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syn. evade
to go around; avoid خنثی کردن، احاطه کردن، گیر انداختن The hacker attempted to circumvent the computer٬s security system
weak in health or in body syn. fragile
syn. pinnacle
a high point of success or abundance اوج ، قله
افسانه syn. legend
syn. arrival
The coming or appearance of sth ورود ، ظهور
ارزشمند.ادج syn. rewarding
افزایش دادن
to make stronger in feeling or quality syn. heighten
احیاکردن، نوکردن
to return to the original condition syn. revitalize
غیرقابل تحمل
difficult or painful to experience؛ not able to accept different ways of thought or behavior syn. unbearable
a fundamental element or principal part of something syn. essential
syn. Chaotic
to be in a disordered, disturbed or unstable condition هواپیما علیرغم تکانهای زیاد پرواز کرد
Syn. Traditional
Following accepted rules or standards
Syn. Release
To send out; give off
Syn. Rough
Not fine or smooth; not delicate
Syn. Extremely
Very; To an unusual degree
Odd or strange; Eager to learn Syn. Peculiar
No one else, No thing else, not shared with others Syn. Restrictively
Syn. Terminate
To bring about the end of something
Extremely large Syn. Massive
Syn. Stiff
Not easy to bend; firm; inflexible
Of ones own free will; Natural; Without rehearsal Be cautious with these oily rags because they can break out in spontaneous flame
Go before, Come before, be higher in rank or importance In a gallant gesture, Ronnie allowed Amanda, s name to precede his in the program listing
S th that is thought to belong to a person or thing; A quality by which something is identified Syn. Characteristics
Confident or aggressive; lacking regard for consequences Syn. Reckless
To make more clear Syn. Explain
To make certain; Give support Syn. Prove
Easy to reach; near; Suitable to one's needs امکان پذیر ، در دسترس
Very serious or unsafe; Finding fault Syn. Dangerous
اختلاف ، تناقض
A differenc between things that should be similar or equal Syn. Inconsistency
To change from original shape or condition, usually in an unnatural way Syn. Deform
Successful, wealthy Syn. Thriving
To uncover; to expose Syn. Disclose
To prevent from being seen or discovered Syn. Hide
To go faster Syn. Hasten
Some mistakes are beginning to creep into his work Syn. Crawl
To press together so as to completely distort the shape or nature of the object Syn. Grind
To plant and raise a crop; to encourage growth of a relationship or friendship Syn. Grow The professionals had common interests that allowed them to cultivate a working relationship with each other
Easy to control or train Syn. Manageable
Engender. V Syn. Produce Economic conditions in the 1950s Engendered an era of industrial growth
To become completely occupied or involved in an activity Syn. Engage
A small sign of damage that makes an item imperfect Syn. Defect