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1. (정책) policy (on/toward); (방향과 계획) course (of action), line (on) kezdjen tanulni
study hall/unsupervised training kezdjen tanulni
1. (모든 부문) 2. (하나의 면 전체) entire[whole] page (of the newspaper) kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. be abolished; be repealed; be discontinued kezdjen tanulni
실시되어 오던 제도나 법규, 일 등이 그만두어지거나 없어지다. For an existing system, law, job, etc., to be discontinued or gotten rid of.
Noun 1. dismissal of a class kezdjen tanulni
그날 정해진 학교 수업이 끝남. 또는 수업을 끝냄. The finishing of school for the day, or school letting out.
Noun 1. that year; the year kezdjen tanulni
과거의 어느 해. A certain year in the past.
1. business, work, task; (임무) duty kezdjen tanulni
그는 업무 태만으로 해고되었다 He was fired for neglecting his duty. 사장님은 업무차 외출 중이십니다 The president is out[away] on business. 업무상 전화는 회사로 해 주세요 Please call me at work if it's business-related
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기본 연봉 basic annual salary 성과 연봉 a portion of annual salary based on performance 연봉 협상을 하다 negotiate salary
Verb 1. negotiate; bargain kezdjen tanulni
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Verb 1. be reduced; be cut kezdjen tanulni
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학생이 학교나 학원 등 교육 기관에 등록할 때 내는 돈. The money paid upon the registration of a student at educational institutions such as a school or institute.
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. inheritance, legacy, bequest2. heritage kezdjen tanulni
1. total[full] amount, the (sum) total kezdjen tanulni
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nabyć dom zorganizować dom kezdjen tanulni
1. agricultural[farm] products, farm produce kezdjen tanulni
친환경 농산물 environment-friendly agricultural products 우리 농산물을 애용합시다 Let's use domestic farm products. 농산물 가격이 많이 떨어졌다 The prices of farm produce have gone down a lot.
1. [명사] cultivation, [동사] grow, raise, cultivate kezdjen tanulni
1. [명사] abnormality, disorder, [형용사] strange, odd, weird, bizarre, peculiar; (정상이 아니다) abnormal; (유별나다) unusual, uncommon kezdjen tanulni
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1. (사물의 모양·상태) phenomenon (pl. phenomena) kezdjen tanulni
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사람이 무대 등에 나타나다. For a person to appear on stage, etc.
1. [명사] protection; (보존, 유지) preservation, conservation, [동사] protect, shelter, safeguard; (보존·유지하다) preserve, conserve; (돌보다) take care of kezdjen tanulni
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1. be[get] connected, continue, go on, last, extend, lead2. continue kezdjen tanulni
Noun 1. being eco-friendly kezdjen tanulni
1. [명사] (지식·정보 등의) (formal) dissemination; (종교·사상 등의) propagation, [동사] (formal) disseminate, propagate kezdjen tanulni
1. spread; be dispersed; be diffused; proliferate2. be diffused kezdjen tanulni
Noun 1. student; attendee kezdjen tanulni
강의나 강습을 받는 학생. A student who is taking a course or class.
1. increase rapidly[suddenly], jump kezdjen tanulni
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1. measure(s), step(s); (대응책) countermeasure(s) kezdjen tanulni
대책을 마련하다 prepare[set up] measures 대책 회의를 갖다 hold a meeting to establish (counter) measures 경찰은 범죄와 맞서기 위해 더 단호한 대책을 강구하고 있다 The police are planning sterner measures to combat crime.
1. somewhat, a little, a (little) bit, to a certain degree[extent] kezdjen tanulni
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1. recession, slump; (심각한) depression kezdjen tanulni
1. clothing, clothes, wear, (formal) garment, (Am) apparel kezdjen tanulni
여성 의류 women's clothing[clothes; wear] 남성 의류 men's clothing[clothes; wear] 아동 의류 children's clothing[clothes; wear]
1. example, instance, case; (전례, 선례) precedent kezdjen tanulni
구체적인 사례를 들어서 설명하다 explain by giving specific examples 선진국의 사례를 따르다 follow the precedent set by the developed countries 지금까지 이런 사례는 없었다 This is an unprecedented case[incident].