szótár kínai - angol

中文, 汉语, 漢語 - English

特殊 angolul:

1. particular

particular method
In the case of language, however, it is only the ability to talk and understand that we inherit genetically; the particular language or languages that we speak are passed on to us not by genetic transmission but by cultural transmission.
Boeing's safety experts have joined others in the industry to form an international task force to try to eliminate one particular kind of air crash known as controlled flight into terrain, CFIT.
The film “Helvetica” is not so much about one particular typeface as it is about the last fifty years in Western graphic design.
Since most speakers of Esperanto have learned the language through self study, the Internet in general, and websites such as in particular, have been a great boon to the language.
In particular, it is customary for actual examples of use of the harmonic mean to generally cover "average speed," and explain no further than that.
The state of the art is the highest level of development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field, achieved at a particular time.
We need to distinguish what a sentence could mean from what it actually does mean when used by one particular speaker on one particular occasion.
Spirits are to be found all over the world. This school was built upon the site of a shrine and thus there is a particular tendency for them to gather.
We can conjecture that it may be advantageous for a particular bird to be known to its neighbors or its mate.
At school I had enjoyed reading Japanese literature in English translation, in particular Soseki's I am a Cat and Kokoro, and Akutagawa's The Nose and Kappa.
Slotted spoons have a particular role in the traditional absinthe ritual. They are used to hold a sugar cube over a glass as one dissolves it into her drink with cold water.
when handling or checking cash the cashier should exercise particular care. he is wrong in every particular.
The Internet in particular provides details about our private lives, something which was unimaginable a few years ago.
So, I didn't call for any particular reason; I just wanted to hear your voice. If you're busy, I'll let you go.

2. unusual

That's unusual.
Valencia is famous for its unusual architecture.
You don't have to come up with an unusual topic for your speech.
In the case of patient death during the course of medical treatment, even if there is medical error present, it is not automatically legally considered to be an "unusual death."
Innovation has something to do with the faculty to notice unusual phenomena.
That's an unusual hobby she's got, the transfer student. "She's cute so it's fine with me."
Some clarinetists use clarinets tuned to A instead of B flat in passages which would otherwise be written in unusual keys.
In an unusual move, this school's big band uses slide trumpets and valve trombones exclusively.
But in many ways, the bird called Alex is unusual, for it has shown the kind of mental abilities that scientists once thought only humans had.
Engagement gifts should always be unusual and special to honour the occasion.
creepiest, most unusual person I've ever met.
If something is unusual, it does not happen very often or you do not see it or hear it very often(2) If you describe someone as unusual, you think that they are interesting and different from other people
1. Everything here is so unusual. / 2. It is not so unusual.
The unusual architecture of Astana makes it look like a space-age city.
You cant find some really unusual things in this shop.