1. business, something to do2 kezdjen tanulni
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1. reach[arrive at; get to] one's destination2. reach one's journey's end kezdjen tanulni
1. kink, be[get] twisted, be[get] entangled2. get screwed up, get complicated, go wrong[amiss] kezdjen tanulni
1. regard, consider, think, count kezdjen tanulni
1. keep, treasure2. keep, have, cherish, treasure kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
cechy szczegolne1. (distinct) characteristic, (distinct) feature, character, peculiarity kezdjen tanulni
1. hollow; depressed; sunken; concave. kezdjen tanulni
1. lean on; stand against2. rely on; fall back on kezdjen tanulni
1.(계단의) banister, handrail; (다리·절벽 등의) guardrail; (발코니 등의) balustrade, railing kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. trust; have faith kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
(머무르다) stay, put up (at/in) How many nights will you be staying? kezdjen tanulni
1. manners, etiquette, courtesy, (formal) the proprieties kezdjen tanulni
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1. forgetfulness, absent-mindedness kezdjen tanulni
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1. look (a)round, have[take] a look (a)round; (상점 등을) browse (around) kezdjen tanulni
1. wise, sensible, (formal) sagacious kezdjen tanulni
1. stale, banal, trite, worn-out, hackneyed kezdjen tanulni
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kezdjen tanulni
Adjective 1. diligent; industrious kezdjen tanulni
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surround 1. surround, encircle, enclose, besiege, hem in 2. surround, concern kezdjen tanulni
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Prove1. verify; testify; give proof 2. prove; show; establish 3. prove; show kezdjen tanulni
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1. speed; (물리) velocity; (어떤 일이 일어나는) pace kezdjen tanulni
1. (관용구) idiom, idiomatic expression kezdjen tanulni
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1. (문법) ending, end(ing) of a word kezdjen tanulni
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1. tap water, running water kezdjen tanulni
1. lock, fasten2. turn off kezdjen tanulni
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1. be cut, be chopped2. be kicked out, get fired, be dismissed, be sacked, flunk out kezdjen tanulni
Noun 1. [동사] finish, complete, end, (informal) wrap up; (만족스럽게) round off kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
1. part of speech, word class kezdjen tanulni
1. somewhat, a little, a (little) bit, to a certain degree[extent] kezdjen tanulni
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1. (빠르다) rapid; (심하다) sharp; (과감하다) drastic; (갑작스럽다) sudden kezdjen tanulni
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1. (증명되지 않은 이론) hypothesis (pl. hypotheses) kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. delude oneself; mistake kezdjen tanulni
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1. respect, honor, (formal) revere kezdjen tanulni
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kezdjen tanulni
Noun 1. sense; sensation; feeling kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. manage; operate; run kezdjen tanulni
1. vocabulary; stock of words; lexicon kezdjen tanulni
1. grade, mark, results2. record, results kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. warn; give warning kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. advise; give advice kezdjen tanulni
1. harm, damage, ruin, spoil, mar2. harm, hurt, kill kezdjen tanulni
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kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
kezdjen tanulni
chciwy 1. greedy, (formal) avaricious, (formal) covetous kezdjen tanulni
Bądź skąpy 1. miserly, cheap, mean, niggardly, stingy, tight, tight-fisted, close-fisted kezdjen tanulni
Stale 1. steadily, constantly, consistently kezdjen tanulni
Verb 1. observe 사물이나 현상을 주의 깊게 자세히 살펴보다 kezdjen tanulni
pogodzić Verb 1. reconcile; settle; compromise kezdjen tanulni
1. by itself, naturally; (자동으로) automatically kezdjen tanulni
Zdrowy rozsądek 1. common sense 2. common[general public] knowledge kezdjen tanulni
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He loves people by nature, so he became close to his neighbors pretty fast kezdjen tanulni
그는 워낙 사람들을 좋아하는 성격이라 금방 이웃들과 친해졌다
1. upside down, inside out, backward, back to front 2. backward, in reverse order[process] kezdjen tanulni
It was not easy once I actually tried to do it myself kezdjen tanulni
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kierunek 1. direction, way 2. course, direction kezdjen tanulni
trochę pieniędzy 1. a certain sum of money2. some money kezdjen tanulni
pogodzić Verb 1. reconcile; settle; compromise kezdjen tanulni
kolejność 1. (차례) order, sequence, turn; (절차) procedure, formalities kezdjen tanulni
1. in (serial/consecutive) order 2. successively kezdjen tanulni
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lepszy 1. (상급자) (one's) superior, (one's) boss kezdjen tanulni
dostać skurczu 1. have a cramp 2. be seized with a cramp kezdjen tanulni
nagrywać 1. record; phonograph kezdjen tanulni
1. (pocket) notebook, (Brit) jotter kezdjen tanulni
Gotować 1. (끓이다) boil; (약한 불로) simmer kezdjen tanulni