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1. right, proper2. right, correct kezdjen tanulni
1.(가격·물가·요금 등을) [명사] raise, rise, increase; (갑작스런) hike, [동사] raise, increase; (갑작스럽게) hike (up), jack up...2.(역도) snatch kezdjen tanulni
1. be decided2. be settled3. be fixed kezdjen tanulni
1. fit[suitable] 2. competent 3. efficient kezdjen tanulni
1.[명사] development; (자원의) exploitation, [동사] develop; (자원을) exploit kezdjen tanulni
1.(가난) [명사] poverty, (formal) penury, [형용사] poor2.(내용의 부족) [명사] lack (of), (formal) want (of) kezdjen tanulni
1. (전기 요금 따위) public utility charges kezdjen tanulni
1. for several years2. in years kezdjen tanulni
(같은 목적을 가진 조직체) organization, association, society; (여러 사람이 모인 집단) group, party kezdjen tanulni
1. enter, go[get come] in, walk[step] in2. have, contain, hold kezdjen tanulni
1. for several years2. in years kezdjen tanulni
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1. (조사하다) investigate, check (up on), search, look into, inquire, see 2. (분간·기억하다) (분간하다) recognize, identify, make out; (기억하다) remember 3. (이해·판단하다) judge, appreciate kezdjen tanulni
1. illness, disease, sickness, disorder; (가벼운) ailment; (국부적인) complaint, (heart/skin) trouble kezdjen tanulni
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1. the UN Secretary General kezdjen tanulni
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seek truth 2. follow[pursue] an ideal kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. request; plea; beseech I begged him not to say anything 2. They advised caution, saying: "Don't be drawn too much" kezdjen tanulni
나는 그에게 아무 말 말라고 당부했다 2.너무 많이 휘둘리지 말라고 그들이 주의를 당부했다
1. (확인되다) be confirmed, (formal) be ascertained; (알려지다) be (clearly) revealed; (증명되다) be proved; (드러나다) turn out; (밝혀지다) be identified (as) kezdjen tanulni
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1. peacefully, amicably, smoothly kezdjen tanulni
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1. business, work, task; (임무) duty kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. improve; enhance; make progress kezdjen tanulni
1.(병을 앓고 난 뒤에 남아 있는 증상) aftereffect, (의학) sequela 수술 ...에 시달리다 suffer from aftereffects[sequela] following surgery 2.(어떤 일을 치르고 난 뒤의 부작용) aftermath, aftereffect 선거의 ... the aftermath of elections kezdjen tanulni
1. reason (for/why); (원인) cause; (근거) grounds (for) kezdjen tanulni
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1. look into antecedents 2. check up[trace] career[record] kezdjen tanulni
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safe (and sound), intact, unharmed, (S) all right, (S) OK, (S) okay kezdjen tanulni