szótár orosz - angol

русский язык - English

различный angolul:

1. various

You can't easily put photos on an iPad from more than one computer. However, you can email photos to yourself from various computers and download these photos to your iPad.
In many countries, whenever a group of people from various language backgrounds get together, English is usually the language that is spoken.
The more countries a language is spoken in, the less important it is to sound like a native speaker, since speakers of that language are accustomed to hearing various dialects.
The mandatory character of schooling is rarely analyzed in the multitude of works dedicated to the study of the various ways to develop within children the desire to learn.
various reasons
In order to study computational linguistics it's necessary to know various languages, however, one also has to be familiar with the use of computers.
Of course, they are suffering from terrible working conditions such as low wages and arbitrary layoffs, as well as from various forms of discrimination.
Apprenticeship is a system where you eat, sleep and live with your master and are taught various martial arts know-how and secrets.
Japanese consumers are watching closely the U.S. government's efforts to make Japan dismantle various restrictions on imports of foreign goods into the country.
If you go around the Internet, using half-width katakana in various places, eventually you're going to end up pissing off a lot of people.
Nutella is not very well known in Japan. However, in America and Europe it's a popular spread and various sized jars of Nutella may be seen lined up inside many grocery stores and supermarkets.
In addition to the general curriculum there are tutorials in the essentials of machinery, training is also carried out for skills in and learning how to use the various types of machinery.

Angol szóразличный„(various) készletekben:

words3 eng to rus

2. distinct

two entirely distinct languages
The company made a distinct contribution to the charity
Proponents of a newer study classify the golden-bellied mangabey as a distinct subspecies.
Imogen of the Internet has created a seminal classification of thirty distinct varieties of chatspeak, some now facing linguistic extinction.
distinctly = wyraźnie
Lenses with two distinct optical powers are also called "bifocals".
Cancer is not one but more than a hundred distinct diseases.
The word 'nationalism' is used in at least three distinct senses.
Definition something that is distinct is clearly different from other things of the same
Mary has a wonderfully distinct voice. I would recognise it anywhere!
His voice was quiet but every word was distinct.
Art Nouveau was also a movement of distinct individuals such as Gustav Klimt, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Alfons Mucha, René Lalique, Antoni Gaudí and Louis Comfort Tiffany, each of whom interpreted it in their own individual manner.
Δhe restaurant is divided into two distinct areas: a smoking and a non-smoking one.
His distinct formula for a flavoured syrup.
It is a distinct topic, don't mention it.

3. differ

Tastes differ.
Usually the id and name attributes have the same value applied. (N.B. Not because it matters if they differ but just as a matter of convenience.)
This is where human beings and animals greatly differ.
The sexes differ, not only in stature and muscular force, but perhaps even more decisively in temperament, and this must early have given rise to a corresponding division of labour.
One finding to emerge was that critical features differ between species.
Such employments as warfare, politics, public worship, and public merrymaking, are felt, in the popular apprehension, to differ intrinsically from the labour that has to do with elaborating the material means of life.
Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils; they differ enormously about what evils they will call excusable.
we have different beliefs
His ​views differ ​considerably from those of his ​parents. Economists differ on the ​cause of ​inflation.
to materially differ from sth - różnić się istotnie od czegoś; to differ from sb/sth - różnić się od kogoś/czegoś
mathematical factor had differ
International postal rates differ according to destination.
The Kansai dialects are said to have a "sing-song" quality because their pitch accents differ from standard Japanese, which comes from the Tokyo dialect.
Some people are apt to think of their own way of life as the normal one and to look down on life-styles that differ from it.
The Irish jig and the French gigue differ in speed, microrhythmics, and German gender.