hours
moim marzeniem jest zostanie...
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my dream is to become...
w przyszlosci
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in the future
pracowac krocej
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work shorter hours
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that's way...
naprawde potrzebuje pieniedzy
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I really need the money
chce ci dac jeszcze jedna szanse
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I want to give you another chance
pisac poezje
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write poetry
wlasciwie nie mam na to ochoty
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actually, I don't feel like it
denerwowalo to wszystkich
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It was annoying to everybody
isc na silownie
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go to the gym
interesuje sie muzyka
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I'm interested in music
w moim wolnym czasie
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In my free time
ktora druzyne polkarska wspierasz?
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which football team do you suportt?
kezdjen tanulni
w dzisiejszych czasach
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these days
irytujace, denerwujace
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z nimi
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with them
robi sie ciemno
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it's getting dark
prosze badz cicho
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please be quiet
isc na piechote do szkoly
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walk to school
jestem dwujezyczny
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I'm bilingual
w biblotece
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in the library
studiowac za granica
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study abroad
zrobic sobie rok przerwy przed pojsciem na studia
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take a gap year
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poprawic moje umiejetnosci jezykowe
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Improve my language skills
pozwol, ze sie przedstawie
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Let me introduce myself
nawiazywac nowe kontakty
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make new friends
to bylo wspaniale doswiadczenie
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it was a brilliant experience
ty to masz szczescie
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lucky you
londyn jest wielonarodosciowym miastem
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london is a cosmopolitan city
w internecie
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on the internet
dowiedziec sie wiecej
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find out more
ile to kosztuje
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how much does it cost
wzialem udzial w zawodach
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I took part in the competition
nie wierzylem wlasnym oczom
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I could hardly belive my eyes
sadze, uwarzam
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I belive
film/ pisarz ktory odniosl sukces
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a successful film/writer
wiekszosc mlodych ludzi
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most uoung people
obiecaj, ze nikomu nie powiesz
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promise not to tell anybody
korzystac z publicznego transportu
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use public transport
dostac prace
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get a job
pamietasz mnie?
kezdjen tanulni
do you remember me?
Niczego nie moge obiecac
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I can't promise anything
zmienilem zdanie
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I changes my mind
dotrzymalem obietnicy
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I kept my prosmise
ciezko pracowac
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work hard
mozesz pojsc ze mna
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You can go instead of me
jaki rodzaj muzyki lubisz
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what sort of music do you like
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robic obiad
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make dinner
zlamal obietnice
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he broke his promise
czego szukasz
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what are you looking for
a ty?
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what about you?
zbieraja pieniadze na cele debroczynne
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they're raising money for charity
co robisz? (zawod)
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what do you do?
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jak daleko?
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how far?
spotkajmy sie w ktorys wieczor
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let's meet up one weekend
kezdjen tanulni
wplacac pieniadze na cele dobroczynne
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give money to charity
zbierac pieniadze na cele dobroczynne
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collect money for charity
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the poor
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hojny, szczodry
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kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
nie ma poczucia humoru
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he has no sense of humour
biegle mowie po polsku
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I speak fluent Polish
poza miastem
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outside the city
rozwiazywac krzyzowke
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do a crossword
mecz pilki noznej
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footbal match
mieszkac blisko granicy poslki z niemcami
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i live near the border between poland and germany
ma fantastyczne poczucie humoru
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he has a fantastic sense of humour
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na luzie
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moj najlepszy przyjaciel nazywa sie
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my best friend's name is
myslec o innych ludziach
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think about other people
musze odrobic zadanie domowe
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i must do my homework
zawsze sie spieraja
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They're always arguing


Meg15 írta: 2013-02-06 16:44:48
Idealne :)

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