1. brother and sister2. children, sons and daughters kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. be neglected; be left unattended kezdjen tanulni
무관심하게 그대로 내버려 두어지다. To be left abandoned, unattended and ignored.
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. restore; reconstruct kezdjen tanulni
1. the first half (of the year), the first half year kezdjen tanulni
1. property, real estate, (Am) realty; (법률) (Am) real property kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
. be paralyzed2. be benumbed kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. neighborhood, vicinity, (formal) environs kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
be cutt off from visitors kezdjen tanulni
1. (의학) dementia; (노인성) Alzheimer's (disease) kezdjen tanulni
의학 senilis starcza(starosc) kezdjen tanulni
senile dementia Noun 노인성 치매 demencja starcza
1. disease, illness, sickness, disorder; (가벼운) ailment; (국부적인) (eye/heart) trouble kezdjen tanulni
호흡기 질환을 앓다 have respiratory disease[illness] 심장 질환을 앓다 have[suffer] a heart disease[problems; troubles] 치매는 노인성 질환이다 Dementia is a senile disorder.
1. increase rapidly[suddenly], jump kezdjen tanulni
인구가 급증하고 있다 The population goes on growing[increasing] rapidly. 요즘 은행 강도가 급증하고 있다 Bank robberies have been increasing in number recently. 범죄율이 작년에 비해 10% 급증했다 The crime rate jumped by ten percent compared to last year. 경기 불황으로 실직자가 급증하고 있다
without a hitch, according to plan kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. room and board, board and lodging kezdjen tanulni
1. (사람) genius; (특히 어린아이) prodigy; (귀재) wizard, (informal) whiz kezdjen tanulni
it's no different than, it's the same as if kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
폐허가 되다 be ruined 폐허가 되다 fall into ruin 폐허가 되다 go to ruin 폐허가 되다 be[lie] in ruins 태풍으로 도시가 폐허로 변했다 The typhoon turned the city into ruins
farm, (커피·설탕 등의 대규모 농장) plantation kezdjen tanulni
ancestors, (formal) forebears, (formal) forefathers kezdjen tanulni
It is based on the lives of our ancestors. kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. participate in war kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
(만족스럽다) decent, satisfactory; (적절하다) proper, adequate, suitable, appropriate kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1.(일이 바라던 대로 되다) go well[right]; (좋은 결과가 나오다) come[turn, work] out well2.(장사·사업 등이 흥하다) prosper, thrive, flourish, go well[fine, smoothly]3.(성공하다) succeed, go well[fine, smoothly] kezdjen tanulni
1. [명사] (상행위) business, commerce, trade, deal [동사] (물건을 팔다) sell, deal in; (가게를 운영하다) run a business[store], do business, engage in business kezdjen tanulni
1. receive (손님을) greet, welcome, 2. (가족·동료 등으로) 3. (시기·사건 등을) kezdjen tanulni
1. researcher, research worker kezdjen tanulni
1. (교수의) professor's office; (실험실) laboratory kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. keep silent; say nothing2. keep a secret kezdjen tanulni
1. just, just in time2. (공교롭게도) kezdjen tanulni
1. stripes, striped pattern kezdjen tanulni
1. keep silent; say nothing2. keep a secret kezdjen tanulni
1. take, steal, rob, extort, plunder2. strip sb of sth, deprive sb of sth, divest sb of sth kezdjen tanulni
1. suit, lawsuit, (legal) action, litigation kezdjen tanulni
Adjective 1. ashamed; humiliated kezdjen tanulni