szótár török - angol

Türkçe - English

ahır angolul:

1. barn barn

Were you born in a barn?
The barn was small, but it was strong.
The barn door had been carelessly left unlatched.
Tom took the old dog out behind the barn and shot it.
He came out of the barn with his hands in the air.
It's too late to shut the barn door after the horse is stolen.
All of a sudden, the barn went up in flames.
When the heater in the barn fails, you get milk-flavoured ice cubes.
On entering the barn, he found a missing bike.
He could be found at 6 o'clock every morning in the barn, milking the cows.
My grandparents had a barn behind the house and I often used to spend the night there.
The property includes two fine twelfth-century timber barns, once used for storing grain. (raczej nie dotyczy zwierząt - w przykładach jest tylko jedno o zwierzętach)
They organised the best summer party ever, in a barn!
A barn full of hay was destroyed by fire last night.
Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a carpenter to build one.

Angol szóahır„(barn) készletekben:

pat somebody on the back