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kezdjen tanulni
1. exclude[except] (sth from sth), leave (sb/sth) out, count (sb/sth) out, rule (sb/sth) out kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. average year, normal year, ordinary year The rice harvest is later than usual. kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. recession, slump; (심각한) depression kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. competitor, rival company kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. study (of/into/on), research (into/on), study, research, make[conduct, carry out] a study, do[conduct, undertake] research kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. within (the limit of) the budget kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. scope, range, scale; (한계) limit, bounds kezdjen tanulni
1. (an) abundance; (an) opulence; (an) affluence; (a) plenty; (a) wealth; richness; (a) plenitude.2. 풍부하다 abundant; plentiful; plenteous; rich; ample; copious; exuberant; opulent; affluent; abound in; teem with; be replete with. kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. academic ability/ 1.(교육을 받은 경력) level of education, academic background, educational background kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. forge; fabricate; falsify kezdjen tanulni
Human beings are social creatures[animals] kezdjen tanulni
form[make] ripples on the water surface kezdjen tanulni
1. (가려져 있던 것이) (신체가) be exposed, (물체 등이) come into view, come out,2. (표정·성질·특징 등이) reveal itself, show itself3. (알려지다) come out, be exposed, be revealed, be disclosed; (literary) be unmasked Their plot came out[came to light; has been brought to light; has been laid bare] 2. As we go along, the problems will show themselves 3. When the clouds cleared, the mountain peaks came into view. kezdjen tanulni
그들의 음모가 드러났다 2일을 하다 보면 문제점들이 하나씩 드러날 겁니다 3구름이 걷히자 산봉우리가 드러났다
przejasni sie(niebo)1. lift, clear2. be collected, be gathered kezdjen tanulni
1. (몸을) raise (up), pick (sb) up, set (sb) upright; (일으켜 앉히다) sit (sb) upright2. (나라·집안·사업 등을) (설립하다) establish, found, set up; (시작하다) start, begin, launch; (번성하게 하다) bring sth to success[prosperity], make sth prosperous 3. (물리적·자연적 현상을) cause, raise, stir up; (물결을) ripple 4. (사태·일 등을) cause, make, stir up, create, raise, give rise to5. (신체적·심리적 현상을) cause, bring on; (심리적 현상을) arouse, stir up kezdjen tanulni
1. (사물의 모양·상태) phenomenon (pl. phenomena) kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. alternate; substitute To use something of a similar function in the position of another. kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
niektore1. part, portion, section2. partly, partially kezdjen tanulni
1. harden, become hard[solid], stiffen, get[become] stiff, freeze, get nervous2. take shape, jell, shape (up), solidify kezdjen tanulni
The adjective has become a noun kezdjen tanulni
1. (액체·물 등이) freeze, (상태) be frozen (=얼어붙다) kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
Noun 1. sentence-closing conjugation kezdjen tanulni