kgiua 11장 수업4 되

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1. orchard, grove
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1. (과일나무) fruit tree
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1. [명사] (formal) amplification, [동사] (formal) amplify, (formal) expatiate (up)on, enlarge (up)on, elaborate on, expand (up)on, add
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마지막 발언은 부연 설명이 필요합니다 The last remark needs to be amplified[expanded more]. 마지막 발언은 부연 설명이 필요합니다 The last remark needs further explanation. 그는 자신의 이론을 설명한 후 아직은 가설 단계라고 부연했다
1. natural resources
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바다는 천연자원의 보고다 The sea is a rich repository of natural resources
1. destruction, demolition, destroy, demolish, ravage, devastate, wreck2. destruction, destroy, break
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1.(건물·도시 등을) [명사] destruction, demolition, [동사] destroy, demolish, ravage, devastate, wreck 폭도들이 대사관 건물을 파괴했다 Mobs destroyed the embassy building.2. (질서·조직 등을) [명사] destruction, [동사] destroy; (조직을) break 가정을 파괴하다 destroy[break up] a family 3. (생태계·균형 등
1. ecosystem, ecological system
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생태계를 파괴하다 destroy the ecosystem 생태계를 보존하다 preserve the ecosystem
make the best of it
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1. collect feedback
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의견 수렴
1.(의견·사상 등의) collect, gather2.(수학) convergence, converge
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1. put, stick, stab2. (상처를 주다)
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1. (끼우다, 박다) put, stick (in/into); (찌르다) stab 열쇠를 꽂다 put the key in 2. (상처를 주다) 그녀의 말은 내 가슴에 비수를 꽂았다 Her words stabbed my heart
1. influence, leverage, (informal) clout
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정치적 영향력을 행사하다 exercise political leverage 그의 의견은 상당한 영향력을 갖는다 His opinion carries a lot of clout. 그는 출판계에서 상당히 영향력 있는 인물이다 He is quite an influential person in the publishing industry.
Verb 1. confront; oppose
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Verb 1. practice; fulfill
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1실천하는 삶.2계획을 실천하다.3나눔을 실천하다.4사랑을 실천하다.5더불어 실천하다.1a life of practice.2. carry out a plan. 3practice sharing. 4practice love. 5put into practice together.
1. together (with), along with, (formal) in company with
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우리는 이웃과 더불어 살아간다 We live together with our neighbors. 산업 발전과 더불어 빈부 격차도 심해졌다 The wealth disparity has widened along with industrial development
1. a neighbor's[neighboring] house, the house next door
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1. blindly, thoughtlessly
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무작정 남을 따라하다 blindly imitate[copy] sb 그는 무작정 상경했다 He went to Seoul without any (definite) plan
1. food, feed; (육식동물의) prey; (초식동물의) fodder
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개에게 먹이를 주다 feed a dog 개에게 먹이를 주다 give food to a dog 개구리는 곤충을 먹이로 한다 Frogs feed on insects. 토끼는 여러 육식동물의 먹잇감이다 Rabbits are prey for a variety of predators. 독수리 한 마리가 먹이를 채러 급강하했다 An eagle swooped down (up)on its prey
Verb 1. take charge of
be in charge of a subject. be in charge of the field of science. take charge of a case. be in charge of mathematics. take charge of practical affairs. be in charge of guiding. take charge of one's affairs.
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과목을 담당하다. 과학 분야를 담당하다. 사건을 담당하다. 수학을 담당하다. 실무를 담당하다. 안내를 담당하다. 업무를 담당하다.
Verb 1. decorate; groom
a spruced face. dress oneself up. spruce up one's house. adorn with jewels. dress up beautifully. My brother spends a lot of time dressing up his face with cosmetics every morning.
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치장한 얼굴. 몸을 치장하다. 집을 치장하다. 보석으로 치장하다. 아름답게 치장하다. 동생은 아침마다 화장품으로 얼굴을 치장하는 데 매우 많은 시간을 들인다.
1. color, (literary) hue
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색상이 참 선명하다 The color is very clear[vivid]. 밝은 색상의 옷이 어울리실 것 같아요 I think bright-colored clothes will suit you
Verb 1. keep; maintain
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1. study, library
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서재에 틀어박히다 be confined[shut oneself up] in one's study 그는 하루 종일 서재에 틀어박혀 있다 He is closeted in his study all day long
Verb 1. be stored
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