Te przedmioty są nadwyżką w stosunku do zapotrzebowania. kezdjen tanulni
These items are all surplus to requirements.
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horses were neighing in the stable
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We used up all the building blocks to ... this multi-level garage. kezdjen tanulni
We used up all the building blocks to construct this multi-level garage.
Ci chłopcy są znani z tego, że znęcaja się nad młodszymi uczniami. kezdjen tanulni
These guys are known for bullying younger pupils.
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Give me some time with her. I can prod people to make the best of themselves.
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That was the first federal court to recognize a right to DNA tests.
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My head tilted to one side, from the hours of cradling the phone on one shoulder.
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He's fun to be with, but he's very superficial.
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Mógłbyś podać mi przykład? kezdjen tanulni
Could you give me an example?
Policja szkoli psy do szukania materiałów wybuchowych. kezdjen tanulni
The police train dogs to search for explosives.
Wczoraj leżałam w łóżku przez całe rano. kezdjen tanulni
Yesterday I lay in bed all morning.
Ceny domów podwyższyły się o 5%. kezdjen tanulni
House prices have increased by 5%.
Ludzie otwarci mają zwykle mnóstwo przyjaciół. kezdjen tanulni
Easygoing people generally have lots of friends.
Program ma na celu zwalczanie bezrobocia. kezdjen tanulni
The scheme is designed to combat unemployment.
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Remove the plate to reveal the wiring inside
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How can any of us justify what was done to him?
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your aim or objective in doing something kezdjen tanulni
It is a crime to transmit a disease with the intention of causing a serious injury.
Na mój sygnał obie drużyny biegną do rzeki. kezdjen tanulni
On my signal both teams run into the river.
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the doctor gave you incorrect advice / strictly speaking, the form of address was incorrect
Jego słowa były bardzo przekonywujące, ale wątpię w jego szczerość. kezdjen tanulni
His words were very convincing but I doubt his sincerity.