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He is dying to go on a trip kezdjen tanulni
ache all over one's body (from fatigue/cold) kezdjen tanulni
1. 몸이 몹시 피로하여 나는 병2. (비유적) kezdjen tanulni
Adjective 1. tired; exhausted; fatigued kezdjen tanulni
1. pile; heap; stack2. pile; mountain; stack kezdjen tanulni
1. pile, stack, heap2. build, construct, erect, set up kezdjen tanulni
민주주의의 토대를 쌓다 lay the foundation[groundwork] for democracy돌을 쌓다 heap up stones 담을 쌓다 build[set up] a wall 폭넓은 지식을 쌓다 build extensive knowledge
HARDLY Adverb 1. easily; anytime soon It hardly stopped raining. It has rarely been effective. There was little sign of recovery from the disease. There was little sign of resolution. kezdjen tanulni
좀처럼 비가 그치지 않았다. 좀처럼 약효가 나타나지를 않았다. 좀처럼 병을 회복할 기미가 없었다. 좀처럼 해결될 기미가 보이지 않았다.
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1. public[popular, general] opinion; (대중들의 감정) public sentiment kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
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거듭되는 불행 a series of misfortunes실수가 거듭되다 repeat mistakes 거듭된 실패를 극복하다 overcome repeated failures
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kezdjen tanulni
한국은 빠르게 고령화 사회로 접어들고 있다 Korea is rapidly becoming an aging society.
1. extensive, large-scale, grand-scale kezdjen tanulni
대대적인 구조 조정을 단행하다 carry out a large-scale restructuring
1. the environment2. environment, circumstances, surroundings, climate, milieu kezdjen tanulni
1. [명사] public relations ((abb.) PR), publicity, [동사] publicize, promote kezdjen tanulni
홍보 포스터를 제작하다 print ad posters 홍보 효과를 톡톡히 보다 see great results from promoting (sth) 영화를 홍보하다 promote[publicize] a movie 소비자들에게 신제품을 홍보하다 promote new products to customers
Verb 1. increase; be raised; rise kezdjen tanulni
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1. [명사] registration; (수업 등에) enrollment, [동사] register; (수업 등에) enroll, sign up (for) kezdjen tanulni
1. large scale, grand scale, big scale kezdjen tanulni
1. demonstration, protest, demo, demonstrate, protest kezdjen tanulni
2. [예문] 지금 나한테 시위하는 거야? Are you against me?
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There was a large scale protest against it kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. be active; perform actively; play an active role kezdjen tanulni
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1. statistics, (informal) stats statistical data kezdjen tanulni
1. example, instance, case; (전례, 선례) precedent kezdjen tanulni
children, sons and daughters kezdjen tanulni
1. [명사] education, training; (학교교육) schooling, [동사] educate, train kezdjen tanulni
1. result, outcome, fruit(s), product kezdjen tanulni
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1. go to war2. go to a sports game kezdjen tanulni
1. the final(s), (Am) play-off kezdjen tanulni
1.(곡식·열매 등을) harvest, gather (in)2.(세금·회비 등을) collect, gather; (강제적으로) (formal) exact (=걷다)3.(결과·성과 등을) achieve, gain kezdjen tanulni
1.(판결을 내림) judgment, judge2.(운동경기의) referee, umpire, judge kezdjen tanulni
1.[명사] judgment, decision, adjudication; (배심원의) verdict, [동사] judge, decide, adjudicate (upon), (formal) adjudge kezdjen tanulni
Adjective 1. unfair; unjust kezdjen tanulni
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빈칸을 채우다 fill in the blanks
Adjective 1. feeling mortified; feeling chagrined Feeling distressed and frustrated because one has suffered damage although one did not do anything wrong. kezdjen tanulni
1. come to nothing2. be brought to naught kezdjen tanulni
1. pretend not to see 2. blink[wink] at 3. ignore[cut] in[on] the street kezdjen tanulni