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kezdjen tanulni
irregular (sporradic attempts on giving up smoking)
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to pay for (dotować, students are subsidized by their parents)
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to scold sharply (krytykować, berate smn)
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to act as a team (they collaborated on an article)
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to support with evidence (potwierdzenie, to corroborate an account)
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found everywhere, omnipresent (wszechobecny, god is belived to be ubiquitius)
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indirect (vicarious experience of traveling)
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an extremist (gorliwiec, christian zaelots during middle ages)
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the highest point (reach the zenith of life)
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to honor (czcić, to venerate smn by rising)
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very happy (to be euphoric when i recive good makrks)
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funny (żartobliwy, facetious comment)
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outgoing (towarzyski, smn can be gregorius)
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illegal, unlawful (illicit ina made him spent years in jail)
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impulsive (porywczy, make an impetuous purchase)
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not intended (discovery can be inadvert)
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silly (idiotyczny, tv shows can be inane)
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free from error, perfect (nieomylny, nobody is infallible)
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irrevisible (nieodwołalny, promise is irrevocable)
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to move backwards (regresować, regress for sucking thumb)
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to let go, give up (rezygnacja, to relinquish drinks before entering a stadium)
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to laugh at (szydzić, scoff at street clown)
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to hold back (to squelch the disre for freedom)
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to spread (zdyskredytować, disseminate flyers about candidates)
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to separate (paths diverge)
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to decorate (ozdobić, embelish something wirth smth)
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to drive away (zrazić, moodines estranges friends)
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to waste (fritter away time and money)
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to rise, lift (wywiesić, to hoist the piano on a cable)
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a rapid incease (proliferation of cancer cells)
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quick to recover (, a plant is resilient)
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looking back (in a retrospect)
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basic (prymitywny, rudimentary skills)
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ethical (skrupulatny, judge is scrupuluous about never accepting bribes)
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of the senses (sensoryczny, letters with sensory details)
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a disadvantage (szkoda, smoking is dietriment your health)
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skilled (zręczny, jugger is dexterous)
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good sense (use discretion when choosing friends)
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a rebel (dissented will not be tolerated)
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inactive (dieases remian dormant)
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lack of energy, weariness (lethargy after the flu persists)
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overly sentimental, emotional (ckliwy, maudlin soap operas)x
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ideal (optimum driving speed)
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showy (ostentatious jewellery)
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unclear (dwuznaczny, mona lisa is ambiguous)
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the on who pretends to have knowledge in order to swindle others (to buy a magic remedy from a charlatan)
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depressed (przygnębiony, do be despondent afrer someone's death)
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to cause (wszcząć, instigate a riot)
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to place side by side (zestawiać, items were juxtaposed)
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to bring in (precipitate decision to send smn to psychologist)