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separatista, escapada, escindido kezdjen tanulni
ruptura, colapso, desglose kezdjen tanulni
descubrimiento, adelanto, avance kezdjen tanulni
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La tele está erosionando el barrio kezdjen tanulni
TV is eroding the neighbourhood
Normalmente llevo ropa holgada para sentirme cómoda kezdjen tanulni
I normally wear baggy clothes to feel comfortable.
informal, casual, relajado (adj) - clothes are comfortable and suitable for wearing in informal situations No es una ocasión formal, así que puedes ponerte algo casual. kezdjen tanulni
It’s not a formal occasion, so you can just wear something casual.
disfraz (n) - clothes that you wear at a fancy dress party, pretending to be a famous person, an animal, a character from a story, etc. En la fiesta había un premio al mejor disfraz de celebridad. kezdjen tanulni
At the party there was a prize for the best celebrity costume.
código de vestimenta, etiqueta (n) - a set of rules about what you should wear in a particular place or at a particular event El código de vestimenta en el trabajo es informal inteligente. kezdjen tanulni
The dress code at work is smart casual.
to be correct, suitable or sensible in relation to people in general or a particular group of people - "para encajar con la multitud" A algunas personas les gusta ser notadas en lugar de simplemente encajar con la multitud. kezdjen tanulni
Some people like to be noticed rather than just fit in with the crowd.
conjunto de ropa - a set of clothes that are worn together Necesito un traje nuevo para mi fiesta de cumpleaños kezdjen tanulni
I need a new outfit for my birthday party.
desaliñado, descuidado, dejado (adj) - untidy or dirty ¡No vuelvas a usar esa vieja camiseta desaliñada! kezdjen tanulni
Don’t wear that scruffy old T-shirt again!
Destacar entre la multitud - to be very different and easy to notice Su sentido del vestido lo hace destacar entre la multitud. kezdjen tanulni
to stand out from the crowd His dress sense makes him stand out from the crowd.
seguidor de tendencias - someone who behaves in a way that is in fashion Si haces lo que hacen los demás, entonces eres un seguidor de tendencias. kezdjen tanulni
If you do what everybody else does then you’re just a trend follower.
creador de tendencias - someone or something that starts a new fashion Ella siempre ha sido una pionera (creadora de tendencias) entre sus amigos. kezdjen tanulni
She’s always been a trendsetter amongst her friends.
uniforme - a set of clothes that you wear to show that you are part of a particular organisation or school Tiene que usar su uniforme escolar todos los días. kezdjen tanulni
He has to wear his school uniform every day.
a la larga, a largo plazo - not immediately but at some time in the future Eliminar puestos de trabajo podría resultar más caro a largo plazo si tenemos que contratar autónomos. kezdjen tanulni
Cutting jobs could be more expensive in the long run if we have to hire freelancers.
fuera de la plataforma (disponible) - available to buy without being ordered or designed for a particular customer La empresa podría tener un paquete de software de contabilidad a medida o comprar uno listo para usar. kezdjen tanulni
The company could have a software accounting package tailor-made or buy one off the shelf.
con un presupuesto ajustado - to do something with a small amount of money Dirigen la revista con un presupuesto ajustado kezdjen tanulni
They run the magazine on a tight budget.
miseria, nada (cacahuetes) - a very small amount of money Compró su casa por una miseria y ahora vale mucho más. kezdjen tanulni
He bought his house for peanuts and it’s worth a lot more now.
sin costura, sin fisuras - changing or continuing very smoothly and without stopping Cuando llegó el nuevo jefe, fue una transición perfecta (sin fisuras) kezdjen tanulni
When the new boss came in, it was a seamless transition.
PV: to buy something as soon as it becomes available A las 10 en punto, la mayoría de las mejores ofertas se habían vendido. kezdjen tanulni
By 10 o’clock most of the best bargains had been snapped up.
hecho a medida - designed for a particular person or group of people Nos especializamos en vacaciones a medida planificadas según sus intereses y horarios. kezdjen tanulni
We specialise in tailor-made holidays planned around your interests and schedule.
tirar dinero por el desagüe - to waste money by spending it on something useless Comprar ese coche viejo era tirar dinero por el desagüe. kezdjen tanulni
throw money down the drain Buying that old car was just throwing money down the drain.
Llamar la atención de alguien Hubo una pintura que me llamó la atención. kezdjen tanulni
There was one painting that caught my eye.
Slang: Nervioso, alterado, estresado - nervous and worried Estaba demasiado nervioso para relajarme. kezdjen tanulni
I was too wound up to relax.
poco profesional, de amateur, chapucero - done or made without much skill Hizo un trabajo de aficionado al poner los estantes. kezdjen tanulni
He did an amateurish job of putting up the shelves.
bastante grande - quite big La habitación es bastante grande, así que habrá suficiente espacio. kezdjen tanulni
The room’s biggish, so there’ll be enough space.
propenso a los desastres - likely to be affected by a disaster or misfortune Mi gerente propenso a desastres rompió su teléfono y su computadora en la misma semana. kezdjen tanulni
My disaster-prone manager broke his phone and his computer in the same week.
hiperinfluyente - extremely able to influence the way people think or behave Ella es una bloguera muy influyente kezdjen tanulni
She’s a hyper-influential blogger.
reeditar - to edit something again El texto fue reeditado después de que se detectaron varios errores. kezdjen tanulni
The text was re-edited after several errors were spotted.
Super afortunado - extremely fortunate I was super-lucky to have the opportunity to meet my hero. kezdjen tanulni
I was super-lucky to have the opportunity to meet my hero.
experto en tecnología - able to understand and use technology well Necesito pedirle a alguien más conocedor de la tecnología que yo que me ayude a arreglar mi computadora. kezdjen tanulni
I need to ask someone more tech-savvy than me to help me fix my computer.
reactivar el sonido - to turn the sound back on an electronic device No reactivó el micrófono, por lo que no se grabó nada. kezdjen tanulni
He didn’t unmute the mic, so nothing was recorded.
fácil de usar - a system or piece of equipment is easy to use or understand kezdjen tanulni
Plays nervously with her hands "Ella nerviosamente cierra y abre las manos" kezdjen tanulni
She nervously clasps and unclasps her hands
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the prospective bridegroom
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everything is at a standstill
She finally starts to cry - "los ojos llenos de lagrimas" kezdjen tanulni
el tipo, el hombre, el sujeto kezdjen tanulni
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Él es un ingeniero profesional. kezdjen tanulni
He is a professional engineer.
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Es uno de los mejores músicos. kezdjen tanulni
He's one of the best musicians.
Mi farmacéutico me ha recomendado un jarabe para la tos. kezdjen tanulni
My pharmacist has recommended a great cough syrup to me.
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Se unió a un partido político. kezdjen tanulni
He joined a political party.
Nuestro equipo consiste de 10 programadores con experiencia. kezdjen tanulni
Our team consists of 10 experienced programmers.
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diseñador web (profesión) kezdjen tanulni
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at weekend (on weeken - USA)
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El bebé escupió la comida. kezdjen tanulni
The baby spat out the food.
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empleado, recepcionista, dependiente, funcionario kezdjen tanulni
publicly written and talked about in an admiring way (aclamado-ovacionado) Fue una producción aclamada internacionalmente, elogiada por la crítica mundial. kezdjen tanulni
It was an internationally acclaimed production, praised by critics worldwide.
very bad or disappointing (pésimo, espantoso, terrible) Los chistes fueron absolutamente espantosos. kezdjen tanulni
The jokes were absolutely appalling.
extremely good (increíble, impresionante) Mi viaje alrededor del mundo fue una experiencia increíble. kezdjen tanulni
My trip around the world was an awesome experience.
using new methods or achieving new results (revolucionario-pionero) Este estudio es pionero, con muchos hallazgos nuevos sobre la diversidad de plantas. kezdjen tanulni
This study is groundbreaking, with many new findings on plant diversity.
extremely funny (graciosisimo, hilarante, regocijante, divertidísimo) Por alguna razón, encuentra sus chistes divertidos. kezdjen tanulni
For some reason, she finds his jokes hilarious.
very famous and well-known, and believed to represent a particular idea (icónico, simbólico) Sus fotografías se han convertido en imágenes icónicas de guerra. kezdjen tanulni
His photographs have become iconic images of war.
not as good or important as some people believe (sobrevalorado) La película está tan sobrevalorada y simplemente no está a la altura de su publicidad. kezdjen tanulni
The film is so overrated and just doesn’t live up to its publicity.
intended to impress other people but seeming false or too deliberate (pretenciosas) La mayoría de las canciones tienen letras tan pretenciosas. kezdjen tanulni
Most of the songs have such pretentious lyrics.
involving repeating the same action over long periods of time (repetitivo) Gran parte de mi trabajo es muy repetitivo y simplemente hago las mismas cosas todo el día. kezdjen tanulni
A lot of my work is very repetitive and I’m just doing the same things all day long.
very attractive, impressive or good (sensacional, sensacionalista, amarillo) La mejor parte de la actuación fue el canto, ¡que fue simplemente sensacional! kezdjen tanulni
The best part of the performance was the singing, which was just sensational!
boring and continuing for too long (tedioso) Fue un viaje tan tedioso sin nada que ver o hacer todo el tiempo que estuvimos viajando. kezdjen tanulni
It was such a tedious journey with nothing to see or do the whole time we were travelling.
interesting in a way that makes you think of new ideas or that changes your attitude to something (estimulante, provocar el pensamiento) Fue un documental increíblemente estimulante. kezdjen tanulni
It was an incredibly thought-provoking documentary.
different from what most people consider to be usual or normal (poco convencional) Tiene un sentido de la vestimenta realmente poco convencional. kezdjen tanulni
He has a really unconventional dress sense.
especially a performer, writer or sports player, most people do not recognise how good that person or thing really is (subestimado) kezdjen tanulni
PV: to discuss something with someone in order to get their opinion and make a decision (dar ideas - rebotar ideas) Si tiene un momento, ¿puedo darle algunas ideas? kezdjen tanulni
If you have a moment, can I bounce a few ideas off you?
PV: to get a new idea that helps you to do or create something (inspirarte en algo Me inspiré en los surrealistas al pintar y copié algunos elementos de su estilo. kezdjen tanulni
draw inspiration from something I drew inspiration from the surrealists when painting and copied some elements from their style.
PV: to get a new way of thinking about something (obtener una nueva perspectiva de algo) Tuve una nueva perspectiva de la vida cuando me tomé un descanso del trabajo kezdjen tanulni
get a fresh perspective on something I got a fresh perspective on life when I took a break from work.
PV: to start thinking or feeling appropriately for a task ahead (entrar en el estado mentar correcto) La meditación me ayuda a entrar en el estado mental adecuado para trabajar. kezdjen tanulni
get into the right state of mind Meditation helps me get into the right state of mind for work.
PV: to reach a point where you are physically or mentally unable to make progress or to continue doing something (golpear una pared) La maestra de Emily dice que ha chocado contra una pared con su trabajo escolar. kezdjen tanulni
Emily’s teacher says she has hit a wall with her schoolwork.
PV: to spend most of your time doing something or thinking about it (sumergirse en algo) Sandra se sumergió en el trabajo para intentar olvidar sus problemas en casa. kezdjen tanulni
immerse yourself in something Sandra immersed herself in work to try and forget her problems at home.
PV: to make someone more creative in a very active and successful way (poner en marcha la creatividad de alguien) Salir a correr normalmente pone en marcha mi creatividad. kezdjen tanulni
jump start someone’s creativity Going for a run usually jump starts my creativity.
PV: to take control of something such as a plan or a problem and add your own ideas in order to make it successful (correr con una idea) Tomemos esta idea y sigamos con ella kezdjen tanulni
Let’s pick up this idea and run with it.
PV: to behave according to your natural ability to know what to do in a particular situation (confía en tus instintos) En caso de duda, confíe en sus instintos. kezdjen tanulni
If in doubt, trust your instincts.
PV: to start a project with no pre-set ideas about what to do or how to do it (trabaja desde un lienzo en blanco) Nunca había hecho algo como esto antes, así que estaba trabajando desde un lienzo en blanco. kezdjen tanulni
I’d never done anything like this before, so I was working from a blank canvas.
extremely enthusiastic and determined to achieve success (muy motivado) Contamos con profesores muy motivados que son entusiastas y serios con su trabajo. kezdjen tanulni
We have very highlymotivated teachers who are enthusiastic and serious about their work.
happening late at night (tarde en la noche, de madrugada) Compré algunos bocadillos en una tienda nocturna. kezdjen tanulni
I bought some snacks at a late-night store.
willing to consider new ideas (mente abierta, libre de prejuicios, imparcial) Tiene una mente muy abierta a la hora de probar nuevos alimentos. kezdjen tanulni
She’s very open-minded about trying new food.
done for only part of the time that an activity is usually performed (de media jornada, a media jornada) Necesito un trabajo a tiempo parcial, así que todavía tengo tiempo para estudiar cuando no estoy trabajando. kezdjen tanulni
I need a part-time job so I still have time to study when I’m not working.
working for yourself instead of for an employer and paid directly by the people who you provide a product or service to (trabajador por cuenta propia, autónomo) kezdjen tanulni
not easily upset or offended by what other people say about you (insensible - tener la piel dura)) Hay que tener la piel dura para ser policía. kezdjen tanulni
You have to be thick-skinned to be a police officer.
a well-paid person receives a good amount of money for work (bien pagado) Está muy bien pagada y tiene uno de los salarios más altos de la empresa. kezdjen tanulni
She’s very well-paid with one of the highest salaries in the company.
known by people in all parts of the world (mundialmente famoso) El hotel es mundialmente famoso y ha recibido a muchas celebridades. kezdjen tanulni
The hotel is worldfamous and has hosted many celebrities.
considered ordinary or normal and accepted or used by most people (convencional, corriente principal) kezdjen tanulni
a set of principles that people use to decide what is right and what is wrong (ética) kezdjen tanulni
to experience an increase in activity, interest or growth (auge) kezdjen tanulni
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Hemos abierto 200 tiendas de ropa hasta el momento. kezdjen tanulni
We've opened 200 clothing shops so far.
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discuss the price (regatear) kezdjen tanulni
meter la ropa - reducir el tamaño kezdjen tanulni
to move around in a large group (pululando) kezdjen tanulni
to push sb/sth in a rough way (empujón/empollón) kezdjen tanulni
to push your fingers or another object into sb/sth (dar un toque, codazo) kezdjen tanulni
to hold your arms and legs close to your body (acurrucarse) kezdjen tanulni
¿Cómo puedo saber si la vela principal está desgastada y no se puede reparar? kezdjen tanulni
How do I know whether a mainsail is worn out beyond repair?
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propia autoestima, propia valía kezdjen tanulni
small group of people who seem unfriendly to other people (pandilla, camarilla) kezdjen tanulni
to decorate sb/sth with sth (engalanada) kezdjen tanulni
without realising or being aware of one's action (inconscientemente) kezdjen tanulni
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Expr: éxito de la noche a la mañana kezdjen tanulni
Idiom: To imagine oneself in the situation or circumstances of another person, so as to understand or empathize with their perspective, opinion, or point of view. Solo ponte en mis zapatos un momento. kezdjen tanulni
Just put yourself in my shoes a minute.
Idiom: Overconfident in one's importance, skill, or authority; behaving as if one is more important or influential than one actually is. se le subio a la cabeza Se ha vuelto demasiado grande para sus botas desde que consiguió ese ascenso. kezdjen tanulni
He is too big for his boots He's gotten too big for his boots ever since he got that promotion.
Idiom: To not reveal or discuss something publicly. Mantén esto bajo tu sombrero por ahora, pero Greg es definitivamente el que consigue el ascenso. kezdjen tanulni
Keep this under your hat for now, but Greg is definitely the one getting the promotion.
Idiom: To be in charge in a relationship or family. The phrase is typically applied to a woman. Trousers were historically only worn by men, who were traditionally the decision makers. Creo que es bastante obvio quién lleva los pantalones en esa familia kezdjen tanulni
I think it's pretty obvious who wears the trousers in that family
Idiom: To reduce, restrict, or limit one's budget; to live more modestly or make financial sacrifices. Vivir por mi cuenta durante la universidad me enseñó a apretarme el cinturón y arreglármelas no mucho. kezdjen tanulni
We'll have to tighten our belts Living on my own during college taught me how to tighten my belt and get by on not very much.
Idiom: An obsession, often with something that is strange or a source of agitation. Papá ha tenido una abeja en su sombrero acerca de mudarse a un clima más cálido. kezdjen tanulni
She's got a bee in her bonet Dad has had a bee in his bonnet about moving to a warmer climate.
Idiom: To remain calm and wait for something. No te quites la camisa, amigo, la pizza llegará pronto. kezdjen tanulni
Keep your shirt on, dude, the pizza will be here soon enough.
junk e-mail sent to many people at once, usually involving advertising or offering services kezdjen tanulni
Pieces of equipment, such as the computer, keyboard, webcam, etc. kezdjen tanulni
When your computer suddenly stops working kezdjen tanulni
A program which protects your computer from damage by other users kezdjen tanulni
A way of marking an internet website so that you can find it easily kezdjen tanulni
A permanent high-speed internet connection (banda ancha) kezdjen tanulni
This thing on your screen can indicate two things: where your mouse pointer is or where the next character typed will be entered in a line of text kezdjen tanulni
To move a file from your computer onto the internet kezdjen tanulni
To replace something with a newer version kezdjen tanulni
A word, phrase o rimage that you can click on to move to a new document or a new section within the current document kezdjen tanulni
To push one of the buttons on the mouse kezdjen tanulni
The area where you type the address of the web site you want to view kezdjen tanulni
To move a file from the internet to your computer kezdjen tanulni
An online personal diary with thoughts and opinions as well as links to other websites kezdjen tanulni
a program you use to view websites kezdjen tanulni
A small picture on the screen that shows the type of file or programme kezdjen tanulni
art, music, literature, etc. which is easy to understand and enjoy (accesible) kezdjen tanulni
made from clay baked at a high temperature so that it had become hard (cerámica) kezdjen tanulni
the state of behaving in a strange and unusual way, sometimes in a humorous way (excentricidad) kezdjen tanulni
a piece of art that consists of several objects or picutres arranged to produce a particular effect (instalación artística) kezdjen tanulni
to make sth old look new again by repairing and improving it, especially a building (renovar) kezdjen tanulni
the activity of decorating cloth with coloured stitches (bordar) kezdjen tanulni
a structure with a curved top and straight sides that you can walk through (arco) kezdjen tanulni
friendship and trust between people in a group (amistad, camaradería) kezdjen tanulni
a large round hole in the ground (cráter) kezdjen tanulni
one of the first people to do something important (pionero) kezdjen tanulni
a very large hole dug in the ground in order to obtain a particular substance (pozo, hoyo) kezdjen tanulni
a place where stone is dug out of the ground (cantera, mina) kezdjen tanulni
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retruécano, juegos de palabras kezdjen tanulni
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to increase in quantity over a period of time (acumular) Se ha ido acumulando evidencia médica de los beneficios del procedimiento. kezdjen tanulni
Medical evidence for the benefits of the procedure has been accumulating.
substances can be separated into very small parts by bacteria so that they are not harmful to the environment (biodegradable) kezdjen tanulni
balances the amount of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide it produces with actions that are designed to protect the environment, for example planting trees or using less electricity (carbon-neutral) La compañía apunta a ser totalmente neutra en carbono para el próximo año. kezdjen tanulni
The company aims to be fully carbonneutral by next year.
to use a supply of something such as time, energy or fuel (consumir) Las nuevas bombillas consumen menos electricidad. kezdjen tanulni
The new light bulbs consume less electricity.
to cut through the trunk of a tree in order to make it fall to the ground (talar) Los árboles todavía se talan a un ritmo alarmante. kezdjen tanulni
Trees are still being cut down at an alarming rate.
a reduction in the amount of something or the number of things (agotamiento, reducción, merma) El agotamiento de los bosques puede significar que el país corre el riesgo de perder todos sus bosques kezdjen tanulni
The depletion of forests may mean the country risks losing all its woodlands.
the process of making use of something so that you gain as much as possible from it (explotación) La explotación de los recursos naturales para el crecimiento económico suele ser problemática. kezdjen tanulni
The exploitation of natural resources for economic growth is often problematic.
to balance the effect of something, with the result that there is no advantage or disadvantage (compensar, contrarrestar) La caída de las ventas en Tailandia se vio compensada por los buenos resultados en otros mercados. kezdjen tanulni
Falling sales in Thailand were offset by strong performances in other markets.
to put trees, plants or seeds in soil or the ground so that they will grow there (plantar) Planté un pequeño manzano en el jardín. kezdjen tanulni
I’ve planted a small apple tree in the garden.
energy and natural materials replace themselves by natural processes, so that they are never completely used up (renovable) La madera de nuestros muebles proviene de fuentes renovables. kezdjen tanulni
The wood in our furniture all comes from renewable sources.
activity sends no gas, light or heat into the air (cero emisiones) Todo se cultiva orgánicamente en una granja de cero emisiones. kezdjen tanulni
Everything is grown organically on a zero-emission farm.
to give someone the ability or opportunity to do something (habilitar, permitir) Esto permitirá a los usuarios realizar conversaciones de video en vivo kezdjen tanulni
This will enable users to conduct live video conversations.
to put someone or something into a situation where they might be harmed or damaged (poner en peligro) El hospital está acusado de poner en peligro la vida de los pacientes. kezdjen tanulni
The hospital is accused of endangering patients’ lives.
to make something bigger (engrandar, ensanchar) Envié las fotos al laboratorio para que las ampliaran kezdjen tanulni
I sent the photos back to the lab to be enlarged.
to make certain that something happens or is done (asegurar, hacer seguro) Nuestro nuevo sistema garantiza que todos reciban el pago a tiempo. kezdjen tanulni
Our new system ensures that everyone gets paid on time.
to make something the same in size, amount or importance for everyone in a place or for all the members of a group (igualar) El plan es igualar los gastos de todos los distritos escolares. kezdjen tanulni
The plan is to equalise spending for all school districts.
to make the final decisions or arrangements concerning something (finalizar) Todavía tenemos que ultimar algunos detalles. kezdjen tanulni
We still need to finalise a few details.
to make something such as a plan, system or agreement official (formalizar) El presidente francés firmó un acuerdo que formaliza la contribución de su país de 2 millones de libras. kezdjen tanulni
The French president signed an agreement formalising his country’s contribution of 2 million pounds.
to become longer or to make something longer (alargar) Las sombras empezaron a alargarse lentamente. kezdjen tanulni
The shadows slowly began to lengthen.
to make something clean by removing dirty or harmful substances from it (purificar) Las habitaciones están equipadas con sistemas que purifican el aire y el agua. kezdjen tanulni
The rooms are fitted with systems that purify the air and water.
to become shorter or to make something shorter (acortar) We propose shortening the working week from five to four days. kezdjen tanulni
We propose shortening the working week from five to four days.
to make something less complicated or difficult (simplificar) Simplifique su vida comprando en línea. kezdjen tanulni
Simplify your life by shopping online.
to become solid or to make something solid (solidificar) Cuando la mezcla comience a solidificarse, dale forma de bolas. kezdjen tanulni
When the mixture begins to solidify, shape it into balls.
to make something stronger so that it will take more weight or force without breaking (fortalecer, reforzar) Será necesario reforzar el puente. kezdjen tanulni
The bridge will need to be strengthened.
to turn something such as a screw or a lid until it is tight and you cannot turn it any more (apretar) Necesito apretar la rueda trasera de mi bicicleta. kezdjen tanulni
I need to tighten the back wheel on my bike.
to form a picture of someone or something in your mind (visualizar) Intente visualizar cómo se verá la casa cuando esté terminada. kezdjen tanulni
Try to visualise how the house will look when it’s finished.
to provide advantages (traer beneficios) El nuevo centro deportivo traerá beneficios duraderos a la comunidad. kezdjen tanulni
The new sports centre will bring lasting benefits to the community.
to make a situation worse instead of better (hacer más daño que bien) El ejercicio intenso a menudo puede hacer más daño que bien. kezdjen tanulni
Strenuous exercise can often do more harm than good.
has tu mejor esfuerzo (haz tu mejor esfuerzo) kezdjen tanulni
to make a myth continue (perpetuar un mito) Los estereotipos solo perpetúan mitos inútiles. kezdjen tanulni
Stereotypes only perpetuate unhelpful myths.
to take the opportunity to take action before other people do (tomar la iniciativa) Nuestros oponentes han tomado la iniciativa en este ámbito. kezdjen tanulni
Our opponents have seized the initiative in this area.
to act quickly in order to use an opportunity that may not be available later (aprovechar la oportunidad) Aprovecha la oportunidad de visitar esta playa antes de que se vuelva más famosa. kezdjen tanulni
Seize the opportunity to visit this beach before it becomes more famous.
to develop into something that can be recognised (tomar forma) La idea empezó a tomar forma hace unos dos años. kezdjen tanulni
The idea began to take shape about two years ago.
to make the effort to do something (tomar el tiempo) Tómese el tiempo para aprender algunas frases útiles antes de viajar al extranjero. kezdjen tanulni
Take the time to learn a few useful phrases before you go abroad.
the point in time when sth very bad or very good is about to happen (borde, orilla) kezdjen tanulni
impossible to change or stop (irrevocable) kezdjen tanulni
using methods that do not harm the environment (sostenible) kezdjen tanulni
original and showing a lot of imagination (visionario) kezdjen tanulni
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amarrar, atracar, echar amarres kezdjen tanulni
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someone who gets an advantage from a situation (beneficiario) kezdjen tanulni
false or wrong belief or idea (espejismos, imaginación, ilusión óptica) kezdjen tanulni
a way of thinking about things (mentalidad) kezdjen tanulni
a child whose parents have died (huérfano) kezdjen tanulni
to make sth such as a situation or process continue, especially one that is wrong, unfair or dangerous (perpetuar) kezdjen tanulni
used about very strong feeling (profundo) kezdjen tanulni
someone who receives sth (receptante) kezdjen tanulni
hervidor, cafetera, tetera kezdjen tanulni
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Pondré la tetera a calentar y prepararé un poco de té. kezdjen tanulni
I'll put the kettle on and make us some tea.
a creature in science fiction stories that is part human and part machine (ciborg) kezdjen tanulni
a small metal or carbon object inside an electrical cell or a battery that electricity flows through. There are two electrode, one positive and one negative (electrodo) kezdjen tanulni
the part at the back of your eye that sends liht signals to your brain, where they are changed into images (retina) kezdjen tanulni
person is intelligent and usually young and likely to do well at school or in their careers (brillante) Como uno de los estudiantes más brillantes de la clase, generalmente obtiene las mejores calificaciones. kezdjen tanulni
As one of the brightest students in the class he usually gets the best grades.
to become or to cause someone to become, less angry or excited (enfriarse, calmarse) Intenta calmarte y pensar racionalmente. kezdjen tanulni
Just try to cool down and think rationally.
to say things to support an opinion that is being criticised (defiende tu posición) Tuvo que defender su posición cuando su colega no estuvo de acuerdo. kezdjen tanulni
She had to defend her position when her colleague disagreed.
someone with a fiery temper becomes angry very easily and quickly (carácter fuerte) Tenga cuidado con cómo le habla, ya que tiene un temperamento feroz. kezdjen tanulni
Be careful how you speak to him, as he’s got a fiery temper.
becoming angry very easily (irascible) Es demasiado irascible, realmente necesita controlarse a sí mismo kezdjen tanulni
He is too hot-tempered – he really needs to control himself.
not knowing very much about something, because other people are keeping it secret from you (en la oscuridad) sin saber mucho sobre algo, porque otras personas te lo están ocultando kezdjen tanulni
not knowing very much about something, because other people are keeping it secret from you
to use the time with the aim of gaining a future advantage (invertir tiempo) Ella invirtió mucho tiempo en elegir el curso correcto. kezdjen tanulni
She invested a lot of time into choosing the right course.
to provide new information that helps you understand something (arrojar luz sobre) Tenía la esperanza de que pudiera arrojar algo de luz sobre el problema. kezdjen tanulni
I had hoped that he would be able to shed some light on the problem.
to refuse even to consider something such as an idea or a plan (derribar, echar abajo) Derribó todas las propuestas que le presentamos. kezdjen tanulni
He shot down every proposal that we presented to him.
remain calm and relaxed (sigue así) Es importante mantener la calma incluso si te provocan. kezdjen tanulni
It’s important to stay cool even if you’re provoked.
to decide that something is true after looking at all the evidence you have (concluir) Después de examinar toda la evidencia, concluimos que su afirmación era falsa. kezdjen tanulni
After examining all the evidence, we concluded that his claim was false.
to decide that something is true after looking at all the evidence you have (realizar un experimento) Después de examinar todas las pruebas, llegamos a la conclusión de que su afirmación era falsa. kezdjen tanulni
After examining all the evidence, we concluded that his claim was false.
to show clearly that something is true or that it exists (demostrar) El estudio demuestra que la publicidad de los cigarrillos anima a los niños fumar kezdjen tanulni
The study demonstrates that cigarette advertising does encourage children to smoke.
information that you discover or opinions that you form after doing research (recomendaciones, fallo) El gobierno parece haber ignorado las conclusiones de su propio informe kezdjen tanulni
The government seems to have ignored the findings of its own report.
to suggest a possible explanation for something based on the information you have, but without knowing whether the explanation is really true (hipotetizar) Sin testigos, la policía solo puede hacer una hipótesis sobre lo que sucedió exactamente. kezdjen tanulni
With no witnesses, the police can only hypothesise as to what exactly happened.
someone who takes part in something (partícipe, participante)) Se argumentó que participó voluntariamente en el crimen. kezdjen tanulni
It was argued that he was a willing participant in the crime.
standards of behaviour that are accepted in a particular society (normas sociales) Cada cultura desarrolla sus propias normas sociales. kezdjen tanulni
Each culture develops its own social norms.
to consider or discuss why something has happened or what might happen (especular) Solo podemos especular sobre las razones de su resignación repentina. kezdjen tanulni
We can only speculate on the reasons for his sudden resignation.
likely to forget things or to think about something different from what you should be thinking about (despistado, abstraído) kezdjen tanulni
the ability to use good judgement and make sensible decisions (sentido común) Usemos un poco de sentido común para resolver este problema. kezdjen tanulni
Let’s use a little common sense to solve this problem.
someone who is curious wants to find out about something (curioso, raro) Los niños sienten curiosidad por los animales y cómo ellos viven. kezdjen tanulni
Children are curious about animals and how they live.
someone who is eccentric often behaves in slightly strange or unusual ways (excéntrico) A veces actúa de manera poco convencional, por lo que la gente la describe como excéntrica. kezdjen tanulni
She acts very unconventionally sometimes so people describe her as eccentric.
the moment where you find the answer to a problem (momento de inspiración) el momento en el que encuentras la respuesta a un problema kezdjen tanulni
the moment where you find the answer to a problem
to think about something too much or in too much detail (pensar demasiado) Enamorarse debería ser natural, no pensarlo demasiado. kezdjen tanulni
Falling in love should be natural – don’t overthink it.
to try to deal with a problem or difficulty (solucionar problemas) Trajeron a alguien de fuera de la empresa para ayudar a solucionar el problema. kezdjen tanulni
They brought someone in from outside the company to help troubleshoot.
a belief that something that you want to be true is true (ilusiones) Estaba segura de que él la había perdonado, ¿o era solo una ilusión? kezdjen tanulni
She was sure he’d forgiven her – or was that just wishful thinking?
someone who is ready to help you, especially against someone else who is causing problems for you (aliado) Si vas a tener éxito en este trabajo necesitará aliados. kezdjen tanulni
If you’re going to succeed in this job you will need allies.
to work with other people to achieve a result that is good for everyone involved (cooperar) La gente local decidió cooperar con las autoridades en su investigación. kezdjen tanulni
Local people decided to cooperate with the authorities in their investigation.
to organise the different parts of a job or plan so that the people involved work together effectively (coordinar) Un alto funcionario de la embajada está coordinando esfuerzos para liberar a los cautivos kezdjen tanulni
A senior embassy official is coordinating efforts to free the captives.
to be better than someone else at doing something (exceder, superarse) Los niños estaban tratando de superarse unos a otros. kezdjen tanulni
The kids were trying to outdo each other.
to defeat or gain an advantage over someone by being more clever or skilful than they are (superar en la táctica) Cuando se dio cuenta de que había ha sido superado, concedió la derrota kezdjen tanulni
When he realised he had been outmanoeuvred, he conceded defeat
if one group outnumbers another, there are more in the first group than in the second (superar numéricamente) A pesar de ser superados en número, ellos lograron defenderse con valentía kezdjen tanulni
Despite being outnumbered, they managed to fight back bravely.
to play much better than your opponent in a sport (jugar mejor que) Estaban completamente superado por el todo el partido y perdió mucho. kezdjen tanulni
They were completely outplayed for the whole match and lost heavily.
to run faster than someone else (correr más que) No sirve de nada intentar dejar atrás a un oso. Es mejor hacerse el muerto. kezdjen tanulni
It’s no use trying to outrun a bear. It’s better to play dead.
to gain an advantage over someone, especially by using a clever or dishonest trick (burlar, ser más listo que, ser más astuto) Los criminales burló a la policía bloqueando su Ruta de escape. kezdjen tanulni
The criminals outsmarted the police by blocking their escape route.
to be more important, useful or valuable than something else (pesar más que, tener más valor que)) Los posibles beneficios superar el riesgos involucrados. kezdjen tanulni
The possible benefits outweigh the risks involved.
to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem (resolver, triunfar, vencer) Que puedo hacer para superar mi miedo de rechazo? kezdjen tanulni
What can I do to overcome my fear of rejection?
to be the strongest influence or element in a situation (prevalecer, imperar, predominar, triunfar) Esperamos que prevalezca el sentido común y que pronto se alcance un acuerdo kezdjen tanulni
We hope that common sense will prevail and an agreement will soon be reached.
a person, team or business that competes with another (rival) Ella anotó el doble de muchos puntos como ella rival más cercano. kezdjen tanulni
She scored twice as many points as her nearest rival.
to accept or admit that something exists, is true or is real (reconocer, agradecer, admitir) Ella no va a reconocer que hay un problema kezdjen tanulni
She won’t acknowledge that there’s a problem.
to say that something is true or that someone has done something wrong or illegal, even though this has not been proved (alegar, declarar) La defensa alegó que ella estaba es cada de su hermana cuando kezdjen tanulni
The defence alleges that she was at her sister’s house when the crime happened
to state firmly that something is true (afirmar, asegurar, hacer valer, imponer) El govierno afirmó que no hay dinero disponible kezdjen tanulni
The governor asserted that no more money would be available.
to proudly tell other people about what you or someone connected with you has done or can do, or about something you own, especially in order to make them admire you (presumir, alardear, jactarse) Él está siempre jactandose o alardeando de sus maravillosos logros deportivos kezdjen tanulni
He’s always boasting about his great sporting achievements.
to explain something more clearly so that it is easier to understand (aclarar, clarificar) ¿puedes aclarar tus comentarios? kezdjen tanulni
Could you clarify your remarks?
to decide that something is true after looking at all the evidence you have (concluir, deducir, finalizar) El informe concluyó que una recesión mundial era poco probable. kezdjen tanulni
The report concluded that a world recession was unlikely.
to think that something is probably not true or that it probably does not exist (duda, incertidumbre) Algunas personas dudan de mi habilidad pero probaré que se equivocan kezdjen tanulni
Some people doubt my ability but I will prove them wrong.
to suggest that you think something without saying it directly (implicar, insinuar, dar a entender) El doctor ha estresado que sus comentarios no implican criticar el estudio kezdjen tanulni
The doctor has stressed that her comments do not imply criticism of the study
to tell someone to do something, especially officially or as their employer (instruir, enseñar, dar intrucciones, ilustrar) Instruyó a sus hombres para recopilar información sobre los movimientos de tropas kezdjen tanulni
He instructed his men to collect information about troop movements
to consider or discuss why something has happened or what might happen (especular) Solo podemos especular sobre las razones de su resignación repentina kezdjen tanulni
We can only speculate on the reasons for his sudden resignation
to advise someone very strongly about what action or attitude they should take (instar, incitar, recomendar) kezdjen tanulni
PV: to do something that will disadvantage you (actuar en contra de sus mejores intereses) Estarás actuando contra sus mejores intereses si no cooperas. kezdjen tanulni
act against your best interests You’ll be acting against your best interests if you don’t cooperate.
PV: feeling that you want to do something (estar inclinado a) Karen no estaba inclinada ayudar. kezdjen tanulni
Karen wasn’t inclined to help.
PV: to gently persuade someone to do something (convencer o persuadir a alguien de algo) Después de la cena, Lily estaba persuadida a cantar varias canciones. kezdjen tanulni
coax someone into something After dinner Lily was coaxed into singing several songs.
PV: to behave in a crazy, enthusiastic or violent way (volverse loco por) Los juguetes eran tan exitoso que todos los los niños se volvieron locos por ellos kezdjen tanulni
The toys were so successful that all the children went nuts for them.
PV: to encourage someone to do something (estimular animar a alguien en) sus comentarios me animaron a escribir el libro kezdjen tanulni
His comments spurred me on to write the book.
PV: to influence the way that something happens or the way that people behave (guiar a alguien hacia algo) Trato de dirigir mi niños hacia alimentos más saludables kezdjen tanulni
steer someone towards something I try to steer my children towards healthier foods.
PV: someone’s ability or a supply of information, you use it or get some benefit from it (aprovechar algo) Hay una oferta de trabajadores calificados que puede aprovechar. kezdjen tanulni
There is a supply of skilled workers that they can tap into.
friend (american english) kezdjen tanulni
sth that makes you feel less unhappy or disappointed (consuelo, consolación) kezdjen tanulni
sth that makes you feel embarrased or ashamed (digno de verguenza) kezdjen tanulni
ti put an organ, group of cells, or device into the body in a medical operation (implante o implantar) kezdjen tanulni
a piece of equipment that reacts to physical changes such as the amount of heat or light that exists somewhere (sensor) kezdjen tanulni
the bony case which contains the brain (cráneo) kezdjen tanulni
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to express sth in a short clear form that gives the most important facts or ideas (encapsular) kezdjen tanulni
to eat sth quickly and often noisily (engullir tragar) kezdjen tanulni
to want sth very much and in a way that is very hard to control (pedir, implorar, rogar) kezdjen tanulni
to give someone a reason for waiting to do sth (incentivar) kezdjen tanulni
relating to or involving ordinary people, especially in politics (de base, popular) kezdjen tanulni
FIG: to finish sth that takes a long time and is difficult or boring (guillotinar, arar) kezdjen tanulni
praise, respect or admiration (reconocimiento) kezdjen tanulni
to turn over quickly or to make sth turn over (dar la vuelta) kezdjen tanulni
the side of a coin that has a picture of a head on it (la cara de la moneda) kezdjen tanulni
a situation that could possibly happen (escenario) kezdjen tanulni
the side of a coin that does not have a picture of a person on it (la cruz de la moneda) kezdjen tanulni
disappointed because you have discovered that someone or sth is not as good as you had believed (desilusionado) kezdjen tanulni
a situaation in which a person or animal suffers or dies because they do not have enough to eat (inanición, hambre) kezdjen tanulni
to become very sick or to die from a disease (sucumbir) kezdjen tanulni
someone who enters a place where they are not allowed to go (intruso) kezdjen tanulni
to go along the same path or route that someone else has gone along previously (retractar) kezdjen tanulni
experienced in a particular activity or job (experimentado) kezdjen tanulni