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1. just, fair, impartial, equal, even-handed, (formal) equitable
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공평한 사회 a just society 공평한 판결을 내리다 give an impartial verdict 모두에게 공평한 기회를 주다 give everyone an equal opportunity
1. (natural) resources
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1. [동사] (지원) volunteer (for / to do)
(gdy niedoslownie- toczyc sie rozgrywac)1. spread, stretch out2. (접힌 것이 펴지다)
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1. the outside, the open air, the outdoors
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다양한 야외 활동을 즐기다 enjoy various outdoor activities 야외로 드라이브를 가다 take a drive in the countryside[outside of town] 이번 주말에 야외로 소풍 갈까? Do you want to go on a picnic this weekend?
1. act, action, (literary) deed
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상행위 commercial[business] transaction 요식행위 formality 성행위를 하다 have sex (with) 성행위를 하다 have (sexual) intercourse
1. position; (특히 경제적인) circumstances
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나는 당신을 도울 수 있는 처지가 아닙니다 I'm not in a position to help you. 저는 아직 결혼할 처지가 못 됩니다 I'm not in a position to get married yet. 당신 때문에 내 처지가 아주 난처해졌어요 You put me in a very awkward position
1. [동사] complain, whine, grumble (at/about), moan
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투정을 부리다 complain[grumble; growl] (about) 그는 반찬 투정이 심하다 He always complains about food. 그는 반찬 투정이 심하다 He is very picky about food.
wsparcie, darowizna1. sponsor, [명사] support, backing, sponsorship, patronage <동>support, patronize, give[lend] support (to), back (up)
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1. (분별력) discretion, (good) sense
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철이 없다 be immature 철이 없다 be childish 철이 없다 be infantile 철이 들다 become mature[sensible] 철이 들다 grow up
. second
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2. [예문] 우리는 초를 다투는 급박한 세상에 살고 있다 We live in an age of urgency, where every second counts.
Noun 1. majority
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대다수의 사람들이 그 계획에 찬성했다 Most people approved of the plan. 주민 대다수가 농업에 종사한다 The majority[mass] of the residents are engaged in farming. 그 법안은 대다수 의원들의 지지를 얻었다 The bill was supported by a majority of the legislators.
1. pick up, learn (sth) by chance, happen to hear (of/about)
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남에게서 이야기를 주워듣다 pick a story up from others 그건 어디서 주워들은 이야기냐? Where did you hear it (from)? 그건 어디서 주워들은 이야기냐? Where on earth did you hear that (from)?
1. spill
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컵의 우유를 엎지르다 spill a cup of milk 마루에 물을 엎지르다 spill water on the floor
. pick up, find, gather, glean2. [예문] 사람들이 이야기하는 것을 주워들었다 I overheard people talking about it.
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1. be held; be thrown2. occur; happen3. develop
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잔치나 행사 같은 자리가 열리다. For a party or event to be held. 2.주로 싸움과 같은 좋지 않은 일이 일어나다. For a bad incident such as a fight to occur. 3.주로 싸움과 같은 좋지 않은 일이 일어나다. For a bad incident such as a fight to occur.놀라운 광경이 벌어지다. 신기한 광경이 벌어지다. 바로 눈앞에서 벌어진 불꽃놀이는 환상적이었다.
1. time
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~할 겨를도 없다 have no time to do[for doing] ~할 겨를도 없다 be too busy to do 잠시 앉아 커피 마실 겨를도 없었다 I didn't even have time to sit down for a coffee. 이번 주에는 숨 돌릴 겨를이 있을 것이다 I think I will have a breathing spell this week
1. agreement, consent, assent; (승낙) approval, agree (with/to), consent (to), assent (to), (formal) concur (with); (승낙하다) approve (of)
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1. restore2. return, give back
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3. (뒤로 돌리다) set back, put back 그녀는 시계를 두 시간 전으로 되돌려 놓았다 She set[put] the clock back two hours
1. (원래 상태로) restore 한번 파괴된 자연을 원래 상태로 되돌리는 것은 매우 어렵다 It is very difficult to restore nature to its original condition once it is destroyed. 2. (반환하다) return, give (sth) back 집주인이 계약금을 되돌려 주지 않았다 The landlord wouldn't return the deposit.
to go bankrupt
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부도가 나다
box office
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1. new again; fresh again2. sudden; unexpected
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1. attract investment
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투자 유치
3. (음식 등을) be choosy, be fussy (about), (informal) be picky (about)
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나는 음식을 가리지 않는다 I am not particular[choosy; fussy; picky] about food. 왜 그렇게 가리는 것이 많아요? Why are you so picky[fussy]? 왜 그렇게 가리는 것이 많아요? Why do you have so many things you don't like?
1. union, (Am) labor union, (Brit) trade union
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노조를 결성하다 form[organize] a labor union 노조에 가입하다 join the labor union 노조에서 탈퇴하다 withdraw from the labor union
1. example, (role) model
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모범적인 exemplary 모범적인 model 그의 행동은 타의 모범이 되었다 His deed served as a(n) (shining) example for others. 그는 다른 팀원들의 모범이 되었다 He became a(n) example[model] to the rest of the team.
. insensitivity, numbness2. frigidity, sexual dysfunction
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1. (잘 느끼지 못하는 증세) insensitivity, numbness 우리 사회에 안전 불감증이 만연해 있다 In our society, majority of the people are insensitive to safety
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이중으로 부담을 지우다 double the burden (on) 이중으로 세금을 부과하다 impose double taxes (on) 이중 주차를 하다 double-park 이중 잣대를 적용하다 apply a double standard (to)
1. difficulty, problem, distress, predicament
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고충을 털어놓다 speak candidly of one's difficulties 심적 고충을 겪다 suffer[experience] emotional distress 심적 고충을 겪다 bear[carry] an emotional burden 나는 그에게 회사 생활의 고충을 털어놓았다 I told him all about my predicament at work
1. ethical, moral
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1. blame
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nastepnie, kontynuujac
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dziesiecioletni przyjaciel
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