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1. (formal) prerequisite, requirement, essential[indispensable] factor kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. one's husband's home[family], (informal) in-laws kezdjen tanulni
1. one's wife's parents' home; (처가 식구) in-laws kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. Not brooding over it is the best thing.2. Don't worry yourself over it; that's the best thing. kezdjen tanulni
1. (secret) crush, (literary) unrequited love, have a (secret) crush (on) kezdjen tanulni
1. be fidgety[agitated, edgy, on edge] 2. be held in suspense kezdjen tanulni
1. suffer, undergo, be afflicted with kezdjen tanulni
1. as[that] much, that quantity[degree], such a caliber, to that extent2. around[about, near] there kezdjen tanulni
1. others, other people; (모르는 사람) stranger kezdjen tanulni
1. young man; (집합적) young people, the young, youth kezdjen tanulni
1. area, field, sphere; (학문의) branch, (formal) realm, (formal) province kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. disregard; neglect kezdjen tanulni
1. (경제 상황) economy, busines 요즘 경기도 안 좋은데 기분이 좀 성하더라도 그 회사에 그냥 다니지 그러니? kezdjen tanulni
1. strange, weird, odd, bizarre, peculiar; (충격적인) outrageous kezdjen tanulni
Adjective 1. unusual; unique kezdjen tanulni
1. be[get, grow] old, age kezdjen tanulni
straighten one's clothes[dress] kezdjen tanulni
1. (옷차림) dress, clothes, (formal) attire; (특정 시대나 장소의) costume kezdjen tanulni
1. erotic, sexual, racy; (농담 등이) vulgar, risque kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. be released; be launched kezdjen tanulni
1. old type[style, fashion] kezdjen tanulni
1. public (tele) phone, pay phone kezdjen tanulni
1. middle phase, middle stage2. the middle kezdjen tanulni
1. cry, shout, yell, scream, shriek, exclaim2. clamor kezdjen tanulni
1. (살이 빠지다) become thin[slim], lose weight kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. whole, intact, sound 2. healthy, sound, well, unscathed, unharmed kezdjen tanulni