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kezdjen tanulni
전시회를 열다 have[hold; stage; mount] an exhibition
1. being in the middle; being on the way 2. being in the middle kezdjen tanulni
Noun 1. short; short form kezdjen tanulni
단어의 일부분이 줄어들어 만들어진 단어. A word formed by abbreviating another.
kezdjen tanulni
낯선 풍경이 눈앞에 펼쳐졌다 Unfamiliar scenery unfolded before me[my eyes]. 그는 처음 본 사람인데도 전혀 낯설지 않았다 It was the first time for me to see him, but he didn't seem unfamiliar at all. 길을 걷는데 낯선 사람이 말을 걸었다 As I was walking along, a stranger started talking to me
1. old; worn 2. outdated; old-fashioned kezdjen tanulni
1. become old; age 2. be on the decline 3. become overripe kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
중간에 멈추거나 그만두게 되다. To be suspended or stopped in the middle.
kezdjen tanulni
오늘은 날이 선선하다 It is cool today. 밖에는 선선한 바람이 분다 A cool[refreshing] breeze is blowing outside.
kezdjen tanulni
1. supplement, make up2. add, supplement kezdjen tanulni
1. supplement, (모자라는 부분을 채우다) make up (for) 생활비를 보태다 supplement living expenses 힘을 보태다 provide support 2. (첨가하다) add (sth to sth), supplement 그는 부업을 하여 수입에 보탰다 He supplemented his income by doing odd jobs
1. pocket money, allowance, spending money; (inf) pin money kezdjen tanulni
용돈이 떨어지다 run out of pocket money 용돈을 벌다 make[earn] one's pocket money 아버지께 용돈을 받다 get[receive] pocket money[an allowance] from one's father
Verb 1. study for the next entrance exam kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
공돈이 생기다 get some unexpected money 공돈이 생겼다면서요? I've heard that you've come into some extra cash
1. a child welfare institution kezdjen tanulni
1. (아이·동식물 등을) raise, rear; (아이를) bring up; (동물을) keep, breed; (식물을) grow; (대량으로) cultivate kezdjen tanulni
1. the middle, center2. medium kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
나는 어버이날에 부모님께 빨간 카네이션을 달아 드렸다 I put red carnation corsages on my parents for Parents' Day.
1. bad-tempered, (formal) ill-tempered kezdjen tanulni
1. circumstances, conditions2. circumstances kezdjen tanulni
. addictive quality 1. toxicity kezdjen tanulni
1. (끝) end, finish, close; (결론) conclusion; (결과) result, outcome; (소설 등의) ending, (formal) denouement kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. enter a higher education institution kezdjen tanulni