1. ceramics, china(ware), pottery, earthenware kezdjen tanulni
1. Stand one behind another, please. kezdjen tanulni
1. be postponed[deferred, put off] kezdjen tanulni
atrybuty wlasciwosci1. (고유의 성질) (formal) attribute, properties, quality kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
cechy szczegolne1. (distinct) characteristic, (distinct) feature, character, peculiarity kezdjen tanulni
1. build, frame, physique kezdjen tanulni
1. plump; (특히 아이가) (informal) chubby kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. generally, mostly, overall, on the whole, in general, by and large 1. Generally, the article reads very well. 2The public is generally uninformed about these diseases kezdjen tanulni
1.대체로 그 글은 아주 잘 읽힌다. 2.대중은 이 질병에 대해 대체로 정보를 갖고 있지 못하다
1. (formal) resume, continue kezdjen tanulni
1. belong to, be affiliated to[with] kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. clear, clear-cut, obvious, plain, distinct, specific; (확실하다) definite; (정확하다) precise kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. not know even a tiny bit kezdjen tanulni
1. repay (sb for sth) [명사] reward (for), [동사] reward (sb for/with sth), kezdjen tanulni
Adjective 1. haughty; arrogant; proud kezdjen tanulni
konkretny1. [형용사] particular, specific, certain kezdjen tanulni
1. lead, guide, shepherd2. lead, head kezdjen tanulni
1. (formal) designation, appointment, (formal) designate, appoint have an interview on a designated date. This area is designated for smoking kezdjen tanulni
지정된 날짜에 면접을 보다. 이곳은 흡연 구역으로 지정되어 있다
1. guidance (on), (formal) instruction; (스포츠) coaching, guide (sb through sth); (가르치다) teach, (formal) tutor, (formal) instruct; (스포츠) coach kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. avoid, dodge, sidestep, duck2. avoid, escape, duck, sidestep, get around, dodge, evade, shirk kezdjen tanulni
1. hollow; depressed; sunken; concave. kezdjen tanulni
Adjective 1. arrogant; haughty kezdjen tanulni
1. advance, proceed, go[move] forward2. progress kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. develop2. be in progress; be developed kezdjen tanulni
1. immediately, instantly, promptly, at once, right away, right off, on the spot, in an instant kezdjen tanulni