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válasz |
posiłek: food eaten at a certain time. kezdjen tanulni
We had a delicious meal at the new Italian restaurant last night.
danie: food cooked in a certain way. kezdjen tanulni
My favorite dish is spaghetti carbonara.
składnik: part of a food recipe. kezdjen tanulni
This recipe requires fresh ingredients.
przepis: instructions for cooking. kezdjen tanulni
She followed the recipe for chocolate cake carefully.
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Can you taste the garlic in this sauce?
smak: the way food tastes. kezdjen tanulni
The ice cream had a strong vanilla flavour.
odżywianie: food needed for health. kezdjen tanulni
Good nutrition is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
dieta: what you eat regularly. kezdjen tanulni
He went on a diet to lose weight.
zrównoważona dieta: healthy food portions. kezdjen tanulni
A balanced diet includes fruits, vegetables, and protein.
jedzenie, żywność: items you eat. kezdjen tanulni
We bought food for the picnic at the grocery store.
napój: a liquid for drinking. kezdjen tanulni
What beverage would you like with your meal?
artykuły spożywcze: food from a store. kezdjen tanulni
I need to go to the grocery to buy some milk.
gotować: prepare food with heat. kezdjen tanulni
I love to cook Italian food on weekends.
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She decided to bake a cake for her friend's birthday.
gotować na wodzie: cook in hot water. kezdjen tanulni
Please boil the potatoes for about 20 minutes.
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Do not fry the chicken in too much oil.
piec w piekarniku: bake with direct heat. kezdjen tanulni
We are going to roast a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.
grillować: cook on a metal frame. kezdjen tanulni
Let us grill some burgers for the barbecue.
sztućce: knives, forks, spoons. kezdjen tanulni
Remember to set out the cutlery before we eat.
mięso: animal flesh eaten as food. kezdjen tanulni
I don't eat meat on Fridays.
drób: domestic birds for food. kezdjen tanulni
Poultry includes chicken and turkey.
ryba: animal that lives in water. kezdjen tanulni
I love to eat fish with lemon.
owoce morza: sea animals eaten as food. kezdjen tanulni
Seafood is a popular choice at beachside restaurants.
warzywa: plants eaten as food. kezdjen tanulni
Do you want some vegetables with your chicken?
owoc: sweet food from a plant. kezdjen tanulni
Remember to eat a piece of fruit every day.
produkty mleczne, nabiał: food made from milk. kezdjen tanulni
I avoid eating dairy products because I am lactose-intolerant.
zboża: seeds like wheat or rice. kezdjen tanulni
We should eat plenty of grains, such as rice and pasta.
przyprawy: flavors for food. kezdjen tanulni
She added some spices to give the dish a kick.
słodycze: foods with sugar. kezdjen tanulni
Do you want some sweets for dessert?
restauracja: place to eat a meal. kezdjen tanulni
I love to go to the restaurant for sushi.
kawiarnia: place for drinks and snacks. kezdjen tanulni
I will meet you at the café on the corner for a cup of coffee.
sklep spożywczy: food shopping place. kezdjen tanulni
We need to go to the grocery store to buy some milk.
piekarnia: place where bread is made. kezdjen tanulni
The bakery on the corner makes delicious bread.
sklep mięsny: shop that sells meats. kezdjen tanulni
We bought some fresh chicken at the butcher's.
gorzki: sharp, unpleasant taste. kezdjen tanulni
This coffee has a very bitter taste.
mdły, bez smaku: tasteless, boring food. kezdjen tanulni
The soup tasted bland, it needs more seasoning.
kremowy: smooth, rich food. kezdjen tanulni
This is the best creamy soup I have ever eaten!
chrupiący: loud when chewed food. kezdjen tanulni
I love the crunchy texture of these cookies.
chrupiący: hard, thin, and easily broken food. kezdjen tanulni
The chicken was crispy and juicy.
suchy: lacking moisture in food. kezdjen tanulni
tłusty: containing much fat. kezdjen tanulni
This is the most greasy burger I have ever eaten.
soczysty: having much liquid. kezdjen tanulni
This peach is very juicy.
łagodny: not strong or spicy. kezdjen tanulni
bogaty (w smaku): full of flavour. kezdjen tanulni
The sauce had a very rich flavour.
pikantny, słony, aromatyczny: salty or spicy food. kezdjen tanulni
The soup was very savory and delicious.
gładki: with an even texture. kezdjen tanulni
The sauce was smooth and creamy.
lepki: adhesive or gooey food. kezdjen tanulni
The caramel was sticky and sweet.
delikatny, kruchy: easily cut or chewed food. kezdjen tanulni
The steak was so tender, you could cut it with a fork.
jeść na mieście: have a meal in a restaurant. kezdjen tanulni
Let's eat out tonight; I don't feel like cooking.
zamawiać jedzenie: ask for food at a restaurant. kezdjen tanulni
I'd like to order food for delivery.
nakrywać do stołu: arrange plates etc. for a meal. kezdjen tanulni
Please set the table before the guests arrive.
sprzątać ze stołu: remove dishes after eating a meal. kezdjen tanulni
Don't forget to clear the table after dinner.
być wybrednym jedzeniem: have a limited range of acceptable foods. kezdjen tanulni
My little brother is such a picky eater; he hates vegetables.
domowe jedzenie: meals prepared at home. kezdjen tanulni
There's nothing better than home-made food.
szybkie jedzenie: meals quickly prepared and served. kezdjen tanulni
We grabbed some fast food on our way home.
niezdrowe jedzenie: food with low nutritional value. kezdjen tanulni
I try to avoid junk food because it's unhealthy.
wołowina: meat from cattle. kezdjen tanulni
We're having beef stew for dinner.
wieprzowina: meat from a pig. kezdjen tanulni
Pork chops are my favourite.
jagnięcina: meat from a young sheep. kezdjen tanulni
Lamb is often served on Easter.
kurczak: a common domestic fowl. kezdjen tanulni
We're having roast chicken for Sunday lunch.
indyk: a large poultry bird. kezdjen tanulni
We cooked a turkey for Thanksgiving.
kiełbasa: seasoned ground meat in a casing. kezdjen tanulni
We bought sausage for the barbecue.
bekon: cured meat from a pig's belly. kezdjen tanulni
I love bacon for breakfast.
szynka: cured meat from a pig's leg. kezdjen tanulni
We bought a cooked ham for the sandwiches.
stek: a thick slice of meat, usually beef. kezdjen tanulni
We're having steak for dinner tonight.
mięso mielone: finely chopped meat. kezdjen tanulni
I need minced meat to make the spaghetti bolognese.
drób: domestic fowl raised for meat. kezdjen tanulni
Poultry includes chickens, ducks, and turkeys.
rzeźnik: a person who sells meat. kezdjen tanulni
We bought a joint of meat from the butcher.
kawałek mięsa: a slice or portion of meat. kezdjen tanulni
That’s a very expensive cut of meat
marchewka: a root vegetable, usually orange. kezdjen tanulni
Please peel the carrot and slice it thinly.
ziemniak: a starchy root vegetable. kezdjen tanulni
Let’s mash the potatoes and add some butter.
pomidor: a red, edible fruit. kezdjen tanulni
We need tomato for this salad.
cebula: a bulb-shaped vegetable with a strong smell. kezdjen tanulni
You’ll need to add an onion to the sauce.
czosnek: a pungent bulb used to flavor food. kezdjen tanulni
This recipe calls for two cloves of garlic.
ogórek: a long, green salad vegetable. kezdjen tanulni
We had a cucumber salad with dinner.
papryka: a colorful fruit used as a vegetable. kezdjen tanulni
I like to add pepper to my eggs in the morning.
brokuł: a green vegetable with florets. kezdjen tanulni
I added broccoli and carrots to my salad.
kalafior: a vegetable with a white head. kezdjen tanulni
Please boil the cauliflower until it’s soft.
sałata: a leafy green vegetable. kezdjen tanulni
Put the dressing on the lettuce just before you serve the salad.
szpinak: a leafy green vegetable. kezdjen tanulni
Spinach is a great source of iron.
groch: small, round green vegetables. kezdjen tanulni
We are growing peas and beans in the garden.
fasola: edible seeds that grow in pods. kezdjen tanulni
These beans are really tasty.
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This stir-fry has lots of different mushroom in it.
wegetarianin: someone who does not eat meat. kezdjen tanulni
A vegetarian doesn’t eat meat, but they eat other animal products, such as cheese and eggs.
weganin: someone who does not consume animal products. kezdjen tanulni
She is a vegan, so she doesn't eat any animal products.
jabłko: a round fruit with firm flesh. kezdjen tanulni
I ate an apple for breakfast.
banan: a long, curved yellow fruit. kezdjen tanulni
Do you want a banana with your cereal?
pomarańcza: a citrus fruit. kezdjen tanulni
I prefer orange juice to apple juice.
truskawka: a red fruit with seeds on its surface. kezdjen tanulni
We picked strawberries at the farm.
malina: a soft, red fruit. kezdjen tanulni
I love raspberry jam on my toast.
jagoda: a small, blue-purple fruit. kezdjen tanulni
Blueberries are delicious in pancakes.
arbuz: a large, green fruit with red flesh. kezdjen tanulni
Watermelon is a refreshing summer fruit.
melon: a large fruit with sweet flesh. kezdjen tanulni
I sliced the melon into small pieces.
winogrona: small, sweet, green or purple fruits. kezdjen tanulni
These grapes are sweet and juicy.
brzoskwinia: a soft, juicy fruit with a fuzzy skin. kezdjen tanulni
This peach pie is delicious.
gruszka: a sweet fruit with a narrow neck. kezdjen tanulni
cytryna: a yellow, sour fruit. kezdjen tanulni
Add a squeeze of lemon to the fish.
limonka: a small, green citrus fruit. kezdjen tanulni
Do you want lime in your cocktail?
sałatka owocowa: a dish made of mixed cut-up fruit. kezdjen tanulni
We had a fruit salad for dessert.
gotowanie na wodzie: cooking food in boiling water. kezdjen tanulni
The water is boiling, I'll make some tea.
pieczenie: cooking food in an oven without direct heat. kezdjen tanulni
I love the smell of baking bread.
smażenie: cooking food in hot oil or fat. kezdjen tanulni
Do not fry the potatoes for too long.
pieczenie w piekarniku: cooking food by dry heat in an oven. kezdjen tanulni
We are roasting a chicken for dinner.
grillowanie: cooking food on a grill. kezdjen tanulni
We are grilling burgers for the barbecue.
gotowanie na parze: cooking food with steam. kezdjen tanulni
I steamed the vegetables to keep all the nutrients.
duszenie: cooking food slowly in liquid. kezdjen tanulni
The stewing meat became very tender.
smażenie na małym ogniu, często z mieszaniem: cooking quickly over a low heat. kezdjen tanulni
You sauté the onions and then add the garlic.
gotowanie na wolnym ogniu: cooking gently at or just below boiling. kezdjen tanulni
I'm simmering the sauce on low heat.
gotowanie w małej ilości płynu, poniżej punktu wrzenia: cooking gently in a small amount of liquid. kezdjen tanulni
Poaching fish keeps it moist and tender.
duszenie w piekarniku: cooking in liquid in a closed container in an oven. kezdjen tanulni
Braising is a great way to cook tough cuts of meat.
grillowanie, często na świeżym powietrzu: cooking food on a metal frame outdoors. kezdjen tanulni
We are barbecuing steaks for the party.
zrównoważona dieta: a diet that includes all essential nutrients. kezdjen tanulni
Eating a balanced diet is important for staying healthy.
zdrowa dieta: a diet that promotes good health. kezdjen tanulni
I am trying to eat a healthy diet.
niezdrowa dieta: a diet that is harmful to health. kezdjen tanulni
Eating an unhealthy diet can lead to health problems.
dieta wegetariańska: a diet without meat. kezdjen tanulni
She has been on a vegetarian diet for many years.
dieta wegańska: a diet without animal products. kezdjen tanulni
My cousin is on a vegan diet.
dieta bezglutenowa: a diet without gluten. kezdjen tanulni
Many people are choosing to follow a gluten-free diet.
dieta bezmleczna: a diet without dairy products. kezdjen tanulni
He is on a dairy-free diet.
dieta niskowęglowodanowa: a diet low in carbohydrates. kezdjen tanulni
Some people find that a low-carb diet helps them lose weight.
dieta wysokobiałkowa: a diet high in protein. kezdjen tanulni
A high-protein diet is popular among athletes.
dieta niskotłuszczowa: a diet low in fat. kezdjen tanulni
A low-fat diet can help you lose weight.
dieta odchudzająca: a diet to lose weight. kezdjen tanulni
He is on a diet for weight loss.
dieta na przytycie: a diet to gain weight. kezdjen tanulni
He needs to follow a diet for weight gain.
dieta specjalna, np. dla osób z alergiami: a diet for specific needs or health conditions. kezdjen tanulni
He has a special diet due to allergies.
garnek: a deep, round container for cooking. kezdjen tanulni
Put the potatoes in the pot and boil them.
patelnia: a shallow pan for frying or cooking. kezdjen tanulni
I fried the eggs in the pan.
rondel: a small, deep pan with a handle. kezdjen tanulni
This saucepan is perfect for making sauces.
blacha do pieczenia: a flat metal tray for baking. kezdjen tanulni
You'll need a baking tray to bake the cookies.
naczynie żaroodporne: a heat-resistant dish. kezdjen tanulni
I cooked the lasagna in an oven dish.
miska: a round container used for mixing or serving. kezdjen tanulni
This bowl is perfect for mixing ingredients.
durszlak: a bowl-shaped container with holes for draining. kezdjen tanulni
Strain the pasta in the colander.
sitko: a mesh tool for straining liquids. kezdjen tanulni
Use a strainer to sift the flour.
tarka: a tool for grating food. kezdjen tanulni
I used a grater to shred the carrots.
trzepaczka: a tool for beating food. kezdjen tanulni
Whisk the eggs until they are frothy.
chochla: a large spoon for serving liquids. kezdjen tanulni
Use the ladle to serve the soup.
łopatka: a flat utensil for lifting or turning food. kezdjen tanulni
Use the spatula to flip the pancakes.
łyżki/miarki do odmierzania: tools for measuring ingredients. kezdjen tanulni
Use the measuring spoons to add the right amount of ingredients.
wałek do ciasta: a cylinder for rolling dough. kezdjen tanulni
She used a rolling pin to roll out the dough.
deska do krojenia: a board for cutting food. kezdjen tanulni
Always use a cutting board when chopping vegetables.
rękawice kuchenne: gloves used when handling hot items. kezdjen tanulni
Put on the oven gloves before you take the dish out of the oven.
nóż: a sharp utensil for cutting. kezdjen tanulni
Use a sharp knife to cut the vegetables.
widelec: a utensil with prongs for eating. kezdjen tanulni
You will need a fork to eat this meal.
łyżka: a spoon for eating or serving. kezdjen tanulni
Use a spoon to stir the soup.
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Add a teaspoon of sugar to the tea.
talerz: a flat dish for serving food. kezdjen tanulni
Put the chicken on a plate.
miska, miseczka: a small bowl. kezdjen tanulni
This bowl is perfect for soup.
szklanka: a glass container for drinks. kezdjen tanulni
I'll have a glass of water, please.
kubek: a cylindrical container for drinks. kezdjen tanulni
I drink coffee from a mug.
piekarnik: an appliance for baking food. kezdjen tanulni
Put the pizza in the oven and bake it for 15 minutes.
kuchenka: a stove for cooking. kezdjen tanulni
I cooked the stew on the stove.
lodówka: an appliance for storing food at low temperatures. kezdjen tanulni
Put the milk in the fridge.
zamrażarka: an appliance for freezing food. kezdjen tanulni
I keep frozen vegetables in the freezer.
zmywarka: a machine for washing dishes. kezdjen tanulni
We put the dishes in the dishwasher after the meal.
czajnik elektryczny: an appliance for boiling water. kezdjen tanulni
The kettle is boiling, I'll make some tea.
toster: an appliance for browning bread. kezdjen tanulni
I made toast in the toaster.
mikrofalówka: an oven that uses microwaves. kezdjen tanulni
I heated the leftovers in the microwave.
blender: an appliance for blending food. kezdjen tanulni
I used a blender to make a smoothie.
mikser: an appliance for mixing food. kezdjen tanulni
I used a mixer to whip the cream.