legal latin terms II

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In omnibus
kezdjen tanulni
In every respect.
In personam
kezdjen tanulni
Directed towards a particular person.
In pleno
kezdjen tanulni
In full.
In Propria Persona
kezdjen tanulni
For one's self; Acting on one's own behalf.
In re
kezdjen tanulni
In the matter of, refering to.
In rem
kezdjen tanulni
Against or about a thing. (Property)
In situ
kezdjen tanulni
In position, in its original place.
In terrorem clause
kezdjen tanulni
In fear.
In terrorem
kezdjen tanulni
As a warning or deterrent.
In totidem verbis
kezdjen tanulni
In so many words.
kezdjen tanulni
Injury to personal dignity.
Inter alia
kezdjen tanulni
Amongst other things.
Inter alios
kezdjen tanulni
Amongst other people.
Inter se
kezdjen tanulni
Between or among themselves.
Inter vivos
kezdjen tanulni
Between living persons.
Intra vires
kezdjen tanulni
Within the authority, lit., the strengths or powers.
Ipse dixit
kezdjen tanulni
He himself said it. (Cicero)
Ipsissima verba
kezdjen tanulni
The very words themselves. (Strictly word for word)
Ipsissimis verbis
kezdjen tanulni
In the exact or identical words.
Ipso facto
kezdjen tanulni
By that very fact.
Ipso iure
kezdjen tanulni
By operation of the law.
Jus naturale
kezdjen tanulni
Natural justice.
Lese majeste
kezdjen tanulni
High treason.
Lex fori
kezdjen tanulni
The law of the court in which an action is tried.
Lex lata
kezdjen tanulni
The law as it exists.
Lex loci
kezdjen tanulni
The law of the place.
Lex non scripta
kezdjen tanulni
The unwritten (common) law.
Lex scripta
kezdjen tanulni
The written law.
Lex talionis
kezdjen tanulni
The law of retaliation. (Retributive justice, an eye for an eye)
Lis pendens
kezdjen tanulni
An action pending.
Locum tenens
kezdjen tanulni
A deputy.
Locus in quo
kezdjen tanulni
The place in which something happens.
Locus standi
kezdjen tanulni
Place of standing; the right to be heard in a court.
Mala fide
kezdjen tanulni
In bad faith. (Something which is done fraudulently)
Malum in se
kezdjen tanulni
Wrong in itself. (A crime that is inherently wrong)
Mens rea
kezdjen tanulni
The wrongful intention or guilty mind.
Motu proprio
kezdjen tanulni
Of one's own initiative.
Mutatis mutandis
kezdjen tanulni
With those things changed which needed to be changed. (With the appropriate changes)
Ne bis in idem
kezdjen tanulni
Not twice the same. (Canones apostulorum; A person cannot be sentenced twice for the same crime)
Nemo dat quod non habet
kezdjen tanulni
One may not transfer what one does not have.
Nisi prius
kezdjen tanulni
Unless first, unless previously.
Nolle prosequi
kezdjen tanulni
To be unwilling to prosecute.
Nolo contendere
kezdjen tanulni
I do not wish to contend. (No contest)
Non compos mentis
kezdjen tanulni
Not in possession of one's senses.
Non constat
kezdjen tanulni
It is not certain.
Non est factum
kezdjen tanulni
It is not his deed.
Non sequitur (non seq.)
kezdjen tanulni
It does not follow. (A statement that is the result of faulty logic)
Nunc pro tunc
kezdjen tanulni
Now for then. (Has retroactive effect, effective from an earlier date)
Obiter dictum (pl. dicta)
kezdjen tanulni
Something said in passing; Parenthetical remark.
Onus probandi
kezdjen tanulni
The burden of proof.
Opere citato (op. cit.)
kezdjen tanulni
In the work (cited) just quoted.
Par delictum
kezdjen tanulni
Equal fault.
Pari passu
kezdjen tanulni
With equal step, moving together, simultaneously.
Passim (adv.)
kezdjen tanulni
Here and there; indiscriminately.
Pendente lite
kezdjen tanulni
While a suit is pending.
Per contra
kezdjen tanulni
On the contrary.
Per curiam
kezdjen tanulni
Through the senate; By the court.
Per incuriam
kezdjen tanulni
Through want of care.
Per minas
kezdjen tanulni
By means of menaces or threats.
Per quod
kezdjen tanulni
By reason of which.
Persona non grata
kezdjen tanulni
An unacceptable person.
Prima facie
kezdjen tanulni
On the face of it; At first sight. (An obvious case that requires no further proof)
Prima impressionis
kezdjen tanulni
On first impression.
Pro bono (publico)
kezdjen tanulni
For the (public) good. (Said of a lawyer's work that is not charged for)
Pro forma
kezdjen tanulni
For form; As a matter of form; Performed in a set manner.
Pro hac vice
kezdjen tanulni
For this occasion only.
Pro rata
kezdjen tanulni
For the rate; Proportionately.
Pro tanto
kezdjen tanulni
For so much. (Partially fulfilled)
Pro tempore (pro tem.)
kezdjen tanulni
For the time. (For the time being)
Publici juris
kezdjen tanulni
Of public right.
kezdjen tanulni
The question is raised.
kezdjen tanulni
Consider whether it is correct.
Quantum meruit
kezdjen tanulni
As much as he/she deserved.
kezdjen tanulni
How much; as much as.
Qui tam
kezdjen tanulni
Who as well. (Whistle blower)
Quid pro quo
kezdjen tanulni
Something for something. (A favor for a favor)
Ratio decidendi
kezdjen tanulni
Reasoning for the decision.
kezdjen tanulni
In the matter of.
Rebus sic stantibus
kezdjen tanulni
With matters standing thus.
Reductio ad absurdum
kezdjen tanulni
Reduction to the absurd. (Proving the truth of a proposition by proving the falsity of all its alternatives)
Res furtivae
kezdjen tanulni
Stolen goods.
Res gestae
kezdjen tanulni
Things done.
Res ipsa loquitur
kezdjen tanulni
The thing speaks for itself.
Res judicata
kezdjen tanulni
Judged thing. (Matter which has been decided by a court)
Res nullius
kezdjen tanulni
Nobody's thing. (Goods without an owner)
Res perit domino
kezdjen tanulni
The risk of loss is on the owner.
Res sic stantibus
kezdjen tanulni
Things remain the same.
kezdjen tanulni
Matter, affair, thing, circumstance.
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
Having knowledge.
kezdjen tanulni
The legal position is different, it is otherwise.
kezdjen tanulni
It appears, seemingly.
Sine qua non
kezdjen tanulni
Without which it could not be; an indispensable action or condition.
Stare decisis
kezdjen tanulni
To stand by things decided. (Uphold previous rulings, recognize precedence)
Status quo
kezdjen tanulni
The current state of being.
kezdjen tanulni
Let it stand.
Sub judice (alt. iudice)
kezdjen tanulni
Under a judge; Before a court; Under consideration.
Sub modo
kezdjen tanulni
Within limits.
Sub nomine
kezdjen tanulni
Under the name of.
Sub Poena (alt. subpoena)
kezdjen tanulni
Under penalty of Law. (A writ issued by a court requiring one's attendance at that court)
Sub poena duces tecum
kezdjen tanulni
Bring with you under penalty. (Legal writ requiring appearance with documents)
Sub rosa
kezdjen tanulni
Under the rose. (Secretly or in confidence)
Sub secreto
kezdjen tanulni
In secret.
Sub silentio
kezdjen tanulni
In silence.
Suggestio falsi
kezdjen tanulni
The suggestion of something which is untrue.
Sui generis
kezdjen tanulni
Of its own kind. (In a class of its own)
Sui iuris (sui juris)
kezdjen tanulni
Of one's own right.
Suppressio veri
kezdjen tanulni
The suppression of the truth.
Talis qualis
kezdjen tanulni
Just as such; Such as it is; As such.
Terminus a quo
kezdjen tanulni
The end from which; starting point.
Terminus ad quem
kezdjen tanulni
Limit until which; finish.
Tertium quid
kezdjen tanulni
A third something.
Tour de force
kezdjen tanulni
A feat of strength; a skillful accomplishment.
Uberrima fides
kezdjen tanulni
Good faith; Most abundant faith.
Uberrimae fidei
kezdjen tanulni
Of the utmost good faith.
Ubi jus ibi remedium
kezdjen tanulni
Where (there is) a right, there (is) a remedy.
Ubi supra
kezdjen tanulni
Where (cited) above.
Ultra vires
kezdjen tanulni
Beyond powers; Without authority.
Uno flatu
kezdjen tanulni
At the same moment; With one breath.
kezdjen tanulni
Word by word, exactly.
Vexata quaestio
kezdjen tanulni
A disputed question.
Vi et armis
kezdjen tanulni
By force and arms.
Via media
kezdjen tanulni
A middle way or course.
Vice versa
kezdjen tanulni
With the order or meaning reversed.
Vis compulsiva
kezdjen tanulni
Compulsive force.
Vis maior
kezdjen tanulni
Irresistible force; act of God.
kezdjen tanulni
Volenti non fit iniuria
kezdjen tanulni
A person who consents, does not suffer injustice.
Volte face
kezdjen tanulni
A change of front; an about

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