Lesson 4: What do you do?

 0    20 adatlap    Milan Pupezin
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Paul lives in Hong Kong
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Paul mieszka w Hongkongu
Emma is a sportswoman. She works in London.
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Emma jest sportsmenką. Ona pracuje w Londynie.
Ken lives in New York. He's a photographer.
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Ken mieszka w Nowym Jorku. On jest fotografem
Laura designs sportswear.
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Laura projektuje odzież sportową.
Emma's family name is King.
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Nazwisko Emmy to King.
Paul is a marketing manager. He works for Unisports.
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Paul jest kierownikiem marketingu. Pracuje dla Unisports.
I live in New York. Where do you live?
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Mieszkam w Nowym Jorku. Gdzie mieszkasz?
I work for a modeling agency. Which company do you work for?
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Pracuję dla agencji modelek. Dla jakiej firmy pracujesz?
I'm in a new studio. Where are you?
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Jestem w nowym studiu. Gdzie jesteś?
I work, you work, he works, she works
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Ja pracuję, ty pracujesz, on pracuje, ona pracuje
I live, you live, he lives, she lives
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Ja żyje, ty żyjesz, on żyje, ona żyje
I am, you are, he is, she is
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Ja, ty, on, ona jest
Do you work for Unisports?
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Pracujesz dla Unisports?
Do you live in New York?
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Mieszkasz w Nowym Jorku?
Does she work for ET?
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Czy ona pracuje dla ET?
Does he live in Łódź?
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Czy on mieszka w Łodzi?
I don't work for Unisports.
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Nie pracuję dla Unisports.
You don't live in Łódź.
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Nie mieszkasz w Łodzi.
He doesn't live in Pabianice
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On nie mieszka w Pabianicach
She doesn't train every morning
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Ona nie trenuje każdego ranka

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