Lucky encounters (10.04.18) + (13.04.18)

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run out of sth
They ran out of money and had to abandon the project.
to use all of something and not have any more left
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kończyć się
Brakowało im pieniędzy i musieli zrezygnować z projektu.
I missed my connection.
a train, bus, or plane which is arranged to leave at a time that allows passengers from an earlier train, bus, or plane to use it to continue their journey
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połączenie / przesiadka
Nie zdążyłem na przesiadkę.
She spent the whole year hitchhiking around the world.
to travel to places by getting free rides from drivers of passing cars
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jeździć autostopem
Jeździła autostopem dookoła świata przez cały rok.
Extra ferries are needed to bring them back home.
a boat that carries people or goods across a river or a narrow area of water
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Potrzebne są dodatkowe promy, aby sprowadzić ich do domu.
The company already has debts of 127 billion Yen.
the standard unit of money in Japan: symbol ¥
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Firma ma już zadłużenie w wysokości 127 miliardów jenów.
The brakes don’t seem to be working properly.
correctly, or in a way that is considered right
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prawidłowo / odpowiednio
Hamulce zdają się nie działać prawidłowo.
shiver with cold
They were forced to wait outside for hours, shivering with cold.
to shake slightly because you are cold or frightened
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drżeć z zimna
Trzęśli się z zimna, ponieważ zostali zmuszeni do wielogodzinnego czekania na zewnątrz.
can of petrol
The burglars made off with two 20-litre petrol cans.
a cylindrical metal container
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kanister z benzyną
Włamywacze uciekli z dwoma 20-litrowymi kanistrami z benzyną.
The airliner was hijacked by a group of terrorists.
to use violence or threats to take control of a plane, vehicle, or ship
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Samolot został uprowadzony przez grupę terrorystów.
Terrorists have kidnapped a French officer and are demanding $400,000 from the French government.
to take someone somewhere illegally by force, often in order to get money for returning them
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Terroryści porwali francuskiego oficera i domagają się 400 000 dolarów od francuskiego rządu.
stow away
Customs officials discovered several illegal immigrants stowed away at the front of the ship.
to hide on a vehicle in order to travel secretly or without paying
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podróżować na gapę
Funkcjonariusze celni wykryli kilku nielegalnych imigrantów schowanych na przedniej części statku.
The diplomat was abducted on his way to the airport.
to take someone away by force
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Dyplomata został uprowadzony w drodze na lotnisko.
thumb a lift
I thumbed a lift into town.
to persuade a driver of a passing car to stop and take you somewhere, by putting your hand out with your thumb raised
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łapać stopa
Złapałem stopa do miasta.
what goes around comes around
the way you behave towards other people will have later come back to you
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jak Kuba Bogu, tak Bóg Kubie / nie czyń drugiemu, co tobie niemiłe
come through
We’re still waiting for our exam results to come through.
if a piece of information, news etc comes through, it arrives somewhere
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zostać ogłoszonym
Nadal czekamy na wyniki egzaminów.
be over sb
I'm over you.
To no longer have strong emotions about someone or something
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nie darzyć kogoś uczuciem
Nie kocham Cię.
She didn’t remember our encounter last summer.
an occasion when you meet someone, or do something with someone you do not know
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Nie pamiętała naszego spotkania zeszłego lata.

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