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zachodzić na siebie 1.(여럿이 포개어지다) overlap (with), (겹쳐 쌓다) stack (up) 2.(여러 일이 한꺼번에 일어나다) coincide (with), overlap (with), (formal) concur kezdjen tanulni
idiomatyczny Determiner idiomatic, used commonly kezdjen tanulni
Dezorientować Verb confuse, muddle, mix up kezdjen tanulni
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Karta kredytowa 1. credit card 나는 그것을 신용카드로 샀다 I charged it on my credit card. kezdjen tanulni
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Rodzaje 1. kind (of), sort (of), type (of), variety (of) 온갖 종류의 all kinds[sorts] of kezdjen tanulni
Równomiernie 1. evenly, equally 골고루 나누어 주다 distribute sth evenly[equally; all round] kezdjen tanulni
typowy esentative, typical kezdjen tanulni
kontrola 1.[명사] control; (규칙·규정에 의한) regulation, [동사] control; (규칙·규정에 의해) regulate kezdjen tanulni
2.(말·이야기 등을) bring up, raise; (민감한 주제를) broach 1.(속에 있던 것을) pull, take out kezdjen tanulni
przegapić 1.(잠기거나 빠지게 하다) drop 휴대전화를 물에 빠뜨렸다 I dropped the cellphone in water. 2.(함정·곤경 등에) 함정에 빠뜨리다 entrap 3.(빼놓다) omit, leave out, miss 한 가지 빠뜨린 이야기가 있다 There's one thing I left out[forgot]. kezdjen tanulni
używany used article, secondhand article kezdjen tanulni
1. set (시계·주파수 등을) adjust (sth to sth),; (채널·주파수를) tune (sth to sth)2.(음악·박자 등에)3.(부품·퍼즐 등을) assemble, piece[put] (broken pieces) together kezdjen tanulni
być opóźnionym(np samolot) Verb arrive late kezdjen tanulni
dostosowanie 1.[명사] adaptation (to), [동사] adapt (oneself) to, adjust (to), accommodate (oneself) (to), acclimate (to); (익숙해지다) get used to kezdjen tanulni
1.(pocket) notebook, (Brit) jotter kezdjen tanulni
odprowadzać Verb send off kezdjen tanulni
ostrzeżenie 1.(주의를 주다) [명사] warning (of/against), caution, [동사] warn, caution ((sb) against sth), give a warning 사전 경고 prior[advance] warning kezdjen tanulni
One's own intention is the most important thing. kezdjen tanulni
więzienie 1. prison, jail, lockup 감옥에 가다 go to jail kezdjen tanulni
1. scolding, (informal) telling-off kezdjen tanulni
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Rada 1. advice, recommendation, (formal) counsel, advise, give (sb) advice (on/about), recommend, (formal) counsel 충고를 듣다 listen to sb's advice kezdjen tanulni
Verb hint, suggest, imply kezdjen tanulni
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PROPOSITIVE SENTENCE/ 1. request sentence 말하는 사람이 듣는 사람에게 어떤 것을 같이 하자고 요청하는 문장. A sentence that requests someone to do something together. 청유문이 성립하다. kezdjen tanulni
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[명사] affirmation, [동사] (formal) affirm, acknowledge kezdjen tanulni
Lokalizacja 1.(자리, 장소) [명사] position, location, site; (부동산 등의) situation, [동사] be located[situated]; (도시·국가 등이) lie2.(지위, 입장) [명사] position, place kezdjen tanulni
1. obligation duty,; (책임) responsibility, liability 법률상의 의무 legal obligation[responsibility] kezdjen tanulni
(문법) a declarative sentence, an assertive sentence kezdjen tanulni
bądź sceptyczny 1. give a skeptical response kezdjen tanulni
rola 1.(직책, 임무) role, part2.(드라마·영화 등의 역) role, part kezdjen tanulni
1. Verb build, develop 2. Verb foster, promote, instigate(kreowac atmosfere) kezdjen tanulni
przejście 1.[동사] pass (through) kezdjen tanulni
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klasa 1. Noun rank, position 2. Noun grade, level, rank 3. Noun rank, title kezdjen tanulni
1. (학교의) (Am) grade, (Brit) mark, (Brit) results 2. (업무·경기 등의) record, (사업 등의) results kezdjen tanulni
1.(특산물) (Am) specialty, (Brit) speciality2.(어떤 지방의 이름난 사물)3.(특이한 사람) byc z czegos znanym kezdjen tanulni
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1.[명사] (대학의) (Am) major; (잘 하는 분야) (Am) specialty, (Brit) speciality [동사] (대학에서) specialize in, (Am) major in, (Brit) read kezdjen tanulni
uzdolnienie 1. aptitude (for)(predyspozycja) kezdjen tanulni
połączyć be united, be combined kezdjen tanulni
1.(몸에) keep, carry2.(마음·성품·의미 등을) have, keep3.(본래의 모양을 간직하다) have, keep, (formal) retain kezdjen tanulni
1. easily, often 그녀는 툭하면 화를 낸다 She loses her temper easily[over nothing] kezdjen tanulni
rodzaj(kind, breed, category, type) kezdjen tanulni
Oprócz 1. besides, further, (formal) moreover, (formal) furthermore, in addition kezdjen tanulni
odpowiedni orrespond to, be equivalent to, be tantamount to kezdjen tanulni
regulować 1. Verb prescribe 2. Verb stipulate kezdjen tanulni
Urządzenie. equipment, installation, device, equip, install, set up, fit2. (조직, 제도) kezdjen tanulni
kontrast 1.(비교하다) [동사] compare (sth with/to sth), check (sth against/with sth)2.(서로 달라서 대비되다) [명사, 동사] contrast kezdjen tanulni
szczegółowe detailed, definite, concrete, specific kezdjen tanulni
zastosować 1.(닿게 하다) put, touch2.(덧대다) apply, fix, put sth over[on] sth3.(공급하다) supply (sth to sb / sb with sth), provide (sth for sb / sb with sth); (자금·경비 등을) pay, finance kezdjen tanulni
Patrzeć na 1. look (at), stare (at), gaze (at) 위를 쳐다보다 look[gaze; glance] up kezdjen tanulni