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przeważnie. most, the greater part, a great part, the better part, the bulk, majority2. mostly, chiefly, mainly, largely, in large part kezdjen tanulni
1. 같은 학교·회사 등의2. same period kezdjen tanulni
Uchodźca 1. refugee, displaced persons kezdjen tanulni
schody 1. stairs; (하나의) step; (난간이 있는) staircase, stairway kezdjen tanulni
1. load, burden, freight, cargo, baggage, luggage2. burden, load, nuisance kezdjen tanulni
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pożegnanie 1. [명사] farewell, parting, [동사] part (from) kezdjen tanulni
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Interpretować 1. interpret; comprehend; explain2. interpret; analyze kezdjen tanulni
w drodze. (길을 가는 중간)2. (일을 하는 중간) kezdjen tanulni
1. long weekend; (설·추석 등의) holiday kezdjen tanulni
Wędrować to roam the countryside/the streets, etc kezdjen tanulni
dojrzały 1. mature2. [예문] 성숙된 시민 의식 mature civic awareness kezdjen tanulni
1. freeze, be frozen2. freeze kezdjen tanulni
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żuć 1. be chewed; be masticated2. be belittled; be backbitten kezdjen tanulni
1. be covered[coated, blanketed] (with/in), be shrouded in kezdjen tanulni
wsparcie 1. (원조) support, backing, aid, support, back (up), shore up kezdjen tanulni
być nieobecnym 1. be absent from; stay away from kezdjen tanulni
przygotować 1. (준비하다) prepare, arrange; (제공하다) provide; (돈을 모으다) scrape up[together] kezdjen tanulni
Negocjacja 1. [명사] negotiation, talks; (임금·가격 등의) bargaining, [동사] negotiate (with); (임금·가격 등을) bargain (with) kezdjen tanulni
Wybredna 1. particular, fussy, fastidious, difficult, picky, choosy2. complicated, complex, intricate, strict, difficult, knotty kezdjen tanulni
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1. [명사] supposition, assumption, presumption, hypothesis, speculation, [동사] suppose, assume, presume; (문법) the subjunctive mood kezdjen tanulni
1. (계약 등의) condition (for), terms (of); (자격 등의) qualification (for) kezdjen tanulni
stopić. melt, thaw, fuse2. dissolve kezdjen tanulni
jakość 1. quality2. [예문] 그는 질이 나쁜 인간이다 He is a bad person. kezdjen tanulni
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1. indefinitely2. for an indefinite period kezdjen tanulni
1. for a while, for some time, for the time being, for the present, for now kezdjen tanulni
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okoliczności 1. reason, circumstances, situation, story2. beg, plead, entreat, implore kezdjen tanulni
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udekorować 1. decorate[adorn], ornament, deck out, make up2. invent, fabricate, concoct, manufacture, make up, come up with kezdjen tanulni
Wymieniać się 1. exchange, swap, interchange, exchange, swap, trade, interchange, change2. operator, switchboard operator kezdjen tanulni
zwrot 1. refund; money back kezdjen tanulni
wartościowy 1. precious, valuable; (가치를 따질 수 없을 만큼) priceless; (매우 유용하다) invaluable kezdjen tanulni
elegancki 1. elegant; graceful kezdjen tanulni
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odnosić się do 1. refer to kezdjen tanulni
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awansować 1. be promoted; be advance kezdjen tanulni
1. win to consent2. persuade kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. approve; consent; permit kezdjen tanulni
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pogarda 1. [명사] contempt, scorn, [동사] despise, scorn, look down on kezdjen tanulni
1. wrong, incorrect, false2. hopeless Everything is hopeless now kezdjen tanulni
dobrze 1. right, proper2. right, correct kezdjen tanulni
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Również 1.(또한) also, too, as well; (부정문에서) either 나 역시 그렇게 생각하고 있다 That's what I think, too. 2.(예상했던 대로) as expected, as one expected 역시 예상했던 대로다 It's just as I expected. 3.(예전과 마찬가지로) 그날도 역시 나는 7시쯤에 집을 나섰다 kezdjen tanulni
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trzecia osoba 1. third party 제삼자가 끼어들 문제가 아니다 It is not a matter for a third party to intervene in. kezdjen tanulni
idealny typ 1. ideal type 내 이상형은 키가 크고 유머 감각이 있는 남자다 My ideal type is a tall man with a sense of humor. kezdjen tanulni
podziwiać 1. admire; wonder 마음속 깊이 크게 느끼다. To feel strongly and deeply about something. 묘기에 감탄하다. kezdjen tanulni
efekt influence (on), effect (on), impact (on) kezdjen tanulni
Jednak 1. but, though, however, nevertheless 나는 가고 싶었다. 그러나 갈 수 없었다 I wanted to go, but I couldn't kezdjen tanulni
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ogólnie 1. overall, general /1. the whole (of) kezdjen tanulni
przyczyna 1. cause 원인과 결과 cause and effect kezdjen tanulni
mieć rozstrój żołądka 1. have a stomachache2. suffer from indigestion3. have an upset stomach kezdjen tanulni
1. Verb apply 2. Verb ask out 3. Verb register kezdjen tanulni
1. influence (on), effect (on), impact (on) 그 사건은 내 삶에 큰 영향을 끼쳤다 That incident had a big impact on my life. kezdjen tanulni
Przedwczoraj 1. the day before yesterday 그저께 아침에 그를 만났다발음듣기 I met[saw] him two mornings ago. kezdjen tanulni
1.(방·자리·공간 등이) empty, vacant, unoccupied 빈 깡통 an empty can 2.(시간이) free, available 8시 이후에는 시간이 빈다 I'm free[available] after eight o'clock. 3.(머리가) empty-headed 그 여자는 예쁘게 생겼는데 머리가 비었다 She's got the looks, but she's empty-headed. kezdjen tanulni
Drobne pieniądze 1. pocket money, allowance, spending money; (inf) pin money 용돈이 떨어지다 run out of pocket money kezdjen tanulni
Okres suszy 1.(메마른 날씨) drought 가뭄이 들다발음듣기 have a drought kezdjen tanulni
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bądź wybredny Verb eat only what one wants kezdjen tanulni
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połączyć 1.(혼합하다) mix (sth and/with sth), blend (sth and/with sth)2.(말·감정 등을)3.(패 등을 뒤섞다) (카드 등의 패를) shuffle mix (up) kezdjen tanulni
posiekać 1. cut, chop (up); (얇게) slice (up); (네모꼴로) dice (up), cube; (채를 썰다) julienne, shred; (톱으로) saw kezdjen tanulni
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schronienie 1.(휴식처) rest area2.(노숙자 등의) shelter kezdjen tanulni
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1. because, since 나는 그의 실패를 탓하지 않는다. 왜냐하면 그는 최선을 다했기 때문이다 I don't blame him for having failed because[since] he did his best. kezdjen tanulni
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1. area, region, district, zone kezdjen tanulni
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iść na zakupy 1. do grocery shopping2. shop for groceries kezdjen tanulni
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1.(자연조건) the (natural) environment 한국의 지리적 환경 the geographic setting of Korea 2.(주위의 상태) environment, circumstances, surroundings, climate, (formal) milieu 급격한 환경의 변화 a sudden[radical] change in environment kezdjen tanulni
1. hypercriticism, harsh[severe, bitter] criticism[review], criticize severely[harshly, sharply, bitterly], slam, hypercriticize kezdjen tanulni
1.[명사] favorable[good] comment[review], [동사] give a favorable[good] comment[review] 호평을 받다 be well[favorably] received kezdjen tanulni
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kaloria 1. calorie ((abb.) cal), calory kezdjen tanulni
racjonalny 1. rational, reasonable, logical 합리적인 선택을 하다 make a rational decision kezdjen tanulni
starzec 1. old[older, elderly] man[woman], senior citizen; (집합적) the aged[old, elderly], senior citizens kezdjen tanulni
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opisać describe, narrate, state kezdjen tanulni
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1.(even) though, although, despite, in spite of, (formal) notwithstanding kezdjen tanulni
1. reproduction, duplicate, copy; (정교한) replica, facsimile kezdjen tanulni
akcent 1. intonation, accent kezdjen tanulni
1. part, section, portion kezdjen tanulni
Biuro imigracyjne 1. Immigration Office kezdjen tanulni
1. extend; prolong2. extend; continue kezdjen tanulni
1. direct, point-blank wprost kezdjen tanulni
1.(Am) studio (apartment), (Brit) studio (flat) 저는 원룸을 구하고 있습니다 I'm looking for a studio (apartment) kezdjen tanulni
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dawać konstruktywną krytykę kezdjen tanulni
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łączyć 1.(하나로) combine, unite, join together 그들은 힘을 합쳐서 일했다 They joined forces to work together. 2.(합산하다) add (up), total (up) 출퇴근 시간을 모두 합치면 2시간 정도 된다 When I add up my commuting time, it comes to about two hours. kezdjen tanulni
tło 1.(뒤쪽의 경치) background, backdrop 산을 배경으로 사진을 찍다 have one's picture taken with mountains in the background[a mountain backdrop]발음듣기 2.(시대적·사회적 환경) setting, background 역사적 배경 historical background kezdjen tanulni
nieruchomość 1. property, real estate, (Am) realty; (법률) (Am) real property kezdjen tanulni
paczka 1. parcel (delivery) service 택배로 짐을 보내다 send a package by parcel (delivery) service kezdjen tanulni
Następnie 1. (명사)2. then, at that[the] time, in those days kezdjen tanulni
1. calm, poised, composed, cool, self-possessed kezdjen tanulni
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okoliczność 1.(사정, 상황) circumstances, conditions 형편이 허락되면 if the circumstances allow kezdjen tanulni
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obiekt 1. facilities, (공업·군사 등의) installation 시설을 확장하다 expand facilities kezdjen tanulni
cały czas 1.(처음부터 끝까지) throughout, (all) through; (연속해서) all the time[way] 일년 내내 all the year round[through] kezdjen tanulni
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niejasny 1. vague 그녀는 뭔가 잘못되었다는 막연한 의심이 들었다발음듣기 She had a vague suspicion that something was wrong. kezdjen tanulni
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spadł ulewny gruby(szeroki) deszcz kezdjen tanulni
niedojrzały 1. (과실이) (be) unripe, green, immature, (경험이) inexperienced, unskilled, callow, raw, poor, half-fledged kezdjen tanulni
niezdarny 1.(미숙하다) poor (at), unskilled; (동작 등이) clumsy; (익숙하지 않다) unaccustomed to, unfamiliar with 나는 아직 농사일에 서툴다 I'm still unaccustomed to farming. kezdjen tanulni
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popaść w romantyczne myśli kezdjen tanulni
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za pomocą/ poprzez/1. according to 2. in accordance with 3. pursuant to kezdjen tanulni
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Nie możesz wydmuchać nosa kezdjen tanulni
pokoj czterysta dwanaście kezdjen tanulni
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Nie możesz wydmuchać nosa kezdjen tanulni