kgiua 13장 수업1 (으)리만치

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abundant plentiful, ample, (formal) abundant
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the fall foliage season
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in its prime1. prime, one's best[palmy] days
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1. fall[autumn] foliage, autumn colors[leaves]
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1. be[get] dyed, be[get] colored, be tinged2. be influenced[affected], be tinged, be imbued, be tainted
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까맣게[파랗게] 물들다 be dyed black[blue] 피로 물들다 be stained[smeared] with blood 하늘은 석양으로 붉게 물들어 있었다 The sky was colored[tinged] with red by the setting sun사회주의에 물들다 be tinged with socialism 도시의 생활 방식에 물들다 be imbued with urban[city] manners
1. describe, express
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형용하기 어려운 기쁨을 느끼다 feel indescribable joy
1. red, (literary) ruddy, (선홍색의) crimson, (진홍색의) scarlet
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단풍이 붉게 물들기 시작했다 The maples have begun to turn red[crimson]. 붉은 장미는 사랑과 정열의 상징이다 The red rose is a symbol of love and passion. 서쪽 하늘은 저녁노을로 붉게 물들었다 The western sky is aglow with[dyed red by] the sunset.
piece; fold: A piece of paper or cloth, that is cut to the same length as other pieces, to be connected together, or a unit used to count a work of painting, scrolls, etc.
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1. I am aching all over.
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온 몸이 쑤셔요
1. pull leg
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다리가 당기다
1. figurative2. metaphorical
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비유적 은유적
1. have sth ahead
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우리는 긴 여행을 앞두고 있다 We have a long trip ahead. 그녀는 출산을 앞두고 있다 She's expecting a baby. 그는 결혼을 앞두고 있다 He is about to be[get] married. 시험을 앞둔 학생들은 몹시 초조해 보인다 The students seem to be very nervous with the upcoming exam
1. (줄 등이) tight, taut 줄을 ...히 잡아당기다 stretch the string tight 2. (양측의 힘이 서로 엇비슷하다) close, tight 양 팀은 ...한 접전을 벌였다 The two teams played a close[tight] game. 3. tense strained, (긴장감 등이) 그들 사이에 ...한 긴장감이 감돌았다 There was a lot of tension between them.
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1. hang (in the air)
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그들 사이에 침묵이 감돌았다 An oppressive silence hung between them. 중동 지역에 전운이 감돌고 있다 War clouds are hanging[hovering] over the Middle East. 사무실에는 긴장감이 감돌았다 In the office there was tension inn the air. 사무실에는 긴장감이 감돌았다 The atmosphere in the office was tense.
1. have a baby
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아기를 가지다
1. receiver
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수화기를 내려놓다 replace[hang up] the receiver 수화기를 내려놓다 put down the receiver 수화기가 제대로 놓여 있지 않다 The receiver is off the hook
Over the phone
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수화기 너머로
1. (매정하고 쌀쌀하다) cold, cold-hearted
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냉정하게 대하다 treat sb coldly[cold-heartedly] 그는 친구의 부탁을 냉정하게 거절했다 He coldly rejected his friend's plea. 나는 그가 그렇게 냉정한 인간인 줄 몰랐다 I didn't realize he was such a cold-hearted person.
1. without batting an eye2. without turning a hair
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눈썹 하나 까딱하지 않고
1.(눈두덩 위에 난 짧은 털) eyebrow(s), brow(s)2.(비유적)
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1. good-natured, good-tempered, easygoing
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그 사람은 수더분해 보인다 He seems good-natured. 그의 수더분한 성격이 마음에 든다 I like his easygoing personality.
1. in every business[matter, affair]
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Adjective 1. just; fair; impartial
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1. not missing2. be perfect
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1. artificial flavor enhancer, MSG (monosodium glutamate)
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1. chemistry
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화학 작용을 일으키다 have a chemical action 화학 실험을 하다 do a chemical experiment 그는 고등학교에서 화학을 가르친다 He teaches chemistry at a high school
1. human body, human organism
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인체의 구조 structure of the human body 인체를 해부하다 dissect a human body 인체에 무해하다 be harmless to humans[men]
1. bad[harmful] influence, adverse effect
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1. receive treatments for cancer[anticancer treatments]
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항암 치료를 받다
1. end (of), the last[closing] period; (병의) late stage
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조선 말기(에) (in) the late Joseon 조선 말기(에) (around) the end of the Joseon Dynasty 그녀는 폐암 말기 선고를 받았다 She is diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer.
1. diagnosis, diagnose, make a diagnosis2. diagnosis, prognosis, diagnose, make a prognosis
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It was a hopeful time for him.
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그에게는 희망에 찬 나날이었다
1. (너그럽다) broad-minded, big-minded, generous; (자신 있다) bold
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마음을 더 대범하게 가져라 Be more generous[broad-minded]. 그는 모든 일을 대범하게 처리한다 He handles all tasks boldly. 그는 대범한 사람이다 He is a broad-minded person. 그는 대범한 사람이다 He isn't fussy about little things.
1. compare (A with/to B), weigh[measure] (A against B)
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힘[기술]을 견주다 measure one's strength[skill] against sb's 그것에 견줄 만한 것이 없다 Nothing can compare with it. 그것에 견줄 만한 것이 없다 Nothing can stand comparison with it. 그것에 견줄 만한 것이 없다 It stands unrivaled[unequaled; without a peer]
to be believed
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2.(계산하다) calculate1.(캐묻다) nitpick, quibble over[about]3.(잘잘못을 가리다) determine, figure out
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값으로 따질 수 없다 be incalculable in price
1. unusual, distinctive; (유일한) unique; (고유한) peculiar
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독특한 맛을 내다 bring out a distinctive flavor 그는 독특한 취미를 갖고 있다 He has an unusual hobby. 그녀는 독특한 스타일로 글을 쓴다 She writes in a unique[peculiar] style.
1. (formal) affirm, (formal) assure, assert
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어느 쪽이 더 나은지 단언하기가 어렵다 I cannot assure you as to which side is better. 그는 전쟁은 일어나지 않을 것이라고 단언했다 He affirmed[asserted] that war wouldn't break out. 단언하건대 그런 일은 다시는 일어나지 않을 것이다 I'm telling you, it will never happen again.
1. style (of painting)
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그의 화풍은 피카소를 연상시킨다 His style is reminiscent of Picasso's
1. painter, artist
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동양화가 an Eastern-style painter 동양화가 a painter in the Eastern style 서양화가 a Western-style painter 서양화가 a painter in the Western style
1. (수준 높은 예술 작품) classic; (고대 그리스·로마의) classics
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호머의 '오디세이'는 고전으로 여겨진다 Homer's Odyssey is considered a classic. 제인 오스틴의 '오만과 편견'은 영문학의 고전이다 Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is a classic of English literature. 그는 고전을 두루 섭렵하고 있다 He is widely read in the classics
1.(살아 있는 동안) one's living years, one's life2.(살아온 지금까지 결코)
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1. precious, valuable, priceless, invaluable2. (신분·지위 등이)
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1.(even) though, although, even if
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1. excellent, magnificent, great, superb, fine, splendid, grand2. honorable, respectable, admirable, worthy, praiseworthy, commendable, noble, lofty, great
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1. color2. tone, undertone, overtone
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1. old
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옛 추억에 잠기다 be lost in old memories 옛 친구를 만나다 meet an old friend 좋았던 옛 시절을 회상하다 reminisce about good old memories
1. [명사] preservation, conservation, [동사] preserve, conserve
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아름다운 자연을 보존하다 preserve[protect] the beautiful[beauty of] nature 모든 생물은 종족을 보존하려는 본능을 갖고 있다 Every life form has an instinct to preserve its own kind[species]
1. hundreds (of)
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수백 명의 사람 hundreds of people 수백만 달러 (several) millions of dollars
1. peep, peek2. get a sense
1. (몰래 보다) peep (into/through), peek (at/through/into)2. (짐작하다) get a sense (of3. (기회를 노리다) watch (out) for, be on the lookout for4. (남의 것을 빼앗으려 하다) (formal) covet
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그는 창고 안을 엿보았다 He peeped into the shed.우리는 글을 통해서 저자의 성격을 엿볼 수 있다 We can get a sense of the author's personality through his[her] writing.재기의 기회를 엿보다 watch[be on the lookout] for an opportunity to make a comeback사장 자리를 엿보다 covet the president's position
1. superiority, excellence
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이 차의 우수성은 높은 판매량으로 입증되었다 The excellence of this car has been proven by high sales.
1. creativity, originality
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독창성을 기르다 develop originality 독창성을 기르다 foster[nurture] creativity 그의 디자인에는 독창성이 결여되어 있다 His design lacks originality.
1. ancestors, (formal) forebears, (formal) forefathers
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